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Simply head to a local work bench where character exchange is possible(e.g. Sullustan workbench in Nar Shadda). Equip Bao Dur and Visas Marr; this should provide you with adequate skill coverage(Sentinal skills and the technical). You must access the workbench with the character with the high skills. Being items are entirely random throughout the game, excluding quest/character related items, this is your only reliable(and best) source of lightsaber upgrades. I was also under the influence that breaking down items while using a character with higher repair skill provides more components. My Sith Lord's Saber is dishing out a good 28-60 with the highest quality components(Personalized crystal, quixioni, pontite lens, expert fenching emitter, and ultimate diatum energy cell).


I managed to make two nice sabers for my Guardian/Weapon Master in my latest game:


Main-hand lightsaber

- Personal crystal (currently level 47): Attack +3, +6 Dexterity, +5 Strength, +7 Wisdom, Damage +5

- Ankarres Sapphire: +1 Dexterity, +2 Strength, Keen, Regeneration 2

- Pontite Lens: Attack +1, Damage +2d6 (Energy)

- Expert Deflecter Emitter: Deflection +4, Defense 1

- Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell: Damage +5 (Energy)


Off-hand lightsaber

- Ankarres Sapphire: +1 Dexterity, +2 Strength, Keen, Regeneration 2

- Crystal, Kaiburr: +3 Constitution, +3 Wisdom, Regeneration 3

- Pontite Lens: Attack +1, Damage +2d6 (Energy)

- Expert Deflecter Emitter: Deflection +4, Defense 1

- Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell: Damage +5 (Energy)


I found my first Ankarres Sapphire in the Crystal Caves on Dantooine and the second one in the Royal Palace on Onderon. The Kaiburr Crystal was a drop I was lucky enough to get off one of the Sith Lords in Freedon Nadd's Tomb on Dxun. Everything else was made by Bao-Dur.


Kinda wish I went DS so I could also use the crystal from the cantina on Onderon...


The attiribute bonuses derived from the crystals are bugged though. <_<


The same attribue bonuses derived from your personal crystal DO NOT STACK with the same attribute bonuses of other crystals.


That is, if you have a crystal which give you +2 strengh and let's say your personal crystal gives you a +3 strenght bonus. You WON"T get a +5 str bonus from you saber; just +3. =]

  jaguars4ever said:
The attiribute bonuses derived from the crystals are bugged though.  <_<


The same attribue bonuses derived from your personal crystal DO NOT STACK with the same attribute bonuses of other crystals.


That is, if you have a crystal which give you +2 strengh and let's say your personal crystal gives you a +3 strenght bonus.  You WON"T get a +5 str bonus from you saber; just +3.    :p



That's quite possibly not a bug at all. At least, in d20 rules, on which KotOR's rules are loosely based, like bonuses do not stack. For example, if I have a girdle of giant strength +6 and gauntlets of ogre power +4, I do not get +10 to strength; rather, I get +6.


Armor class, at least in d20, gets trickier. Dodge bonuses do stack, and so having, for example, a +6 bonus to dexterity and the Dodge feat gives you +7 to your armor class.


Of course, it could be that like bonuses stack all over in KotOR 2 except in this instance, so mebbe it is a bug. ;P



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