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Stats for prestiage classes.

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what are the stats. like constitution. skill and feat progression.


im most intrested in the sith.


so there are Sith lord, sith maurader, and sith assassin.


also jedi master. jedi weapons master. and jedi, something.


i just was the stats for the prestiage. and how do you get to them. like you have to have a certain amount of skills and certain feats im guessing?

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The devs have been pretty hush about the presige classes. In fact, the only thing they've flat out said was their names. I might be wrong here, but I remember those questions being asked on the 'ask the devs' thread, and one of them said that they aren't going to say anything else about them for now... of course, that could change...

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what are the stats. like constitution. skill and feat progression.


im most intrested in the sith.


so there are Sith lord, sith maurader, and sith assassin.


also jedi master. jedi weapons master. and jedi, something.


i just was the stats for the prestiage. and how do you get to them. like you have to have a certain amount of skills and certain feats im guessing?

It won't be that hard to guess how the stats work.


The Jedi Watchman is a Super Guardian


The Jedi Weapon Master will probably have supreme Dexterity and Strength. Could level up automatically with certain melee weapon feats.


What we do know about the Jedi Master is that he/she will recover force points very quickly. I would think that a Jedi Master would have maxed out Wisdom points as well.


Since a Jedi has to use more Force points to cast powers look for the Sith Prestige classes to be dominant in alot of situations, but I also understand that there are some penalties for all that badness. For example, Force Storm could fry your entire party along with enemies.



Check out Darth Malak's Stats as described by Wizards:





Darth Malak: Male Human Jedi Guardian 11/Sith Lord 9

Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 26 (+2 Dex, +14 class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 158/16; Atk +23/+18/+13/+8 melee (7d8 +5, lightsaber) or +24/+19/+14/+9 melee (2d6 +9, crit 19-20, ancient mastercraft Sith sword), +20/+15/+10/+5 ranged; SQ Block, DR 5, enhanced Force powers, deflect (defense +2, attack -3), exceptional minions, Jedi Knight, resource access; SV Fort .




Reflex +15

Will +14

Force Points 11 - DarkSide Points 30

Repair +5

Strength 20

Dexterity 14

Constitution 16

Intelligence 13

Wisdom 17

Charisma 20


Force Skills: Affect Mind +9, Control Mind +14, Battlemind +17, Enhance Ability +15, Fear +20, Force Defense +15, Force Grip +18, Force Lightning +24, Force Strike +11, Move Object +15, Telepathy +13.


Feats: Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sith sword)*, Force-Sensitive, Power Attack, Skill Emphasis (Knowledge [sith Lore]), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons).


Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Drain Force*, Force Mind, Force Whirlwind, Hatred*, Knight Defense, Lightsaber Defense, Malevolent, Master Defense, Mettle, Rage*, Sense, Sith Sorcery*, Sith Sword Defense*.


Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5 -- Darth Malak ignores the first five points of any kind of damage. Whether this is due to hidden armor linked to his voice mask or the physical result of Sith alchemy is anyone's guess.

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I made some educated guesses about this in an earlier topic. Can't remember what it was called though.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Darth Malak

Jedi Guardian 20


Alignment: 10 Dark


Strength 29

Dexterity 18

Constitution 23

Intelligence 15

Wisdom 15

Charisma 20


Vitality: 327

Force points: 175

AC: 38

Attack: 38



Fort: 38

Ref: 31

Will: 27



Awareness: 45



Proficiency All

All combat feats

Master Conditioning

Master Jedi Defense

Master Toughness

Master Forcejump

Weapon Focus Lightsaber

Master Dueling



Dark Jedi Master Robe

Nerve Amplifier Belt

Red Lightsabre (don't know modifiers or damage)


Force Powers


Throw Lightsabre

Imp. Energy Resist

Force Immunity


Master Speed

Drain Life


I have seen these stats posted multiple times on the Bioware message boards, the stats you posted earliar were often confused (the wizard site) and if you check the combat feedback most of the info I posted is correct.

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Bioware just has the forums, like I said you can check the feedback.  People with the PC version of KOTOR can check out character profiles and Malak's final in-game stats. 




edit:  combat feedback in the final battle with Malak.

I'm afraid that just won't do. Those are game owners, not Bioware developers, and they didn't give account for his Sith Lord prestige class.


The thread author doesn't even explain how he arrived at those stats.


If he only stated where he got those stats it would have legitimized his claims.

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**sigh** they are correct for the most part.


If you wanna double check when you fight Malak you can see that he has a STR bonus of +9 and an Defense of 38 as well as a AC of 38. Check the combat feedback and look at the combat rolls. The force powers tend to be correct as well.


The Wizard site is wrong. There is no Sith Lord class and their stats are quite off. ;)


edit: attack of 38.

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**sigh** they are correct for the most part.


If you wanna double check when you fight Malak you can see that he has a STR bonus of +9 and an Defense of 38 as well as a AC of 38. Check the combat feedback and look at the combat rolls. The force powers tend to be correct as well.


The Wizard site is wrong. There is no Sith Lord class and their stats are quite off. :)


edit: attack of 38.

and you have arrived at the same stats?

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yes, for what you can check with combat rolls I believe.


Haven't checked in awhile. Such as defense rolls, attack rolls, str bonus, force powers, etc.


edit: you can see all this info with the combat feedback in the menu when fighting malak. its a good way to see stats. doesn't show everythign but enough.

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yes, for what you can check with combat rolls I believe.


Haven't checked in awhile. Such as defense rolls, attack rolls, str bonus, force powers, etc.

For the most part I'll accept what you are saying, but I still think the stats for Malak at Wizards is accurate because the Malak you meet on the Star Forge has gased up stats as an end game boss.


What I will do is check his stats for the duel aboard the Leviathan. See where Malak starts and then where he ends up.


The Wizard stats are at the start of a game or campaign not at the END, so I think they would best represent Malak. And he was a Sith Lord.


It will be interesting if we can have Sith Lord stats such as StarForge Malak in TSL since we now will have access to the Sith Lord class.

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The wizard stats are still not accurate and Malak is a sith lord but that class is never implemented into KOTOR. He is completely a jedi guardian no matter when you fight him.


The represent Malak in the most important time, your final battle with him. When people read those stats they dont' think of the dumb downed Malak verision of the Leviathan. They are thinking of the badass you fight at the end.

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I'm sticking with the Wizard stats, Thanks anyway. More detailed. less end boss gas.

Sticking with them for what? There's the game version and the P&P version. You now have both, so I guess it would depend on what you're using them for.


PS: You can dig around in the Leviathan modules if you want to see his non-Star Forge stats. You can also look under BIFs>Templates>Blueprint, Characters to see his Jedi stats (from the Dantooine cutscene).

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