omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) This is a compilation of all skill checks found in the game. How it works The number on the left is the skill required. After that, there are three lines. The line associated with the skill check will be the first or the second; the others are there to provide context. The flow of the conversation is always top to bottom. Sometimes there isn't a line because the check is at the beginning/end of an interaction or it's a ghost node that immediately sends you elsewhere. Because of how conversations can diverge and converge, sometimes there are several options. If the text is in red, it means this is what you will see if you fail the skill check. Have this much skill to avoid that result. Scripted interactions only. The wrong line of the three may be highlighted, but it generally holds. What is Party Assist? Essentially, the party member attempting to pass a skill check uses their full skill plus a portion of the rest of the party's skill. Read more here. Future work Update current data with alternate ways to pass the skill checks. Update current data with additional requirements - some checks are AND/OR constructs. Proofreading info A skill comparison can be <=, <, > or >=. Or =, but it's never used. It can also be negated, so not <= means >. This is a minor brain bomb to parse, so it's possible some stuff ended up wrong. There are also checks that are unreachable (no sequence of interactions will lead to them), but still get found by my parsing and end up in this thread. Some lines will also look strange or not really related to the skill due to the trigger/result problem I described in the first paragraph. I will not be fixing individual errors, but if a pattern emerges that speaks of a programming mistake, I will try to fix it and post the info again. It's half an hour two hours of work, so... I'll just make it clear here that both the data digging and the formatting are automated, so "minor adjustments" are not really a thing, just code fixes. It's very cumbersome to edit these posts - their size alone slows my computer down. Think then what happens when added info makes a post too large for the forum to accept it, and I have to redistribute everything. Thanks to @Kvellen and @Noqn for helping me make sense of the data! Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, Party Assist Pretty much all "in the game world" conversations fall under this category, where you still see your party, UI, etc. Alchemy Reveal hidden contents 15 These notes are written in a strange code. You have no idea what they say. [Use your knowledge of the alchemical sciences to decipher the notes.] The complexity of the alchemical equations push your understanding of the science to its limits. With a little bit of time and patience, you manage to decipher the finer details of the equations and from there unravel the rest. 15 ...But We are not pain-cruel, as Our captors were to Us. We seek to endure, to flower as beautifully as you. "Won't the body just immunize itself against you?" Before We broke the bonds of Our false enclosure, We considered the possibility of transplant rejection. 11 "ESSENCE OF WHITELEAF, MILLED GAENSVEF SEEDS, POWDERED DRAGON BONE FOR SWEETNESS, EH!" Taking a pinch of the mixture from the pestle, Drowsy Puke sniffs it off the end of its talon, nodding. "That dosage could bring down an ogre." "EH. MAYBE YOU RIGHT. NOT STRONG ENOUGH." The imp sprinkles more whiteleaf into the pestle. 10 1. "Sorry, mate. Ain't available for the taking." 2. "Wouldn't be a mariner if I turned down a drink of rum... or pour out a dram for the lads." [Poison his drink with fungal bile.] You slip the poison into the rum as you return to the table. 10 "WIZARDS LIE. WIZARDS WORST PEOPLE. BUT DROWSY PUKE FIX EVERYTHING, EH? HELP YOU RELAX." Winking, the imp gestures toward a collection of refined herbs and narcotics. "Something tells me you aren't a trained apothecary." "SOMETHING TELLS DROWSY PUKE YOU NEED TO RELAX." 10 The eyeball stares at you before sloughing off and rolling away, leaving behind a wet trail of slime. "What you've got here is a classic stage five infestation. Paranoid, territorial, unstable." The spore colony stiffens. Ripples of unease travel down its flesh. 6 "Nothing a little ginger root and some bed rest won't cure. Please, let me be." She takes another step, blocking your view of the room beyond. The herbs on the table give off an odor that scratches at your throat. "Blood moss and cave coral - that combination clears mucus from the lungs. Someone must be very sick." "Could use your skill at the Temple of Gaun." Her chuckle turns into a cough. 6 "Your comforting LIES are unwelcome here. We set our roots down when the archipelago was soft and unformed. Now we are perfection." Her eyes narrow, full of hatred and challenge. "There is rot in your bones, lady, no matter how green or majestic you feel." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 6 Bearn's breath catches in his throat. He tries again, but the passage is already constricting. He leans over his knees, but loses his balance as tremors begin to move up his legs. "Edér, dump the contents of your pipe down his throat. Don't ask." Wasting no time, Edér lunges for Bearn, whose body has begun to convulse. He jams his pipe into Bearn's froth-leaking mouth and twists it upside-down. 6 They watch you expectantly. "No more grog for [Specified 0]. Svef will be much more effective." "Yes, captain. A few days without grog should balance [Specified 0]'s ledger. A few days more will set things right with the crew." 4 "Extinguished or crushed... us all... defiler..." He struggles to speak. The agony of a slow death blazes through the scrawls in his skin, shrouding him with a veil of fire. [Mercy kill by administration of poison.] "Drink this and rest easy." He closes his ember-hot eyes, a relieved sigh rushing from his chest as you brew up and then tip a vial of poison to his lips. The icy, slushy mixture takes effect immediately, dousing his flames with a sweep of hoarfrost through his veins. It leaves his face cold and ashen and dead. 4 "The grove is our vigil! It is you and the rest of Eora that sours!" "Your insides have putrefied. Can you not feel it? There may yet be something alive in your core." She studies you with an unreadable expression. Glancing down, she digs one of her talons through the mottled bark and flesh of her midsection. Her fingers come away black with putrid sap. 4 "I've found some unusual stains. I don't think they're blood, but they are rather... odorous." He wrinkles his nose at a streak of something the color of a fresh bruise. "That's koīki pulp." "So it is. But what would that be doing here?" 4 Bearn's breath catches in his throat. He tries again, but the passage is already constricting. He leans over his knees, but loses his balance as tremors begin to move up his legs. [Administer taru taru combined with ripple sponge.] Judging the color and consistency of the liquid Bearn consumed, you suspect it's venom from an Aedyran tree viper, and know that taru taru, when combined with ripple sponge, can mitigate its absorption and counteract some of its effects. 3 "So I hide them by the shore, where the sun warms the sand just so. And I wait." "Storing fruit in a moderate heat source... not a bad way to ease the seeds open." "Ekera. Do you cultivate?" His eyes swell open with hope. 3 "Draught's mercurial." He grins, teeth tinged gray. "That's going to kill you." He shakes his head. 2 "Now this cannot happen. Our harvest fails because this one puts his empty stomach higher than the gods!" "Did anyone think saving the seeds might be a good idea?" "This is not done." Mukūmu furrows his brow at you. Arcana Reveal hidden contents 19 "This is it! Now I remember how I got involved in this mess. I was searching for a celestial catalyst." "A piece of magically-charged starmetal, correct?" "Ac, you know already! We should have been research partners!" 18 "Fine. Just hold still while I look at it." Without inspecting it more closely, you are mainly able to glean that the helmet has a repulsing effect on magic. It's as if any magical energy that might directly affect the helmet were deliberately directed away. "And so? What do you see?" Despite his initial protest, Copperhead sounds excited to hear your results. 18 "How long do you figure that orb will last?" "Menzzago was giving the orb its energy. Now that he's dead, the spell will start to fade." "Well... I needed some time to figure out what I was, how to live with it. "With a little time, maybe I can do the same for everyone else. Ease 'em in." 18 1. "Were there something else you wanted, Watcher? I've got friends to forget." The man doesn't look up from his mug. 2. "Wake up down the way at Vilario's Rest, nothing but the clothes on my back and this coin clutched tight in my grip. Come up here looking for work, for a ship to get me off of this backwater island." He takes a long swig from his mug. "You think the coin's a blessing, but it's a curse. It's not that you lived. It's that everyone else died." "That... that makes a strange kind of sense, don't it? And you seem the sort to know your hexes from your curses." His nose wrinkles as he peers down at the coin. 18 1. "And you'd prefer something more ill-defined why exactly?" 2. "Take a grimoire, for example. Misplace an accent mark over a rune, all the logic of a spell collapses around it." "Order and magic are inseparable." "Ac, to some of us." 17 And yet... Her head bobs, eyes dimming slightly in thought. "It won't be easy, but you can theoretically syphon the god's essence, dividing it between yourself and your relic. What you can't contain between the two, you can destroy." 1. "Now I didn't follow all of that, but if Rymrgand ain't broken you down yet, maybe he can't." 2. Yes, I've heard your words, little kith. 3. "It's not... impossible." Aloth chews a knuckle as he thinks. 17 1. "That's very advanced, actually-" Voice shaking, he stares at you, wide-eyed and frightened. 2. "You overcame a false Fyonlecg. A simulacrum. A phantasm. Simple enough spellwork." "Last I checked, phantasms were conjured essence, not conjured worms." "Oh, we know. We know - so many things." 17 A twisted chunk of iron-like metal rises from Wael's flesh, leaning to the side like a crooked tooth. The pitted surface gleams with a disorienting array of colors. You've seen minerals like this on display at museums or sketched in manuscripts. It's a piece of starmetal, forged and shaped far beyond Eora. The metal radiates soul energy. The whole area is dense with it. Vague emotions reach out to you - anger, fear, and territorial aggression. None of it feels quite right. 16 "Here. What do you make of it?" He passes you a worn sheaf of parchment. "It seems both magical and... biological?" "When did you become an expert?" Tayn holds the parchment upside down and squints at it. 15 [Examine the iron collar more closely.] You suspect that the symbol on the collar has something to do with the same magic that governs the vessels in this place. The spell itself is hard to determine, but you are confident it involves illusion magic. She struggles to speak to you, but manages only a muffled, garbled yell. 15 -NONE FOUND- As you peer beneath the surface of the sphere, you identify entropic energy slowly spinning within, as if a necrotic spell had been bound within - entrapped but not quite frozen. -NONE FOUND- 15 "Fixed them for you. She can have her books back now." Tayn winks and hands you the stack. "That wasn't fixing. That was tampering." "Same difference." 15 "Communion." Like a leaf held to a flame, his smile curls at both ends. "Is that why you're performing this ritual of command?" 1. "I'm not sure he means to compel this creature at all..." 2. "All of the knowledge in these halls - all of the memories - it all descends, flowing into this titanic form." 14 "My grimoire and I are of a kind. We thrive on the stars. Rely on them. If you can reach the tallest point of this facility, maybe there is a window or something?" She returns the book to you. "I've never heard of a grimoire that required starlight." "Ac, he is very special." Bekarna nods. 14 -NONE FOUND- "Llengrath of Llengrath's Safeguard and Llengrath's Warding Staff?" "What a pleasant surprise. No one ever remembers the defensive spells." Her eyes shine with genuine amusement. 14 1. "I don't believe we've ever formally met, but I've heard much of your exploits." 2. "Have you forgotten me so soon? It's only been five years. "But then, death is unkind to memory." 3. "I suppose I can't fault you for not recognizing me. This body does look substantially different from the one you killed, after all." She smiles serenely. "Llengrath of Llengrath's Safeguard and Llengrath's Warding Staff?" "What a pleasant surprise. No one ever remembers the defensive spells." Her eyes shine with genuine amusement. 13 1. "And some of my more boorish friends. That might provide an evening's amusement." 2. "The details, I assure you, aimico, are not fit for polite company. They're really quite... desgant. Foul." "If anyone can safely handle a little old cursed weapon, it's me." 1. "I'd heard that about you. That you're a thinker." He nods, tapping his chin. 2. "You know how to handle me, all right." 3. "You want it so badly, you take it. Do not come looking for me, though, when it makes a mess of your precious books." 4. He frowns, tapping his chin. "Ac, fine. Since you've made friends among the Príncipi." 13 1. Years. Decades. It matters not. 2. So I had noticed. Her hind claws gouge furrows in the rime-crusted ground. 3. I came here for it. An object of such potency that it defies the deified. "Your relic - it's a phylactery, right? It's sustaining you here." The great reptile's head cants to one side as she eyes you. 12 1. Our beloved spellwork. Our Wall of Many Colors. Our Wall of Flames. Our Impenetrable Bulwark. That one turned the Circle's heads. 2. All knew us! For the spells that bore our name if nothing else! Fyonlecg's Wall of Flames. Fyonlecg's Wall of Many Colors. Fyonlecg's Pristine Barrier. "Well now those spells are nameless, and you're nothing." The Oracle's eyestalks snap sharply still, each focused intently on you. The great central orb narrows. 8 "I must confess to you, a bit of a problem has arisen. One which speaks to your expertise with the supernatural. We've sighted the Floating Hangman that haunts the Deadfire." "Have we any sketches of it? I wouldn't mind documenting the phenomenon." "A few, somewhat crude ones. Not many who encounter the Floating Hangman live to tell the tale - or otherwise record it." 7 While the aumaua shakes his head and says, "Very little," the Aedyran grins and answers, "A thing or two." "Why?" asks the dusky human. "The geography here... it's like the land has been twisted or broken by some great power." The Aedyran nods. "Perhaps it has. A great cataclysm shook this realm in ages past." The aumaua shakes his head. "But there's not much we can tell you about it." 6 [Examine the machine.] You note the speed of the ring's rotation and the subtle pattern of the machine's humming. After a bit of prodding, the pylon's workings make sense to you. The ring continues its lethargic rotation around the pylon. Up close, it emanates a faint hum. 6 [Examine the machine.] You note the speed of the ring's rotation and the subtle pattern of the machine's humming. After a bit of prodding, the pylon's workings make sense to you. The ring continues its lethargic rotation around the pylon. Up close, it emanates a faint hum. 6 [Examine the machine.] You note the speed of the ring's rotation and the subtle pattern of the machine's humming. After a bit of prodding, the pylon's workings make sense to you. The ring continues its lethargic rotation around the pylon. Up close, it emanates a faint hum. 5 1. He gives the apprentice an appreciative nod. 2. "I am misled if holding a shell is all it takes to earn Ngati's favor." Tekēhu tosses his hair and chuckles to himself. "Such artifacts are often imbued with powerful spells. Take care when handling it." "I keep it locked away - to see and not to touch, ekera! But your words are good warning." He glances nervously around his fine home. 5 "Magic," the voice says. "It summons beasts to harry your enemies. Will save you in a pinch, in a city as dangerous as this. Surely your life's worth a few silver." Torch light glints from the man's teeth. "You want, you follow." The figure withdraws into the darkness. Though you only caught a glimpse of it, you know that the figurine is no mere trinket. There is untapped power within its form. "Magic," the voice says. "It summons beasts to harry your enemies. Will save you in a pinch, in a city as dangerous as this. Surely your life's worth a few silver." Torch light glints from the man's teeth. "You want, you follow." The figure withdraws into the darkness. 4 It made the enchantments of this prison and can destroy them. It can set me free. The dragon lashes its tail in eager, repetitive circles. "Letting you go deprives the watershapers of a useful asset." The Huana will struggle. If they are worthy, they will endure. 4 You find a man of middle years inspecting a metal tool unlike any you've seen. He has several similarly strange items on his belt, all quite clean and orderly. They look like the tools one might use to pull a tooth or shoe a horse, but much more delicate. He wears pristine, cream-colored robes. The muzzle of an arquebus is visible just over his shoulder. His eyes brighten when he notices you. The man's robes shimmer with a faint trace of arcane energy. Glyphs stitched into the hems and sleeves seem to be the source of the effect. "Good day, traveler. I see you've taken an eye to my instruments. If you've any interest in the medical sciences, you need only ask!" 4 "You can't have it! It's mine. Mine!" She glares at you with narrowed, untrusting eyes and gritted teeth. "Book of Storms is a myth. Only a fool would seek it out." "Arkemyr didn't believe it was real either - he told me I was mad. But I have proof! I'll show him!" 4 "None of your godsdamned business." "Animats rarely retain their consciousness, let alone their memories. You're different." "Nice of you to notice." You hear what can only be a sneer edge Modwyr's voice. 4 "Like it?" She grins. "My father left it for me. Told me that one day I'd defend the Deadfire with it." "It seemed to have magical properties." "You're not wrong. I don't understand it myself, but it seemed to confuse the skuldr. Probably saved my life." 3 "FOUND... NEAR VAULT. KEEP SAFE FOR MASTER. TOO SHINY TO LEAVE LYING AROUND." [Mimic speech.] "EH. GIMME CRYSTAL." The harsh, discordant parody of speech that erupts from your throat grab the imp's attention immediately. His eyes widen in surprise. 2 "He must have wanted to raise some fast coin. Arkemyr will flay me alive over those damned gloves..." Fassina cradles her brow and groans. "Strange that the constructs didn't attack him for stealing." "Is it strange? I don't know. Go consult Arkemyr's grimoire if you're that curious." Flustered, she finds any excuse to look elsewhere. 2 You have the rod and the wherewithal to set me free. I see no reason why we shouldn't leave at the same time! He snaps his jaws with an audible clack. "I need to understand what kind of magic we're dealing with before I try anything." The dragon studies you with quiet suspicion. 2 The wards are the bars of my prison, and the rod you carry can bend them apart like stalks of wheat. "It might be safer to siphon power and let the wards collapse on their own... but I won't bore you with the details." If you think it prudent. Scyorielaphas raises one of his scaly brows. 2 "You... you done this before?" She braces herself and takes a deep breath. [Commune with the vine, tell it to release its water and accept death.] You reach out with your senses, appealing to the vine to, against every natural instinct, purge itself in an act of suicide. 2 "It doesn't matter." "Animats rarely retain their consciousness, let alone their memories. You're different." "Nice of you to notice." You hear what can only be a sneer edge Modwyr's voice. 1 "I'll hear no more of it." "He stole them from the wizard Arkemyr. Do you want that on your conscience?" "These are Arkemyr's possessions?" Hamuto looks at Bertenno with grudging respect. Athletics Reveal hidden contents 15 1. [Tear the phylactery from her chest.] 2. "Grab the phylactery!" Dodging the wyrm's swinging talons, you shove your hand deep into her desiccated chest. You grasp the relic, its warmth pulsing through your fingers, and rip it from the dragon's breast. The dragon's neck twists, turning her head that she might cast a single balefully glowing eye upon you. 12 -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- 12 -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- 12 [Climb over.] You carefully climb and cross the top of the tightly wound brambles. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 12 [Continue carefully through.] The island shudders, and the rocks fall from the wall. You leap out of the way, narrowly avoiding the stones. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 12 [Flee.] You turn on your heel and sprint down the lane. The mysterious group give half-hearted chase for a few blocks, but eventually split off and disappear into the city. -NONE FOUND- 12 [Flee.] You take a few steps back down the street, duck into an alley, and run hard from the ambush. Soon the sound of footsteps fade behind you. -NONE FOUND- 11 Oh, little morsel. Did you think I would permit you to leave? No, you must stay and feast with me. [Distract the dragon with some backflips and juggling.] The dragon swivels her head to one side, watching you with ember-red eyes, intently interested. 10 [Shrug off the suit and make a mad dash for the surface.] You swim for the surface as fast as you can, feeling exposed now without the diving suit. Eventually you see light up above just as you begin to see spots in your vision. You finally break the surface and gulp down fresh air before clambering aboard your ship. -NONE FOUND- 10 You work your way down the old well, using the protruding stones as handgrips and footholds along the way. After but a few minutes, your muscles ache and fingers burn... You reach the bottom of the well only to find yourself hanging from the roof of a large, open cavern. Your muscles burn and the stone bites into your fingers as you lower yourself to a nearby outcropping. Looking around yourself, you find that the rocky ledge continues deeper into the cavern, the darkness inviting. 8 [Attempt to flee.] You bolt for the tunnel entrance. Luckily, pirates do not have the legs for long runs, and you escape via a long, straight sprint. Your pursuers slowly fade from the rear, doubling over and heaving for breath. 7 Kipeha shakes her head and slowly. She takes up her bow and lets loose an arrow, aiming for your head. You successfully duck aside, avoiding the projectile. Kipeha curses under her breath. She raises two fingers to her lips and blows a piercing whistle, putting the fortress on full alert. 6 [Slap him in the face.] "Black Hel!" With a crack, his head whips to the side. Blood sprays, and Benweth fumbles for his weapon. "**** you!" He drops to one knee. 6 [Punch him in the gut.] The air gushes from his lungs, and the captain bends double, teeth gritted, lips bloody. "**** you!" He drops to one knee. 5 [Leap over the counter.] Palm flat to the countertop for stability, you easily sail up and over the spread of merchandise. You stick a smooth landing then veer right, close on your target's heels. Weaving after Rust, you arrive at an enclosed intersection of paths. Without glancing back, the assassin hurtles a thin glass vial at your toes. It hits, cracks, and amber-hued smoke hisses up your legs. In seconds, all visibility is obscured in the tight space. 5 [Barrel through the stall.] Wood splinters as you crash through the stand. You stumble, kicking the tangled, ripped curtain away. Swiftly, you resume your pursuit, legs pumping and powerful. Weaving after Rust, you arrive at an enclosed intersection of paths. Without glancing back, the assassin hurtles a thin glass vial at your toes. It hits, cracks, and amber-hued smoke hisses up your legs. In seconds, all visibility is obscured in the tight space. 5 The living were meant to forget Ukaizo. Nothing can be gained of remembering it. Amid the general ire of the construct's thoughts, you feel a sharp jab delivered to your mind. "If I rest my legs while we chat, it'll make for a better fight for us both." The Gates of Ukaizo regard you in disgruntled, calculating silence. 5 "But my owner, she was really great. I mean, IS really great. Her calluses felt so good on my grip. Can do things with a sword you wouldn't believe -" "Show me. I'm a quick study." Modwyr makes dramatic retching noises, pretending to throw up. 4 This young Vailian's attention is so fixed on making a hasty escape from the Dark Cupboard that he doesn't notice you until you nearly collide. [Grab him.] You grab him by the elbow, stopping him in his tracks. His gaze snaps in your direction with fear and annoyance. 4 You begin the awkward hand-over-hand climb across the gap. You to reach the opposite dock without incident. -NONE FOUND- 4 "I've dealt with worse. Believe me." "Ekera, I can see that well enough from here." "Here, the command words. They do me little good." He passes you a tattered scroll and shrugs, smiling wanly. 4 As you make your way up the rope, the loud twang of bowstrings announces that the archers have let loose a volley of arrows. You hasten your climb, closing the distance too quickly for the archers to anticipate your movements. You reach the top and swing onto the plateau, steeling yourself for a worthy battle. 3 "Thought I was an armorer, did you? Assumed that my tree stump limbs and barrel chest lend themselves better to the forge than the needle?" [Grab him by his collar.] His eyes snap open as you hoist him off the ground. Iolfr clutches your hands and kicks his legs, but he's too terrified to scream. Once your point is made, you lower him back to the ground slowly. 3 Halfway up, you reach a spot where the stairs have crumbled away. Luckily, a narrow ridge remains. It proves sturdy and allows you to easily cross the gap. You rise to the peak at a brisk pace. Sweat beads the valley of your spine, but it feels good - a relief against the balmy atmosphere. The rote step-scrape, step-scrape to your ascent gives you time to think. When you reach the top, you stretch and heave a final, relaxed sigh. A survey of your progress leaves you with a satisfied smile. 3 You grab the rope, planting your feet on the edge of the precipice, and begin your descent. Gusts of wind sway you from side to side, forcing you to tightly grip the rope. It digs into your skin with every move. Despite the effort, your excellent conditioning allows you to reach the tomb's opening without exertion. You stand on the narrow ledge of the tomb's entrance, its passage leading into darkness. Your rope dangles from the tree, above. 3 As you climb, some of the rocky handholds crumble within your grip, but others hold firm, permitting you first one foot and then another higher, closer toward the waiting window above. Without even breaking a sweat, you reach the window and crawl through into the waiting darkness. You stand, dusting your hands off as you glance around. -NONE FOUND- 2 [Slap him.] "Don't hang your hopes on me, Martino." Martino's head snaps to the side and a spot of blood forms at the edge of his lip. "You deserve that and more." 2 1. "Have to admit... I was aiming for your face." He gazes up at you, wide-eyed. 2. "So if anyone's going to be doing the throwing, it's going to have to be you." "How about it, tough guy?" He reaches out to give you a shove. [Punch him in the nose.] Galian rocks back, clutching at his bloodied nose. He groans piteously from the floor. 2 "It's my leg. Madiccho it hurts even worse than it looks." Irrena's leg bears a bloody gouge along the length of her shin, and the swelling around her knee suggests a nasty break. "Hang on. I'll carry you back down." "Quite romantic, casità. I'll try not to hold it against you if you drop me." 2 [Swim through.] Each taking a last gulp of air at the surface, your party swims into the tunnel, following the cavern wall as it bends. Partway through, [SkillCheck 0] starts to lag behind. Panic sets in as the remaining distance becomes clear. [SkillCheck 1] returns to help, pulling [SkillCheck 0] forward to safety. 2 [Swim through.] Your powerful strokes are unhindered by the weight of your gear, propelling you along. 1. You come up into what appears to be another, smaller cavern, where moonlight streams in from an opening in the stone. 2. You come up into what appears to be another, smaller cavern, where sunlight streams in from an opening in the stone. 2 [Scale the hull by hand.] You climb nimbly up the side of the ship, and reach the top without so much as breaking a sweat. -NONE FOUND- 2 [Scale the hull by hand.] You climb nimbly up the side of the ship, and reach the top without so much as breaking a sweat. Edér is not far behind, pulling himself up and over the railing beside you. -NONE FOUND- Bluff Reveal hidden contents 20 "Only Nemnok's chosen are allowed here, and we're all full up. I should kill you for even glimpsing this sanctum uninvited." He thumbs his chin and weighs the matter. "I came to pledge my loyalty to Nemnok." "You did?" He purses his lips critically. 19 1. The dragon snorts, purple light flickering within her nostrils. You're not sure whether or not she was amused. 2. And yet... Her head bobs, eyes dimming slightly in thought. 3. "Everything ends. Rymrgand included." 4. It does not follow that he fears me. Still... it is curious... Her head rises, canting slightly as she considers your words. "I'm happy to help, if you need the assistance." Do not think that I don't recognize what you intend with your words, little one. She growls, long and low. 18 "How do I know he's the real deal? I've had enough plainclothes investigators from Neketaka's palace sniffing around here lately." He Vailian and he comes from a very old fortune. No connection to Neketaka, whatsoever. "Suppose I could broker a deal for one or two... to start. See how it pans out." He nods, greed already gleaming in his eyes. 17 "But, then, who could have done this? Everyone loves Vatnir! They respect him! He speaks for the Beast of Winter!" "Perhaps the Beast of Winter tests you. His will manifests through exactly this kind of trial." Hafjórn's hooded face turns away as the Harbinger rubs the back of his head. 17 Do you mock me, little kith? "Not at all. You've been in Rymrgand's home for all of this time, and he hasn't been able to kill you yet, has he?" It does not follow that he fears me. Still... it is curious... Her head rises, canting slightly as she considers your words. 16 "I fail to see why should that be a concern of mine." "Eora will grind to a halt and die without the wheel to turn it." "You may have a point." She taps a skeletal finger against her jawbone in thought. 16 "What say, interloper? Do you trespass on the gods' behalf?" "I heard Galawain's words on the tongues of beasts. He told me to come here." 1. "The godspawn might have a point." 2. Scibéal looks back and forth between you and Hateno, her eyes wide with unconcealed alarm. 16 "If you continue to spout such ridiculous madness, you shall be escorted from these halls." Her voice quivers. "It's not madness. You, me, we're the same! Trust me as you would yourself!" The inquisitor looks from you to the accused and back to you again. 