Mosus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 i made it to NAR SHADDAA and ATTON was at the bar when the TWIN SUNS killed him. and MIRA had come to talk to me. since atton was killed i was going to reboot the game and start from the last save witch was killing the RED ECLIPSE i think came out of the ebon hawk AND THERE WERE 2 ATTONS, ONE IN MY PARTY AND ONE STANDING TO THE RIGHT OF THE SHIP OUTSIDE, YOU COULD TALK TO HIM BUT HE WOULD NOT GO ANYWHERE, AND MIRA NEVER CAME BACK AND THE TWIN SUNS NEVER CAME BACK AND NOTHING ELSE WOULD HAPPEN FROM THEN ON END OF GAME. had to start a new game (w00t)
Ricc Maal Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 This is just the level where you are in Goto's ship 1) first at the beginning of the level my selected characters would change randomly *I had Kreia and T3* and Kreia would be briefly replaced a couple of times by Atton. 2) On one of the consoles it allowed me to access the power supply menues and allowed me to make changes *and I wasn't in the bridge* 3) When I entered the room with the droids, mines and droid console T3 started to say something and the cutscene was cut short but T3 dialogue would not leave the screen. I had to save and reload for it to go away. 4) The mines near the bridge would not go off. I walked all over them with my party members and they would not go off 5) Can not end the level. The power supply will not shut down. It gives me a "failure. Main power supply can not..." Other levels: 1) T3 was blown out of the playing universe. I could see the world but I could not reach it 2) Restarts (three or four) 3) Duplicated dialog choices 4) Corrupted screen (messages and menues would appear but would not completely disappear aftwards) - so you can see the fight, part of the inventory, the last 4 dialogs... 5) As a LS... influence stopped working so could not get any more of the backstory 6) Dialog options for characters would not change after the third planet 7) Light mastery was stuck... did evil things and meter or stats would not change. Fuel quest, Voggas, smuggling quest would not close 9) NPC would not follow into battle (with aggressive behavior) or would run away *cowards!!* 10) Influnce would be awarded or lost for a party member not present (party would be HM, Visas & message would read Influnce lost: Atton) 11) PC could not go through an open door. Had to backtrack and then retry. It would just run in place at the open door. 12) Finish the family reunion (name?) quest by killing husband and freeing wife and she would thank me for reuniting with husband but quest will not close. Not sure if its a glitch... but I would get 15 or so consecutive misses with a doulble bladed saber using master speed for three consecutive rounds against an unarmed combatant I had more... I will try to post them latter.
Ronan_Berthelot Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 The game freeze after a loading on the Dantooine planet at the time when we owe protect the Khoonda base, when the mercenaries pass defenses and returns in the building... A black screen prevents us from continuing the adventure, thus blocking the principal mission. Bug found on the French version of Star Wars KOTOR II @+++
Preacher Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 These are the ones I have so far: 1) Game reset when equipping a lightsaber (only happened 3 times). 2) Fell through the floor and ended up looking up at the underside of the game map! This happened in the Warehouse when you play as your droid 3) Flickering graphic on equip screens when cursor is moved to certian places. 4) Talk to someone and start a conversation about a mission you have going (for instance, talking to Kodin about the droid) and then choosing to end the conversation. The mission tree no longer comes up and thus you have to reload old saves to fix it! 5) Leading the mechanic to safety on the Telos surface military base level....took about an hour of moving...stopping...leading him back a few steps and generally trying to line him up with doors as the AI so so unbelievably terrible he got stuck every two seconds!! 6) on foe and choose (for instance) "Kill" power. then choose to attack once the jedi skill finished and the character will sit there looking dumb. Click attack have to physicall lead the character to within 2 steps of the foe to get them to attack when this happens! this one happens ALL THE DAMNED TIME!! 7) Combat on foe...character runs away! Don't ask me why!? I thought it may be due to no way to get to the enemy so my character is going the long way but no...they ran down a corridor then started humping a wall! Probably a lot more I have forgotten but these are the main ones! And again! Target enemy and hit attack...character changes weapon even thought the icon int he next attack list is attack! 9) Opening on a container and character starts rubbing themselves against it, then runs in circles for a minute or two and finally gets lines up with it! 10) The maths puzzle in the ancient tomb....((SPOILER ALERT)) outcome is (6 * 2) - 8 + 9 / 1 = 13......I put (6 * 2) - 8 + 9 * 1 = 13 which comes to the same but it was refused. Then on a replay it took it! Looks to be totally random which one it takes! 11) Controller dumping... I load a new section and it says "No controller in Port 1. Insert Controller and press START". Remove and put it back in and press start works fine but this only happened first time when using the turret gun on the Ebon Hawk at the start and now crops up 20% of loads 12) Unknown Items? I found a pair or swords that have no name and apart from the strength of attack it has no information and simply says "No Description". 