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Combat log isn't displaying "Burn damage" after weapon is enchanted with Burning Lash

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Warning: This thread contains companions' names and that can be considered a minor spoiler.


When Durance uses his staff and hit enemies, the combat log always shows that his hits result in "Burn damage". For example:

Durance hits Troll for 15 Burn damage.

And the red text of damage which pops up from enemies' heads are a bit higher, for example, 19 in this case.

However, after I enchanted a Fine Club, which is now being used by Edér, with Burning Lash, despite the weapon description gained a line of text of "+25% Burn Damage" like Durance's Staff and the weapon's visual appearance now has fire on it, the combat log still isn't showing that Edér's hits result in "Burn damage". For example:

Edér hits Troll for 3 Crush damage.

That said, I do notice that the red text of damage which pops up from enemies' heads becomes a bit higher, for example, 5 in this case.

Was the enchanting successful?

Edited by IanTheWizard
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Never mind. I figure it out myself. The detailed calculation (which appears as a tooltip when you move mouse cursor onto a line in combat log) does show the Fine Club now also results in Burn damage.

As for Durance's Staff has the "Burn damage" text directly in combat log, that's because the staff's damage type is Burn/Crush Damage and Burn is automatically applied when the enemy is Troll.

Edited by IanTheWizard
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