15 "I'll bite. Who's this new buyer and what does he or she have to offer?" "The buyer's a reputable nobleman by the name of Menzzago." "Nobles certainly like to spend their weight in gold. Say I'm intrigued... but cautious by nature." 15 "Eh? Oh, I thought you'd have heard the whole thing from the protectors by now. Captain Lucia Rivan. Our great founder. "That was ages past. It's Menzzago in charge now, of course." "My, er, ship wrecked. I must have been pretty out of it when they saved me." "A great woman, Rivan. She captained the Floating Hangman." 15 "Here, newcomer. First drink's on the house." He pours from a nearby pitcher - filling a goblet with an unmistakable red liquid, thick and dark. The coppery odor hits your nostrils with force. The barkeeper slides the goblet across the bar towards you. "I haven't had a lick of ale in years. Drowner's Lung." "Oh, well, begging your pardon, sir. Crying shame, that." He retrieves the goblet. 15 He shrugs. "I'm standing here. Wait - I'm not dead, am I?" "I don't know how to tell you this, Konstanten, but..." 1. "You're pullin' my leg." He looks unsure for a moment, then breaks into a wide grin and a deep chuckle. 2. "Ah Hel, you're not serious, are you?" 15 "I always knew that was a possibility. But to have hope shattered... What became of her?" "Based on her wounds, I'd say she made an enemy of a bear." "I guess - I guess I understand. Thank you for finding her. Even if." Eyes glistening, she shakes her head and turns away. 15 1. "IF GIVE BALL TO WARMLING, WHAT WILL IMP HAVE?" It scratches its head with one hand, hugging the sphere tightly to its jutting ribs with the other. 2. "JINGLY? JUST SHAKE IT AND HEAR! EH, MAYBE IMP NOT UNDERSTAND QUESTION." 3. "An imp, not understand? Now I've heard everything." "What you won't have is a curse. That relic leaves those who carry it cold, hungry, and alone. But I'm sure you knew that." 1. The imp sniffs at you. 2. "NO MORE LONELY AND ALONE?" The imp peers down at the sphere for a moment, then shoves it into your hands. 15 Do battle with the Beast of Winter? To what conceivable end? She leers at you. "If you're so great and powerful, killing a little old god shouldn't be too tough." Her head swings down, a single blazing eye casting its light across your features. 15 "Tayn has asked something of you?" Llengrath beckons you forward with a discreet wave of her hand. "He was complimenting my exquisite fashion sense, actually." 1. "I can't disagree with him. You do look quite sharp in those robes." 2. "Tayn's taste always did veer toward the... eccentric." 3. "I didn't think Tayn cared for Arkemyr's taste in robes. I must say, they suit you better than they did him." 15 Tell us, interloper. What do you recall? "Fyonlecg was one of the foremost figures on the Circle of Archmagi. A genius who vanished mysteriously." The Oracle's eyestalks quiver in pleasure. 15 1. "Nothing could matter more." He leans forward. 2. "Allow me an idle moment's curiosity. Have you heard of the Archmage Fyonlecg?" "Oh yeah. There was a book about his exploits among the shelves down below." He exhales a prolonged sigh. 15 1. "We're pretty well-compensated to stop just that sort of thing from transpiring." 2. "Have to do better than that, mate." 3. "We're listening." [Yell] "I would <i>never</i> be a party to mutiny!" "Nobody's fool enough to fall for that hornswoggle!" 15 1. "We're pretty well-compensated to stop just that sort of thing from transpiring." 2. "We're listening." "What was that? You said you wanted to take over the ship?" "You think we're fools? To arms! We're under attack!" 14 "I'm sorry, I don't have that much coin." "That doesn't surprise me. It's no small sum." "Short of that, though, I can't think of anything else you can offer us that we don't already have." 14 "What do you mean?" "Erūke said something about copper lines and the Huana not finding out." "The Surviving Face speaks too freely of my past." She shakes her head with a sigh. 14 1. "Best not to argue with him, Watcher. Some of these folks got short fuses and itchy sword arms." 2. "Everyone champs at the bit to see you in action!" "I left my pack back in the cave. It has all my best potions." He sighs, pulls a pouch from his belt, and shoves it into your hands. 14 "If I might ask - what did you learn from them?" "They are as you believe, a god of the hunt, powerful and great." 1. "Gods damn it, Watcher, if we don't tell 'em the Crucible's a lie, they'll just keep runnin' it." 2. "Truly? Incredible." 14 1. "That'd buy a lot of bee hives, Watcher." 2. "I like you, champion! For this information, I would happily provide ten thousand copper." "They are as you believe, a god of the hunt, powerful and great." "Truly? Incredible." 14 "She did what? And you let her? I must - I have to go see her!" She blinks rapidly, still processing the revelation. "Ehrys said she hoped you'd never see her like that." "Oh. Okay. I understand. Thank you for finding her. And helping her, I suppose." She deflates with a sigh and, rubbing her eye with the ball of one hand, turns away. 14 "But - but that doesn't mean he was supposed to die now!" "He was, in fact. Rymrgand himself told me to kill Vatnir." "He did? But Vatnir was his chosen, too... And yet, nothing lives forever. Not even the Beast of Winter." His hooded head sags. 14 "He was, in fact. Rymrgand himself told me to kill Vatnir." "He did? But Vatnir was his chosen, too... And yet, nothing lives forever. Not even the Beast of Winter." His hooded head sags. "But what are we supposed to do now?" 13 1. "My friend here saw it happen." 2. "You can't trust an eoten around food." "It's true!" one of the eotens shouts. "You <i>can't</i> trust an eoten!" "You <i>are</i> an eoten!" the other shouts in response. One of the eotens swings at the other, a wild blow that glances off of the second's shoulder before crashing into the rock, shaking the cliffs. The other grabs onto the attacker, and the pair struggle. Stones drop around you. 13 "My friend here saw it happen." "It's true!" one of the eotens shouts. "You <i>can't</i> trust an eoten!" "You <i>are</i> an eoten!" the other shouts in response. One of the eotens swings at the other, a wild blow that glances off of the second's shoulder before crashing into the rock, shaking the cliffs. The other grabs onto the attacker, and the pair struggle. Stones drop around you. 13 "You did what? Wh - why?" "She left me little choice. It was her or me." "I guess - I guess I understand. Thank you for finding her. Even if." Eyes glistening, she shakes her head and turns away. 13 "First the messenger, now Vatnir?! Is nothing sacred to you?" "I found him like this!" 1. "Oldest tale in the book, captain." 2. "But, then, who could have done this? Everyone loves Vatnir! They respect him! He speaks for the Beast of Winter!" 12 "What are you doing here?" [Lie] "I'm inspecting this place for the hazanui. Didn't you get the message?" 1. "I'm not falling for that. Not with your reputation." She narrows her eyes. 2. "Fine. But no open flames in here, understand? "And don't go downstairs." She gives you a final sharp look before returning to her duties. 12 "Impossible! A flame as bright as the Ancient's cannot be so easily extinguished." He shakes his head grimly. "The entire cavern collapsed. Everyone died." "How disturbing... and unfortunate. She would've been a mighty ally against Eothas." 12 "We're peaceful missionaries! We're not even armed!" The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "You don't look much like the slaving type... you're not from Crookspur?" 12 1. "You from the valleys? The Living Lands? Might've seen you shipping out of port a few years back." Her slit-pupiled eyes narrow. 2. "You're a hard one to miss, what with... all that." She gestures broadly, from your feet up to your head. "Oh, uh, hey. How's your... sister?" Scibéal wrinkles her brow, perhaps wondering if she'd got you wrong after all. 12 "I always knew that was a possibility. But to have hope shattered... What became of her?" "She attempted to enter the Beyond through the Vytmádh. It destroyed her utterly." "I guess - I guess I understand. Thank you for finding her. Even if." Eyes glistening, she shakes her head and turns away. 12 "What? I'm not - I'm needed, my people need me. Here." He wards you off with open palms. "Unlike you, I speak to the gods, and Rymrgand said you're going to help me." "He - he did?" Vatinr's startled wheezing intake of breath collapses into a fit of coughing. 11 "Really? If the Ancient is willing to aid us, why then did the brenthís perish?" [Lie] "The priestess tried to control the dragon, serving only to enrage the beast. I simply asked the dragon to help us." "We did have an agreement with the Ancient - I would expect her to honor it." 11 "But before we go any further, I must ask you - how do currently or how do you plan to discipline your slaves?" "Mind control. A trick I learned from an old friend, a vithrack. Twitchy but a good fellow." "Well, wouldn't that make my life easier. A fine cantrip, indeed." His ears perk up. 11 "They make it very difficult to, well, to get to Rymrgand's temple. Among other things." "I promise nothing." "I - I understand." She nods, attention falling to the floor. 11 And what would you do with forever? "Serve you faithfully." The dragon snorts, then shakes her head roughly. It almost gives the impression that she's chuckling. 11 A moment of silence passes in the chamber as the inquisitor peers down on you. "I too, strive to help others. Not through torture, though. Not through fear." "I pray that you truly believe that, and thus understand the necessity of this sentence." 10 1. "What reason does an attendant have to speak with me?" 2. "You are awfully curious for an attendant." He enunciates each word with perfect clarity, his voice cold. "I made a few bad investments and ended up here. I had hoped to speak with someone... successful." "A difficult position to be in. One to which I am not a stranger." He narrows his eyes and leans forward with interest. 10 But you do not desire to control me with it? The dragon narrows her eyes at you. [Lie] "I've no affinity for fire. Even if I tried, I couldn't control you." I concede, in this matter we are allied. 10 But you do not desire to control me with it? The dragon narrows her eyes at you. [Lie] "I've no affinity for fire. Even if I tried, I couldn't control you." I concede, in this matter we are allied. 10 But you do not desire to control me with it? The dragon narrows her eyes at you. [Lie] "I've no affinity for fire. Even if I tried, I couldn't control you." I concede, in this matter we are allied. 10 "That's a fairly insidious claim to make. What evidence have you to back it?" "I met a runaway slave who'd been sold from Crookspur. It just so happens, she was born in the Deadfire." He throws his head back and laughs. 10 "Master Kua is a busy man. As such his meetings are limited to our valued clientèle. You see?" "My lord has sent me to inspect your available stock. He is eager to make a sizable purchase - based on the favorability of my report." "Per complanca, aimoro. We welcome your business eagerly." Her eyes glitter acquisitively. 10 "I... that is..." He swallows thickly and looks to you as if to read the answer in your face. "This operation is under investigation by the crowned royals of Neketaka." The crowd sways. Heads shake and murmurs swell as expressions turn from annoyance to suspicious curiosity. Disquieted, the auctioneer claps her hands once to signal the sale's close. 10 "You did? Where is she? Is she - is she alive?" "I'm sorry. She didn't make it." "I always knew that was a possibility. But to have hope shattered... What became of her?" 10 "PFFFFFFT. WARMLING MAY FIND ROCK SHINY, BUT IT ONLY COLD, HARD NOTHING!" "You don't recognize the Stone of Winter Dusk? It wards the bearer from Rymrgand's influence. You'll never be cold, lonely, hungry, or sick, so long as you bear it on your person." "NEVER... LONELY?" Its eyes linger on the stone as it pushes the icy sphere into your hands. It grasps the stone relic, hugging it to its chest. 10 "Does the witness have testimony to present?" "She claimed to me to be a disciple of Iovara." 1. Xoti's lips part as if she might interrupt, but she instead falls silent. She puffs out her cheeks above crossed arms. 2. "I- I've done no such thing!" 10 "Does the witness have testimony to present?" "She claimed to me to be a disciple of Iovara." 1. Xoti's lips part as if she might interrupt, but she instead falls silent. She puffs out her cheeks above crossed arms. 2. "I- I've done no such thing!" 10 We would know - are you one more wizard in pursuit of unearned power? Or something other? "Yes. I am very wizard. [Player Name] the Magical, at your service." 1. Fassina crosses her arms and observes in quiet, unblinking disapproval. 2. An obvious deception. 3. "Watcher!" Aloth looks at you sidelong and grimaces, discreetly making a 'no' motion. 10 We would know - are you one more wizard in pursuit of unearned power? Or something other? "What's a wizard?" 1. An obvious deception. 2. "Watcher!" Aloth looks at you sidelong and grimaces, discreetly making a 'no' motion. 10 Tell us, interloper. What do you recall? "You were responsible for that one spell, right? The one with your name on it?" The Oracle's eyestalks quiver as concentrated frustration washes over you. 9 1. "As I said." She winks. 2. "The adra belongs to the Vailian Trading Company, aimico. Unless you plan to open a bathhouse to rival the one in Periki's Overlook, we will take no orders from you." [Lie] "If my client likes what you've got, this won't be my last order." Her ears twitch with barely-concealed interest. 9 "Please, enlighten me. How many slaves and of what type are you in the market for?" "I'm seeking to acquire several slaves for a household staff. I'll need four maids, a stableman, a seamstress, and a page." "Seven? Yes, I believe we can accommodate your needs." His lips curve wickedly upward. 9 "You have an audience with me. Ruāsare doesn't waste time on outsider vagrants." "I want to lavish my obeisance upon the mighty Wahaki leader, debasing myself before her excellence." Her expression flattens, and for a moment you think she is going to react poorly. Then her lips crack open as laughter bubbles up from deep in her belly. 9 "Never been much of a liar. Folks tend to see through." "You're a great liar. Your problem is you don't believe in yourself." "All right, I'll do like you said. I don't think she'll believe me, but I'll do it." 8 "INTRUDER! GROUNDMEAT IN THE MASTER'S SANCTUM! SCREE, SCREE!" The imp chirrups a call of extreme distress and flaps his wings wildly. "I'm looking for an exit or an outhouse. Whichever is closest." "BOWELS HEAVY, EH? WHY NOT USE CARPET? IMPS DO ALL THE TIME." 8 "EH... IS GROUNDMEAT ARKEMYR? MASTER GAVE US A PASSPHRASE. YOU REPEAT NOW!" The imp drifts closer, grinning and wagging his tongue between his fangs. "We stopped using passphrases. Everyone kept forgetting them, anyway." "WHAT? IS TRUE? CURSES... NO ONE TELLS ME ANYTHING." He hisses and claws at the air. 8 "WHAT YOU DO HERE? BIPED GROUNDWALK FILTH. WHAT YOU DO HERE, EH? WHY YOU TROUBLE YELLOW-EYE THREE?" "I'm Arkemyr's guest. He said to await him up here in the lounge." "GUEST? BAH! JUST ANOTHER STINKER TO LEAVE DROPPINGS ON MASTER'S RUG." 8 "IS MASTER? GIVE PASSPHRASE OR GET CHEWED TO MUSH!" He advances slowly, hooking his claws with eagerness. "We stopped using passphrases. Everyone kept forgetting them, anyway." "IS RIGHT? OR IS THAT PASSPHRASE? CANNOT REMEMBER..." Yellow-Eye Three scratches his head. 8 1. I think not. 2. Tell me, what riches will I glean from your corpse? What fine baubles am I soon to pick from my teeth? 3. I am the HEART of the fire! I cannot be controlled. Not by a giant's weak will, and not by a sputtering trinket. 4. Squeal and scurry or do not. I will suckle the marrow from your bones regardless soon enough. "Great creature of the Maw, are you not the least bit curious as to why I've come to speak with you?" Did you now... come to my den, to entreat my attention? She swivels her head to the side, studying you with a deadly intent. 8 "Really? If the Ancient is willing to aid us, why then did the brenthís perish?" "I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news... but the dragon has refused to fight Eothas." "Indeed, I feared the worst when the brenthís failed to return with the beast." 8 "In all likelihood, yes. But who knows how long that will be, how much these societies may change until then?" [Lie] "There is already an animancer in Ixamitl, Heichali, who is on the brink of making the same discoveries." "Then we shall visit her soon. As she is one of my nation, she will likely see the wisdom of refraining from future research." 8 "I must confess to you, a bit of a problem has arisen. One which speaks to your expertise with the supernatural. We've sighted the Floating Hangman that haunts the Deadfire." [Lie.] "I may have encountered it, myself, a time or two." "Yet you live? Madiccho! I have undervalued you, Watcher." He sniffs. 8 1. "Hm. Fair, vulpinet. It is difficult to keep everyone in fighting trim. You have a solution to offer?" 2. "Potions? And what good are these to me?" [Lie, and give him poison.] "Here. A potion of liquid adra." Menzzago considers the vial doubtfully. But not for long. There is feral hunger in the scrabbling lunge he makes for the bottle. He downs the contents in one long gulp. 8 1. "Watcher, you know I only play pretend under the sheets." She crosses her arms pointedly. 2. "A sacrifice, mighty one!" Kaali points at you. The worshipers around the circle raise their hands and cheer. "Nemnok, may I present Kaali - MY sacrifice to you." Silence fills the hall. Kaali's expression falls, his cheeks losing their color. Then Nemnok's jaws split into a wide grin. 8 [Lie] "I overheard some dockhands saying they saw him depart on a ship bound for Neketaka." "That so? Well then, seems I've got a few more days of sailing before me. If this info's good, ye've got me thanks." She bounces a coin purse in her hands, judging its weight, then tosses it to you. "It turns out ye've ****ted me? I'll be back for the coin and yer ship besides." She snaps a salute, turns on her heel, and walks away. 8 "You know your friends have been hiding food from you, right?" "What?!" both of the eotens roar, looking at one another. "You hid food?" they ask. "Have not!" they shout in unison. 1. "I could give you some food if you'd let me pass." 2. "My friend here saw it happen." 3. "You can't trust an eoten around food." 8 1. "Sorry, mate. Ain't available for the taking." 2. "Wouldn't be a mariner if I turned down a drink of rum... or pour out a dram for the lads." [Pretend to drink.] The man drinks eagerly. Given that he was half-sodden when you found him, it doesn't take long before he rests his head in his hands with an incoherent mumble. Moments later, he begins to snore. 8 The king regards you with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile just forming on his lips. "Your excellency, I have a few questions. I had hoped you would hear them." "You have proved yourself more polite than most. I will humor you - for a time." 8 1. "I do not see why not. Have I not aided you? Do I not deserve an answer?" 2. "You must tell me what transpired." She begins to reach out to you, but then lets her hand drop. Still, her hungry eyes search yours. 3. "What transpired? I saw the Vytmádh healed. What of the beast? Is it finally, truly slain?" "Neriscyrlas is no more." "You're lying." She frowns, though the expression quickly deepens into a scowl. 7 "It must have come undone from a basket or a mat. These things happen, I say." "You don't have to pretend. I already know you took the koīki." He blinks at you, his mouth falling open. At first it seems like he's going to protest, but then he simply hangs his head in surrender. 7 "And the envoy's medallion, what - it just washed ashore?!" The prince waves his arms in the air in a mock conjuration. "Maybe the pirates were baiting you with a false lead?" "Too clever for their kind by far, I say." He trails off and scratches his jaw, weighing the idea like the balance of a weapon. 7 Töla stares at you unsteadily, her eyes half-closed. "Quarno told me about you. He thinks you're important." "That's because I am!" She gives you a broad grin that she finishes off with the belch as loud as cannon fire. 7 "I'm afraid you cannot. The vanguard is reserved for the most faithful among us. You have not even joined the Partisans." "I have followed the lighted path all the way from its origin in Dyrwood as a grand pilgrimage." "Perhaps you do have the glow of someone prepared to lead the charge." 7 "Why would they permit a kith deeper into the Maw?" [Lie] "They know you need my help." "At any other time, no Rathun would accept aid from a mere kith. But you are right." 7 "Impossible! A flame as bright as the Ancient's cannot be so easily extinguished." He shakes his head grimly. [Lie] "Her soul was drained just like the Rathun who Eothas consumed." "How disturbing... and unfortunate. She would've been a mighty ally against Eothas." 7 [Lie] "They were very fine shoes." "They were?" She blinks, large amethyst eyes flitting between you and Serafen. "This yer captain then, now? What happened to Furrante?" She cants her attention back to Serafen. 7 She stares at you intently for several moments, her eyes as unreadable as the mask that hides her features. -NONE FOUND- "I sense... no deception in your words. Could it be we've wronged so many?" She closes her eyes beneath her mask for several heartbeats. 7 "Lower that. Let's talk." Bearn waits, the vial now clutched in one hand at chest height. "We found evidence Bosc is a phony." "That's right. That, uh, that vision of his, he got it from another Dawnstar." Bosc scowls. 7 Serafen blinks at you, then spits out some muttered invectives to sell the lie. Grinning, Malnaj plucks a purse from her belt, and tosses it to you. She chuckles. "Apologies, Serafen. Seems yer trust were misplaced. Thank ye kindly, captain. If this tip ends up worth a damn, I'll be the first raising yer name up the main mast." Her eyes narrow. 7 "What can I do for you?" "You all benefit from the coin I spend on the ship and its provisions. I wish I could spare more for each of you, but I can't." 1. "It's not that we don't appreciate your position, captain." [Specified 0] looks to the other mates, who nod in agreement. "But this is dangerous work, and we need more than words for recompense." 2. [Specified 0] rubs the back of her head. "I suppose that makes sense." The sailors share glances with one another. "We'll get out of your hair, captain." 3. [Specified 0] rubs the back of his head. "I suppose that makes sense." The sailors share glances with one another. "We'll get out of your hair, captain." 7 1. "Sweet hoarfrost and dead gods... that's all that's left? Did you... did you harm the Vytmádh?" 2. "You jest! The beast's truly gone? And the Vytmádh?" 3. "The messenger is dead? But, what of the Vytmádh?" 4. "Incredible... and the Vytmádh? Does it persist? Or did you hide it in a box somewhere?" 5. "Don't - ? That's a tall order! You went to the temple, right? You have to tell us something!" 6. "She's not - you can't just - Ugh! What about the temple? No harm came to the Vytmádh, I pray?" 7. "Fair enough, I - suppose, but what of the Vytmádh?" 8. "Don't worry about it? But, but what of the Vytmádh?" [Lie] "The way remains open. With time, the ice will consume the world." 1. "All glory in all decay! All praise the Beast of Winter!" The gathered Harbingers raise their voices in a chorus of cheered prayer. 2. The Harbingers look to one another, relief visible on the few hoodless faces. Vatnir steps forward and raises a hand. 7 1. "But - but you met the Beast of Winter! Surely you understand the importance of our work here!" 2. "We protect the temple! We sing the songs of winter and call down the cold!" "I <i>killed</i> the Beast of Winter." Gasps rise from the crowd of Harbingers. 6 "It truly works? You mean to say that the animancers have learned how to... transport people?" Príncipo Tarvisi leans forward in his chair, watching you intently. "I'm sure you don't need me to tell you the practical applications." "Certainly not." 6 "No, that's... Don't be ridiculous. You traveled to Crookspur on his behalf." [Lie] "How DARE you. I'd never have anything to do with slavers!" 1. "Enough. Castol, what do you have to say for yourself?" 2. You can feel the mood turn as the merchant lords set irritable glares upon Alvari. 6 "How do we get past this, captain?" Maia crosses her arms and squeezes her shoulders. "Whatever we do, you only have to worry about it if we get caught." "I'm out to save more than my skin, captain. Still, it's a tempting argument." 6 "W-what?" He blinks. "Yep, this is my neighborhood. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me." They're nodding along, all except the leader, who's squinting at you as if searching his memory. 6 1. "Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare us off." 2. "I knew it! Dereo figured you were gonna cross him, and now he's sent the Steel Garrote after us!" "Dereo wanted to keep this theft a secret. You're a loose end." A few of the thugs shuffle their feet nervously. 6 "The mosaic is an ancient work of art! Such marvels must be preserved." His fingers continue working at his hem. "Gwenfin already told me it's Ukaizo that interests you. I just wanted to know why." "She is lucky that I value her other skills so highly." He frowns. 6 "And who are you to be asking? This is my crew, and they listen to me." But uncertainty lingers in the air like a sour stench. "But does Perin? It would be convenient for him if something happened to you." He shrinks back. 6 "...No? Someone is coming for me, and they will know my amulet." "You should have faith that this seer will find you without it. That's the true test." "Perhaps... perhaps you have a point." He gently tugs the amulet off over his head. He holds it in his palm a moment, his expression unreadable, then hands it to you. 6 1. [Lie] "Er, yes. Of course." 2. "I take my orders from the gods themselves." "Then they have sent you to your death, aumaua. "I owe them thanks. We are in lean times, here on Splintered Reef." "Decades of work, undone by a nasenale. "I have few hobbies with which to fill these long hours, and now I am denied even this!" 6 "The boss sent me to make sure you idiots don’t stand around gawking at the bonfire." The woman on the right, a scarred elf, glances at the masked leader. "Think he sent someone to check up on us? Sounds like him, don't it?" 1. "Get out of here. Now!" 2. "Dereo and I have history. Sheathe those weapons and I'll forget you drew them." 3. [Set up an ambush while they are confused.] 6 [Specified 1] nods. "Your orders, captain?" [Publicly chastise [Specified 0], then sneak her grog.] "Haul the thief to the deck." You have [Specified 0] hauled on deck, making it clear that she'll have no more grog, and if you catch her filching again, she'll skip straight past lashes to keelhauling. By the time you finish, [Specified 0] quakes in terror, and most of the rest of the crew has paled, too. Later you sneak [Specified 0] a flask, warning her to keep the show of generosity quiet, lest you be forced to make an example of her. 6 [Specified 1] nods. "Your orders, captain?" [Publicly chastise [Specified 0], then sneak him grog.] "Haul the thief to the deck." You have [Specified 0] hauled on deck, making it clear that he'll have no more grog, and if you catch him filching again, he'll skip straight past lashes to keelhauling. By the time you finish, [Specified 0] quakes in terror, and most of the rest of the crew has paled, too. Later you sneak [Specified 0] a flask, warning him to keep the show of generosity quiet, lest you be forced to make an example of him. 6 "My great hall stands open for all who would pay fealty to their beloved king. "Why are you here?" [Lie.] "A coven of Eora's greatest archmages sent me here from the future." "Does my name still ring out in those distant halls? Do the people still refer to King Wingauro o Watūri I as the dragon of Deadfire?" 5 "Our village has troubles, ekera? I go here to set mine afloat on Ngati's back." He nods to indicate the peaceful lapping of waves. "Don't be so anxious. I'm here to help." "How could you know about..." Rongi narrows his eyes and shakes his head. He seems totally disbelieving, but sighs and releases the tension in his shoulders. 5 [Lie] "Elves? I don't know any elves." "I guess I was mistaken. Apologies for the trouble, stranger." Kahn shrugs, and an impish, teasing smile spreads across her round face. "Listen, the guy I'm looking for owes me a lot of money. Five thousand coppers. You help me find him, and I'll give you twenty percent." 5 "That wolf he calls 'Mother' would have us live out our days polishing Bardatto silver!" Orso spits at the ground between them. "The Huana are gathering reinforcements to storm this position. They should be here any second." "Merla! Scatter!" Larro whistles to his attendants, and they break apart in a disorganized exodus from the scene. 5 "It is unusual for a man of my standing to give such a thing away." "I shouldn't say this, but I'm on a mission from the palace. A symbol as important as the cornett would help." "Truly?" He leans in, his eyes wide and eager. 5 1. "Ernezzo is careful. Cautious. And you would blackmail him? This is not done, aimico." He clucks sadly. 2. "And now he sends one of Woedica's stranglers to clean it up? "Ernezzo is prepared to deal with you." "Beware - one signal from me, and the wrath of the Mataru will fall on this place." He snorts. "Braggarts and drunkards pay little mind to the mess that spills from their lips. And yet..." Ernezzo strokes his beard, measuring you with his gaze. 5 "A much better swordswoman than you, to start." "If you're not careful, I might stick you in a rotghast and leave you there." A shock of cold crackles down the length of the blade. It seems about to speak a moment, to argue, then abruptly sighs. 5 Tell us, interloper. What do you recall? "He wore a mask?" 1. The Oracle's eyestalks quiver as concentrated frustration washes over you. 2. Serafen side eyes you and shakes his head. 4 "The snake brought this on himself, I say. Now Mukūmu will deliver him to Tangaloa's maw, where he belongs." Pekeho nods slowly. "Sounds like the type of story a koīki thief would tell." "Tamau is the thief! Ekera, day and night I catch fish for the tribe." Pekeho shakes his head, chest heaving as the smell of perspiration thickens. 4 "You don't plan on staying here, ac? Why not let us tag along and see if we can reunite with our... what we left behind?" She spreads her palms open in a show of benevolence. [Lie] "Once I'm gone, swim up to the edge of the adra and I'll chisel you out." "Postenago, even I know the Beyond isn't some giant fishbowl." 4 [Lie] "Oh, sure, I've seen him loads of times." "You have? Where?" 1. [Lie] "Port Maje." 2. [Lie] "Back in Caed Nua." 3. "Forgive me, I was having a laugh." 4. [Lie] "Down by the docks." 4 "I... do not understand. We have done nothing wrong." The sailor looks from his fellows back to you with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "It's nothing personal - there's just an angry ghost right where you're standing, and I mean to banish it." "Bah! Joking! There's no... I... No, really?" The sailor swallows and glances over his shoulder. 