13) Near the start of the game you have to play as the droid to open the emergency hatch? At the end of this section the droid is shot and control returns to the main character, or atleast was supposed to! I had to restart twice and on both occasions, after the cut scene of the droid being shot, I regained control of him but he was unresponsove. Loading previous save points (even ones where I still controlled the jedi) lead to the same instance! 14) Many times now, I click a foe to attacj and (assuming one of the previous combet glitches don't take affect) the chareacter runs towards ther enemy by the quickest route which results in him/her becoming stuck in a peice of scenery and warranting a reload! This is all I can think of for now Still a great game though and am on second play through now as a male as opposed to a female and a dark sider as opposed to light sider And can I just say that having communicated with some of the staff of Obsidian back in the day on Black Isle, they wouldn't have left all these glitches in if they had the chance to extensively playtest....they seem to love their creations too much for that
turner105 Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 I've found that in a lot of battles characters run away from the enemy or just stand around without entering combat mode doing nothing while they get hit. On a number of occasions I also had a problem where the text options never came up at the bottom of the screen during character dialog so I couldnt continue the conversation. :angry: :angry: :angry:
diablos666 Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Not had many problems. An odd flash of red when switching from menus to game screen, characters teleporting during battles & flickering panels in the quip screen. Trouble is I've not got the cutscene after fighting the Red Eclipse Slavers and so can't progress further there!
Dark Marauder Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 First of all KOTOR 2 isn't Xbox Live enabled meaning we can't download any updates or patches for it. Now, here are some of the problems I'm having: when the game starts loading, sometimes it will be half way done and then freeze. Sometimes when I buy stuff from people it will freeze. When I'm in combat the game lags and in some areas it lags a little.
SoulXRaven Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Okay, so, last night, I was playing KOTOR 2 on my Xbox fine. I am playing as a LS Male Jedi Guardian, and I saved after talking with Atris, before collecting my party members or even dueling the Handmaidens. After I saved, I watched a movie. This morning, I loaded KOTOR 2 and there wasn't any text on the "Press Start" screen. I pressed start anyway, and on the main menu, instead of "New Game; Load Game; Music; etc etc..." It says, "S into T; Aid Point; R Must; [empty];" and " Have P". I loaded my game, and never once was the text correct. There is no dialogue text, even when my character responds. I don't know if it's the disc, or if my game save is corrupted.
SoulXRaven Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Okay, so, last night, I was playing KOTOR 2 on my Xbox fine. I am playing as a LS Male Jedi Guardian, and I saved after talking with Atris, before collecting my party members or even dueling the Handmaidens. After I saved, I watched a movie. This morning, I loaded KOTOR 2 and there wasn't any text on the "Press Start" screen. I pressed start anyway, and on the main menu, instead of "New Game; Load Game; Music; etc etc..." It says, "S into T; Aid Point; R Must; [empty];" and " Have P". I loaded my game, and never once was the text correct. There is no dialogue text, even when my character responds. I don't know if it's the disc, or if my game save is corrupted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pffft. It was the game save.
Darth Tratious Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 i have a bug that clones my player charecter and then switches to a dark jedi that doesn't attack me and also one on dxun in Freedon Nadds tomb with the sih soldiers and the beasts i walked right up to then and they didn't attack me then i talked to them still didn't attack then walked out and back in then it triggered
briavael Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 I'm angry and very disappointed at this game. The game constantly freezes (close to 20 by account) and I'm only about an hour into gameplay. The freezes frequently occur right at startup when you finish the beginning cutscene and you're prompted to "Hit the Start button" (at least 4 times so far). If you do manage to load up a game loading points freeze about a third to forty percent of the time. This has been by far the very worst console game experience I've ever come across (including the good old Nintendo voodoo tricks to get a cartridge to load). Someone should take responsibility for this horrendous situation whether it's LucasArts or Obsidian. If anyone has the time or effort to setup a class action lawsuit for the full refund on this game, count me in. I'm not trying to earn some bank on this but I shouldn't purchase a game in good faith to find that it's totally unuseable. And unfortunately with everyone merchant's "no return" policies I'm guessing I'm out the $50 and that's completely unacceptable.
