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Goto's ship

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Ok, I need some help bigtime!

Right now I'm stuck on GOTO's ship, buuuut....this is my second play through thru the game, the first time I had no problems and I dont know why I am now....


I've rescued my jedi, and I've got Mira and Handmaiden as my team...I killed all the droids and etc. and I've got 3 access codes

I have reset, override, and basic diagnostic...for some reason it wont let me override or reset the power thing in the main bridge, says its too dangerous, and I've looked all over the ship for other access codes but can't find any...so far I've searched teh whole place!?! and there's nothing left for me to get...and the two hatches still say they're locked and need to be shut down from the bridge but the bridge console wont let me do anything.....



ANyone have this problem and/or know what I can do?


Please Help A.S.A.P. I've been stuck here for a day and it's pissing me off lol....


Hopefully I didnt miss anything too easy.....blah


and whoever responds to this...thanks!

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Just use the 'Shutdown' program at the bridge on the generator (this shuts down secondary power), then access the console to the right and reroute everything to the primary generator (if it doesn't do that automatically). This will cause the ship's cloaking device to shut down and unseal the airlocks.

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  • 1 month later...

I've got exactly the same problem, going ape!


I've got all the codes and unlocked everything.

All systems have been transfered to secondary power system.

Secondary power system has been turned off.

Yet the doors are locked!!!


I can't turn off primary power, I get "failure, safety protocol blah blah"



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