4 "Tell you what - five hundred pires and you get the exclusive story." [Lie] "I already heard what happened from Arkemyr himself. I'm just curious to hear your version." "And I bet he was laughing the whole time." The puppet's wooden hands clench, vibrating slightly with barely contained fury. 4 "HEY! WHAT YOU DOING IN FASSINA'S ROOM? NO CUSTOMERS ALLOWED." In a showing of courtesy as practiced as it is grudging, the imp gestures for you to leave by the way you came. "I'm a special customer." "EH? SPECIAL? FINE. STUPID FASSINA NEVER TELLS ME ANYTHING..." The imp flutters away, mumbling dejected curses. 4 1. "Those sound like the words of a man at the end of his rope." She holds her blade at neck level and makes a slicing motion. 2. "Besides, you're here, aren't you?" She jabs her blade toward you. 3. "I ain't failed just yet! Not when I got you cornered." 4. "And I'm gonna sell that thing on my own." 5. "Not without the Cornett of Waves." She inches closer, brandishing a blade. "Listen, Dereo didn't send me after some trinket. He sent me to get rid of you." The advancing thugs hesitate. She turns to them, her filed teeth bared in a scowl. 4 "What do you require?" [Lie] "Orron? Someone downstairs is asking for you - something about trouble at the adra mill." "Damn. If that thing burns while we're still here..." He rises and hurries out of the room. 4 "State your business. I mean it. Spill your guts or spill your blood." [Lie] "I came to see your captain." 1. "Port's closed to outsiders. So I'll be seeing you off now - into Ondra's embrace." With an audible crack of his neck, he lunges for you, cutlass swiping. 2. "If you've come to see Mad Morena, gods shield your soul." He swipes the cutlass to point at the squat fort along the eastern lip of the cavern. 4 "We've have had to work around such limitations before." [Lie] "You're leaving? How dreadful. I didn't realize." "A good performance. I'm sure you'll do very well for yourself in the times ahead." 4 "Our lives aren't a game. I know you want to do right by the Roparu. I do, too. But I can't go kicking a hornet's nest to do it." "There is no other option. The Roparu will starve." She thumbs the bridge of her nose, a low contemplative noise rumbling in her throat. 4 "That explains the rumors the Vailians are scaling up in Queen's Berth. "I'd hoped you would stop them." His expression doesn't change, but you can feel his dissatisfaction like a shift in the temperature. [Lie] "My powers don't work that way. There was nothing I could do." He nods slowly. It's hard to tell whether he believes this, but when he speaks again, there's an abrupt shift in his demeanor. 4 The living were meant to forget Ukaizo. Nothing can be gained of remembering it. Amid the general ire of the construct's thoughts, you feel a sharp jab delivered to your mind. "If I rest my legs while we chat, it'll make for a better fight for us both." The Gates of Ukaizo regard you in disgruntled, calculating silence. 4 "What do you mean you don't know? You're one of us ain't you - Príncipi, through and through?" "I drink too much. Makes me forget things." "Aye. Who isn't a sodden prick around here? You're in good company." 4 "Oughtn't you to know that, though?" "I drink too much. Makes me forget things." "Aye. Who isn't a sodden prick around here? You're in good company." 4 "Wait, a minute... You mean to say, you don't know Benny's crew...?" "What are you talking about, you souse?" "Right. What were we talking about? Eh, piss it. Give me another drink." 4 "Well, sure. But shouldn't you know this... on account of you being a captain?" She tilts her head back, gazing suspiciously at you from beneath her lashes. "I used to sail for Furrante. He runs things differently." "That he does, the master rogue. You should've come to us sooner. We're accepting of even old bloods if they're wanting to run fresh." 4 "How do I know you're aren't cozying up with outsider lies?" "I want Crookspur gone for good. We both have everything to gain from this." "If you're lying to me... you're hitting all the right spots." Kipeha sighs, clenching her fists at her sides. 3 He pores over the sheet, his lips moving all the while. The way his eyes travel over the words leave you in little doubt that he fails to understand them. "Ekera, it is as you say." He returns the papers, his expression impassive. 3 "You look like you ought to be hauling wagons for a living. You expect me to believe you're a server here?" "I really need the money." "Yeah, well, we don't want anything. Get out." 3 1. "A threat? Di verus? We are the sons of the wealthiest families in Deadfire." 2. "Then you will die unfulfilled!" Orso shakes his head and huffs. "Keep talking and I'll draw your soul into the great beyond." "Merla! Scatter!" Larro whistles to his attendants, and they break apart in a disorganized exodus from the scene. 3 "Then you speak of a barter! That is different. "What do you propose?" He twists a ring around his finger as he fixates on the elaborate stained glass. Each pane must cost a small fortune. "Your neighbors boast of bigger houses. Add a spire to spite them." He winces as though you've struck a mortal blow. 3 NO. My soul is not for the taking. Not by you or any of the outsider spirit-thieves! "If you're afraid, just say so." I do not know fear. His eyes narrow further. 3 You have the rod and the wherewithal to set me free. I see no reason why we shouldn't leave at the same time! He snaps his jaws with an audible clack. "I need to make sure the coast is clear before we break you free. The Huana have nets, harpoons." Hmm... how very shrewd of them. I am unlikely to fall into the same trap as I did in the days of Periki, but I am too weak to chance it. 3 But the way they're all gathered around you, leaving their own backs exposed, tells you they haven't been here long, either. "How convenient. YOU just walked into MY trap." "W-what?" He blinks. 3 "Then what would he want with it?" One hand finds her hip. The other keeps her blade pointed at you. "Frame someone. Anyone with a stolen relic like that would be in trouble with the Palace." "Then I guess you think you've saved me a mess, that it?" She pauses, her eyes darting from you to the currently empty streets as she thinks. At last, she sheathes her weapon. 3 1. You come across a corner where a pair of thugs - a man and a woman - have surrounded a Huana man. He has a potbelly and a nervous expression, and he's backed himself as far into the corner as he can. The thugs advance. "It's an exchange. You pay us, and we don't hurt you." 2. One of the thugs turns to you and looks you up and down. "Or else what?" "The Mataru are coming. You'd better run unless you want to see the bottom of the Old City." The thugs look at one another. "I'm not taking any chances." They hurry away, but not before shooting a final look of warning at their erstwhile victim. 3 You're walking along when several hooded figures materialize out of the darkness. "Not so fast. You gotta pay a toll if you wanna visit Delver's Row." [Lie] "Last time I came through, there was a man with a scar. I paid him." They shrug and stand aside. 3 "What?! She's up to no good, I know it!" "I can vouch for her. She won't make trouble." The guard makes a frustrated sound at the back of her throat. 3 "Why? What are their laws to us? The Vailians do their best to cheat us in every contract. The Vailians would not treat her fairly." "I promise that she will get a fair trial." "Then... I agree. "The Vailians will see that we respect their laws. Perhaps they will begin to respect ours as well." 3 "You must have me mistaken for someone else. This is not a name which I know." He shrugs. "Of course it is. You have orders to follow her every move." 1. He takes stock of the pallor of your skin, pursing his lips doubtfully. 2. He pales, glancing left and right with alarm. 3 Oh, little morsel. Did you think I would permit you to leave? No, you must stay and feast with me. "Let me go now, and I'll bring you a feast fit for a queen. Later." Shall you? I do so like making deals. The dragon cranes her neck out to scent you, puffing hot air across your skin. 3 1. "Either you've come to buy slaves. Or the master has no time for you." 2. "Know you where you are? This is Crookspur." "Ah, yes. The auction. That's why I'm here." "If anyone is to hurry, it should be you. I grow tired of opening and closing the gate." His chest heaves as he cranks the winch to raise the heavy grating. 3 She stares at you intently for several moments, her eyes as unreadable as the mask that hides her features. -NONE FOUND- "Even should you speak truthfully, you must see the wisdom of these proceedings. Imagine the greater good achieved by dispensing the reckoning this filth deserves." 3 "Some woman. I don't know." "If you're not careful, I might stick you in a rotghast and leave you there." A shock of cold crackles down the length of the blade. It seems about to speak a moment, to argue, then abruptly sighs. 3 "A Huana who speaks for agents of Rauatai is no friend of the tribes. She and her... bird will share in his fate." He sweeps his hand to encompass Maia and Harama both. "I already know that I'm going to walk away from this. How certain are you?" The ringleader takes in a sharp breath, examining the faces of his neighbors and fellow tribesmen. 3 The king regards you with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile just forming on his lips. "Isn't that right, Fassina?" "Ac... The tales of your conquests are inscribed in the Library of a Thousand Grimoires." Fassina clears her throat and tips up her chin with authority. 2 "We asked not to be disturbed. What are you doing here?" He grips his weapon and studies you closely. "Sorry. They sent me here to take your drink order." 1. "You look like you ought to be hauling wagons for a living. You expect me to believe you're a server here?" 2. "Yeah, well, we don't want anything. Get out." 2 1. Baer eyes you warily, awaiting your reaction. 2. "Zili is family! I told him so he wouldn't try to get involved or stand in our way." [Bluff/Lie] "I know you're after the adra! Your partner squealed. The jig is up." The pair exchange quizzical looks. Baer recovers first and shakes his head. 2 "The Bardattos sent you, right? No need to kill me over a family tiff, eh?" "The Bardattos know about the plan, and this is your one chance to quit while you're ahead." "You killed Baer and call yourself... Eccosi, I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around that one." 2 "While I am barred from the company office, I can do nothing for my people." Tawenu worries one of the many tassels adorning his garb. "I'm a legal clerk myself. If I'm going to represent you, I'll need payment up front." "Ekera, the gods have steered us together, friend! Take all that you need to get started." He dumps two palmfuls of coppers into your hands. 2 "I'm telling you - not friend to not friend - there's just no room for compromise." He burps into his sleeve. "No one in the Republics would fault you for making a tidy profit on the side." "Gellarde, that is true enough." Luca sways on his feet and regards you with momentary respect. 2 1. "Oh. Sorry to disappoint, then. I'm having an imp of a time with this piece." He offers you a sheepish grin. 2. "Oh, sure. What about?" [Lie] "I hear you're the one to talk to about certain kinds of jobs." "Ugh, it was Persa, wasn't it? Is she recruiting again?" Zili scowls. 2 "Proprietary. You understand?" [Lie] "I would <i>never</i>!" "When first I saw you, I knew you were a trustworthy sort. I knew!" He clasps your hands in his. 2 "FOUND... NEAR VAULT. KEEP SAFE FOR MASTER. TOO SHINY TO LEAVE LYING AROUND." "Uh oh. You didn't realize that you're holding Arkemyr's Cursed Lens?" "WH... WHAT? CRYSTAL HARMS YELLOW-EYE THREE? WHAT MEANS YOU?" He ponders the crystal - closing one eye and holding it up close to the other. 2 "Been trying to find a way past without losing a leg or getting a face-full of poison." "You're afraid of a few snares? You coward. No wonder those pirates ran us aground." "What! You... you puffed-up... You'd have been far worse off without me fighting for you!" Beodul's face goes an impressive shade of ruddy purple. He puffs out his chest. 2 "Hylea's ****, what're you doing that for?!" "Don't test me. I can take this up to a shriek." "All right. All right, just... keep your boots on. We're leaving. Thorel wants us out on the street so bad, so be it." 2 "Those who try to steal fish from Ngati's jaws come to lose their hands." Ikawha regards you with weary suspicion, glancing pointedly at the offering bowl. "Me? I didn't take anything." "It is only a warning." She turns back around. 2 "What in blazes is the matter with you? We heard screaming. I said 'clear the room,' not 'murder everyone inside!'" "They attacked me. I had no choice but to defend myself." "No choice? Berath's bells, I should have thought twice about asking for your help!" Thorel runs the back of his hand across his sweat-damp forehead. 2 "You're lucky I don't call the guards!" "You do that and I might get carried away again." "...Ondra take me. Fine. But I'm not making the servants clean that mess up. That's my limit." 2 "You must have me mistaken for someone else. This is not a name which I know." He shrugs. "Maia, take aim at his knee. Shoot to wound." "With pleasure." She **** back the hammer of her gun and aims down, closing one eye. 2 1. "I don't have time for these games. Be well." He begins to leave with a sense of purpose, frowning to himself. 2. "Do we have a problem, friend?" He glances from Maia back to you. "Listen to me. You're being followed." 1. He takes stock of the pallor of your skin, pursing his lips doubtfully. 2. He pales, glancing left and right with alarm. 2 "I came here looking for you. The people on the coast said you could help me." The man snorts, a sound not unlike that of a hog. "They always think they know better, than this kith in this wood. Then when they need help, they always go ask me." "You go speak quickly, then. Your words disturb this place." 2 "So you're afraid of losing to another kith?" One of the swimmers snorts. "We fear nothing, ekera! Then let the foreign [Player Race] swim." The woman turns back to you. "If you wish swim, then swim you should." She nods and motions you towards the channel. "Then go join the others at the water's edge. Leave your clothes upon the rocks, and they will warm you after." 1 [Lie] "Nope." "You'll need to try a bit harder than that if you want to put one over on me." She rolls her eyes at you. "So, where'd you see him?" 1 "You are here for that skinny little Vailian?" [Lie] "I'm here under Governor Clario's authority." "He sends you for this? The injured pride of a drunk?" She laughs hoarsely. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, Party Assist, continued Diplomacy Reveal hidden contents 23 Unproductive to debate with a vessel. You will understand shortly when your song joins Ours. "This is wrong. You're clearly more than some parasite." The colony pauses. A dozen eye stalks sprout and observe you in lidless fascination. 20 "If you wish to fault a prisoner for attempting escape, so be it. This seeker will not be caged forever." "From one seeker to another, having it all end in violence is a waste of all your efforts. You could still be a seeker - one seeking the mysteries of the Wheel." "You would describe the end of a mind in such poetic terms? Did Rymrgand send you?" 17 "An ally of the crown would do anything to preserve our way of life. To see that the Huana prosper, I say!" "Without empathy and mercy, you will soon find yourself surrounded by enemies." She blinks and raises a hand to her lips as your words sink in. Courtiers around the garden take hesitant steps closer. 17 "I'm just passing through." The man stares at you for a long moment before speaking, his brow drawn into a hard knot. Then he grunts, more in annoyance than in anger, and crosses his arms. "You may pass, but do not linger. If we should we meet again, there will be no civil exchange of words." 17 "I do not negotiate for the sword." "A ship can be replaced, the sword cannot. I'll give you the sword if you exchange your ship for mine." "Your ship is a piece of driftwood. But for the sword, I will take it." 17 "Wake up down the way at Vilario's Rest, nothing but the clothes on my back and this coin clutched tight in my grip. Come up here looking for work, for a ship to get me off of this backwater island." He takes a long swig from his mug. "It's not your fault, you know. Blame the pirates. Or your captain for fighting." "Maybe you ain't wrong. Maybe I'm no soul-weak coward, just a sad, fortune-favored bastard." 17 Maura's head **** to the side slightly, setting her loose eye to swinging back and forth. "I'm searching, too. Or rather, I was looking for Maura. Or what Maura was doing." The creature's posture straightens, but it head declines in a shallow nod. It almost seems to be considering your words. 16 "You want me to do business with the undead? This is a mad deal, even for me." "With the undead as allies, you'd never need to hire mercenaries again. "Suppose I could broker a deal for one or two... to start. See how it pans out." He nods, greed already gleaming in his eyes. 16 "Hm. Fair, vulpinet. It is difficult to keep everyone in fighting trim. You have a solution to offer?" "You don't need to eat kith, when you can consume luminous adra. The Vailian Trading Company produces potions by the gallon, and I can negotiate a supply." "Potions? And what good are these to me?" 16 "Only acolytes, ogres, and nāga go down there, and any of them would chew you to pieces." His smirk grows wider still, flashing a hint of teeth. "It's none of your affair if I get myself killed on the way down." "Huh. A glimmer of reason pokes through that dense fog." Kinnuq raises his brows. 16 1. "Here, I've this ring. From the temple. Such magic! Trade it for the fluid? Or coin? I've coin. Four thousand coins!" 2. "Oh, of course. I'd be willing to offer this magical ring I found in the temple in trade. Or, if you'd prefer coin, I can offer four thousand copper pires." "I want both." "Both?" He hisses. 15 "I do not negotiate for the sword." "I'll give you the sword <i>and</i> a very good ship - mine in exchange for yours. Why not take the deal?" "Your ship appears to be a suitable trade. For the sword, I will take it." 14 Smoke curls from the Ancient's nostrils as she tips her face closer. "You are a creature to be revered! Your eminence derives not from your ability to mindlessly slaughter - no, as any dragon could do that - but from your ability to show mercy to your devoted followers." The dragon preens, and her eyes flare bright as embers. 14 "You're clearly very upset. Is there anything we can do to help you?" The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "You're - you're not sent from Crookspur? If you're not here to take us back, you should leave. Leave this island. Gods, leave the Deadfire even!" 14 1. "Were there something else you wanted, Watcher? I've got friends to forget." The man doesn't look up from his mug. 2. "Wake up down the way at Vilario's Rest, nothing but the clothes on my back and this coin clutched tight in my grip. Come up here looking for work, for a ship to get me off of this backwater island." He takes a long swig from his mug. "It's not your fault, you know. Blame the pirates. Or your captain for fighting." "Maybe you ain't wrong. Maybe I'm no soul-weak coward, just a sad, fortune-favored bastard." 14 1. "Here, I've this ring. From the temple. Such magic! Trade it for the fluid? Or coin? I've coin. Four thousand coins!" 2. "Oh, of course. I'd be willing to offer this magical ring I found in the temple in trade. Or, if you'd prefer coin, I can offer four thousand copper pires." "Make it eight thousand copper, and you've got a deal." "Well... you did bring back quite a lot of the stuff. Fine. Here." 14 "I hate my limitations, my hungers, my frailty. The Beast can suck my marrow and discard me - this is true perfection." She knocks on the iron shell, this time with more conviction. "Or you could accept yourself as you are. Stop indulging in this fantasy of a fresh start." "Maybe I'm guilty of... hoping for something I'm not. But there's no room for hope in the Beast's clutches, is there?" Her finger trails away from the construct. 13 1. "Why should we believe you are any different?" Autumn's question is a genuine one. She is intent to hear you out. 2. "Forgive me, captain... but how can I fault anyone for standing their ground against Rauatai? "Disobedience is a lesson that more of us must learn." "Your disagreement with the Royal Deadfire Company endangers the island. I want to make peace." "Eloquent though your words may be, they will build no peace between us and the invaders. They or we must leave this island, and we shall not be moved." 13 "Easy there. We mean you no harm." The xaurip shaman steps forward, feathered headdress swaying. It chitters, points towards the horizon, then points towards a pouch hanging from its waist. The other xaurips nod. 1. You have no idea what it's trying to say. 2. It seems to be offering you something to go away. 13 1. You begin your grisly work, only to notice too late the sound of boots all around you. A group of brigands, well-armed and armored, have the wagon surrounded. One steps forward, chuckling. "Look at what we've got here. A big fish." 2. The brigands leap to their feet and spin upon you weapons flashing as they slide free of scabbards. One of them blinks, agape. "Seriously? You had us near to sneak-slit and you hailed us? What's your game?" "Nobody gets anything out of a fight between us. Let's just go our separate ways." 1. "These scum will gladly prey on more travelers after we've gone. They don't deserve proper graves, much less mercy." Pallegina sets her jaw and you can already see wisps of flame forming on her fingertips. 2. "Hear that? Nobody gets anything out of a fight here!" The brigands laugh at their leader's statement. His gaze meets yours. "Nobody save the ones who live. Kill them all!" 13 I could teach you much, were I so inclined. I am afraid, however, that we will not be afforded the opportunity. "We could have the opportunity. We could have forever." 1. She cranes her neck, lowering her head towards you. Her breath reeks of rotten meat and mildewed tomes. 2. Silence hangs on the air as the dragon considers your proposal. 13 "If you continue to spout such ridiculous madness, you shall be escorted from these halls." Her voice quivers. "You're seeking the truth, aren't you? Then don't blind yourself to it." The inquisitor takes a step from you, and beyond her, the accused looks up. Their mouths open in unison, then close again. 12 "I'll talk them into it." "How fun. I only wish I might be there to hear the discussion." "So be it. We are agreed, aimico. The bargain is struck." 12 "I could give you some food if you'd let me pass." The eotens exchange a long look. "Are listening with all ears," one of them says. "What offers little softling?" "Make it good," the second grunts. 1. [Offer Candied Nuts.] "These are both delicious and healthy." 2. "How about this baby boar? So fresh it's still kicking." 3. [Offer Aged Shark Meat.] "Do you like shark? I've got some finely aged shark meat." 4. "On second thought..." 5. [Offer Hardtack.] "I've got some tasty... bread... here." 6. [Offer Captain's Banquet.] "I've got a full banquet of delicious seafood I could give you." 7. [Offer Vegetables.] "You look like you could use some vegetables. Fresh from Neketaka." 12 "Killing each other only creates more problems. Put down your weapons, and let's discuss this like civilized kith." [Specified 0] sneers, but it’s a defeated sort of anger, like a badger caught in a trap. The mariner's weapon falls to the deck, and the other mutineers reluctantly follow suit. [Specified 1] steps forward, baton in hand. "Let them go," [Specified 0] says. "They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me. I take full responsibility for this." [Specified 1] looks at you. Diplomacy wouldn’t work if you backslid every time. You spoke for peace... 1. "Keelhaul [Specified 0]." 2. "Flog them all." 3. "We need to put this behind us. Let them get back to work." 4. "Keelhaul one of them. I don’t care who." 5. "Let them go. But [Specified 0]'s on latrine duty for perpetuity." 12 1. "I'm just here to offer prayers to the gods of death. Surely they want all of the faithful they can get." 2. "All we want is to pray. We'll be out of your hair after, I swear it." "Funny thing these Huana believe - that the whole world's inside Berath. I suppose they see one thing straight... There ain't but two kinds of people in the world - the living, and the dead." He looks you over and sighs. "Gods alive, I do believe I'm going soft in my old age. Come on, boys. Let's leave these poor sods to their prayers." As the group leaves, you kneel and finish your prayers. When you rise, you feel the eyes of Berath on your actions and her blessing upon your soul. 12 1. "So you killed him? How are we to know you're not lying to us?" 2. "But, then, who could have done this? Everyone loves Vatnir! They respect him! He speaks for the Beast of Winter!" "Look around you. He had a secret room. What else was he hiding?" Hafjórn's hooded face turns away as the Harbinger rubs the back of his head. 12 "Enough with this madness!" "You don't have to keep putting yourself through this." The accused's face falls, and you see tears fall from her cheeks. 12 "You have your choice. Accept my chime, or remain here." "I'm still a tool of the gods. Why destroy me now?" "A tool has finite uses. Cast your eyes across my realm, and see what becomes of the gods' tools when they are through with them." 12 1. "You'll have an archmage's ear. Isn't that enough?" 2. "An archmage will owe you a favor. That's a rare boon." "I'd find a new spell crafted by the legendary archmage Llengrath more enticing." "That's not an unreasonable request. I'll consider it." 11 "GO AWAY! THIS PLACE NOT YOUR HOME! YOU PROBABLY DIE HERE!" "I understand that you're attached to the relic. But perhaps we could find a way we both get what we want..." "EH! ALL WANTS IS BALL! HAS BALL ALREADY." 11 Is that why those others cling to you? Your benevolence? The dragon's head cranes to the side as she peers down at you. "I'm not beneficent. I just fix what's broken." You would fix me, then? 10 I cannot keep Rauatai in check if they do not recognize our strength! The guild can outlast this, but our enemies will test us beyond what we can endure. "You can't afford to lose friends, Onekaza." "You think I do not know this?" Onekaza's lips peel back in a grimace. 10 "Mind what sort of words you care to toss around - especially about a trader making a profitable go of it at Crookspur." [Lower your voice.] "I only meant, it would be in your best interest to gain an ally for your endeavors." "Make no mistake, lovesome." After a cautious glance around, Seafol leans closer to mutter her next words. 10 "If what you say is true, well, you'll pay for my losses - with your lifeblood." "Once the freed Wahaki report what you've done, you'll be hanged. Your only chance is to flee - now." Pale faced, he turns once more toward his guard. 10 "If what you say is true, well, you'll pay for my losses - with your lifeblood." "Once the freed Wahaki report what you've done, you'll be hanged. Your only chance is to flee - now." Pale faced, he turns once more toward his guard. 10 "We have other interests, of course. Beating back the Vailian incursion, settling colonies, securing our future. Nothing you don't already know, I'm sure." "Nation-building is a delicate enterprise." "Surely I have no idea what you mean." 10 1. "Unless there's something else you need, I think we're done here." He turns away and begins fiddling with something beneath the bar. As he does, you spy red-handled pistols stuffed into the band of his breeches. 2. "I made my position on that clear. You think I've changed my mind?" He gives you a cold stare. "If folks hear you're keeping a debtor as a slave, they might not be so keen to gamble here, savvy?" "That's a shrewd observation. Maybe you're not so easy a mark after all." He rubs at the stubble along his jaw, lost in thought. Then he shrugs and flashes you that too-bright grin. 10 "Can [Player Animal Companion] here join in your... grub game?" The xaurips examine [Player Animal Companion] warily. The one in the feathered headdress squawks, raising both skinny fists towards the sky, and the others join in, a chorus of shrieking. It seems like an affirmative. 1. "Go easy on them, [Player Animal Companion]." 2. "Tear those grubs apart!" 3. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 10 "I know these are lean times. As soon as I can get you more food, I will. Just hold out until then." The crew nod at your words, exchanging weak smiles. As you finish, [Specified 1] begins a round of clapping which, while heartfelt, is hardly resounding. Reassured, the hands shuffle back towards their duties. You seem to have defused the situation... for now. 10 "Killing each other only creates more problems. Put down your weapons, and let's discuss this like civilized kith." [Specified 0] sneers, but it’s a defeated sort of anger, like a badger caught in a trap. The mariner's weapon falls to the deck, and the other mutineers reluctantly follow suit. [Specified 1] steps forward, baton in hand. "Let them go," [Specified 0] says. "They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me. I take full responsibility for this." [Specified 1] looks at you. Diplomacy wouldn’t work if you backslid every time. You spoke for peace... 1. "Keelhaul [Specified 0]." 2. "Flog them all." 3. "We need to put this behind us. Let them get back to work." 4. "Keelhaul one of them. I don’t care who." 5. "Let them go. But [Specified 0]'s on latrine duty for perpetuity." 10 1. "I'll - I'll admit him a far walk from perfect, that's for certain. Couldn't hunt a bear to save his life." He peers down at the cooling corpse and sighs. 2. "By your hand!" "Between that and the secret room, there's not much left in Vatnir to put stock in." Hafjórn's hooded face turns away as the Harbinger rubs the back of his head. 10 You? You who so clearly wear your devotion to your deity upon your spirit? "I once served Berath willingly. They lost my devotion when they held my life hostage." Ah. That explains the mark upon your soul. I had thought it willingly accepted. Interesting. 10 You? You who so clearly wear your devotion to your deity upon your spirit? "Eothas killed me, destroyed my home, and consumed the souls of those I held dear. I will never forgive him." Nor should you forgive such betrayal. The dragon examines you, craning her neck to do so. 9 "INTRUDER! GROUNDMEAT IN THE MASTER'S SANCTUM! SCREE, SCREE!" The imp chirrups a call of extreme distress and flaps his wings wildly. "Are all of the archmage's closest friends treated like common thieves?" "SHOWS WHAT YOU KNOW, EH. MASTER DOESN'T HAVE FRIENDS." He makes a wet, cackling sound that only parodies laughter. 9 "WHAT YOU DO HERE? BIPED GROUNDWALK FILTH. WHAT YOU DO HERE, EH? WHY YOU TROUBLE YELLOW-EYE THREE?" "If I was an intruder, would I even be speaking with you like this?" "UGLY ONE SPEAKS IN CONFIDENT TONE. NOT BURGLAR, THEN." He relaxes a bit, though his glare loses none of its malice. 9 But why should I barter when I can take it from your corpse?! "It'd be an honor to meet such an end, but I'd rather live to tell of your magnificence." What would you know of honor and how it relates to a being such as me? 9 1. "We're not here to cause trouble." 