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Rule Sets

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You know for a while I've been keeping my mouth closed about a lot of the things I wanted because I knew they wouldn't be popular.


One of the things I wanted to do was to make lightsabers as dangerous as they are in the movie. Not everyone wants to play like this and I don't think I'd like to play like this all the time. I remembered that in kotor you could fool around to some extent with the 2da's to change things in game. I thought 'gee, wouldn't it be great if every rule in the game was changeable'... Then I remembered NWN having multiple rule sets so you could play as close to pnp as possible.


What I want is for there to be multiple rule sets and or support for custom rule sets. It should be as simple as picking a pre-set in menu but be open enough so that hard core modders can crack open a can of foldgers and tweek or totally rewrite the rules of the game. I think this alone would double the replay value of the game.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Well lightsaber are dangerous to use that's why jedi are the only one's that really use them. But that's not what I meant. What I meant was that in the movies lightasber are machines of maiming and instant death, in KOTOR they seemed like little more than fancy clubs.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I agree about making lightsabers more deadly. I think it would add a touch of realism. It would also force the devs to make the fights more involved, much more parrying, counter attacks and so on. In the end, having the lightsabers more deadly would lead to raising the bar for all the combat in the game.


(Of course that wouldn't be the case in a fight with non-Jedi vs Jedi....)

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I'd also like to insert the element of fear into the npc's so that I don't have to kill everyone I fight. Though that'd take more than fidgeting with the ruleset. Add a element of intimidation to the fight...


Not that I mind my topics not being super popular, but how can I know if the devs see my suggestion?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I really like the idea of adding fear to the combat system. I know I would be intimidated to say the least if I had to fight against a saber wielding jedi!


As far as the Devs go, the only way I know to tell if they see your post is if they reply. I'd be willing to bet there was another way, but I don't know it.

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Another thing is the grenades. Thermal detonators should kill everybody in the area and yet they're tossed around like they mean nothing. I'd pause the game every time a grenade was introduced and the chatacters either had better force push it or shoot the hand of the thrower or run or something.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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The KoTOR Thermal Detonator....


PC: *toss*




PC and Surrounding People: Ooooh, pretty.


*fighting recommences*

Fo' real. In the movies a thermal detonator was treated like a pocket nuke...in KotOR it's just a sparkler. I mean, the fire grenades Bendak Starkiller uses hurt you more. :rolleyes:

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