Dark Marauder Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 How do u upgrade dashboard. Does it just download automatically?
Dark Marauder Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 I'm angry and very disappointed at this game. The game constantly freezes (close to 20 by account) and I'm only about an hour into gameplay. The freezes frequently occur right at startup when you finish the beginning cutscene and you're prompted to "Hit the Start button" (at least 4 times so far). If you do manage to load up a game loading points freeze about a third to forty percent of the time. This has been by far the very worst console game experience I've ever come across (including the good old Nintendo voodoo tricks to get a cartridge to load). Someone should take responsibility for this horrendous situation whether it's LucasArts or Obsidian. If anyone has the time or effort to setup a class action lawsuit for the full refund on this game, count me in. I'm not trying to earn some bank on this but I shouldn't purchase a game in good faith to find that it's totally unuseable. And unfortunately with everyone merchant's "no return" policies I'm guessing I'm out the $50 and that's completely unacceptable. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm with you man. This rediculous. To get our hopes up and then find out that it's glitch ridden. We, the costomers, deserve better. Either a refund or Obsidian makes a more complete and glitch free version of the game or some updates from Xbox Live or something. Just give us something for our troubles!!!
Jitawa Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Since the game has no live support, the only way Xbox users will play a bug-free version is if the game were re-released. No discount if you already own it either. The console gamer just got screwed in this, not much can be done about that.
Dark Marauder Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 They should re-release it. It's the only way to make angry costomers who got screwed out of $50+ dollars happy about the game.
DVAC Posted March 2, 2005 Posted March 2, 2005 Hey.. i'm new to the forum but would like say that i have no problem at all with my game, well atlest i don't think i have. but there are one thing i would like to know. Sometimes when i pause the game and goes back and forward in the menus the xbox makes some noices, almost like the disc is getting scraches in the console, but when ever i take it out and look if there are any its like brand new. nothing at all on the disc. its only the sound but it still got me a little worried. so if anybody els have this little "problem" plz let me know :D DVAC
RoadReaction Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Im not sure if this is posted but here i go: Some times all breakdown items give 1 coponet no matter how high your repair skill and skills. Its actually quite strange, has this happened to anyone ? There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in
Dark Marauder Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 Im not sure if this is posted but here i go: Some times all breakdown items give 1 coponet no matter how high your repair skill and skills. Its actually quite strange, has this happened to anyone ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Happened to me a few times
Jitawa Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 the one component thing is probably because the workbench goes off your PC's repair skill (for breakdowns), rather than the user's skill... unlike with the med/lab thing. So, it'll list the repair skill for the user when you're at the bench screen, but when you're breaking things down, it uses the PC's skill
Brunhilde Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 * When using medpacks from the menu sometimes they would dissapear but no health would be gained. * The first HK droid never exploded, just stood there until I got board and ran off to trigger the next scene. Cause I this I never got to build HK-47. * The incoming call sound from the communication terminal in Telos never turned off after the second call. The phone rang for the rest of the game. * I saved the little brat from the Exchange guy but still had the option of asking him to release her. * I could walk around the JJT with only a Gas Mask no problems, forget the enviro suit or force breath! * Cut scenes would happen in the middle of battles, very cofusing. * I only ever found short or double lightsabers, fluke or crazy bug?? * The guy in the military base doesn't know how to follow, it saved you a good 10 minutes if you just kill him instead. * My game froze in the tomb when fighting Kreia, thank god I finally got through the fight without it happening on my 6th try. * I specified that Revan was a female at the start of the game, but people would sometimes call her 'he' instead of 'she'. especially Goto! Sometimes characters would even switch from she to he in the same conversation. I think Goto almost always said he... That will do for now...