2. "I'm not here to cause trouble." The Aedyran woman bows slightly at the waist, brown hair falling over her face in loose curls. "In that case, who are we to keep you from our company? Please, join us by our fire." She gestures to the camp. The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." 8 1. "What reason does an attendant have to speak with me?" 2. "You are awfully curious for an attendant." He enunciates each word with perfect clarity, his voice cold. "You have wealth and importance. I aspire to be like you." "Hah. I see." He looks at your skeptically, yet leans forward with interest, fingering the torc around his neck. 8 Töla stares at you unsteadily, her eyes half-closed. "You must be really important if you can afford to buy out the bathhouse." "Flatterer." She grins toothily and attempts to wink, but it ends up looking more like she's got something in her eye. 8 "Our enemies would love nothing more than an excuse to move against us." "For eliminating an illegal slaving operation? The Vailians would have to distance themselves, and the Huana would have to thank you." He considers your words with a tilted head and a thoughtful expression. At last, he nods. 8 "And who are you to be asking? This is my crew, and they listen to me." But uncertainty lingers in the air like a sour stench. "Perin, she's going to get you all killed. Now's the time to step up." He hesitates. Widla steps forward, furious. 8 1. I am the HEART of the fire! I cannot be controlled. Not by a giant's weak will, and not by a sputtering trinket. 2. Squeal and scurry or do not. I will suckle the marrow from your bones regardless soon enough. "The Rathun failed to honor your magnificence, but I offer my service with humility, Oh Great One." Do you now? And what need would one so ancient as I have for one so... tender as you? She settles her large body slightly lower into the magma. 8 Tell me, what riches will I glean from your corpse? What fine baubles am I soon to pick from my teeth? "Oh Mighty Ancient One, as your respectful and humble worshiper, surely we might come to an honorable agreement?" What would you know of honor and how it relates to a being such as me? 8 "I can't say I'm not disappointed, [Player Name]. Now we'll have to make do without proper coral defenses. We'll be vulnerable." Her lips flatten into a thin line. "At least the coral will be as inconvenient to any attackers as it is to you." "People have cannons, Watcher." She narrows her eyes, searching your face a hint of the joke you must surely be telling. 8 "You have an audience with me. Ruāsare doesn't waste time on outsider vagrants." "I seek a deeper understanding of your tribe." 1. "Deeper? Deeper how?" Kipeha squints at you. 2. The way her hand drops to her belt, she either doesn't understand or doesn't like the sound of your words. 8 "In all likelihood, yes. But who knows how long that will be, how much these societies may change until then?" "You know Giacolo is a good man who has done much to help godlike. Who knows what the next animancer will be like?" Tatzatl pauses and considers your words. He looks to his crew, who seem similarly conflicted, then to Giacolo. 8 "But per complanca - Feel free to make your case." "I propose a fair trade. I need allies, and you need living essence." "Hm. Fair, vulpinet. It is difficult to keep everyone in fighting trim. You have a solution to offer?" 8 "Your comforting LIES are unwelcome here. We set our roots down when the archipelago was soft and unformed. Now we are perfection." Her eyes narrow, full of hatred and challenge. "You forget yourself. There is a wrongness on this island, and it deserves to be set right." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 8 "THROUGH KNOWLEDGE, I AM STRONGER THAN ANY MORTAL. "SUBMIT TO ME, CHILD. RESIST AND YOU SHALL PERISH." A wail rises from the congregation. "What are your terms of surrender?" "TERMS?" Nemnok blinks at you. 8 "I will make him proud." It sounds almost like a recitation. Edér's mouth is open but he has no answer. He looks to you, desperation in his eyes. "I have seen evidence of the true nature of the gods. You are wise to question." "Maybe he's not testing faith. Maybe he's testing if you can think for yourself." 8 She plucks at her furred chin, eyes narrowed. "Fair enough, captain. That's no small payday. Suppose we won't be crossing swords this day." She accepts the offered purse. -NONE FOUND- 8 "Let's talk about this. We don't need this to come to blows." The pirate chuckles. "Such pretty words from such an uninspired face." His head rolls on his shoulders. "How much is a life worth, do you think? Consider that, before I name my price." He taps on his chin, making a show of his consideration before he speaks. "Two thousand pire sounds about right." 8 He pads towards you, gesturing in broad swipes of the arm as he speaks. "These imbeciles have gotten us entirely lost! Can you point the way to... was it Queen's Berth, I believe?" [Bow] "Greetings, my lord." The man smiles broadly. "Ah! A gentleman of culture! A pleasure, sir!" He bows his head. 8 You overhear [Specified 1] noting to the rest of the crew that considering how much money you just dumped overboard, you should be able to pay the hands a little bit better. "I think we deserve to share in the wealth, don't you, captain?" The crew collectively exchange glances and happy nods. "As the captain, I save money for emergencies like this. Are you saying you're the equal of Ondra?" The crew looks at [Specified 1] with pursed lips and furrowed brows. "Well, I wouldn't go that far, but you have to admit that..." [Specified 1] begins to argue the point, but the crew is already having second thoughts. They shake their heads, mumble, and rub the backs of their necks. It doesn't take long for them to decide that the prospect of money isn't worth the blasphemy. They quietly slink back to their stations, grateful the wind has returned to normal. 8 "I could give you some food if you'd let me pass." The eotens exchange a long look. "Are listening with all ears," one of them says. "What offers little softling?" "Make it good," the second grunts. 1. [Offer Candied Nuts.] "These are both delicious and healthy." 2. "How about this baby boar? So fresh it's still kicking." 3. [Offer Aged Shark Meat.] "Do you like shark? I've got some finely aged shark meat." 4. "On second thought..." 5. [Offer Hardtack.] "I've got some tasty... bread... here." 6. [Offer Captain's Banquet.] "I've got a full banquet of delicious seafood I could give you." 7. [Offer Vegetables.] "You look like you could use some vegetables. Fresh from Neketaka." 8 "Killing each other only creates more problems. Put down your weapons, and let's discuss this like civilized kith." [Specified 0] sneers, but it’s a defeated sort of anger, like a badger caught in a trap. The mariner's weapon falls to the deck, and the other mutineers reluctantly follow suit. [Specified 1] steps forward, baton in hand. "Let them go," [Specified 0] says. "They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me. I take full responsibility for this." [Specified 1] looks at you. Diplomacy wouldn’t work if you backslid every time. You spoke for peace... 1. "Keelhaul [Specified 0]." 2. "Flog them all." 3. "We need to put this behind us. Let them get back to work." 4. "Keelhaul one of them. I don’t care who." 5. "Let them go. But [Specified 0]'s on latrine duty for perpetuity." 8 The king regards you with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile just forming on his lips. "Your excellency, I have a few questions. I had hoped you would hear them." "You have proved yourself more polite than most. I will humor you - for a time." 8 "You think I am a fool? That I will step aside and let you usurp my throne and claim my legacy? I say it is you who is mistaken, not I!" "Rymrgand trusted me to be his voice in the Void. Have faith in his judgment, if not in me." "The Beast is cold, cruel... but the priests say he does not lie." 7 "I'm afraid you cannot. The vanguard is reserved for the most faithful among us. You have not even joined the Partisans." "That I have only just learned of the Partisans is circumstance, not a measure of faith." "How right you are. Forgive me, I did not mean to cast doubt on your character." 7 "I still can't let you through." "Come on, I can't get into that much trouble - not when this place is so well-guarded." "All it would take is one stray flame, one errant spark-" He catches himself and stops, shaking his head. 7 1. "There's some skill required to doing it right, otherwise the victim bleeds out before they can choke to death. "Sure you want to try me?" 2. "Careful what you say next, or I'm likely to make you eat your entrails." "I'm here to teach you a lesson, but the price doesn't need to be paid in blood." 1. "Aye, I've riches aplenty to buy your clemency with. What'll it be then?" 2. He glances around nervously, licks his lips. Sweat trickles down his jaw. 7 "I have an angry Consuaglo to appease. Were I not to hang her, it could be misconstrued as sign of weakness on my end. "I need bring her fleet in line with a display of power." "She'll die either way. What does it hurt if it gets us the information?" "I will concede to your point. So long as I obtain what I need - the information and Aeldys' death - what matter are the means?" 7 "Your comforting LIES are unwelcome here. We set our roots down when the archipelago was soft and unformed. Now we are perfection." Her eyes narrow, full of hatred and challenge. "You forget yourself. There is a wrongness on this island, and it deserves to be set right." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 7 "Lower that. Let's talk." Bearn waits, the vial now clutched in one hand at chest height. "Hear us out. Decide once you've heard all sides." "You can't let him decide for you. You know what Elafa would think of this." 7 "Never been much of a liar. Folks tend to see through." "She just needs to see respect one time. She'll drop it after that." "All right, I'll do like you said. I don't think she'll believe me, but I'll do it." 7 1. "We're not here to cause trouble." 2. "I'm not here to cause trouble." The Aedyran woman bows slightly at the waist, brown hair falling over her face in loose curls. "In that case, who are we to keep you from our company? Please, join us by our fire." She gestures to the camp. The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." 7 You push your way through the crowd, the air heavy with the scent of sweat and seawater. "Come to see the action, captain?" [Specified 3] asks. "Do you want to put money on it? Mine's on the ugly one. I'll let you guess who that is!" The sailor laughs uproariously at the joke. "Let's stow those fists, and I'll break out an extra ration of grog for everyone!" The cheer goes up immediately, drowning out any protests from the fighters as the crew breaks them apart. You nod to [Specified 2], an order to break out the libations to calm the crew's spirits. The shanties begin before you make it back to your cabin. 7 "This isn't the way to deal with our problems. Everyone get some grog and cool off. I'll sort things out." The gathered hands nod along with your words. "You heard the captain," [Specified 1] calls. "Break this up, and grog rations for everyone!" A half-hearted cheer rises as the crew breaks apart. You've averted the crisis... for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 6 "You would spend that goodwill on this one errand?" [Wink.] "Surely I needn't spend it <i>all</i>, aimica." "Feh, if you insist." She rolls her eyes. 6 1. "You're his captain - his debts are your responsibility! Pay up, damn you, or taste steel." 2. "I'm not looking for trouble. Hand over the money and we'll both walk away from this with our limbs intact." "Will you take half? It's all I've got on me." "It wasn't what I was hoping for, but I suppose that'll have to do." 6 "Quiet, Martino. Watcher, now would be the time to lay out your reasoning." With an open palm, he gestures for you to continue. "I've made allies of former enemies before. I think we can all pull together into a stronger force." 1. "Ac, raised a stir in the White March mountains. The same could be done here." 2. "A force, Watcher? To what end?" Ezzali glances at Atello. 3. "Yes, well... I'm starting to think those stories were all vastly exaggerated." 6 "Then you speak of a barter! That is different. "What do you propose?" He twists a ring around his finger as he fixates on the elaborate stained glass. Each pane must cost a small fortune. "Such treasures are meant to be shared. The Huana must show their glory to the world." He grins. "Ekera! Then you will also share my name when you take this back to [Player Culture]?" 6 "Alas, the bath attendants would be most unhappy were I to so freely give it away. I must regretfully say no." "Surely they won't notice the loss of just one." "Alright, if you're so keen on it, just the one." He laughs. 6 "And your crew's better than most, I take it?" "We're the best. You'd make us better." "All right, sweet talker. Two hundred and fifty copper and a top bunk. Deal?" 6 "Besides, you're here, aren't you?" She jabs her blade toward you. "You really think he'd trust some cheap thugs with a real treasure?" "Then what would he want with it?" One hand finds her hip. The other keeps her blade pointed at you. 6 He titters nervously and twists the hem of his robe in his hands, unwilling to meet your eye. "Look, I really stuck my neck out here..." "You did risk life and limb for me, it's true. And make no mistake, I AM grateful. Really, really grateful. Believe me, I would give you something if I could." His eyes take on a faraway look, and he takes a deep breath. 6 "You can fight me, if you'd like. But you won't be leaving this fort alive." "I'm willing to make you a deal." "I like me a good deal. The more in my favor the better." He grins, sharklike. 6 "I'm sorry for keeping Serafen at sea for so long, Syri. As captain, the responsibility rests with me." "Are ye meaning to tell me that ye've not dropped anchor at Fort Deadlight in the last eight months?" Her furry brows twist as she examines you. "Well, come to have a look at ye, I can't say I've ever seen ye before." 6 "I need to know what Serafen's getting my crew into." "They both crewed the Sorcerer for a season or six. Remaro were like a father to Serafen, or so he's told me. Taught him the mariner's trade. More than that, ye'd have to ask him yerself." "Were there something else ye wanted?" 6 "...No? Someone is coming for me, and they will know my amulet." "You should have faith that this seer will find you without it. That's the true test." "Perhaps... perhaps you have a point." He gently tugs the amulet off over his head. He holds it in his palm a moment, his expression unreadable, then hands it to you. 6 "The druids have harried us from the moment we made landfall." "Your people fought admirably." She laughs. "For a bunch pencil-twiddling engineers, you mean?" 6 1. "So you kill them?" 2. "So you killed her?" 3. "That's all you have to say for yourself? You won't even defend your actions?" "I hope Iverra's death didn't inconvenience you terribly." "You have some gall, Watcher." She grinds out the words between clenched teeth. 6 "Your comforting LIES are unwelcome here. We set our roots down when the archipelago was soft and unformed. Now we are perfection." Her eyes narrow, full of hatred and challenge. "You forget yourself. There is a wrongness on this island, and it deserves to be set right." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 6 1. "I'm sorry about my mate's behavior, but I can't let you make them unfit to serve. I don’t suppose an apology would suffice?" 2. "A perfectly reasonable way to resolve matters." Aloth looks brightly between the aggrieved parties. The sailors look to one another, and one nods. She looks to [Specified 0]. "Let's hear it." [Specified 0] gives you a sad glance, then looks back to the woman. "Sorry, ma'am." "What was that?" The other sailors snicker. "Sorry, ma'am!" The woman salutes you, then turns on her heel. The sailors walk away. [Specified 0] approaches you, grinning openly. "Thanks, captain! You truly saved me just now." 5 1. "And if you help me get my money back, I'll give you a twenty percent share as thanks." 2. Kahn looks at you expectantly. 3. "Listen, the guy I'm looking for owes me a lot of money. Five thousand coppers. You help me find him, and I'll give you twenty percent." "I don't strap on my adventuring boots for less than half, lady." "How about this - I give you sixty percent and we never discuss this again." She lets out a tremendous sigh. 5 "Keep negotiating like this and you'll drive the Huana into the arms of the Royal Deadfire Company." "This is... ac, true enough." "But breaking a contract for diplomacy's sake is simply not done." Luca worries his brow. 5 "I cannot make the contract disappear. I'm more disposable than their damned paper!" Luca swings his cup around. A splash of liquor arcs over his head. "What's say you show those company who really runs business around here?" "Ooh, I like the wicked way you think. We'll make a... a respectable clerk out of you in no time!" 5 "Sailing uncharted waters isn't cheap." "Ekera, here - for your expenses." He tosses you a lighter pouch. "When we know enough, my sister will finance a fleetwide search. Not for breadcrumbs, but lost Ukaizo." 5 "How do we get past this, captain?" Maia crosses her arms and squeezes her shoulders. "You want to stay. You'll hate yourself if you don't." "Maybe I will. And maybe I can even live with that." 5 "It would mean a lot to a friend of mine if you could help us." "Than maybe ye should've brocht yer friend with ye." She smiles sadly. 1. [Leave] "Farewell." 2. "Tell me where to find Remaro, or I'll kill you." 3. "What brings you to the bathhouse?" 5 1. "Then what would he want with it?" One hand finds her hip. The other keeps her blade pointed at you. 2. "I knew it! Dereo figured you were gonna cross him, and now he's sent the Steel Garrote after us!" 3. "Enough! Or I'll gut you lot alongside this fool." Ateira spins to glare at her people. "How about you make this easy on us both and get out of here?" "Sounds like someone ain't so confident." 5 1. "Ernezzo is careful. Cautious. And you would blackmail him? This is not done, aimico." He clucks sadly. 2. "And now he sends one of Woedica's stranglers to clean it up? "Ernezzo is prepared to deal with you." "Working with me is the only way to make sure the prince leaves you alone." He snorts. "Braggarts and drunkards pay little mind to the mess that spills from their lips. And yet..." Ernezzo strokes his beard, measuring you with his gaze. 5 "All ships leaving for Rauatai are laden with luminous adra and other rare goods. "Mercenaries - even of our skill - do not rate so highly." [Pay 1000 cp.] "Consider this me making a contract with you." He freezes, staring at the coins. After a moment, he divides them into four even stacks and nods. 5 "The queen would have us join our tribes into one raised fist. "She could not let Muhai's crime stand." "She gave them bad directions. That's not the same as murdering them." "There are those who kill by sword and those who kill by cunning. "To the dead, it makes no difference." 5 1. "Your words hold no weight, kith. Rathun decide their own battles." His words boom from behind his helm without falter, yet he does not strike. With a raised hand, he signals his warriors to wait. 2. "And to do that without my permission, you would need to triumph over the Rathun." He signals for his warriors to close in around you. "There's no reason for us to fight when we can be of aid to each other instead." He scrubs a hand over the front of his helm, apparently weighing your words. 5 "Captain?" Maia turns to you, her right eye twitching. "Pace yourself. We have more important fights ahead of us." "Aye aye... sir." 5 "You can fight me, if you'd like. But you won't be leaving this fort alive." "Say there was a way to settle this without bloodshed..." "Then I'd be listening..." Eyes narrowed, he licks his lips. 5 "Rauataian warships circle Crookspur, and the cries of bondage carry across the waves like the song of injured gulls." "You left Crookspur leaderless. You had to expect someone would occupy the vacancy." She chews the inside of her cheek and holds her silence. 5 "The grove is our vigil! It is you and the rest of Eora that sours!" "You protect only a ruin, a memory. Not what I see around me." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 5 "A much better swordswoman than you, to start." "There has to be more to her than that. How'd she come by those skills?" "Killing troublesome animancers, mostly." Behind Modwyr's words curl a cat's mischievous smile. 4 "But you do not laugh! Then you do not joke? "For what would I do this foolish thing?" She wipes a tear of merriment from the corner of her eye. "They have clans and families. What would you do if someone caged your children?" 1. Her expression hardens. 2. A look of pain and surprise twinges across her face. It reveals an old but raw wound to your shrewd gaze. 4 1. "If you could strike at their heart with more fury than a storm, you should have done so already." 2. "For what should I trust a fleet of iron when I have the gods?" He shakes his head, grimacing. 3. "They would find some other horror to visit upon Tikawara. This I know." "I..." He seems ready to dismiss your words, but then winces, glancing away toward the ether. 1. "This adra, the broken machine... Do you speak truth? I feel no gods here." He hangs his head. 2. "It was my hate which strengthened this place. The gods... they are not here. Ekera?" 3. "Could Ngati have made me lose the Trial of Waves for a reason? Ekera... to meet you?" 4 "I'm sure I don't know who you're talking about. Now, please leave." She gestures toward her door and makes a shooing motion. "What if he's in danger? Don't you care about his well-being?" "If I knew a man named Oswald, and if that man was in danger, I would still decline to be involved." 4 "You think I'd put myself in pistol range of that old imp?" "This feud is cutting into your profits. I think exchanging a few words is more sensible than an elaborate frame-up." "Practicality suits you, you know." Ezzali strokes her chin and sighs. 4 "If I'm to sail to Tikawara, I'll need to purchase some supplies." "Yes, I take your meaning. Here. A taste of what's to come." 1. "Until then, I believe we're finished? Return here once you have word of our agents, and our prize. Oh, and take care upon the open sea. There are greater hazards in these waters than a few pirates." 2. "This will be of some use to you, I think. It entitles you to act as a commissioned agent of the Vailian Trading Company. Present it and you will be recognized as such." Alvari presses a document into your hand. 4 "But breaking a contract for diplomacy's sake is simply not done." Luca worries his brow. "The company loses nothing by letting go of an island they never had." "Hrm. I would be remiss to uphold one contract to the detriment of our operation." 4 "Bah, it's a matter of dignity. You can't ask a respectable clerk to ruin perfectly good paperwork!" "You would doom an entire tribe to preserve your dignity?" Staring thoughtfully down into his glass, Luca nods to himself. 4 "For what do you deserve to cradle the future of my people in your hands?" "I don't see anyone else helping you better than I could." "Ekera, ekera." She sighs. 4 "I dearly miss palace gossip. Come, what is it about?" "I'd tell you, but I'm sworn to secrecy. You remember what that's like." "Not to worry. I learned to keep many secrets in my years guarding the queen." He gives you a sly nod. 4 "Would that it were so! Ganor would make good money, and perhaps I would receive a raise, yes?" The bathhouse steward chuckles heartily. "When have you ever known men such as Ganor to share their spoils?" "You, I like. We see eye-to-eye on many things, I suspect." He lets out a bark of laughter. 4 "My skills don't come cheap. Make it worth my while - to the tune of, say, seven hundred copper - and I'll consider it." "Steady work on a good crew doesn't come around every day." "And your crew's better than most, I take it?" 4 1. "Those sound like the words of a man at the end of his rope." She holds her blade at neck level and makes a slicing motion. 2. "Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare us off." 3. "I ain't failed just yet! Not when I got you cornered." 4. "And I'm gonna sell that thing on my own." 5. "Not without the Cornett of Waves." She inches closer, brandishing a blade. "You're an idiot. The cornett is just a shell." "That can't be - why else would Dereo send us for it?" Her furred face is a maelstrom of irritation and confusion. 4 "Never let it be said that Dereo does not pay a fair price." "Indeed, I would hate for anyone to say that..." He gives you a respectful - if strained - smile and nods to one of his attendants, who produces a bag of coin. 4 You're walking along when several hooded figures materialize out of the darkness. "Not so fast. You gotta pay a toll if you wanna visit Delver's Row." "Good folk, open markets are vital to a healthy economy. Would you turn away a paying customer?" They look at each other and shrug. 4 "Our lives aren't a game. I know you want to do right by the Roparu. I do, too. But I can't go kicking a hornet's nest to do it." "Don't worry. This arrangement with the Príncipi need never come to light." "And you can promise that? No one'll know of it?" 4 "So too did she act on her own, against her own people. "She does not deserve the honor of walking with the gods." "She was still one of you. Her spirit cannot rest. " 1. "It is good of you to care so for one of our people." 2. "I am told you have been a friend to the queen. That she trusts your judgment. "...Then, I must do the same." 3. "You have been too long away, brother. You have forgotten what is right." 4. "You are an outsider. You know nothing of our ways." 4 "This could get Tuaha killed, and letting a company mission fall into the wrong hands... it could be dangerous." "You've never heard of giving your life to a cause?" "I'm insulted that you would think otherwise. We are all prepared to sacrifice for Rauatai." Tuaha squares her shoulders and stands taller. 4 "Speak for yourself, you split-tongued gurnet. No outsider's laying a finger on one of ours so long as I'm still standing." "I'm here on behalf of the Council of Captains. Care to oppose Furrante, too?" "Wh-what? Don't look at me. I wasn't planning to step in to start with." 4 "How do I know you're aren't cozying up with outsider lies?" "I'm the one taking on all the risk. Worst case scenario, I get killed on Crookspur and nothing changes for you." "Either sounds favorable, I say." Kipeha narrows her eyes. 4 "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Her face is pale, her brow beaded with sweat. "I'm a friend, or I could be. I'm here at Modwyr's request." "I had thought, I hoped to never -" She rubs a shaking hand across her eyes, which are red-rimmed and bloodshot. 4 "In any case, why are you here?" "Stop dancing around my questions. Tell me what's going on." "If- if you insist." She takes a step back at your sudden request and clears her throat. 4 "The grove is our vigil! It is you and the rest of Eora that sours!" "You protect only a ruin, a memory. Not what I see around me." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 4 "You cannot have business on Motare o Kōzi. Leave before I feed your bones to the jungle." He makes a dismissive wave back toward your ship. "I come for knowledge, and take nothing but memories." "This is no library, outlander. Death herself has touched this jungle." Something about your words causes his temper to even out. 4 "In this - it's her or me, Watcher." "Each of your experiences and worldviews are valid. Can you not come to a compromise?" Xoti sucks in a deep, rattling breath. After holding it for several heartbeats, she then pushes it slowly out through her nose. Her first attempt to speak comes out in a croak, but finally, she manages. 4 "Guides cost coin, no?" Though he nods, the man's eyes narrow. "Yes, yes, you'll get your coin. Here, half up front." He passes you a few ducs. 1. [Give the noble directions.] 2. [Draw your weapons.] "Your money or your life." 3. "I happen to have a drink. Do you have those thousand gold pieces you mentioned?" 4. [Leave.] "Good luck." 4 "This isn't the way to deal with our problems. Everyone get some grog and cool off. I'll sort things out." The gathered hands nod along with your words. "You heard the captain," [Specified 1] calls. "Break this up, and grog rations for everyone!" A half-hearted cheer rises as the crew breaks apart. You've averted the crisis... for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 4 The king regards you with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile just forming on his lips. "May I present my associate, Ambassador Rekke of Yezuha." 1. "What? Watcher - !" Alarm gives his voice a sharp edge. 2. Rekke stares at you blankly. After a few long, silent moments, his eyes widen, and he slowly shakes his head. 4 King Wingauro crosses his arms and frowns, the picture of a petulant child. "To put it delicately, your highness, your civilization lies in ruins and your soul is trapped in Rymrgand's realm." "That is not possible, I say. My empire is the strongest in Eora - no, the greatest empire history has ever known! My reach extends to the edges of the world! Kith on distant shores pay fealty to me, King Wingauro o Watūri I!" 4 "My boy, check your eyes - the Watūri clan reigns the Deadfire. Ukaizo's bounds stretch the breadth of the world. We are at the height of our power!" [Echo Prince Edanke.] "No, father. The foreign soul shapers have destroyed our kingdom, and your soul is trapped in Rymrgand's realm." 1. "I did nothing! How- how dare you!" 2. "That is not possible, I say. My empire is the strongest in Eora - no, the greatest empire history has ever known! My reach extends to the edges of the world! Kith on distant shores pay fealty to me, King Wingauro o Watūri I!" 3. "No! No, this cannot be. The foreigners have tricked you, I say. This is- you- "Do not disrespect me with lies, boy!" 3 "Then you will die unfulfilled!" Orso shakes his head and huffs. "Anyone can kill. Fighting to first blood would be enough to prove who's the better man." 1. "Ac. Our country benefits little from the flowers of its great families cutting each other down in their prime. First blood should satisfy your honor." 2. "If you can't stand the sight of blood, then you have no business telling us our business." Larro spits with disdain. 3. The pair of duelists eye each other warily. 3 "If the tribals cannot understand the basic terms of an agreement, that is their burden to bear." Luca nods to his drink and wipes off the rim of the cup. "The Huana may not know contracts, but they know when they're being cheated." "That... hmm. And we want the Huana cooperative while we're on the job, don't we?" 3 "You hit upon my curiosity. Speak on." He opens his palm and waits. "The Roparu are barely in control of their lives as it is. Don't take this away from them." "You are quick to come to their defense, but the Roparu must recall their place in society." 3 "Ifren tried to sneak in. Now he's stuck in a box, telling fortunes for pires." She thumbs over to the fortune telling machine in the northernmost corner of the shop. "Can you at least tell me anything useful?" "The imps that guard the manor? Idiots." 