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I was just reading this over at CNN.COM Afghani President Karzai is talking to Bush.


Karzai thanked Bush for making democracy possible in his nation.


"We have a constitution that we have today which is the most enlightened in that part of the world," Karzai said. "And that constitution has been made possible because of the liberation that you helped us gain and because of the stability that the United States helped us have in Afghanistan."


"Thank you very much, Mr. President, for that."


I hope you realize that the US is often criticized for choosing extremely USA-friendly leaders themselves in countries they invade? That speech has a sour taste since it's all about democracy, yet it's seldom the leader of the people who emerge from the bomb ruins.

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That's what Fahrenheit 9/11 is about. I'll watch the documentary and then try to do some fact checking. But right now I don't trust Michael Moore a whole lot. He doesn't have a great track record.

He makes propoganda film's. And at time can add spin, however, he not a blatant liar like Rush, or the dude's on Air America. I think sometimes is editing can leave scenes that may confuse people of the exact reality, however I do not believe anything in his films was factually dishonest.


Anyhow, Saudi interest with the current lineage of our administration has been known since before Herbert Walker to office.

I was just reading this over at CNN.COM Afghani President Karzai is talking to Bush.


Karzai thanked Bush for making democracy possible in his nation.


"We have a constitution that we have today which is the most enlightened in that part of the world," Karzai said. "And that constitution has been made possible because of the liberation that you helped us gain and because of the stability that the United States helped us have in Afghanistan."


"Thank you very much, Mr. President, for that."

Don't trust Disney! BTW, is democracy good? I personally think they are the downfall of civillized society. Not to mention when listening to Reagan's funeral and hearing all this propoganda about democracy, they later played Battle Hymm of the Republic. Frankly I blame California's woe's right now on Democracy. People are way too emotional, apathetic, manipulative and stupid to have democracy.

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