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Have You Noticed The Mystery?

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Technically it was said that the PC and Kreia will have a relationship comparable to that of Obi-Wan and Anakin so the PC is an apprentice of Kreia in that regard. I am definately looking forward to seeing how this relationship will be developed as it never has been truly explored in a SW game before, at least in depth.


It has also been confirmed that the PC will get an apprentice as well. I however am very disappointed by this. Becoming a mentor requires a lot of experience and years upon years of practice and growth. I find it completely unrealistic that a character who was virtually a padawan when he/she was cut off from the Force now in just a matter of what: days, weeks that the game takes place in supposedly becomes so knowledgeable and mature that they can effectively teach an apprentice. For me this ruins the perfectly poised exploration of a mentor/student relationship by cutting it into a half baked tutorship so that the PC can get their own apprentice. I so wished this game would have explored the mentor/student thing like ESB portrayed Yoda and Luke instead of just hinting a little of that then suddenly the PC becomes Qui-Gon or some other mentor in such a short amount of time. Had this game taken place over the course of years then maybe but as it stands it is a huge disappointment for me. I know this is not the popular opinion so sorry about that, just the way I feel about it.

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maybe you were qui-gon like before you lost your connection maybe kreia and other jedi help in restoring that connection to the force so that it is much like relearning how to ride a bike and you pick up where you left off after a while and are up to taking on an apprentice. another thing is that being one of very few Jedi there isn't exactly a lot of choice as to who wil train who, maybe you and apprentice get flung together in unfortunate circumstances

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indeed....this time around from what I heard , apparently in turn you are going to have an apprentice? it means you will have most of the responsibilites on your shoulders not to mention you will have the entire galaxy weighted on your shoulders ! and any decsion that you make wil affect the entire galaxy alone?

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