3 He squirms. "That doesn't release me from my obligation. I must reach Rauatai with all possible haste." "If I don't fulfill my contract, it makes all Goldpact Knights look bad." He groans and looks at the other paladins. They conduct a brief and silent exchange of nods, shrugs, and raised eyebrows. At last, he sighs. 3 "You've got to make your own way from there. Dereo'll skin me if I say anymore." "Discretion and compensation go hand in hand." "Then I'll be shaking yours, fresh face." She grasps your hand with a grin, then quietly slips your coin into her pocket. 3 "I know a Mataru trap when I see one, and I'm not looking to be snared. Keep that whats-it to yourself." "I've been dispatched by the highest authority in Neketaka. Either comply or stand among the accused - your choice." "All right, Captain Fancy Britches, no need to get your bits in a knot." 3 "Unacceptable. I will arrange to have Bertenno taken into servitude. Without incident." He gestures to his men to proceed. "Bertenno is worthless if he's injured or dead. Have patience and let me seek payment." "Hm. I would not want to end this arrangement at a loss." He crosses his arms and considers. 3 "Cuè?! And how am I supposed to conduct my business?" "Why anger one of the largest trading factions in Deadfire? Leave gracefully now and try a smoother entrance later." She raises an eyebrow at you. 3 "Why? What are their laws to us? The Vailians do their best to cheat us in every contract. The Vailians would not treat her fairly." "Mokeha is one woman. You need to do what is best for the rest of the village." "Perhaps you are right... But I know what the Vailians will make of this victory. "They will drag Mokeha before a crowd. Humiliate her." 3 "Ekera, these are not the actions of a queen." "You don't think she's just biding her time?" "Bah! Then she should never have let the foreigners take a step onto Deadfire soil." 3 "Why should I let you wander Ori o Koīki so freely? We do not leave our flank exposed to outsider spies." "Showing generosity to a stranger is the essence of hospitality." "Well spoken. You hear how this one shames us, friends?" She glances at Tangara and Burapo before turning back to you. 3 "The grove is our vigil! It is you and the rest of Eora that sours!" "You protect only a ruin, a memory. Not what I see around me." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 3 "Some woman. I don't know." "There has to be more to her than that. How'd she come by those skills?" "Killing troublesome animancers, mostly." Behind Modwyr's words curl a cat's mischievous smile. 2 "This is not your feud. If anything, I question your interest." "You're a businessman. You would know if my investment was false." "You have little to gain by peace between our families, but you speak as if you might." Atello purses his lips. 2 "It is nice to be asked, I suppose. I hardly ever get anyone in here unless they need help with their sums." "I don't see why. You probably have the most important job here." "That is true, but hardly anyone says so." Sarasso smiles- an earnest, amused smile that brightens her eyes and puts color in her cheeks. 2 "I would not willingly welcome a Bardatto beneath my roof for the sake of a jest." "Please, let's try not to sabotage this from the outset." "As long as the Valera remembers his place, we shouldn't have any problems." 2 Bardatto and Valera representatives stand arrayed around the dining table wearing expressions of anxiety and resentment. The temperature of the room suggests no more amity than when the discussion began. "If we could open by defining each of your grievances and demands..." Before you can finish your sentence, Atello cuts you off with a hard wave of his hand. 2 "I may not approve of my family's methods, but I'm not about to sabotage them, either." "I'm trying to prevent this feud from escalating. I thought you would want the same." "Of course I do, I just..." Zili scratches his cheek and glances over his shoulder. 2 NO. My soul is not for the taking. Not by you or any of the outsider spirit-thieves! "It can be done without harming you. I just need to inspect the wards." He lets out a distasteful hiss. 2 1. You come across a corner where a pair of thugs - a man and a woman - have surrounded a Huana man. He has a potbelly and a nervous expression, and he's backed himself as far into the corner as he can. The thugs advance. "It's an exchange. You pay us, and we don't hurt you." 2. One of the thugs turns to you and looks you up and down. "Or else what?" "Robbing a man who has nothing! Have you no shame?" The two thugs look at each other. "Can't afford it. But maybe our friend here can help me out..." They turn back to the cowering Huana. 2 "The grievance with Bertenno is mine, and so is the jurisdiction." "I have my own problems with him. Besides, I got here first." "Hrm. As you say. Very well, then - I will not belabor the point if it causes strife within the company." 2 "Fancy a look at the wares, my friend?" "Any chance you have something Mokeha might like?" "You mean she likes things?" "I joke, I joke. She is so serious. Like the guards back in Port Maje." 2 "You're trying to kick us out! Nothing polite about that." "Thorel's pretty steamed. Things are only going to get worse." Galian looks down at himself, and then out at the fouled bedding and the sticky carpets. His shoulders slump. 2 "I welcome you into our village, as I have all Clario's people. And this is how you repay my trust?" "I'm sorry, Ikawha. I did not mean for things to end in violence." "Perhaps Ngati sends a sign. I have been a fool, to have endangered my people." "For what? Useless trinkets and foul company." 2 "You are all coldness and hunger. The teachings of your tribe, the tradition... none of it lives on in you." He begins to draw his weapon, his expression a mask of sorrow. "She's trying to save your life, which is more than you're doing." He stills the movement of his hand, eyeing both you and Maia with deliberate slowness and consideration. 2 "Burn and sink him. It will cause the Príncipi to revere you." "This isn't just about me though, is it? If I'm to do you a favor, I want a boon for it." The good humor wipes from his face. 2 "The grove is our vigil! It is you and the rest of Eora that sours!" "You protect only a ruin, a memory. Not what I see around me." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 2 "Your comforting LIES are unwelcome here. We set our roots down when the archipelago was soft and unformed. Now we are perfection." Her eyes narrow, full of hatred and challenge. "You forget yourself. There is a wrongness on this island, and it deserves to be set right." She bares her teeth and takes a combative step closer. Her foot sinks into the mud and she pries it up with a wet, sucking sound. She blinks down at the rotted earth. 2 The tip of the blade briefly flashes bright red. "Clearly there's more to this than you're letting on. Tell me what happened - maybe I can help." "She dumped me, okay? She said she couldn't do this anymore and tossed me in a pile of garbage." 2 "Uh, well... Both grew up in Gilded Vale... Same temple..." Edér looks askance at you. "You can trust me, you know." "All right, all right, we used to uh... you know..." 2 "Captain! This is hardly the time or place to pass around the handsome fish." Tekēhu gives you a warning look. [Whisper to Tekēhu.] "You're the prettiest. It's the only way." 1. "Hm. Just because you are right does not mean I have to enjoy it." Tekēhu sighs and turns to the king wearing a coy expression. 2. "Absolutely not. I'd rather swim to the shallows and watch you flounder." Tekēhu folds his arms and takes a step back. 1 "Merla, she must be desperate! Not so desperate as to come here, on her knees, to beg for herself, but- she sent you. "No. There's my answer. I get my cut. There's no sense in ruining a good thing." "Help her out this once and Savia will owe you a favor." "A favor. Merla, I should buy her dinner, maybe." Mid-chortle, Ilari's brows draw together. He runs a thumb along his jaw, frowning. 1 "Don't be foolish. Clario will see to him." "That isn't how it works. The Vailians have to pay for their food, and pay taxes." "His kinsmen would let him starve?" Mokeha's brows furrow, and her eyes search your face. Explosives Reveal hidden contents 17 A parchment-thin shard of adra is positioned inside of a spiked, copper trap. When a current of essence conducts through the adra, the trap will snap shut and complete a circuit. It would take incredible care to extract the soul without setting off the bomb. [Try to disarm the bomb.] You carefully reach inside the bomb. In no time at all you're up to your shoulder in delicate gears and cogs, taking care not to displace anything. Something in the guts of the machinery falls off in your hand, but the Godhammer remains inert. 16 The device gurgles quietly. After a prolonged silence, a wet blast of air escapes through the eye of a mounted skull. You can only speculate that the machine is in working order. [Rig the machine with an explosive.] In case a traditional bomb won't do, you assemble something vaguely conical in shape and grease it up using some of the machine's drippings. A fleshy panel accepts the bomb with a greedy sucking sound. 10 Through the shimmering gate, a structure of thick stone rises, thronged by soldiers awash in the rosy shades of dawn. The light shifts to the clear bright blue of day, then again to red, all within a matter of moments. You catch the tangy scent of saltpeter, sulfur, and charred flesh. 1. [Step away.] 2. [Step into the portal.] 10 "Oh, no. I feel something... it's coming on like a sneeze, but bigger. This is all happening again, isn't it?" "This would be a very bad time for history to repeat itself." "Keep your distance - it's coming! The cycle's turning back on itself!" Waidwen's soul strains to avoid it, but you feel the pull of an unseen force tearing at him - shredding this moment of clarity. 9 1. [Throw a grenade.] 2. [Throw a blister bomb.] 3. [Throw an immolator.] 4. [Throw a lightning bomb.] You hurl the explosive directly into the beast's blow hole... -NONE FOUND- 5 "By his own admission, he was there to blow up Rauatai's black powder stores." "Wait... are we going to blow something up?" "You wish for me to spoil the surprise? Ekera, very well." She makes an offhanded gesture of resignation. 4 "As you can see, we have need of it." "I know a thing or two about explosives. And you're dealing in exceptional quantities." "Rauataians do not do anything in half measures." A ragged cheer goes up from the other soldiers. History Reveal hidden contents 18 But- but Sissak gets to leave! This one's progenitor told him, promised him they only need wait a few more generations! This stupid, stupid paper says we must stay? No! "To be binding, this contract should've been ratified by the Huana monarch or their advisor. It was not." Does the kith mean... Sissak's clutch is free? That this one may dig a glorious burrow into the earth and dig and dig and keep digging? His many eyes flash, and he emanates a gleeful shriek so high you almost can't hear it. 18 1. "I am nothing like him." 2. We recall young Fyonlecg, promising apprentice of the Cythwood. Indomitable Fyonlecg, the Arcane Knight. Fyonlecg the Unspoiled, Archmage of the Circle. Fyonlecg, Weyc of the Hand Occult. The names, titles, and memories - and the emotions that accompany each - break upon you like the shore. "I can say with great certainty that history knows of no such archmage." All knew us! For the spells that bore our name if nothing else! Fyonlecg's Wall of Flames. Fyonlecg's Wall of Many Colors. Fyonlecg's Pristine Barrier. 17 These notes are written in a strange code. You have no idea what they say. [Use your knowledge of long-forgotten languages to decipher the notes.] You realize the notes are penned in an ancient language related to Engwithan. You recognize the meaning of a few of the symbols, and with that you manage to tease out the gist of the notes' meaning. 15 1. "You're not here for the contest, then?" Frowning, she scratches the back of her head. 2. "Things change though. The contest has changed." "I knew there existed blood sports among the ancients of the Deadfire, but I thought modern Huana frowned on it." "It's tradition. It goes back... I think over a thousand years. All officially sanctioned. ...I think." 15 "Then, of course, there was the cataclysm that rent this island in twain. Knowing Maura, I don't doubt the two are related." "THE Maura? Maura of the Seven Hills?" "The very same. You know your archmages." 15 1. "You've had few dealings with the Circle of Archmagi in the past - nonetheless, we know you pursue Eothas, and we might have a way to help." 2. "You've aided the Circle of Archmagi once before. We've found ourselves wondering if you might do so again." "THE Maura? Maura of the Seven Hills?" "The very same. You know your archmages." 14 "Now that we - the Faces of the Hunt - have chosen our hunters, the grand winnowing may proceed." "You were Engwithan." She nods wordlessly. 14 "She did what? And you let her? I must - I have to go see her!" She blinks rapidly, still processing the revelation. "She was a pilgrim, and now she's a temple guardian. She'll almost certainly attack you if you find her." "Oh. Okay. I understand. Thank you for finding her. And helping her, I suppose." She deflates with a sigh and, rubbing her eye with the ball of one hand, turns away. 13 "The inquisitor has been turned!" "The gods will drop a moon on you before they allow you to retain your current hegemony." Your words echo through the chamber. The other figures shimmer, strains of essence from throughout the room coalescing before you into a single pulsing mote of essence. 13 1. "Nothing could matter more." He leans forward. 2. "Allow me an idle moment's curiosity. Have you heard of the Archmage Fyonlecg?" "There's not been an archmage by that name in the recorded history of the Circle." "That cannot be. Years or no, the Hand could not have expunged so much so quickly." He stares at his open hands. 12 The dragon spreads her wings possessively over her hoard, scaled throat rumbling a growl. "I understand your desire for that torc. History is full of dragons who hoard relics of power." 1. But you do not desire to control me with it? The dragon narrows her eyes at you. 2. Cherish one of Magran's abject trinkets?! I do no such thing, wretch! I care nothing for her trifles! 12 "WRATH, EH? WHAT WARMLING SQUAWK ABOUT?" The imp cranes its neck to either side, peering into the cavern's icy recesses. It's possible it was trying to lower its voice. "The Annuqpiaat clan adopted Magran as their favored deity, claiming it better to court fire than appease cold. They vanished the following winter." "BUT NO WANT TO DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY!" 10 [Study the machine.] You manage to make out what little of the writing hasn't faded away. You deduce that Cignath Mór was once a place the Engwithans used to study the application of soul energy to enlarge the creatures of the Deadfire. You also learn that the machine is funneling essence into the surrounding flora and fauna from a luminous adra pillar deep beneath the ruins. You return to the control panel. It glows with a faint light as the machine hums. 10 [Study the machine.] You manage to make out what little of the writing hasn't faded away. You deduce that Cignath Mór was once a place the Engwithans used to study the application of soul energy to enlarge the creatures of the Deadfire. You return to the control panel. It glows with a faint light as the machine hums. 9 "On what do you base this claim?" "Souls exist without the gods. They predate the gods. The gods do not define their purpose." "You would bring words of heresy into this hallowed hall?" She looks to the gathered witnesses. 9 "Long ago. I know not how you reckon such things." "Had Aedyr lost control over the Dyrwood yet?" "The Dyrwood?" She frowns at the word. 9 Beyond the gate, you see ancient architecture, apparently Huana in design, set among glistening reefs and cascading water. Though clearly not Neketaka, the imagery is that of wealth, influence, and power. 1. [Step away.] 2. [Step into the portal.] 8 "If you have spent any time in the Deadfire at all, the myth of lost Ukaizo can be no mystery." Onekaza leans forward in her chair. "Wasn't it the capital of the old Huana empire?" "Ekera, you have the right of it. Some of us would see its purpose restored." 8 "No... no, I say! Ngati close her teeth around your boat and Woedica scrawl your name in her log of disgrace!" "It is a poor ruler who doesn't recognize what is under her feet, Onekaza." "How... dare you!" She sits back in her throne to the gasps of her attendants, all of whom give up any pretense of ignoring your exchange. 7 "I ranged for years seeking a balm for the growing pyne. Drink helpt for a time. Svef for anither. Now, only these baths, infuist with adra, dull the agony." "You fought against the Dyrwood's independence?" 1. "Daes that offend ye? I conne yer tune, Aedyran." 2. "Aye, I did. At the time it seemed richt. Now? I feel less certain." 7 "The mosaic is an ancient work of art! Such marvels must be preserved." His fingers continue working at his hem. "Ukaizo is rumored to contain untold riches. It certainly makes sense that you'd be looking for it." "Riches! Any half-awake shiphunter can find a Vailian ship with gold and luminous. "Ukaizo - if it exists - is something more." He considers you before continuing. 7 "Where have you seen anything this ambitious among their works? "The Engwithans, on the other hand, left monuments to their greatness around the world." "The last time you underestimated the Huana, you lost the Tenets of Iron..." "We won the Battle of Nakaro Atoll. The sinking of our ship was a child's tantrum." Her face darkens. 7 "Extinguished or crushed... us all... defiler..." He struggles to speak. The agony of a slow death blazes through the scrawls in his skin, shrouding him with a veil of fire. "You're a fire giant, an elemental servant of Magran's. Aren't you?" "You are not mistaken." 7 "Extinguished or crushed... us all... defiler..." He struggles to speak. The agony of a slow death blazes through the scrawls in his skin, shrouding him with a veil of fire. "What <i>are</i> you, creature?" 1. "A kindred, if larger, soul..." He wipes fire blood from his mouth with a palm that could crush a kith's skull. 2. "I am but one... of Magran's elite champions... birthed from her flames. Soon... reunited in glory..." 7 "What do you think I've been trying to provide us? I've grown our strength and numbers ten-fold in the past four years." "The Príncipi are descendants of Grand Vailian refugees - they uprooted their lives and fled to the Deadfire to survive." "Aye. you don't get more adaptable nor desperate to survive than us pirates. You think I ought to go with the flow, is that it?" 7 "So it is. But what would that be doing here?" "Wahaki hunters smear themselves with it. We're near their island, Ori o Koīki." 1. "Of course. The same group we met on Motare o Kōzi, as I recall." 2. "I've heard they're aggressively isolationist. As for what that has to do with the Leaden Key..." He frowns, looking at the key-like symbol painted onto the sail. 7 "Oh, no. I feel something... it's coming on like a sneeze, but bigger. This is all happening again, isn't it?" "This would be a very bad time for history to repeat itself." "Keep your distance - it's coming! The cycle's turning back on itself!" Waidwen's soul strains to avoid it, but you feel the pull of an unseen force tearing at him - shredding this moment of clarity. 6 "It truly works? You mean to say that the animancers have learned how to... transport people?" Príncipo Tarvisi leans forward in his chair, watching you intently. "I'm sure you don't need me to tell you the practical applications." "Certainly not." 6 "We are six. Three children, two babes, and me." "Does no one else from the caste look after them?" "Ekera, it was so in the village. Where Botaro and me came from." 6 "Abuttin yer next and last breath." "I learned of your history, and so sought you out - the great Yseyr, Aedyran chosen of Berath, and slayer of Lucia Rivan." The Death Guard seethes at the mention of Rivan's name. Rage, cold but violent, rattles up the skeleton's spine. 6 1. "All stumble and shamble like sun-blind hatchlings." 2. "Many generations ago, the sand-striped ones built great hives across the islands. And bastions around the adra roots." At this, the others hiss angrily. "Huana civilization spanned the archipelago, but the Engwithans built temples around the adra." He hisses. "They did not build alone! The sand-striped ones helped. "As they help other fiends now." 6 "You think the queen is cunning, but she is on the brink of losing her power." Ruāsare makes a disgusted, sweeping motion with her hand. "You're falling for the same trap that the foreigners are - assuming that she's weak on the basis of appearances." Ruāsare opens her mouth to speak out against you, but stops herself. 6 "I must confess to you, a bit of a problem has arisen. One which speaks to your expertise with the supernatural. We've sighted the Floating Hangman that haunts the Deadfire." "I've read accounts of an undead ship that flies a Darcozzi flag, yes." "It would seem I have undervalued you, Watcher." His dark eyes glint with interest. 6 "Haven't you?" [Shrug.] "Maybe in old stories." He settles back on his throne, bright eyes blinking rapidly. After a long moment, he laughs. 5 "Our people will bury your tracks with sand. You will be less than the lowest of us." He glares at the rest of the tribe as he says this. "Neketaka is prosperous for foreign traders. The Vailians would have given you slums, not palaces." Murmurs of agreement rise from the others. Ruānu regards the nods and whispers. 5 "I would have joined her, but my stomach... something did not agree. Now it is weeks since they should have returned. I am only the galley cook, not a search party!" He nurses his stomach and winces. "'Vektor' isn't a Vailian name." "Pargrun. My grandparents gave up their nomadic ways when they moved to the Republics." 5 "No one threatens Cotta, you overstuffed boil!" Celezzia lets out a low growl. "Clussa's Voyage would be a mercy compared to what I have planned for you." Cotta flinches and turns to his crew. He studies each of their faces in turn. 5 "Take this if you need proof." He tosses you a silver medallion inscribed with Vailian honorifics. "A Vailian envoy medallion? The Republics reward these for exemplary service." "Ekera. You are sharper than my guards for knowing this, I say." 5 "Does the name Ukaizo mean anything to you?" The prince's face is impassive, but he seems to be studying yours with close attention to detail. "A lost city, if local fables are to be believed." "Fable? No. History, I say." 5 "What do you know of my watershapers, herald of Berath?" Onekaza leans forward and rests her chin on her fist. "I know they gave Rauatai no end of trouble in their early advance." "Ekera. If you recall history then you know why I am protective over the guild." 5 1. "Come again? I don't quite follow your meaning." 2. "Glory were nae to be had. Trowth be telt, I hold luckier than most. The orlans o Eir Glanfath walded blades that sheaved spirit as easilly as flesh. Some of mine fallaes were slauchtered body an soul." "You speak of the mind hunters, Glanfathan warrior-ciphers." "Aye, that I do, an a dounricht vicious bunch they are." 5 "Deeper? Deeper how?" Kipeha squints at you. "I want to know about the people who survived the cataclysms of old." She nods slowly, her expression guarded. 5 "Some people say he's the Red King." "The infamous pirate? I'd heard he was lost at sea years ago." "Aye. I'd heard that, too." 5 "Anyway, I think you should have this, for what you did. And for what you can do with it." She kneels, wipes the blood off of the blade, and slides it into its scabbard before proffering it to you. "Most Huana in the Gullet don't have your grasp of Aedyran." "That's Father's doing. He traveled all over, and he insisted that I learn Aedyran, Vailian, and Rauataian." She puffs out her chest. 4 "Now this cannot happen. Our harvest fails because this one puts his empty stomach higher than the gods!" "Isn't it traditional to eat the whole fruit, seeds and all?" "Ekera, just so." He nods resolutely. 4 "This is where Vailian scheming ends. Ngati's servant holds the dam closed to flood the living world with her vengeance." He places a hand over the spot his heart once occupied. "Pushing out Vailia only exchanges a trading post for Rauataian warships." "Their ships also sink when the winds tip them over, ekera?" A smile slowly spreads from ear to ear. 4 "Ask. I would not have you journeying to Ori o Koīki uninformed." She opens her palm to you and nods. "Ori o Koīki... the Cursed Land of Corpses?" "The corpses refer to the pungent koīki trees. The curse..." She shrugs. 4 1. He gives the apprentice an appreciative nod. 2. "I am misled if holding a shell is all it takes to earn Ngati's favor." Tekēhu tosses his hair and chuckles to himself. "Huana have used conch shells to communicate for centuries. This is likely one such device." "What a... noble purpose." He expression falls, as if he were hoping for a grander story. 4 "Nowhere in the city does a Roparu sit around the same fire as a Mataru. "Neketaka tests our traditions, I say." "Don't you see that as a contradiction?" "What man or woman of the isles does not?" Aruihi chuckles and shakes his head. 4 "Neketaka is either a testament to the ancient Huana's love of labyrinths or their hatred of straight lines." He grimaces and rearranges several of the objects situated around his desk. "Age, not the Huana, has set the bones of the city at crooked angles." "Sadly, I did not invite you here for a discussion of city planning." 4 The dragon watches you silently. "What if we excised the imprisoned portion of your soul from the rest?" NO. My soul is not for the taking. Not by you or any of the outsider spirit-thieves! 4 "We'd long suspected something unnatural was behind the storms, but we had little evidence." The smile playing at his lips is that of a man who's seen the next three moves in a game of hazatōha. "Rauatai is plagued with terrible storms. You think there may be a connection." "Yes." 4 The living were meant to forget Ukaizo. Nothing can be gained of remembering it. Amid the general ire of the construct's thoughts, you feel a sharp jab delivered to your mind. "I was under the impression that dragons loved to talk. Humor me." The Gates of Ukaizo regard you in disgruntled, calculating silence. 4 "How much do you know of Rauatai, Watcher?" "I've studied its history." "So you have a scholarly understanding. That's not worth nothing." 4 "You step on the grounds of Motare o Kōzi. I can tell from your expression that you have no idea what this means to our tribe." He lets the axe hang at ease by his side, though his fingers release none of their tension. "I know what it meant to your ancestors. This was part of an ancient Huana evacuation route." "Ekera, you know your history better than I guessed." 4 You pull out your spyglass and examine the derelict. Nothing moves abovedeck, and you spot a corpse sprawled out on the forecastle. A few more seconds' examination reveals another further aft. Beneath the plague signal, you see a flag depicting a lit candle in an open doorway. You recognize it as the emblem of the Kind Wayfarers. 1. "Prepare the cannons. Send it to the ocean's floor." 2. "I'm going aboard." 3. Pallegina peers off into the distance. 4. "Continue on our course." 5. [Address the ship's surgeon.] "Your thoughts, [Specified 3]?" 3 There's an inkwell and a wealth of official stamps nearby. With a careful hand you might be able to sneak in a carefully-worded amendment. [Alter the terms of inheritance so the land will stay with the tribe.] You adjust the terms of the contract. In the absence of an inheriting son or daughter, ownership of the Duape lands will revert to someone possessing fragments of the ranga's soul. 3 "I dearly miss palace gossip. Come, what is it about?" "Bringing the Wahaki in line." "I suspected the palace would deal with them. You will need every advantage you can seize!" 3 "The Harapo Epic belongs to the Huana. The queen sent me to remind you both." "An intact primary source is a rare find for the Huana." "Ekera, few outsiders can appreciate what such an artifact could mean to our people." 3 "Go and explore someplace with pleasant views and fresh air. The harbor. Or Periki's Overlook." "Neketaka has a rich history, and some of it lies buried. I must see it for myself." He shakes his head. 3 "Thought we'd been through this. I'm waiting for you to bring the goods so we can find Dereo's mosaic and be out of here." Her gaze darts around as if she's expecting something to jump out from the shadows. "Part of Neketaka collapsed down here long ago. I'm sure there are some pretty pickings in the ruins..." "Once Dereo's got what he wants, you can dig around all you like." 3 "We answer to him, not to you, and certainly not to some tribal queen of Neketaka!" "You are safe here by the grace of Queen Onekaza II. Show some respect." "If you think we're safe, you haven't been in Deadfire long. There's hardly a stretch of sea that doesn't have a pirate or privateer lurking nearby." She looks meaningfully at the Vailian. 3 "This could get Tuaha killed, and letting a company mission fall into the wrong hands... it could be dangerous." "You've never heard of giving your life to a cause?" "I'm insulted that you would think otherwise. We are all prepared to sacrifice for Rauatai." Tuaha squares her shoulders and stands taller. 3 [Lean in for a better look at the engraving.] The runes are in the Naasitaq language, at least half of which spell out a litany of violent and colorful curses. The chisel goes askew and draws a harsh line across the iron. Tatok's eye twitches. 2 "I warned the Vailians about Poko Kohara, but why listen to the ignorant Huana girl? "Now I remain. They are gone - taken by the curse." "Vailians are some of the most skilled navigators in the world. They don't just go missing." "Poko Kohara was not for them. With Ngati's aid, the sea takes and gives in equal measure." She raises her fingers to her brow. 2 "If the tribals cannot understand the basic terms of an agreement, that is their burden to bear." Luca nods to his drink and wipes off the rim of the cup. "The Huana have a deep memory. They will not look upon company manipulation well in the long run." "Then it's a good thing we're here only as long as the adra flows." 2 "Meantime, Dereo'll be pleased to hear the news. How about you go tell him and collect your reward." "What does he want with a mosaic of Ukaizo?" Her smile freezes on her face. 2 1. "Nearly done, I hope. I sold a consignment of iron and cultured coral and will return to Rauatai with vorlas, murkberries, and Ondra's Stars." She shifts in her chair, tugging at her conspicuously clean and bright clothes. 2. "Anyway, that's what brought me here." She fidgets with her cup. "I thought Rauataians operated out of the Brass Citadel." "Most do." She avoids meeting your gaze. Her mouth is pressed into a hard frown. 2 "The Engwithans were masters of engineering. "And with the knowledge of Ukaizo, we could surpass them." She watches you through eyes as bright as embers. A cool draft moves through the room, but a fever-slick sheen of sweat glazes her forehead. "Ukaizo was originally the Huana capital." "You think they could have achieved this?" She snorts a stream of smoke. 