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Guide excerpt on KOTOR2.com

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ohhh... I'm guessing you don't have flash on your computer? because the KOTOR2 site is all flash.


is this the case? and how many others are having this problem?

Sadly, I am the only person I know with this problem. And unfortunately I cant fix it personally due to a set of uncontrollable consquences.

Ive got 2 web browsers on the computers in this computer lab(the only one that I have access to):Firefox and IE6. Firefox is great and all, but we're booting off of a network without administrator priveleges so I cant install the flash plugin for firefox. On IE6, the site will come up, I can click on the tabs and everything. And if I click on the tabs enough I get the border changed and a couple wallpapers become available(duh). So I know that it is working(because I can change it around and eventually get the wallpapers), but for some reason the text inside the window border(the blue/gold/red part) won't display.


I would go home and try there, but I have dialup and it's so slow that by the time I got the site loaded I would be too frustrated to try and download the guide excerpt.


BTW, I am a computer guy so Ive already done all of the basic and quite a few of the more advanced checks to make it work. Im just stuck which is why I wanted someone else to host/send the guide to me.

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I can feel your pain. I prefer to use Safari, but I can't use it for the most part on LA's website, because they are getting too fancy, and from home dialup is not an option for going into the website.


I will however see what can be done to get these files for our posters.

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I have dial-up as well and don't have a problem accessing the flash it might have taken me a little while to DL it the first time but it doesn't take too long after that.

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Hey. For whatever reason, and Ive tried many times, I can't get anything inside the window on KOTOR2.com to show up. As such, I was wondering if anyone could at least do me the small favor and either host or send me the guide excerpt that you can DL from the site.



Try a direct link?


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Hey. For whatever reason, and Ive tried many times, I can't get anything inside the window on KOTOR2.com to show up. As such, I was wondering if anyone could at least do me the small favor and either host or send me the guide excerpt that you can DL from the site.



Try a direct link?


That works.

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ohhh... I'm guessing you don't have flash on your computer? because the KOTOR2 site is all flash.


is this the case? and how many others are having this problem?

I am and i do have flash, i'll post a screen of what happens later on.

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