Siro_Khorun Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Question: Has this ever happened to anyone? (Sorry if it was posted and solved already.) Ok, I just started a new Male Dark Side Jedi Guardian game (He's on dantooine). When I fight Visas Marr, she's supposed to join automatically after you beat her right? Well, I beat her, but she doesn't show up on my party selection screen, She doesn't show up in the ship, she's not ANYWHERE!! I tried walking in and out of the ship to see if she'd show up... no Visas. This also occurred on my Female Light Side Jedi Guardian (I was pretty far into the game: @Duxn - when the Sith attack) After I dispatched quite a number of them, I ran to Mandalore's building, triggered the dialogue with Mandalore talking about his men taking care of any stragglers, and then I had to pick who'd go with me to Onderon. No Mandalore. Normally, I would assume that at that point, Mandalore is automatically set to go with you to Onderon since it's his ship, but I end up picking two other people to go with me instead... What's up with that? <_< - Siro
Brunhilde Posted March 18, 2005 Posted March 18, 2005 You didn't kill her did you? I'm not sure if you can, but it could be like Juhani in kotor 1, if you kill her you never get he in your party. And to DJL2 who said the most dissapointing thing was not being able to take the game back for a refund... why not? I work in a video game store and if a game has bugs like this we will happily refund it. Usually we ask the customer to bring it in and prove it by showing us the bug, but in a game like this where the bugs are well known it is never a problem. In over 3 years of working selling games I can only think of 2 that were ever recalled and rereleased due to bugs. AFL Live 2004 (which was only released in Australia) was so buggy that Aklaim had a offer customers an opportunity to swap their discs for a new bug free version and the latest Tiger Woods, which we had to pull of the shelves because of some major error that prevented you from playing past the first part. Both were extreme cases so I doubt anything will be done about this game...
Darth_Riggers Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 On my Xbox version (PAL UK) I had the following glitches: *During sparring with two of the Handmaiden sisters on Telos (where you tell them to pair up), after defeating one of them I accidently selected the dialogue option on the defeated sister instead of continuing to attack the active one. This triggered the 'You have been defeated dialogue string', even though I had taken practically no hits. Kreia and Bao-Dur, who were on my team at the time, did not rejoin my character - they just stood there, and I was unable to speak with them. I challenged the sisters to pair up again, and started to fight them - both started the fight with the same amount of life they had when the last fight ended, eg: the one sister had no life, the other had about two thirds. After defeating them, Kreia and Bao-Dur still couldn't rejoin my party. I left them behind and left Telos on the Ebon Hawk. Once on the ship, Bai-Dur and Kreia were in their usual places, but I still could not start a converstion. I went to Nar-Shaddaa, selected them for my party, but they still wouldn't follow my character or talk. *When fighting the HK droids at the polar region of Telos, the game hung with a horrendous buzzing noise when Atton used a medpac, in a very similar fashion to the Canderous mine laying bug of the first KOTOR. *I've noticed that the game seems to freeze when loading with irritating frequency on Nar-Shaddaa. I haven't overwritten a single save yet, so I know it's not an issue with that. I hope that if they do release a fixed version, people who have bought the original will be allowed to exchanged their copy for a reduced cost.
jagji Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 I had a problem that mite be of ues, to others. The probleme was this: wene we went to play the game we make a caricter, then the opaning clip then..... nothing!!! We went to the help seciton on the Lucas Arts web site tryed wate thay said stile nothing. I tryd the patch there, but later found it was already in the game wene we got it. So I went to the config setings and we swiched of the move clips, and now were plaing, but it still has some bugs like It will come up with an erer measg some times, but at lest we can play it!!!!
Guest MacleodCorp Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Issue: 1. When I finished the Harbinger, and I just entered the Ebon Hawk. Around the time of the Turrent fight. When the NPCs start to talk about what to do next, the animation scenes allways show up off center and sometimes blank on my screen. At that moment only. It doesn't occure anywhere else. You can hear the characters talking though. 2. When I was on Duxon, and the invasion of the Sith strikes the Mandalorian camp, the game has a hard time moving forward. It will enter a loop, and continue to spawn more sith. I get this problem everytime when I get to this point in the game. I usually have to restart a saved game more than once to trip it to move to the next level. My PC is able to kill off all the Sith, and then they just keep spawning. Maybe an: If Then, Else Loop or Do While problem? 3. For some reason or another, I played three games where only one party member had a lightsaber, and I never recieved lightsaber parts!? Is this from the randomizing of game items? 4. You know how you want to skip through the conversations, and you just keep clicking to by pass the NPC speaches. Sometimesthe game crashes right after the conversation is over. Well, that is about it!
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