2 At the bottom of the bowl is a shallow, circular depression. You recognize the offering bowl, an artifact found in many Engwithan ruins. It would have been intended for use only by Engwithans who held high rank, or had made some great achievement. In an arena such as this, a champion might fulfill that role. The copper bowl has tarnished to a dull blue-green. Grime and dust coat the surface in a thin film. 2 "I'm sure you'll be astounded to learn the powers that be in Aedyr didn't much like that. The Steel Garrote's been after me for my 'grave' transgression ever since." "That was over 150 years ago! They've been hunting you all this time?" "Those Steel Garrote hounds are RELENTLESS." 2 "You're... familiar with the luminous adra trade?" [Lie] "Of course." "Of course. I suppose you could hardly spend ten minutes in the Deadfire without hearing all about it." 2 "You're... familiar with the luminous adra trade?" "I know that Luminous Adra is native to the Deadfire." "It's also quite valuable. When refined, it sells for considerable sums. "The Trading Company has invested a lot of time and money into locating sites suitable for mining and processing." 2 From between the bars stares a frail and sickly xaurip. It shrinks when you near, pressing itself into the furthest corner of its cage, trembling. Around its neck are the remnants of a bedraggled feather crest. Paint is smeared across its face, but the paint is old, flaking. It hasn't been reapplied in some time. The xaurip's regalia tells you they must have been an important figure in the tribe - perhaps a High Priest, or a Mother - but its condition makes clear that those days are long past. 1. "What happened to you?" 2. [Leave it be.] 2 Several of the gathered Huana chuckle. The woman merely smiles, bowing her head slightly. "Challenging Osa, it is always done by aumaua to prove strength and stamina in the water. I stay afraid it may be too much for another kith." "I thought the Huana were traditionally a welcoming people." She bows her head. "Then what welcome would we provide if we fed our guests unknowing to Ngati?" When her gaze returns to yours, she bears a small smile. "But you are not unknowing, I say." 1 He blinks. "But the queen gave it to me! There is great honor in such a gift." "The Huana way is prize-share. The shell was passed to you, not given." He pauses. "If I would pass it to you, then you must gift me its value." 1 -NONE FOUND- "In Ozia there'd be a crowd in here to taunt you." Rinco barks a short laugh, then immediately winces. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, Party Assist, continued Insight Reveal hidden contents 20 [Press your ear to the device.] Gears click and whir beneath the device's skin. After a few moments listening, a faint <i>tap tap</i> sounds on the inside. <i>Tap, tap.</i> <i>Tap, tap, tap.</i> It stops. An intricate device crafted from copper and adra sits before you, radiating a low hum. 18 "Theoretically. Though I highly doubt it." Something in the way she stares at you - as if you're an insect trapped within her web - sets you ill at ease. "Whehami will not listen to my words, however. I suspect he will only respect force." 18 "Don't you want to see what that little mote of potential can become without kith getting in its way?" "I'm starting to wonder if you and Maura weren't after the same thing - only she got here first." Tayn blinks. 18 You carefully sink your hand into the machine's soft flesh. A canal of gore extends deeper than you guessed, and in no time you're shoulder-deep in a panel of drooping skin and exposed muscle. Flesh, gears, and wet, moving parts shudder under your touch. Your hand brushes something that twitches violently, but you manage to calm it with a compassionate pet. Reaching deeper, you find a warm, fluid-filled sac and give it a gentle squeeze. 17 "N-no! I won't go back to before! My head all cloudy... If I take it off, I go back into the dream." Copperhead clutches at his helmet, tugging it down around his ears. You hear a muffled growl from within its depths. Anger and fear, you suspect, exacerbate Copperhead's hunger for essence. On the other hand, the runes appear to have made the other inhabitants relatively docile. 1. "I promise to give it back." 2. "Fine. Just hold still while I look at it." 3. [Take it off his head by force.] 17 "No. We were the first set to this task." A slight frown mars her spiritual features. In the momentary expression you catch a hint of profound loathing. Whehami, it seems, is not the only Face frustrated by the company he is forced to keep. "Always us three. I cannot imagine it any other way. It may not even be possible to leave, but Whehami will try." 16 "How do I know he's the real deal? I've had enough plainclothes investigators from Neketaka's palace sniffing around here lately." "If you're worried about the authorities, send him your most upstanding stock." "Suppose I could broker a deal for one or two... to start. See how it pans out." He nods, greed already gleaming in his eyes. 15 "Curious. Why?" She cants her head to the side and frowns. "I was hoping you'd offer me something better if I sabotaged his plan." "I'd consider it. We can discuss terms if you complete the task as I've asked you to." 15 "This may explain... Hm." She looks past you, eyes unfocused. Thinking. "To be 'Llengrath' doesn't mean just bearing the name, does it?" "Keenly observed. Indeed, you're correct." She narrows her eyes and smiles thinly. 15 1. "Ah. A joke. Yes, I'm quite amused. Well done." 2. "I don't know why I expected anything else, knowing who you are." 3. "Don't unnecessarily endanger yourself on my account. We have larger concerns than my academic curiosity." 4. "Your faith isn't misplaced. Still, this tome is unfamiliar to me. Should you find more, I'd be interested in examining them." 5. "I'm not especially keen to embroil myself in whatever Waelian nonsense is afoot here." She shrugs. You notice her body is strategically angled away from Tayn so he can't hear her. Her hands, too, shake slightly, as if she is possessed by some strong emotion. Perhaps she wants these books more than she lets on. She shoos you away with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. 15 "Very amusing. Why don't you share your discovery with him, then, and leave me be?" You notice her body is strategically angled away from Tayn so he can't hear her. Her hands, too, shake slightly, as if she is possessed by some strong emotion. Perhaps she wants these books more than she lets on. She shoos you away with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. 15 "A compelling vision, but hardly definitive." She crosses and uncrosses her arms, as if she can't quite come to a decision. You notice her body is strategically angled away from Tayn so he can't hear her. Her hands, too, shake slightly, as if she is possessed by some strong emotion. Perhaps she wants these books more than she lets on. "Tread cautiously. This place is no doubt full of unseen hazards." 15 "I'd be surprised if the vision were real. Like as not, Wael's agents enchanted the book with a false memory." She exhales a small huff of frustration. You notice her body is strategically angled away from Tayn so he can't hear her. Her hands, too, shake slightly, as if she is possessed by some strong emotion. Perhaps she wants these books more than she lets on. "Tread cautiously. This place is no doubt full of unseen hazards." 15 "So why do I get the feeling you're trying to convince me of something?" "Clever child. It's important for my own reasons that I earn your trust. For now, at least." "When we ascended to godhood, we did so to provide for a savage people. Our goal was to craft a society whose values were made to last." 14 "What ridiculousness! Do you think us fools?" Arms crossed, the hooded figure scowls at you. You think. "I get the impression Vatnir may have given you plenty of reason to doubt him." "I'll - I'll admit him a far walk from perfect, that's for certain. Couldn't hunt a bear to save his life." 14 1. "So you killed him? How are we to know you're not lying to us?" 2. "But, then, who could have done this? Everyone loves Vatnir! They respect him! He speaks for the Beast of Winter!" "I get the impression Vatnir may have given you plenty of reason to doubt him." Hafjórn's hooded face turns away as the Harbinger rubs the back of his head. 14 1. "Obviously! That's what you do! That's why you're here!" 2. "The ending comes with or without our aid, as you say. We gather here not because we believe he needs us, but because we know that we need him." You note a faint quaver in Vatnir's voice. You seem to have struck a nerve. The congregants again bow their heads, their susurrus prayers stirring the cold air. 14 "No one understands your manic rambling, Tayn. Speak plainly or be quiet." "You want to use the body somehow, don't you?" "He gets it." Tayn winks at you. 14 "But I wouldn't call him a parasite." "You think him a symbiote?" "That's a matter of perspective, isn't it?" She smiles. 14 1. "Nothing could matter more." He leans forward. 2. "Allow me an idle moment's curiosity. Have you heard of the Archmage Fyonlecg?" "That's you, I presume?" He exhales a prolonged sigh. 13 "When you did your bloody work atop the Floe, did you see a woman, about thirty winters my senior, with skin matching mine and hair the color of butter?" "Family, I take it?" "My sister, Ehrys." Her nod is but a small movement. 13 It matters not. Nothing matters. I shall claim your essence and use it to escape this place. "'Nothing matters?' It sounds like this place has made you a part of it." 1. Such cleverness, little kith. 2. It seems the little kith is not quite the fool that it appears. 12 "Who knows what Aeldys would do with the information, were I to release her. She could sabotage our efforts to reach Ukaizo, or steal the Floating Hangman before we have a chance to acquire it." "Your worries about Aeldys' influence are justified, but accepting exile is the same as bowing to your power." "This is why you are such a valuable asset, my friend. Ac, let us send her on Clussa's Voyage." 12 "Wake up down the way at Vilario's Rest, nothing but the clothes on my back and this coin clutched tight in my grip. Come up here looking for work, for a ship to get me off of this backwater island." He takes a long swig from his mug. "You don't sound very happy about it." "Probably 'cause I ain't. Lot of good people died that day, men and women I liked and respected. And me, here, alive and sodden in Port Maje, all on account of taking a shine to a piece of silver." He sighs again, long and tired. 12 1. I expected a century, but not multiple. 2. So long as will persists, so too does life! 3. Tell me then, little kith, what you would have me do. What would your wisdom demand of me? 4. I will happily introduce you, if you so desire. 5. "We don't desire. Not even a little." "You sound tired." You sound small. And edible. 12 "You have your choice. Accept my chime, or remain here." "Was this your plan all along?" "If that were so, would it matter now?" 11 "We shall ensure that the slavers do not return by stationing one of our most elite fleets at Crookspur." He watches you as he explains this, eyes searching your face. "You don't expect me to believe you moved an entire fleet just to keep the slavers out, do you?" He's silent and still for several seconds. Calculating. At last, he smiles slowly. 11 "On what do you base this claim?" "This place is formed of trauma - the trauma of an experienced torturer torturing herself." "If you continue to spout such ridiculous madness, you shall be escorted from these halls." Her voice quivers. 11 1. The animancer nods. 2. "Whatever do you mean?" The other gathered spirits restlessly shift behind you. "This place is formed of trauma - the trauma of an experienced torturer torturing herself." The accused elf shudders against her shackles, and the other inquisitors hiss. A rising murmur builds among the witnesses. 11 1. "That's very advanced, actually-" Voice shaking, he stares at you, wide-eyed and frightened. 2. "I'm afraid that we - that I - cannot allow you to interfere, [Player Name]. We've come entirely too close to turn away now." 3. "You overcame a false Fyonlecg. A simulacrum. A phantasm. Simple enough spellwork." 4. "Knowledge flows through us, like water through a pipe, over a wheel, and into a reservoir." "Listen to yourself. You're losing your identity! You're being subsumed into - whatever this is!" "I was forgetting myself long before I entered the titan. But through the titan I can restore me." 10 "You must make a fine profit off of kith trafficking." Seafol clenches a fist by her side. When she scowls at you, her scar blanches starkly against her skin. "Swabby, I don't make the laws." She traces the scar snaking her right cheek, fingers splayed in a searching sort of manner. 10 [Call out to the archers.] The kith firing these arrows are clearly hostile. You know you'll need to choose your words with incredible care if there's any chance of them standing down. 1. "The next arrow fired at me is going to get shoved up one of your asses! Sideways!" 2. [Ask a companion to speak to them.] 3. "We're peaceful missionaries! We're not even armed!" 4. "You're clearly very upset. Is there anything we can do to help you?" 5. "You're slaves from Crookspur, aren't you? We're not here to take you back!" 10 "I tell you... something about all that open water." Maia shakes her head. "You're talking about Ondra's Mortar." "Knew you were clever." She takes another hearty swig. 10 "How can I?" With a tired shrug, Serafen looks away. "You're hiding something." "Ac, that I am. Many things. For many reasons. I learned long ago that it's ofttimes better to hold your tongue." 10 "Taking your hand and leading you through my perversions, my failures... it was not done for my ego alone, captain." "You were telling me what kind of mate you wanted. Someone who loves you but doesn't enshrine you." He considers this. Pursing his lips, Tekēhu shrugs. 10 She takes the purse from you in exchange for the flail. Her fingers linger on the weapon, as if reluctant to let it go, but the weight of the purse seems to decide the issue. "Thank you. With this... with this, we have a chance." She smiles faintly and bows her head to you. 10 The xaurip shaman steps forward, feathered headdress swaying. It chitters, points towards the horizon, then points towards a pouch hanging from its waist. The other xaurips nod. It seems to be offering you something to go away. 1. [Nod to them.] 2. [Leave] "I'll go." 3. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 10 "You two may explore one another to your heart's content." She banishes you with a halfhearted wave. "Aren't you just becoming everything you hated about Arkemyr?" "Cuè, are you going to tell me that I am a loveless creature who keeps anyone of substance at a distance?" 10 "When you win! When you win of course!" The spirit flickers as if in doubt. As if hiding something. "Go! The crowd hungers for carnage! Do not fail them!" 10 "Strictly, uh, speaking in a religious sense." Her averted glance and stuttered words suggest that she's not sharing the entire truth. "Was there something else you wanted to know?" 10 "I am a changed woman - asleep no longer. This bloated husk of mine is bound for the worms, but my soul is made for eternal service." "It sounds more like you hate your body and want a new one." Something in your words takes her by surprise. She rests a hand on the construct's frozen boiler and steadies herself. 10 I came here for it. An object of such potency that it defies the deified. "Deified? Not deific? You know then the truth of the gods creation?" Obviously. My mother was older than your manufactured gods are now when she hatched me. 10 1. "Whether or not you ever truly devoted yourself to the gods, there is no question you once served them." 2. "How do you answer these charges?" "You mask yourself - are you ashamed of your actions here?" 1. "You abstract your choices in phrases such as 'this body' and 'the tribunal.' You preemptively refuse responsibility for your actions." 2. "Not all who wear masks do so out of shame." 3. "There is no shame to be found in the service of the gods. The masks we wear reflect our roles as mere instruments of a divine will." 10 "I'm wrong inside. Only the stars can make me right again." "You mentioned a hand. Did the Hand Occult kidnap you?" "Great big hand. This place, one finger, yes? Many hands. Many fingers." She nods. 10 "Take this. It's a spell that should wake the prisoners up again. Just make sure you read it somewhere they'll all hear it." "You just <i>happened</i> to have a unique spell for this occasion?" "Amazing, right?" He sighs. "Okay, you got me. I took the words of my Chaotic Orb and moved a few runes and accents around." 10 1. The spider stares at you. 2. As the sac sways gently to either side, you notice a small spherical object set into it. At first you mistake it for a solid black gem, but then it shifts, and you find eight eyes peering up at you from a fist-sized spider. [Study the spider.] The spider studies you back. 9 "Ye've been lucky thus far, ye know. I'm of half a mind to call ye out, and I'm no worse than many with a blade. Least then, perhaps, ye'll give me a lick of satisfaction!" Her hand strays towards her belt. "You knew Serafen sails. Didn't you want him to leave?" Syri's eyes bulge, and her arms go slack. She lets her head drop. 9 "On your way, then." She shoos you with a flap of one large, reddish hand. "I seem to have hit a sore spot. Having trouble selling your goods?" Face reddening, the aumaua glances away. 9 1. "Strange. You seem familiar." 2. "Do I - do I know you? Have we met?" The spirit's dark, heavily ringed eyes search you for recognition. "You mean when you were alive?" "Before this. Before here." 8 "Be that as it may, someone did not wish for this breakthrough to occur. For that alone we have good reason to seek knowledge of her amateurish, if enthusiastic, research." Arkemyr's eyebrows form a steep triangle as he arrives at a page of mathematical figures and coordinates. "'Someone?' Have a culprit in mind, do you?" When several gazes turn to you and several mouths open to speak up, Arkemyr silences them all in turn with a loud clearing of his throat. 8 "Do you know who I'm representing?" Widla is a little too fast to respond. Almost as if she's trying to stop you from saying more. "I know they've got the cash." 8 "But per complanca - Feel free to make your case." "You can't get much in the way of conversation around here..." "Sientere, but if I thought you would content yourself to while out your years in a little cage, I would have proposed it from the beginning." 8 "Aye, captain, though since when've you given one bilge rat's ass what be going on in my head?" Beneath his shaggy moustache, Serafen's lips stretch thin. [Insight] "I know following me hasn't been easy for you." "I'd hope so, given you be the one that makes it such." 8 "We're all crew. We bleed and sail together. I know [Specified 0] is a bit strange, but you have more in common than not." The sailors look to one another, some rubbing the back of their heads, others wringing their hands. "Sorry, captain..." [Specified 3]'s gaze shifts between you and [Specified 0]. "I didn't think about it that way." "Back to work!" [Specified 1] shouts. "Nothing left to see here." The crew breaks apart and returns to their tasks. You've averted the crisis... for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 8 "The Crucible is my brainchild, the finest web a spider could desire. Why would I harm this place?" "Clever delivery, I almost didn't sense the sarcasm." She shakes her head. 8 Hateno stares you down, his expression carefully blank. Scibéal, on the other hand, frowns and fidgets beside him. Scibéal bites hard on her lip in an unsuccessful attempt to quell her rising panic. Hateno watches her from the corner of his eye, conflict evident in his knit brow. 1. "So nice to see you again, Konstanten." His lips twist into a vicious smirk. 2. "Pass, then, but watch your back." 8 "Heh. Youthful folly. Nothing more to it than that." "A scalp tattoo isn't something you do on a whim." "Sure it is. You never been young and stupid? Kids'll do all sorts of dumb **** to stave off boredom." 8 "Oh, no, that's certainly happening. It's simply not my, er, the focus of my attentions." "The dragon is." He nods, the white wisps of his hair swaying gently like a light flurry of snow. 8 1. [Echo Prince Edanke.] "You could not save our kingdom, but you can redeem yourself. Help me fight the dragon, Neriscyrlas." 2. "A victory against the dragon would bring glory to my empire. Perhaps- perhaps together we might repair my legacy, too." Within the folds of his robes, the king's hands shake. He sighs. "It is settled." 8 Beyond its surface, you see vast pillars of adra wrapped in the stone arches and copper machinery of ancient Engwith. The quiet whispers seem couched in a mixture of desperate fear and bitter zeal. 1. [Step away.] 2. [Step into the portal.] 8 1. "You've had few dealings with the Circle of Archmagi in the past - nonetheless, we know you pursue Eothas, and we might have a way to help." 2. "You've aided the Circle of Archmagi once before. We've found ourselves wondering if you might do so again." "Why doesn't the Circle of Archmagi ever solve these world-threatening crises?" "Perhaps we solve more than you think. Perhaps we simply don't advertise to the common kith how often Eora comes to the brink of destruction." 7 "You did not come this far to serve the crown, I say, but sailing is an expensive hobby. "Loyal service can keep your galley stocked." "Have any problems with loyalty lately?" "Neketaka is a city full of friends, I say. We exchange so much between districts." His smile tightens into a hard line. 7 "At night, I even... ah, but it is nothing." She waves the matter aside as if brushing at a moth. "Have you been dreaming of Ukaizo, highness?" "Ekera... Since I was a child." Onekaza slowly exhales through her nose. 7 "It would seem we're at an impasse. How's it going to be, then?" "You're letting your ego guide you rather than thinking realistically." "Think I should be a martyr for the faction? I'm not the one making a choice that'll incite open war." 7 "Lower that. Let's talk." Bearn waits, the vial now clutched in one hand at chest height. "You have doubts about this. You're questioning, just like your mother must've taught." "Your mom knew how to spot a fake. What do you think she'd say about him?" Edér nods toward Bosc. 7 1. "You wouldn't believe how much paperwork it takes to run a navy." 2. "The company has a lot of people working away from headquarters, and Atsura trusted me to get these in the right hands. "Hope that isn't a problem." 3. "Don't take it personally if I'm vague on some of the details. Atsura likes his discretion, even when it comes to boring bureaucratic stuff." "Aren't you a little overqualified for courier work?" "Watch out, Ishi - we've got a charmer on our hands." Maia plays at whispering to her bird, though she wears a knowing smile. 7 "It will make a fine inheritance for my many daughters." "Only daughters? No sons?" "No sons. Not any longer." 6 1. "Apparently they're having some trouble out there with a hostile tribe. You help them, Furrante helps the Company. "I... You've proven resourceful. You make the logical choice." 2. Serafen's narrowed eyes slide between you, the director, and the floor. "You're not telling me something." "I... I would not normally enter into such pacts with the likes of Furrante. "The Company's assets are in some disarray. Our resources are not what they once were." 6 1. "Apparently they're having some trouble out there with a hostile tribe. You help them, Furrante helps the Company. "I... You've proven resourceful. You make the logical choice." 2. Serafen's narrowed eyes slide between you, the director, and the floor. "Come clean, Castol. You're making me nervous, and that's dangerous." "I... I would not normally enter into such pacts with the likes of Furrante. "The Company's assets are in some disarray. Our resources are not what they once were." 6 "It truly works? You mean to say that the animancers have learned how to... transport people?" Príncipo Tarvisi leans forward in his chair, watching you intently. "I'm sure you don't need me to tell you the practical applications." "Certainly not." 6 1. Yet you see the tension in the way he pinches the fabric of his sleeve. He wants this artifact. Badly. 2. "I do not believe in these superstitions, of course." He frowns. 3. "I do not believe in such superstition, of course." He frowns. "You don't mean 'valuable' in the monetary sense." He coughs into his hand to hide his fluster. 6 "The timing's getting tighter. And there is one thing... before the end. Something only one touched by Berath can do." "You covet something you can't get to, something you can't access because you lack Berath's chime." "That's right. I've got no hope, but you do." He tugs at a chain about his neck. 6 "The timing's getting tighter. And there is one thing... before the end. Something only one touched by Berath can do." "You covet something in the catacombs, the ones you can't access because you lack Berath's chime." "That's right. I've got no hope, but you do." He tugs at a chain about his neck. 6 "Why would they permit a kith deeper into the Maw?" "What you really want to know is what they saw in me that will aid you against Eothas." "At any other time, no Rathun would accept aid from a mere kith. But you are right." 6 "If the Circle sent you to interrupt my research, I'll fashion a scarecrow of your remains to deter their next hapless victim." "You wouldn't be here if you found what you were seeking." "How astute. Now, if you're finished dissecting my academic setbacks, I am a rather busy lich." 6 "It is a mundane story. I sought out the ship with the longest oversea route departing from the Republics and booked passage." Though her words are flat and her voice affectless, Ydwin is not calm. She shifts her weight from foot to foot and looks anywhere but at your face. She has the restless, nervous air of a horse about to bolt. "I had intended to perform a handful of experiments regarding the nature of souls that could only be done safely at sea." 6 "Never been much of a liar. Folks tend to see through." "Even if it's a bad lie, she'll go along with it because it's what she'd rather believe." "All right, I'll do like you said. I don't think she'll believe me, but I'll do it." 6 "If you find yourself imperiled, seek Udyne at Magic Water. She can help." Serafen falls silent, staring at the page for a while longer. You hear his breath catch, and he looks up, his expression carefully blank. [Insight] "Seems like there was more in that letter." 1. "Nay, captain, that be over and done with. Certainly got what I came for, thank you kindly." Serafen quickly folds over the letter twice and then stuffs it in a deep pocket. 2. "Aye, there be a word or two more, but nothing useful to us." He folds the letter over. 6 "But the morning after our coupling, I awoke to him praying at my feet." Tekēhu turns away and exhales through his nose. "You enjoyed his power over you, but then he betrayed it - is that it?" "Ekera. Just so." 6 "We're all crew. We bleed and sail together. I know [Specified 0] is a bit strange, but you have more in common than not." The sailors look to one another, some rubbing the back of their heads, others wringing their hands. "Sorry, captain..." [Specified 3]'s gaze shifts between you and [Specified 0]. "I didn't think about it that way." "Back to work!" [Specified 1] shouts. "Nothing left to see here." The crew breaks apart and returns to their tasks. You've averted the crisis... for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 6 Muātu's voice seems a mere whisper after the power of a god's. "I felt such rage from that beast. Hunger, too. And beneath all of it, I think, fear." "Galawain seems pretty unhappy. With more than just my presence here." "The Lord of the Hunt sent that beast?" Muātu's words rise in pitch and volume. 6 "The temperament of Ngati's chosen is tempestuous indeed." The king plays off Tekēhu's insult with a laugh and the wave his hand. Though his smiling facade doesn't waver, you notice the king's hands are balled into tight fists on the arms of his throne. "You have my permission to continue." 5 "He complained until the ranga gave him my finest mats, and then left them out for the sport of beasts. Let the gods sort him." Rongi's lip curls back, but he holds his composure steady. "So even if Tamau is innocent, you don't care?" "The tribe has challenges enough without Huana eating from each other's plates." Flaring his nostrils, Rongi glances away from you. 5 His gaze darts to the office guards, but something stops him from calling out. "But in this case, the company is a degenerate cheat. Say it with me." "I... I will not. And I'll thank you to keep your voice down. Here! May this still your tongue." He thrusts a pouch of coins at you. 5 "The Watcher has done more for us than Castol ever did." "You're the governor. Isn't some of this your responsibility?" "Well, I... "I have done what I can to keep us afloat. But I can only do so much." 5 "You threaten me in my own home? I am one of the queen's finest warriors!" He takes a step toward you, his barrel chest heaving with fury. His apprentices grab their weapons. "You <i>were</i>. Now, you're just a puffed-up old man." His face contorts in fury. 5 "Way I see it, you've got two options. You can tell me who sent you. Or I can feed you the shaft of my gun." Morena's features are harsh, cutting. Her hair is drawn up into a large braid on the top of her head. Feathers and bits of bone - teeth and phalanges wrapped with ribbon - jut from tresses that gleam like red wine in the low light. You don't doubt she'd follow through on her threat - or try to. 1. "Dereo sends his regards." 2. "Enoi told me to find you." 3. "No one sent me. You just have piss-poor security." 4. [Retreat, hands up.] "Took a wrong turn. That's all." 5. [Show her the suolenet.] 6. "I heard there was business being done down here and thought I'd bring a donation." 7. "I've come to assist you as a favor to Captain Aeldys." 5 With a shrug of his meaty shoulders, he steps aside. "Your fury should burn for Eothas, not me." Shoulders taut with tension, the warrior eyes the strewn corpses of his fellow Rathun-at-arms. They lie dried like husks, siphoned of their souls. 5 "I am a fleet master of the Rauataian navy stationed at Sayuka, a research colony of the Royal Deadfire Company." "What are you researching?" "Ondra's Mortar. Storms that strong, that consistent... I suspect they're not natural." 5 "I seek a deeper understanding of your tribe." The way her hand drops to her belt, she either doesn't understand or doesn't like the sound of your words. "Deeper? Deeper how?" Kipeha squints at you. 5 "Yeah, well, the dream only works on folk what have this symbol on their heads. I didn't see it 'til I got the helmet on. "And all of us... dead, or something like it. Feeding off the living to stay alive a little longer." "Not something you'd want to wake up to." "Ha. No, it were... A shock, I tell you true. "Maybe I did go a little mad. Just a little." 5 "You might be asking yourself why one of the tribals would be stalking her, and if that has anything to do with our little... mission." "Mission. Interesting choice of words." Nodding, Maia sighs. 