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Is it possible to train all possible jedi in you party in one game?

it would be hard to do but yes you could, also incase you don't already know the only party members you can't get to be a jedi is Hannarr, Mandalore, and the droids.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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Yeah, it's surprisingly easy, actually. Handmaiden hardly needs any additional Influence gains beyond what you can get by talking to her and beating her three times in training, Bao-Dur converts fairly quickly (I only needed to gain Influence with him twice after running out of dialogue options to get him to convert), Mira doesn't need much more Influence gains outside of conversation, and Atton was the hardest, but he has a surprisingly large number of conversation options that can raise Influence (just has to be at the right place and time).

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Yeah, it's surprisingly easy, actually. Handmaiden hardly needs any additional Influence gains beyond what you can get by talking to her and beating her three times in training, Bao-Dur converts fairly quickly (I only needed to gain Influence with him twice after running out of dialogue options to get him to convert), Mira doesn't need much more Influence gains outside of conversation, and Atton was the hardest, but he has a surprisingly large number of conversation options that can raise Influence (just has to be at the right place and time).



I'm embarassed to say that I haven't been able to get Bao-Dur or Handmaiden to convert and I've played through twice. All I get from Bao-Dur is never mind. Handmaiden I get to the point where she says she had to think about her decision and then after I send her off to captain my other team when we return to Dxun, she says she doesn't want to talk about it.


What am I doing wrong?

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What I found was that after I ran out of dialogue options with Bao-Dur, every time I perform a good act that he reacts to he would ask me a question once I talked to him again. I only needed to do this two or three times before he expresses his inner turmoil and you offer to train him.


I rattled off what I can think of Handmaiden's training in your other post :) Good luck!

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I am fairly certain there are location Triggers for training Atton and Mira.


This is lightside and with a couple of influence gained from Atton.


Both times Atton Opened up after I was walking with him throught the Reffugee section of Nar Shadda and the two Twiliks spot him and say they know him. If you talk to them they will tell you a little bit about his past and if you confront him about what they tell you he will admit his past. Then I was able to train him. I have not been able to train him with out going through that location trigger. I am not sure if it'll happen anywhere else but it happens for me in the same spot in the reffugee section.


for mira I was able to get 1 infulence gained from here by agreeing that Na Shadda has a life or something like that. After that I asked her about being able to listen or hear Nar Shadda to it and asked her if she wanted me to show her. Now here is the trick.. she agreed to let me show her but it didn't happen rate there. I had to take her off the ship on Na Shaddar and take her to the area by the Cantina entrance where I had a cut scene from Kriea earlier. There you can teach her to Hear Nar Shadda and then open her to the force.

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