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From what I have done, is taken my Xbox to a Microsoft Certified repair center, have them professionaly clean it, especally the Lazer Lens,.


Have the center Flash your bios it helps to have the ltest one, early bios have a weak Lazaer newer bios, boost power to the Lazer


Get one of these(the DVD kits) supposedly that little DVD chip wakes internal Xbox stuff up.



Lube up the the tray gears(won't actualy help except for quicker open/close)


Delete all un-necessary saved games.


Clear the Xbox Cache.


Keep the Xbox cool, keep it well ventilated, and have your cribs A/C kickin, in Winter Homes tend to be on the warm side (not a prob for me here in Sunny 75 degree Miami)

I even have a little PC fan rigged with a 9Volt square battery laying next to mine so it can push more air flow


And even for the few of you without Broadband, and Xbox Live, even though Sith Lords doesn't use it, make sure you at Least have the Latest dashboard version installed.


Also owning Halo 2 and downloading its updates help since they did do something about Loading problems with that Double sided DVD.


Thats all I have. :(


Anyone else have other better tips feel free to follow up, we can all benefit.


Thats kinda like a cheap 9 buck under ground version that still works I don't think its even licenced from the looks of it, but it gets the job done.



Hey anyone else have tips to Reduce Load Times,


Besides just Diableing Auto Save.


The load/save times in Peragus are really fast but as you progress through the game it gets slower. I remember I had to wait for ages in Nar Shaddaa just so I could go from one place to another. So yeah, I think the load times depend on the world you're in.


Also, the lastest Xbox version 1.6, is supposed to a lot faster than the old Xbox. This new version might chop up the loading times.

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