5 "Atsura set him loose so he can... get to know as many people as possible." "He's a spy." "That's one way you could put it." 4 "I'm sure I don't know who you're talking about. Now, please leave." She gestures toward her door and makes a shooing motion. "It's clear you care quite a bit for him. Let me help." She chews on a knuckle, brow furrowed, deciding whether she should trust you. Then she sighs heavily and gives you a sheepish smile. 4 "Ekera, punish me appropriately if I misbehave." "I'll hold you to that, you slippery bastard." Gyntel turns away with a huff, a faint blush coloring the tips of his ears. "Now, what can I do for ya?" 4 "Did he have any coin on him? Old coot owed my five thousand copper." Despite her cold words, tears begin to well in her eyes. She blinks them away without comment. 1. [Lie] "Oh, he had loads of coins. Lots of gold, some silver, a huge sack of coppers..." 2. "No, the man was flat broke." 4 "Besides, lying is second nature to the ranga heir and his ignorant gliente." "You're ashamed of this practice, and you don't want to admit it." "Postenago! The company has every reason to congratulate itself." 4 "Thank you for standing with us, Watcher. My brother and I are honored to deserve your trust." She dips her head slightly. "They made a habit of underestimating you. I don't." "For too long my brother and I shouldered the burden of the trading companies. Now we can focus on what matters in the Deadfire." The queen raises her head and flares her nostrils. 4 "What of Eothas? If you know why he terrorizes the Deadfire, speak on." The queen nods. "He makes for Magran's Teeth, but I believe that is only a waypoint." Tapping her chin, Onekaza nods and weighs the matter. At length her even expression spreads into a pleased and knowing smile. 4 "How do we get past this, captain?" Maia crosses her arms and squeezes her shoulders. "You want to stay. You'll hate yourself if you don't." "Maybe I will. And maybe I can even live with that." 4 "Ganor may tell you more, if you're curious. He is something of an amateur alchemist, in addition to being a businessman of remarkable skill and insight." "Next you'll tell me luminous adra grants the bather eternal life." "Would that it were so! Ganor would make good money, and perhaps I would receive a raise, yes?" The bathhouse steward chuckles heartily. 4 "I would go myself, but, ah, the guards, they bar the doors to me without my casità present. They think I am a thief." He stares at his feet, his hands an anxious, twisting knot in front of him. "Why can't you ask your casità to retrieve it, then?" "I would rather her not discover my incompetence." His eyes dart to the side, as if looking for something - or someone - just outside his vision. 4 "The mosaic is an ancient work of art! Such marvels must be preserved." His fingers continue working at his hem. "You're way too interested in this find - and in keeping it a secret - for this to be about art." A small gold thread comes away in his fingers. He frowns at it. 4 "You do not know? But you- you-" She stops abruptly, her gaze falling to the ground. Her bony hands tremble in her lap. She flicks her gaze to you, then looks away quickly, before you can meet her eyes. You frighten her. 1. "But... perhaps the village elder will point you down the right path. He is called Enoi - you can find him in his home." 2. "But... Enoi might know. Though he is blind, there is no part of the Gullet he does not see." 4 "The queen would have us join our tribes into one raised fist. "She could not let Muhai's crime stand." "So it was a political decision." "I say, it was done for the good of our people. The Traders, they make war upon themselves. "Each dousing another's flame, they are reduced to embers." 4 1. "And the priorities of its officers do not always align with the long-term interests of the Republics." 2. "A dangerous mix, especially with the Vailian Trading Company becoming a power of its own." "You think they're growing too fast for their own good." "Put enough food before a dog, and it will eat itself sick." He interlaces his long, well-manicured fingers. 4 The occasional pedestrian crosses your view, but everyone seems to be going about their business without tarrying for long. Just as you decide to give up, a passing Huana raises his eyes from scribbling on a page of notes. He pockets the parchment and steps back into the obscurity of the crowd. The gesture is innocuous enough, but the speed and ease of it leave you in doubt. "You saw that too, right?" Maia nods. 4 As he speaks, you notice that the toes of his soft boots are worn thin. A closer inspection reveals that his robes are unraveling at the hems and are well-patched at the elbows, too. "You're broke, aren't you." "How dare you - !" 4 "The common folk do so LOVE an actor. We bring mystery and excitement to their otherwise dreary lives. "Yes, you could say we're doing the gods' work." As he speaks, you notice that the toes of his soft boots are worn thin. A closer inspection reveals that his robes are unraveling at the hems and are well-patched at the elbows, too. 1. "Your generosity is... inspiring." 2. [Listen.] 3. "You're broke, aren't you." 4 "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Her face is pale, her brow beaded with sweat. "You act like a hunted woman. Why?" "I had thought, I hoped to never -" She rubs a shaking hand across her eyes, which are red-rimmed and bloodshot. 4 "So long since you granted me this divine gift." "If <i>you're</i> here, that means... we're in Rymrgand's realm." "You have joined me in His clutches, Watcher. Is it not a cozy place?" His bloodless lips curl into a knowing smile, like he references a joke known only to the two you. 4 1. "That's it? That's all you have to say? What's WRONG with you?" 2. "You're not even trying anymore! It's like you don't care if I'm your sword or not." Modwyr pauses, trembling, as if it's trying to tamp down some unvoiced emotion. "I don't think this is really about me." "You - you think just because you've held me, used me to slice up countless monsters, that you KNOW me?" The sword shakes itself out of your hands and onto the ground, turning itself away from you. 4 1. "Ke lagahak tetahakus?" He throws his arms up in a helpless, frustrated gesture. 2. "Ke tetahibi?" He sighs deeply and shakes his head. His long hair is tangled from his ordeal at sea. He wrings it out as best he can, then ties it back in a sloppy knot. 3. "Shiyiz ikika?" He shakes his head hard once and grimaces. His tangled hair sends rivulets of water coursing down his face. He dashes them away with a huff. 4. "Shiyiz ikihakus?" He presses his palms to his eyes and takes a deep, shaking breath. His shoulders slump. 5. "Usuyi ikihakus!" He grits his teeth and takes a deep breath. The flash of anger passes quickly, though, and is replaced by a thin-lipped grimace of frustration. 6. "Kun imatak'ihe?" He cants his head to the side and narrows his eyes, as if your words are almost familiar, but he can't quite grasp their meaning. 7. "Lash ku hakusa?" He almost shouts the words, frustration evident in the rawness of his tone. He presses his thumbs and forefingers together and takes a deep breath. When he looks at you again, his quick flare of anger has passed, replaced by a resigned grimace. 8. "Ah, ke tetahun muhan kugatug?" He grimaces and shakes his head. He presses his thumbs and forefingers together and takes a deep breath. 9. "Ku?" He rubs at his forehead, a frown etched deep in his face. [Point to yourself and slowly say your name.] "Ah! Ke ked segu kiza Rekke. Reh-kah. Ta?" His eyes light up with the first expression of happiness you've seen from him. As he pronounces his name for you, he taps the center of his forehead. 4 1. "Me and Remaro, we served together back on the Sorcerer. I be owing the man a good turn or two. If I can be making good on that debt, I will." 2. "Were the ship I were on before I sailed out with Furrante." "You're hiding something." "Am I?" He shrugs and turns away. 4 "For what should a god worry about such cares, when theirs is the hand on the tiller?" Tekēhu spreads his palms and frowns. "Are we still talking about Eothas?" He pauses, blinking at you with a handful of hair pressed between his fingers. 4 "You. You're the one what saw the miracle. When Eothas rose at Caed Nua." Awe and conviction quiver in his voice. "And you must be Laethärn. You left Hasongo just before Eothas arrived." "I knew it. Our paths were meant to cross." 4 Harpoon in hand, [Specified 2] leaps from the skiff, using the downward momentum to drive the weapon into the beast's flesh. The creature thrashes, its tail slapping [Specified 2] from its back and into the water. The line from the harpoon to the skiff goes taut as the whale drags the skiff along. If the whale dives, they're in trouble. 1. [Say nothing.] 2. "Let it go!" 4 1. "I did nothing! How- how dare you!" 2. "That is not possible, I say. My empire is the strongest in Eora - no, the greatest empire history has ever known! My reach extends to the edges of the world! Kith on distant shores pay fealty to me, King Wingauro o Watūri I!" "You know that's not true." "My judgment is beyond reproach by you, by the gods, by anyone! "I will not take the blame for what happened, do you hear me? I will not!" 4 "I say you are confused, outlander. A king follows no order but his own!" "You're afraid to live a life without power. I understand. Think of this as an opportunity to fix your mistakes - a chance to do better." "Another passage through the belly of death... to be reborn in a new shape, unburdened..." 4 1. "I did nothing! How- how dare you!" 2. "That is not possible, I say. My empire is the strongest in Eora - no, the greatest empire history has ever known! My reach extends to the edges of the world! Kith on distant shores pay fealty to me, King Wingauro o Watūri I!" [Echo Prince Edanke.] "You know that's not true." "My judgment is beyond reproach by you, by the gods, by anyone! "I will not take the blame for what happened, do you hear me? I will not!" 4 "Knowing that - what do you want?" "I was wondering when you would show up." "I wondered not one whit about you." 3 "Dark clouds surround Poko Kohara, and in my dreams they swallow us all." She looks at the statue next to her, her eyes bright with intensity. "Do you really believe all of that?" She sighs deeply, her bony shoulders rising like a vulture's wings. 3 "Ekera, no one could be less surprised. Tamau had this coming." "You don't seem particularly upset about it." "Guilty or no, being tossed to the waves is what Tamau deserves. I have no tears for him." 3 "The snake brought this on himself, I say. Now Mukūmu will deliver him to Tangaloa's maw, where he belongs." Pekeho nods slowly. "Tamau didn't have any koīki, did he?" He opens his mouth to retort, but closes it and hangs his head. 3 "We feasted, danced, drank, and slept only so we could feast, dance, and drink more." The ghost of a smile flits across his face. "You were awfully busy for a man claiming to be ill." "Per complancanet, music and ale are medicine for the soul." He pats a hand over his heart and gives you a sheepish look. 3 1. "We asked not to be disturbed. What are you doing here?" He grips his weapon and studies you closely. 2. "Once is an accident. Twice and you're a little too nosy for your own good." The sizable man balls his fist and cracks his knuckles. "Aren't you one of the Bardatto guards?" "Well. That's the end of subtlety." Baer readies his weapon, his features hardening in a resolute expression. 3 "Surrender now and I offer you mercy. I make no promises that I'll follow through." Vilami grins. The burglar slowly brings her hand closer to a weapon. "Surrender now and I offer you mercy. I make no promises that I'll follow through." Vilami grins. 3 "It's nothing personal. The crew earned their reputation through murder and thievery, and it would make me sick to see them regain an ounce of their power." She tries for a nonchalant shrug, but it comes off looking like she's got a sore shoulder instead. As she speaks, Dessiral removes a small suolenet from her pocket and polishes the surface with a corner of her shirt. Her features soften like she's visiting an old memory. Then she stuffs the coin back in her pocket with a barely audible sigh. 1. [Say nothing.] 2. "You're not telling me everything." 3. [Raise an eyebrow.] 4. "What's bothering you?" 3 "It would be better if they took their business elsewhere." When Atello isn't looking, Martino draws his thumb across his throat. "I'll do it, but I want the Vailian Trading Company to know that I was helpful." "Was that not implied? Eccosi, consider it done." 3 "This room stifles already. Must you crowd it further?" [Examine the clerk.] Luca's shirt is spotted with a number of faded, purple stains that you recognize as droplets of wine. Someone has tried, unsuccessfully, to wash them out. 3 "He must have wanted to raise some fast coin. Arkemyr will flay me alive over those damned gloves..." Fassina cradles her brow and groans. "Strange that the constructs didn't attack him for stealing." "Is it strange? I don't know. Go consult Arkemyr's grimoire if you're that curious." Flustered, she finds any excuse to look elsewhere. 3 NO. My soul is not for the taking. Not by you or any of the outsider spirit-thieves! "No one's taking your soul. We're just letting most of you free. Isn't that what you want?" HOW, then? You have a plan for this... mad scheme of yours? 3 "It was as I feared, then. Tell me - how did he die? Was it fast, at least? Painless?" "He was beaten to death. Looked like it went on a while before he died." "The Gullet claims another life, then." The old man groans, rubbing his knobby-jointed fingers across his eyes. 3 "Thought we'd been through this. I'm waiting for you to bring the goods so we can find Dereo's mosaic and be out of here." Her gaze darts around as if she's expecting something to jump out from the shadows. "This mosaic must be important. It's obvious you don't like being here." She bristles. "What're you saying? It's... hot down here. That's all." She shivers again. 3 He squirms. "That doesn't release me from my obligation. I must reach Rauatai with all possible haste." "This isn't about your contract. This is about you having things your way." He shifts and wriggles, tugging his sleeves as if to pull them back into place. He says nothing for a moment, but his silently twitching mouth confesses his discomfort. At last, he sighs. 3 1. "Nearly done, I hope. I sold a consignment of iron and cultured coral and will return to Rauatai with vorlas, murkberries, and Ondra's Stars." She shifts in her chair, tugging at her conspicuously clean and bright clothes. 2. "Anyway, that's what brought me here." She fidgets with her cup. "You seem nervous. Does the Royal Deadfire Company know you're trading here?" She sets her glass down with a loud clatter. 3 Her nostrils flare. "What did remorse ever accomplish? Besides, this Botaro brought trouble on himself." She holds her chin high, but you catch a telltale twitch at the corner of her mouth. "Yes, he should have known how to behave around civilized people." She nods as if convincing herself. 3 "[Player Name] Nui, the hero of Hasongo! I'm pleased you've taken me up on my invitation." He gives you a sleek half-smile that reveals a row of perfect, pointed teeth. In his careful stare and the pause before he speaks, you recognize that he's studying you. "Neketaka is full of boastful tongues and bold claims, but none have accomplished what you managed at Hasongo." 3 "[Player Name] Nui, the Lord of Caed Nua." He gives you a sleek half-smile that reveals a row of perfect, pointed teeth. In his careful stare and the pause before he speaks, you recognize that he's studying you. "I'm not one for ostentation, but your remarkable display at Queen's Berth suggests that you are an individual with skills, not mere style." 3 1. "Good sailors with a fast ship and no mind for questions." She chomps a little harder on the bit of her pipe. 2. "Let's just say I'm not keen to invite them to a port where we're developing experimental technologies." "They're smugglers." "Along with half the population of this storm-tossed archipelago." She shakes her head. 3 "Ahhh, yes. Aha. Yes, indeed." His attention is suddenly diverted by an apparently fascinating stain on the hem of his robe. "You're broke, aren't you." "Ye-e-es. U-unfortunate business mishap. You, uh, know how it is, I'm sure." 3 "That's close enough." He scratches his ear, glancing to the left and right. You almost missed it, but you spot a smudge of ink on his right thumb and index finger. As he brings down his hand, he unconsciously pats a bulge in his pocket. Nodding to you, Maia makes it clear that she noticed it as well. 3 "You are all coldness and hunger. The teachings of your tribe, the tradition... none of it lives on in you." He begins to draw his weapon, his expression a mask of sorrow. "She's trying to save your life, which is more than you're doing." He stills the movement of his hand, eyeing both you and Maia with deliberate slowness and consideration. 3 "Their meddling displeased the gods. So the gods smashed their works with heaving volcanoes and crashing waves." His beads and bangles rattle as he brings his hands together in a loud clap. "So you think history is repeating itself." "You shufflers are beasts of habit. You do not learn. You do not change." 3 1. "All stumble and shamble like sun-blind hatchlings." 2. "Many generations ago, the sand-striped ones built great hives across the islands. And bastions around the adra roots." At this, the others hiss angrily. "'Sand-striped' - you're describing the Huana." "Their ancestors, yes!" 3 There's something unusual about her brittle confidence, distant stare, and shaking hand. You can read the signs - whatever she saw here has rattled her to her core. 1. "She be shaking like she seen a leviathan. Which I be supposing she has, in a manner of speech." The orlan frowns as he strokes his plaited beards. 2. "She is battle-rattled - I believe that is what the Aedyrans call it. It happens to all soldiers sooner or later. Sometimes you leave the fight, but... it doesn't leave you." Lips pursed, Pallegina cranes her head to peer into Zuhira's eyes. 3. "Captain... two places I've seen that look - healer's tents and exceptional brothels. This is neither." 4. She blinks at you as if seeing you for the first time. 5. "Folks that saw Waidwen on the field of battle, ones that lived, used to get rounded up looking like this. "Some got reassigned, but most they sent home." 3 "You wouldn't be implying there's more to it than my superb luck and skills?" With a chuckle, he pats the left pocket of his pants - a nervous gesture. "'Cause accusations such as that are likely to see you whipped and pickled, my mate." 3 1. "And who wouldn't be salivating to show a Vailian such as yourself the rigging?" 2. "You said you met him, aye? Seems the type that needs a bullet, don't he?" He projects his words a tad louder than necessary. "I know there's something you're not telling me." "Aye, there's boat holds I ain't telling you, Watcher. Ain't telling you about the lass I have back on Deadlight. Ain't telling you what we did or didn't do last time I seen her, neither. Certainly ain't telling you about the secret pirate handshake that'll get you in the door." 3 1. "I deduced that it was possible to escape the cycle, escape Berath's grasp. To remove one's soul from the Wheel." 2. "In the absence of a corporeal anchor." Her lip twitches. "And you decided to attempt the procedure on yourself?" "I'd not experiment upon myself without relative certainty it would be a success." A tic tweaks her cheek. 3 From between the bars stares a frail and sickly xaurip. It shrinks when you near, pressing itself into the furthest corner of its cage, trembling. Around its neck are the remnants of a bedraggled feather crest. Paint is smeared across its face, but the paint is old, flaking. It hasn't been reapplied in some time. The xaurip's regalia tells you they must have been an important figure in the tribe - perhaps a High Priest, or a Mother - but its condition makes clear that those days are long past. 1. "What happened to you?" 2. [Leave it be.] 3 "They went from being a large and well-connected tribe to a much smaller one defined by isolationism." Worry burrows into the shadows and creases on his face. "And this has got you thinking again about the consequences of your intervention." 1. "Y'see all the ninnying I suffer from this lad? A right chore 'tis, rattlin' around in his noggin!" 2. "You know me too well, [Player Name]." His wry grin doesn't quite banish his air of melancholy. 3 "I never got bored with my owner - she always kept things fresh. Why can't you be more like her?" "What is this actually about?" "You're not even trying anymore! It's like you don't care if I'm your sword or not." Modwyr pauses, trembling, as if it's trying to tamp down some unvoiced emotion. 3 "Well, stick me in some monsters! What the **** else is a sword good for?" "Is that what you really want?" "I wouldn't hate it." Modwyr warms slightly against your palm, almost as if it were blushing. 3 "A much better swordswoman than you, to start." "There has to be more to her than that. How'd she come by those skills?" "Killing troublesome animancers, mostly." Behind Modwyr's words curl a cat's mischievous smile. 3 "We found coded documents in his quarters, and he defends himself with lies - outsider spy!" Mutters of assent rise in volume from the assembled villagers. "What makes you think it's anything nefarious?" "Because Rauatai hungers after these isles like a tiger lurking in the tall grass and whetting its chops." 3 "Atsura's up to his tricks again, I see. Thank you, Maia - I've been waiting for this." "That sounds... malicious." "Maia, why is he asking..." Harama squints at you, hesitating to say more. 3 "I have NEVER seen a more undignified use of our talent! Have we all honed Ngati's talent for drudgery?" Tekēhu balls his fists and trembles on the spot. "You don't care what they're doing, just how they go about it?" "We can discuss my emotional state later. This display has me sickened to my core." 3 He snorts. "No. Your sort always want. This forest is not yours. This land is not yours. Go leave." "I'm not here to take from these lands. I'm here to protect them." The man frowns, then pulls a leather-wrapped pouch from within his belongings. Hands shaking, he hands it to you. 2 "I showed an aptitude, I trained with a master, and when I was ready, I began accepting clients of my own." "There has to be more to your story than that." "There is more to every story." He cants his head to the side, inspecting you with narrowed eyes. 2 1. "It's an open secret, Ezzali. Or do you mean to say you're actually the last to know?" 2. "And yet, here we are." Ezzali's mouth twists into a dubious frown. 3. "Admirable, but we could serve the Republics better without Atello snapping at our heels." 4. "Only because you breed like rabbits." 5. "Don't mistake your ignorance for nobility. The Republics need profit, not delusion." 6. "My family can't afford to fight two wars. This feud will cost me more than I could ever recoup." He glances up at Ezzali and back down to his feet. "Atello, you let your children lash out at the Bardattos. What's your goal?" "My goal? To wring out a little respect from this feud before we go under." 2 "Yes. Yes, I do." Ezzali narrows her eyes suspiciously. "You make a living putting the right people to work in the right places. What suits the Valera family?" She hesitates, her mouth tightening to a thin line. 2 "Eh, the pay's good and my clients are interesting enough." He shrugs noncommittally. "Not exactly a ringing endorsement." "You caught me there." He gives you an awkward chuckle and scratches at his beard. 2 "Father has fallen ill. And the clerk, Luca, stands by the agreement as surely as if it was stamped in his skin." "I'm guessing the company didn't like someone challenging their unfair deal." "Ekera. When the Vailian clerk learned I was from the Duape, he became very anxious." 2 He blinks. "But the queen gave it to me! There is great honor in such a gift." "The honor lies in her esteem, which you still have. That's what matters to you, no?" He pauses. "But what is esteem if no one sees it? Esteem is expensive to maintain." He glances around at his spacious villa, his shrewd expression reflected in mirror-smooth marble. 2 1. "Just look! I have everything." He throws his arms wide, his laugh echoing through the hall. 2. "Except humility." Aloth rolls his eyes. Yet Takano's boast rings hollow to you. "I am not some Kuaru merchant. I do not sell my treasures." 2 "Botaro is punished already, I say. Whatever offense he gave, do not hang it on our necks." She begins swatting at the laundry again, though with considerably less gusto. "I know you're scared. But I'm not here to harm you." 1. She grunts. "We say the only things that live in these depths are ghost eels. And fish eaten by ghost eels." 2. She grunts. "Ondra-blessed. Priests say Ondra sends your sort to comfort mourners." 3. "You say. But you have the face of Tangaloa, the eel of death." Even as she beats the sarong, she shudders. 2 "When it dug its lair, it did not even ask permission of Der- ahem. Of the boss." "You keep saying 'it.' This merchant isn't kith, is it?" "It is a vithrack." He leans close to give you a conspiratorial whisper. 2 "But you can curtail their growth." "This isn't about the welfare of the Deadfire. This is about them outpacing you." "By snapping up land we need to grow food and build ships for our people? Indeed. "But our interests and Deadfire's are not mutually exclusive." He interlaces his long, well-manicured fingers. 2 "What?! She's up to no good, I know it!" "No, you just don't trust Vailians. And she's right - this is no way to run a trading company post." The guard makes a frustrated sound at the back of her throat. 2 1. "Does he now? And what are you supposed to do about it?" 2. "Not this again. How do I put this politely? Piss off." "I thought I'd help out with your headache. By screaming very loudly." "...What?" 2 "Mokeha is proud, like her father. Each day this alliance tests her patience. "What has happened?" "Is she your daughter?" "She shares my blood, my caste... my temper. But she is a daughter of the tribe. "It is... different, among our people." 2 "There are enough Mataru here to defend the village. You are safe." "I guess you and the governor don't really get along." "Better than it may seem. Clario can be reasoned with, especially if one approaches him with coin in their pocket. "He is not a cruel man. I suspect he might even enjoy life on the Island, if he were free of his masters." 2 "For that, yes, I beat him. Why does this concern you?" "Rinco's just a merchant. He can't fight you as an equal." Mokeha opens her mouth to speak... then snaps it shut. She grimaces, averting her gaze to the sand. 2 "You must have me mistaken for someone else. This is not a name which I know." He shrugs. "Of course it is. You have orders to follow her every move." 1. He takes stock of the pallor of your skin, pursing his lips doubtfully. 2. He pales, glancing left and right with alarm. 2 "But I believe you will be capable of setting him straight." "It sounds like if I defeat Benweth, I'll be doing you a favor. I want a boon for it." The good humor wipes from his face. 2 "I had intended to perform a handful of experiments regarding the nature of souls that could only be done safely at sea." "What kind of experiments can only be performed on a boat?" "The sensitive kind." She brushes your question aside with the wave of her hand. 2 "Which is not to say I do not appreciate your concern - I do." She settles her spectacles on her nose. As she does so, you notice her hands shaking. "I, like the other scholars here, am engaged in the study of the soul sciences. Was there something you needed, or may I return to my studies?" Her thin lips settle into a crooked smile. 2 1. "Just point me at the map, and I'll mark the last place I heard she was going - some city called Dunnage." Modwyr sighs. If it had a brow, you expect it'd be rubbing it. 2. "Just point me at the map and I'll mark the last place I heard she was going - some city called Dunnage." 3. "She never said. She was always loath to share her secrets, even with me." "Wait. Why would she tell you where she's going but not bring you along?" The tip of the blade briefly flashes bright red. 2 "Some woman. I don't know." "There has to be more to her than that. How'd she come by those skills?" "Killing troublesome animancers, mostly." Behind Modwyr's words curl a cat's mischievous smile. 2 1. "Maybe we should ask around, see if she's still out here. Might be she can help us." 2. "Uh, well... Both grew up in Gilded Vale... Same temple..." Edér looks askance at you. "You're eager to see her, but you're trying to hide it. Why?" "All right, all right, we used to uh... you know..." 2 Ishiza simply claws at the ground and investigates some bugs a few graceful hops away. [Click your tongue like Maia.] ****ing his head, Ishiza turns to you with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. 2 "Prince of the Heavens shall be fed only young grasses grown on the hills of Lipasalis. He shall be curried morning and night with a brush made of the bristles of boars fed on golden root..." "This is about a horse, isn't it." "It is a bill of sale for a horse, in truth. A very special horse." He bites his lip to stop from grinning. 1 "Well met, stranger. Ekera, but isn't this district a fine place?" The Huana woman stares off into the distance with a longing expression. [Turn to see what she's looking at.] She doesn't settle on any point of particular interest - everything from the high buildings to the cobblestones is a subject of fascination. She notices your attention and turns her eyes to the ground. 1 "What can I do for you?" [You notice something unusual.] Your attention is drawn to Ezzali's desk. Among the assorted ledgers and documents sits a brass seal, still dripping with heated wax. 1 "Stubbornness is admired among his people, I say." "Do you know anything about Luca that we could use to our advantage?" "His breath smells of drink, I say. A foreigner's weakness." Tawenu wrinkles his nose in distaste. 1 "I'll wait here. Come tell me when you've found it." "You're scared to go yourself." "You know the Huana send people down here to be eaten by monstrous horrors, right?" She frowns. 1 The right half of his mouth ascends menacingly as he dips his head and peers at you from underneath his brow. "You're an assassin?" You're answered with a thin-lipped scowl as your words echo throughout the alley. 1 "I'll hear no more of it." "He stole them from the wizard Arkemyr. Do you want that on your conscience?" "These are Arkemyr's possessions?" Hamuto looks at Bertenno with grudging respect. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, Party Assist, continued Intimidate Reveal hidden contents 22 1. "Hang on, now. Should probably find out what's goin' on here before we start throwin' our weight around." 2. "So we must settle this with strength? Toamowhai would have it no other way!" His spiritual muscles bulge with puissance. "You've seen me fight! I'm the Champion of the Hunt!" The soul laughs, resting a hand upon his flat belly. 18 "I AM THE ONLY MASTER UNDER THIS MOUNTAIN, CHILD. IF YOU WILL NOT SERVE, YOUR BLOOD WILL FILL THE INKWELLS OF MY LOYAL SCRIBES." Nemnok's toothy grin broadens, eliciting a cry of joy from the worshipers. "Start running, Kaali. The age of Nemnok is over." He blinks at you once, twice. 18 1. "Now you will mend pillar and surrender to my will! When done, all of eternity will open to you!" 2. "Kneel." Whehami grins from ear to ear. "I helped you with your quarrel. You will remain here and serve your god, or your existence will end here." "I've already been here forever! You expect me to submit to another forever? And another?!" His fists ball in rage. 18 "What ridiculousness! Do you think us fools?" Arms crossed, the hooded figure scowls at you. You think. "You <i>dare</i> question the Duskspeaker?" The pale elves recoil from you. Vatnir cringes, and Hafjórn raises a pair of placating palms. 18 "First the messenger, now Vatnir?! Is nothing sacred to you?" "You <i>dare</i> question the Duskspeaker?" "I, oh, uh, of course, Duskspeaker. I... praise be to Rymrgand. To the Beast of Winter." He audibly swallows. 17 "An ally of the crown would do anything to preserve our way of life. To see that the Huana prosper, I say!" "When you're staring down a row of armada cannons, you'll beg for someone who can kill a dragon." She blinks and raises a hand to her lips as your words sink in. Courtiers around the garden take hesitant steps closer. 17 "Now I'm wondering... will you still be nice and quiet when I'm pounding on your skull?" Coughs and cleared throats murmur through the group, though no words are spoken or heard in your mind. The leader raises a hand, then slowly closes it into a fist. Cute. Savor your little fantasies. When we are thrown into the Crucible together, we will dispatch you with equal fervor. 17 1. "Two survivors enter. One survivor... well, survives, I suppose." He chuckles, though with less warmth than grimness. 2. "You live by the fang, boy, you've got to be prepared to die by it as well." He claps Konstanten warmly on the shoulder. "Whose do you think will make the better rug? The bear's pelt or yours?" The large man blinks, then blanches. His mouth opens, closes, then opens again as he searches for a response. In the end, he just rubs the back of his head. 17 We would know - are you one more wizard in pursuit of unearned power? Or something other? "Did I stutter? Return me to the Here before I pop that ugly eye from its oversized socket." The entity's massive eye narrows as its eyestalks swivel upon you. 16 "So you are loyal to her - and as much a traitor." "Forfeit your seat on the Council, or you'll be hanging from your neck before dawn." "Nasenalenet madiccho! As if you could!" Spittle flecks from his bloodless lips as he shouts at you, hand gripping his pistol. 16 "The next arrow fired at me is going to get shoved up one of your asses! Sideways!" The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "Gods - you mean it, don't you? Apologies, stranger, but we'd rather die than go back to Crookspur!" 16 "Leave us be, beasts, lest I tumble you into the sea!" Each eoten scratches one of their heads. "Maybe we should let little softlings pass?" "Food not worth trouble. Not worth sharp blades and swift arrows." The other nods. They turn and climb to a higher ledge, allowing you safe passage down the path. -NONE FOUND- 16 1. "Turn back. Now. And count yourself lucky you aren't already dead." 2. "Enough talk. Leave now, or I'll gut you where you stand and feast the boars on your entrails." 3. "Good for you. He's a hard old bastard to please." "I come on a holy mission from Berath. They will not hesitate to kill you if you stand in my way." Purple light bursts to life at the edge of your vision. You look around you, perhaps wondering if this is a trick of Muātu's, but Hateno's crew seems to see it, too. They shrink back - a couple even shriek in fright. The light grows, rising from your skin like a bonfire's flame. A wind that blows from the Beyond shakes the trees around you. 16 1. "Hang on, now. Should probably find out what's goin' on here before we start throwin' our weight around." 2. "So we must settle this with strength? Toamowhai would have it no other way!" His spiritual muscles bulge with puissance. "You chose me! You know what I'm capable of!" The soul laughs, resting a hand upon his flat belly. 16 1. "I'll - I'll admit him a far walk from perfect, that's for certain. Couldn't hunt a bear to save his life." He peers down at the cooling corpse and sighs. 2. "So you killed him? How are we to know you're not lying to us?" 3. "But - but that doesn't mean he was supposed to die now!" 4. "By your hand!" 5. "Hard to say, now, isn't it? What with him a corpse and all." "Lest you forget, I am the Duskspeaker. I came here to end things." "I, oh, uh, of course, Duskspeaker. I... praise be to Rymrgand. To the Beast of Winter." He audibly swallows. 16 "Before I forget... again. Here. Some things I picked up on my way back from the Collections. It's not much, but it's all I could scrounge together." "I saved you from mortal peril, and you've got nothing but beverages in exchange?" "Well. If you're going to be like that, here. I was going to use it to buy passage off the island. Now I'll have to make other arrangements." 16 1. Maura's head **** to the side slightly, setting her loose eye to swinging back and forth. 2. "Scour." She takes a halting step towards you, her one good eye hungrily searching you. "Curtail your scouring before I curtail it for you." Maura's head **** to the side slightly, setting her loose eye to swinging back and forth. 15 "When I'm done burning this place there won't even be cinders left." The plant-beasts before you making gurgling noises even as they wildly thrash their various verdant appendages. Ultimately, however, the mênpŵgra waves her arm and the bog falls into relative silence as the primordial entities calm. The air stills, leaving the area feeling far more wholesome. The creature holds out an open palm to you, and a pale sphere of essence forms in it. She extends the wisp in offering. 15 1. You begin your grisly work, only to notice too late the sound of boots all around you. A group of brigands, well-armed and armored, have the wagon surrounded. One steps forward, chuckling. "Look at what we've got here. A big fish." 2. The brigands leap to their feet and spin upon you weapons flashing as they slide free of scabbards. One of them blinks, agape. "Seriously? You had us near to sneak-slit and you hailed us? What's your game?" "Turn around and walk away, or I'll rend your souls after I open your flesh." The front man's lip twitches, but he doesn't look back to the other brigands. Instead, he tightens his grip on his blade. "Then I'd better make sure you're well and truly dead, eh? Kill them all!" 14 1. "I'll be taking that, and you're going to let me - unless you want me to add you a few new holes." 2. [Draw your weapon.] "I just made it my concern." "No need to spoil this little chat with coercion." Ranetti raises his hands. "Look, I assure you that you want absolutely no part in what's in this box." 14 1. "Death's the way of life on Kazuwari. Flaunting your conquests is only gonna fire them up, Watcher." 2. "Diplomacy doesn't count for **** on this island, but its people do respect power." He's careful to keep his voice low. 3. "Good for you. He was a tough bastard." A predatory glint shines in his eyes. "I've stood toe-to-toe with the gods and come out the victor. Do you think you'll fare better than they?" Hateno stares you down, his expression carefully blank. Scibéal, on the other hand, frowns and fidgets beside him. 13 Smoke curls from the Ancient's nostrils as she tips her face closer. "Do you wish to stare into death? I'm ready to deliver." She growls low in her throat, wings rippling over her back. 13 "Only acolytes, ogres, and nāga go down there, and any of them would chew you to pieces." His smirk grows wider still, flashing a hint of teeth. "Your dim-witted bodyguards won't stand a chance against me." "Savage. I'm just passing on how it goes around here." He backs away a step, sweat speckling his brow. 13 "If you don't hand over the damned box, I'm going to gut the lot of you." Ranetti sighs. "Has anyone ever informed you that you lack politesse?" "Here, for the chest." He hands you a small, brass key. 12 "What reason does an attendant have to speak with me?" [Smile menacingly.] "I have questions, and you have answers. Are we clear?" Quarno casts a look at his guards. They appear oblivious to your words. Sucking his teeth, he turns back to you and shrugs. 12 "I was a fool for trusting you! Have you any fathom of the doom you have wrought us?! YOU SHALL EXPLAIN - or forthwith perish on the end of my mace!" "I killed your dragon, and I'm going after Eothas next." "Again, impossible. Nay... impressive." The warlord grunts, taken back. But as he appraises you, a new respect blazes in the embers of his eyes. 12 "You know I kill ogres and drakes for fun, right? Might be you want to rethink this." The mutineers pause. [Specified 3] murmurs a whisper hushed and hurried, no doubt something about you and your past. "Put down your weapons," [Specified 1] barks. "Let fear marshal you into staying alive, or ignore what you know to be true and venture into the future where, trust me, the captain and I already await you." The mutineers put their hands up. [Specified 1] comes to you, baton in hand. "That's not something to let pass lightly, captain," the sailor mutters. 12 "What say, interloper? Do you trespass on the gods' behalf?" "I'm touched by Galawain, as this place is. Who do you think has the better claim to it - you or I?" 1. "The godspawn might have a point." 2. Scibéal looks back and forth between you and Hateno, her eyes wide with unconcealed alarm. 12 1. The deity's hundred eyes stare blankly ahead, glistening with moisture, as if on the verge of tears. 2. "Again." "You seem to forget that I am Berath's Herald. She <i>will</i> learn what I found here. Maybe you care to reconsider that decision?" "We do not fear Berath, dear Herald. They need us." 11 "You cut off my right hand. How do you plan to replace it?" "Back off or I'll shove this bottle of rum so far up your nethers you'll pour me a drink just by bending over." "Oh, I do like you. Good answer, captain." 10 "Mind what sort of words you care to toss around - especially about a trader making a profitable go of it at Crookspur." [Raise your voice.] "It sure would be a shame if the owner of this operation found out about your - !" "Bloody Hel! You're an insufferable sort, aren't you? Crank it down!" She tamps her hands through the air, gesturing for a lower volume. 10 "If what you say is true, well, you'll pay for my losses - with your lifeblood." "The Wahaki are coming. They're armed, and they will back me in this fight." A few of the guards exchange troubled looks before sheathing their weapons and walking out. The master may be paying them, but apparently the coin isn't worth the risk to their lives. 10 "If what you say is true, well, you'll pay for my losses - with your lifeblood." "Anyone who'd like to leave here alive has thirty seconds to clear out of this room." A few of the guards exchange troubled looks before sheathing their weapons and walking out. The master may be paying them, but apparently the coin isn't worth the risk to their lives. 10 1. "Ready to skin some slavers? I know I'm ready for revenge." She pops a joint in her neck. 2. "I would rather die than risk awakening again in chains." "You will flee from here and quickly, or I'll fight you myself." "I surely don't wish to make an enemy of one like you." She shakes her head frustratedly. 10 "Whoa now, you can't be up here. Not unless you've permission from Furrante." Startled, the guard jerks a hand for the hilt of her weapon. "Want to die like a bilge-rat? No? Then scurry off." "I ain't looking to die today. In fact... I think it's time for a shift-change. I'm off duty!" 10 "So you are loyal to her - and as much a traitor." "Try to stop us, and I'll sink your entire fleet - down to the last dinghy." "You threaten my crews to cow me?! You'll never see the crest of a wave on the ocean again, let alone one of my ships!" He howls the words, face furiously purple, but his hands shake as he grabs for his weapon. 10 Malnaj's lip twists above her pointed teeth, twitching. She bends forward slightly, like she might leap upon you, but instead straightens. Finally, she shrugs. "Fair enough, <i>captain.</i> Best hope ye stay in the good graces of our leaders. One wrong step, and ye'll find me there awaiting." With a flourish of her hand, she leads her crew away. -NONE FOUND- 10 "You know I kill ogres and drakes for fun, right? Might be you want to rethink this." The mutineers pause. [Specified 3] murmurs a whisper hushed and hurried, no doubt something about you and your past. "Put down your weapons," [Specified 1] barks. "Let fear marshal you into staying alive, or ignore what you know to be true and venture into the future where, trust me, the captain and I already await you." The mutineers put their hands up. [Specified 1] comes to you, baton in hand. "That's not something to let pass lightly, captain," the sailor mutters. 10 "He does look like he can handle himself... What say, Hateno?" Scibéal casts a questioning look toward her partner. "You've got a heart dark as Toamowhai, interloper. Your spirit burns with a cold fire." Hateno rubs at his jaw, then at last gives a grunt of assent. "Pass, then, but watch your back." 10 "A great warrior like myself requires a great leader to follow, and you've proven to be anything but!" "You're going to help me fight this dragon, or I'll scatter your soul to the void!" The king shrinks away from you, eyes wide. 9 "Attack me, beast, and it'll be the last thing you ever do." The dragon sloshes into a crouch in the magma, reconsidering. I am listening. Bleat louder, little morsel. 9 "Because if you don't help me, I'll tear off your wings." The dragon's body flares hotter. I shall tell you this much, if only to keep you from my wings. Your path to Eothas lies through Magran... through her shrine within the Rathun's keep. 9 Oh, little morsel. Did you think I would permit you to leave? No, you must stay and feast with me. "Let me go now, and I'll bring you a feast fit for a queen. Later." Shall you? I do so like making deals. The dragon cranes her neck out to scent you, puffing hot air across your skin. 9 "Attack me, beast, and it'll be the last thing you ever do." The dragon sloshes into a crouch in the magma, reconsidering. You have whetted my appetite. Flee now, wretch, else I decide to sample your flesh for myself. 9 He signals to his warriors. They stalk heavily around you. "Sheath your weapons or I'll face Eothas alone - after I've slaughtered you all." "How resolved you are, how confident in your triumph. Maybe I have underestimated you." 9 "Back off, ****." The toughs look to one another, uncertain. The unattractive elf takes a step back. The leader's brow knits, but he gives you a curt nod. With a final uncertain glance, the arsonists flee into the shadowed alleys. 9 "It'll stay closed at this rate! Get these people to work!" The foreman's eyes widen, and several workers take a step back from you. Their boss turns, slapping one across the back of the head. "People got to get through that tunnel! We open it! Now!" The workers grumble, one complaining that it'll take days to break through. Yet with your terrifying visage gazing imperiously down upon them, the workers toil with greater efficiency. After a few hours, the sweaty Roparu break through the blockage. 9 "Next person who asks me about money can swim home." [Specified 0]'s features drain of blood as the other mates shrink away from you. "Understood, captain." They scatter. For days after, the crew keeps their distance, eyeing you warily as you pass. -NONE FOUND- 9 [Stare menacingly.] "Perhaps we will have the chance to-" As your stare burrows into Pipiltin, his sentence collapses into a stammer, and he shrinks away from your withering glare. With a snap of his fingers, Pipiltin wordlessly herds his group past you and into the arena. 9 "Don't suppose you, uh, know the way?" The figure drags one leg behind it, furrowing the snow. Though turned towards you, its eyes seem empty of recognition. "Back, spirit!" The spirit recoils, cowering before you. 8 "It must have come undone from a basket or a mat. These things happen, I say." "I say you tracked it from your hut when you stole the koīki, thief." He blinks at you, his mouth falling open. At first it seems like he's going to protest, but then he simply hangs his head in surrender. 8 1. "He's on the hook for five thousand copper, and I damn well expect to get it - whether it's off his corpse or yours matters not at all to me." 2. "You're his captain - his debts are your responsibility! Pay up, damn you, or taste steel." 3. "I'm not looking for trouble. Hand over the money and we'll both walk away from this with our limbs intact." "I waded through an ancient pyramid filled with monsters and cultists and <i>lived</i>. Back. Off." "You've got a point." She purses her thin lips. 8 "EH... IS GROUNDMEAT ARKEMYR? MASTER GAVE US A PASSPHRASE. YOU REPEAT NOW!" The imp drifts closer, grinning and wagging his tongue between his fangs. "Are you giving your master an order? Did I hear that right?" "EHHH... NO LIKE! SCREE!" The imp quails back and screeches to himself. 8 "INTRUDER! GROUNDMEAT IN THE MASTER'S SANCTUM! SCREE, SCREE!" The imp chirrups a call of extreme distress and flaps his wings wildly. [Lie] "I'm Arkemyr's guest, and I demand your respect." "GUEST, EH? SURE YOU NOT BURGLAR?" 8 "You oughtta reconsider. Else we'll be forced to relieve you of what you have." She rests her hand on her weapon. "Then I'll be forced to relieve your necks of their heads." "You told us this was a simple exchange, Widla." The pirates look at one another. 8 But why should I barter when I can take it from your corpse?! [Cross your arms over your chest.] "Do I look like prey to you?" No. You are but a tiny morsel compared to my usual meal. 8 "If your fat tongue speaks true, then give us proof." "The proof, you reptilian imbecile, is that I have bested your minions. Alone." Sugaan regards you with a wary eye. 8 1. "Unless there's something else you need, I think we're done here." He turns away and begins fiddling with something beneath the bar. As he does, you spy red-handled pistols stuffed into the band of his breeches. 2. "I made my position on that clear. You think I've changed my mind?" He gives you a cold stare. "How many coins do you think I can fit in your mouth until you choke to death on 'em?" "Hah! I haven't met someone brave enough to step to me in, oh, s'gotta be two weeks now. And THAT guy ended up shot full of holes! "Right tragic accident, it was." 8 "Listen up! Next time I hear the smallest hint of the barest whisper of cannibalism, one of you sick bastards is going to die." Most of the crew instinctively retreat your wrath, raising open palms as if to ward off your words. With a scratch of the head, though, [Specified 0] asks, "Like for eating?" "Quiet, idiot!" hisses [Specified 1]. The crew return to their duties, each looking over their shoulder furtively as they go about their work. 8 You push your way through the crowd, the air heavy with the scent of sweat and seawater. "Come to see the action, captain?" [Specified 3] asks. "Do you want to put money on it? Mine's on the ugly one. I'll let you guess who that is!" The sailor laughs uproariously at the joke. "The next person who throws a punch goes overboard." The fighters' fists lower as the nearest crew take a step away from you. "No need for that, captain." [Specified 1] shows you open palms. "Everything's fine." You continue to glare as the crowd breaks apart, slinking back to their posts, and muttering among themselves. 8 "If you don't get back to your godsdamned stations, I'm going to strip your skins for sails!" The hands back away from you, eyes wide with fear. "We didn't mean anything by it, captain," [Specified 3] whines. [Specified 1] strikes a baton against the mast. "You heard the captain! Get back to your stations!" The crew breaks apart, glancing to one another while avoiding your gaze. You've averted the crisis, for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 8 "You know I kill ogres and drakes for fun, right? Might be you want to rethink this." The mutineers pause. [Specified 3] murmurs a whisper hushed and hurried, no doubt something about you and your past. "Put down your weapons," [Specified 1] barks. "Let fear marshal you into staying alive, or ignore what you know to be true and venture into the future where, trust me, the captain and I already await you." The weapon falls from [Specified 2]'s hand. "I didn’t want any part of this anyhow." Others follow suit until they stand stripped of the means to mutiny and [Specified 0] stands alone. With a sad shake of the head, the sailor finally lets both pistol and sword fall to the deck. 8 1. The armored figures mutter benedictions as they steel themselves to face you. Soot darkens their heavy cloaks. 2. The sooty figures from before once again bar your path. "Move, or I will move you." The group's leader takes a silent step forward and unsheathes his blade. "Keep thyself strong against those that would batter thee," he whispers. 8 -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- 8 1. "GO AWAY! THIS PLACE NOT YOUR HOME! YOU PROBABLY DIE HERE!" 2. "Imps are prone to rash behavior at the best of times, and I'd wager this one has seen better days." "Hand over the artifact or I start plucking wings." "EHHH?! FRIENDS HELP ME! FRIENDS SAVE ME FROM WARMLINGS!" The imp flaps about, waving the relic above its head. A metallic grinding fills the room. 8 "WRATH, EH? WHAT WARMLING SQUAWK ABOUT?" The imp cranes its neck to either side, peering into the cavern's icy recesses. It's possible it was trying to lower its voice. "All things end, but not all things have to end in painful boils, clawing hunger, and crippling curses..." The imp giggles uproariously. 8 1. Years. Decades. It matters not. 2. So I had noticed. Her hind claws gouge furrows in the rime-crusted ground. 3. I came here for it. An object of such potency that it defies the deified. "I'm hunting a god. You think I'd let a <i>dragon</i> stand in my way?" Yours is the mewling of a cub. Let's not prolong this further. 8 "If you continue to spout such ridiculous madness, you shall be escorted from these halls." Her voice quivers. "Try it! Ghosts don't frighten me!" "You would bring words of heresy into this hallowed hall?" She looks to the gathered witnesses. 7 1. "If I release the young ones, then they attack when they grow big." 2. "But you do not laugh! Then you do not joke? "For what would I do this foolish thing?" She wipes a tear of merriment from the corner of her eye. "I'm not asking, I'm telling. And if you know who I am, that should be enough." 1. "Every Huana of Deadfire knows your name. "Because you are a paki takiri among us, I must trust you." She forces diffidence into her voice as though forcing flesh through a sieve. 2. "A tribeless wanderer who walks around acting like the ranga?" She spits in the sand at your feet. 7 "Better for us both if I killed you now. We will give your body to the sea with all the rights that a worthy foe deserves. An outsider can expect no greater honor." Embeta nods to himself as he comes to terms with this simple inevitability. "Try it and there won't be enough of you left for the seagulls to pick over." "I knew that outsiders could get drunk on their own overconfidence. I did not think it could also drive them mad." He studies you, his spearpoint wavering in indecision. 7 "I go where I please." The aumaua and the savannah folk exchange glances. The former nods, and the latter lowers his weapon. "If you want to join us," the elf says, "you needed merely ask. We're <i>very</i> hospitable." The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." 7 "Hand over that figurine. Now." The Príncipi’s leader stares at you blankly before taking a step back. His crew glances around, a few reaching for their weapons. The leader scowls. "Merla." "You would make quite the pirate. Perhaps you should roll it around in that clever head of yours. At ease boys. Hand over the figurine." 7 1. [Draw your weapons.] "Your money or your life." 2. The man recoils. "Why you unctuous little ****! I thought you a creature of worth!" He looks to his guards. "Protect me from these ruffians, you oafs!" The guards exchange unhappy glances. "They look like they mean business, sir. Mayhaps you should give them your purse..." The Dyrwoodan spits, pulls his purse from his belt and tosses it to you. "Fine! But these are coming out of your wages!" 1. [Leave] "Thanks, friend. Good luck getting home." 2. [Attack] "Too bad it's not enough." 7 You overhear [Specified 1] noting to the rest of the crew that considering how much money you just dumped overboard, you should be able to pay the hands a little bit better. "I think we deserve to share in the wealth, don't you, captain?" The crew collectively exchange glances and happy nods. "I think you deserve to be keelhauled for impertinence." Hands raised, [Specified 1] takes a step back, laughing nervously. "Ah... I was half-joking. I mean, we'd all love to be paid bet-" The other crew members clear the deck around the two of you, leaving you alone. "Forget I asked. I'm sorry, captain. It won't happen again." The sailor quickly ducks in with the other crew members, who return to their stations shocked but fearful of their captain. 7 "Back off, you yellow-leafed bastards, or I'll turn you into firewood!" Startled, her eyes widen as she takes a step back. With a last furtive glance at the spore, she turns and flees you. The dank spore begins to quiver as the forest comes alive... -NONE FOUND- 7 "Each?" "Total. And you'll like it." "Think the pay's better for turning you in. Oi! This ass wants to take our ship!" 6 "You threaten me in my own home? I am one of the queen's finest warriors!" He takes a step toward you, his barrel chest heaving with fury. His apprentices grab their weapons. "Do you really want to bet everything you've built for yourself on that?" He watches you for several seconds. Then, his gaze turns to his apprentices, all young, furious, and ready to die. 6 "Those sound like the words of a man at the end of his rope." She holds her blade at neck level and makes a slicing motion. "Or the one who just bested the queen's bodyguard." "Come on, there's easier targets..." 6 "I know they've got the cash." "Then you also know they've got guns. And you want them to be happy with this deal." 1. "Fine, I'll give them a discount - five hundred. But only 'cause I like you." She smirks. 2. "Fine. Two thousand it is." 3. "Fine. One thousand it is." 6 "You can fight me, if you'd like. But you won't be leaving this fort alive." "You prefer to be keelhauled or hanged from the yardarm?" "You'll have to take me alive to do either. And that ain't likely to happen." 6 "Careful what you say next, or I'm likely to make you eat your entrails." "Death by eating your innards, it is." 1. "There's some skill required to doing it right, otherwise the victim bleeds out before they can choke to death. "Sure you want to try me?" 2. He glances around nervously, licks his lips. Sweat trickles down his jaw. 6 "Careful what you say next, or I'm likely to make you eat your entrails." "If anyone's going to die choking on their innards, it's you." 1. "There's some skill required to doing it right, otherwise the victim bleeds out before they can choke to death. "Sure you want to try me?" 2. He glances around nervously, licks his lips. Sweat trickles down his jaw. 6 1. "Fools rely on luck. I have this amulet here, and I yet draw breath. That is all I need." 2. "I will not, but it does not matter. I have this amulet here, and I yet draw breath. That is all I need." 3. "...No? Someone is coming for me, and they will know my amulet." [Brandish your weapon.] "Amulet, huh? I could use one of those." The old man's eyes dart between your face and your hand where it hovers just over your weapon. His hands begin to tremble. Though he maybe have been a knight once, he has grown frail in his old age, and he doesn't look capable of besting even a child in a fight, let alone a Watcher. 6 "HA! Your furious water will feed our garden long after you are a withered husk!" Suddenly she stops herself, pinching her lips and narrowing her eyes. The conviction of your words has given her pause. "So, you're more than just some fool brawler like all the rest?" Pulling a ropy length of gore from between her long fingers, she lowers it into her gaping mouth and chews thoughtfully. 6 "I've come this far. How could I be forgiven for failing him now?" "The gods oppose Eothas, and I have their ear. When they stop him, it's not his forgiveness you'll need." "Eothas doesn't deserve your life. Or even your crazy leader's. Not till he starts making some sense." 6 1. "The captain speaks true, friend. Best turn round and walk away." Serafen's hand rests upon the handle of his weapon. 2. "If you don't know who I am already, you will soon. You do not want to cross me." The sailors turn to you as one, eyes roving you as they size you up. One of them raises an open gloved hand, her palm towards you. "There's no need for bloodshed. Take your mate, and we'll go our own way." She looks at [Specified 0]. "Pray you do not cross us again." She turns on her heel and strides away, followed by the other sailors. [Specified 0] approaches you, grinning openly. "Thanks, captain! You truly saved me just now." 5 His gaze darts to the office guards, but something stops him from calling out. "Try it, Luca. See what happens." He opens his mouth and utters a fearful squeak, but promptly silences himself when he takes another look at you. 5 "Again you bring this up. Speak on, I say." Prince Aruihi sighs and opens his palm. "It would be a shame if the trading companies recognized this failure of leadership." "Ekera, if one framed it that way." The prince squeezes his hands into fists. 5 He titters nervously and twists the hem of his robe in his hands, unwilling to meet your eye. "Don't make me grab you by the ankles and shake." "Shake all you like! You'll find naught but some lint and a mouldering old handkerchief. "Well, and this old ring. It's the last possession of any value I own. "Here, take it. For your trouble." 5 "You can fight me, if you'd like. But you won't be leaving this fort alive." [Laugh wildly in his face.] "What're you, frothing mad?" The color leeches from his face, leaving his scar stark against his skin. 5 1. "Have you tried the Wild Mare in Neketaka? I'm sure they have a boy or two who would let you call them Giacolo for a couple of hours." 2. "Doesn't matter what you know or think you know. You ain't gettin' in." "Smart mouth. I wonder how smart it would be without any teeth." "Hey boys! Someone's out here lookin' for a fight!" From the other side of the door, you can hear the sounds of muffled talking and rapid footsteps. 5 "You again. What do you want?" "Open this door or I'll use your corpse to break it down." "Hey boys! Someone's out here lookin' for a fight!" From the other side of the door, you can hear the sounds of muffled talking and rapid footsteps. 5 "You cannot have business on Motare o Kōzi. Leave before I feed your bones to the jungle." He makes a dismissive wave back toward your ship. "Step aside or I'll feed you to the jungle alive and screaming." The warrior studies you with a mixed expression. He takes your measure, weighing whether or not he believes you. 5 "The name is Pai, and I'll speak plainly. You wouldn't be leaving Motare o Kōzi unless you found what we both want. "The map." He rests his hand on the pommel of his sword. [Hold a torch close to a gunpowder barrel.] "Do you want to live forever, Pai?" When his crew draws back with panicked mutters, