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Ending and other KOTOR 2 thoughts

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OK, I have been reading around on the boards alot and I have seen alot of people complaining about KOTOR 2, and bugs.


I personally did not have any problems at all with bugs, or with crashing, the load times did get a little annoying sometimes, but that was a small inconvienance.


I do wonder if it a problem with older XBOX's. I did not have a XBOX and played KOTOR 1 on the PC, and could not wait three months for the PC version, although I will still purchase the PC version if there is more content. I bought a brand new XBOX just for this game and Gladuis and Jade Empire, and I didnt have any problems, and the game never crashed or locked up on time.


I also see where many people are fussing about the ending and comparing it to the ending of KOTOR 1.


Here is my problem with the ending complaints.


1.) KOTOR 1 had a 10 second ending whether you went light or dark.


2.) KOTOR 2 had a much longer ending, as I considered the entire Last area the ending especially the conversation with the final boss battle. There was a ton of dialogue options and you were able to look into the future to see what happens to your comrades. Now of course after the boss gives up the ghost it is game over. I guess alot of the people were children who skipped the dialogue killed the boss and got the credits. Shame on you. it was a spectacular ending.


You want a HORRIBLE ending play through Vampire Bloodlines, great story, worst ending ever.


I do wonder what happened to the assassin droids. You had them hunting you, you had the story arcs and several PCs you could talk about the droids with, and then all of a sudden you never see one again.


I would have liked to followed that thread, gone to the factory, let HK-47 show them who their daddy was. STATEMENT: Yes it is true, I am your daddy meatbags!"


What did bother me about the game was that some planets like Nar Shaddar, were very long with lots of stuff to do, lots of content, and then you had very short planets like Korriban and Dantionne.


I guess Lucas Arts demanded the release date? It really pisses me of that they do that to developers, because in the long run they hurt sales, and screw themselves.


I did enjoy the upgrades, the and the new force powers, and the prestige classes were great. I play the pen and paper game that the engine is based off and it was very true to form and very well done. Force Crush owns. I wish you got a mass Force Crush at very high levels.


Overall I really enjoyed the game, and it was worth the wait.


I thought the story was much better then the first, it was much deeper (I always felt the jedi masters were wrong about the Mandalorian wars, and felt that had they joined the war, instead of letting TRILLIONS die, that they could have averted the jedi Civil war, and guided Revan and Malak.)


The story was much deeper, and I have noticed that older people such as I, think KOTOR 2 blows the first game away, and is much better story wise, while younger people especially teenagers liked the first game better because of the KOTOR plot twist.


KOTOR 2 makes you think. It shows that right isnt always the best or perfect thing. (By George, I want a KOTOR adventures of a young Jolee Bindo....)


I loved the game. Much like KOTOR 1 I am now very sad and depressed, because now no other game compares. I played through the game 5 times already, and my eyes are very bloodshot.


One last comment. The voice actor for Kreia should get a emmy. She was incredible, and Kreia really made the game.


O yea, one last thing, I am still pissed that I did not get to whack Carth in the first when when I went dark-side. I feel so robbed.


Now for some ageless wisdom and sage advice, and what I would like to see.


I want a game where if you choose to play dark, you can choose it from the begginning. I want to be a Sith, work for the Sith and fight the Republic. I realize it would be 2 games in one, but just imagine.


Great game Obsidian. 9.5/10


Edit note: playing through as light and dark will answer many questions.

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Your observation is strangely accurate, I am younger and do like the first game better, but I also think that most people who prefer light side liked the first one better as well. The first one was more black and white, and me personally, like that better. A clear cut evil and good. Kreia seemed evil to me all the way, but the game didn't potray her that way, not really anyways. However the plot twist really didn't make the first game as much as people think it did. In fact sometimes I could do without a plot twist since it might be more realistic to not have one anyways. The two main reasons I liked the first one more ,and neither of them being the plot twist, were mainly the characters, they seemed like they had more to contribute (although Kreia did alot to) and had more personality to them. Second I preferred being a regular old force user. What you find out about the Exile turned me off to the story.


A story with Jolee Bindo back in would be truly awesome, he is my favorite character out of both KoTORs.


And Ender, you were in Marines? Thats pretty cool, I leave for basic in July, but anyways thats kind of off topic.

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I first read it many years ago, but when I went in the Marine Corps they recommended that we all read it.


I acutally think the second Ender book, Speaker for the Dead is just as good, if not better.




Are you by chance Mormon and Heavenly Father told you to say that

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Ya I must say its strange to think that there is a smart mormon out there, it would be even stranger though if the books were written by a scientologist

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Well Ender, we have 2 things in Common.


I loved all the Ender Books, and I am a former United States Marine also.


Worked anti-terrorism for 4 years.


Now I am a disabled veteran and I can barely walk. I pretty much got my body smashed in the Corps.


So my joys in life now are reading a great book, like Ender's Game, and sitting with a thermos full of coffee and devoting 20 hours a day to a great game like KOTOR 2.

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Your observation is strangely accurate, I am younger and do like the first game better, but I also think that most people who prefer light side liked the first one better as well. The first one was more black and white, and me personally, like that better. A clear cut evil and good. Kreia seemed evil to me all the way, but the game didn't potray her that way, not really anyways. However the plot twist really didn't make the first game as much as people think it did. In fact sometimes I could do without a plot twist since it might be more realistic to not have one anyways. The two main reasons I liked the first one more ,and neither of them being the plot twist, were mainly the characters, they seemed like they had more to contribute (although Kreia did alot to) and had more personality to them. Second I preferred being a regular old force user. What you find out about the Exile turned me off to the story.


A story with Jolee Bindo back in would be truly awesome, he is my favorite character out of both KoTORs. 


And Ender, you were in Marines? Thats pretty cool, I leave for basic in July, but anyways thats kind of off topic.


I looked at Kreia as good in her own way. It seemed that she was looking out for the greater good and future at the end.

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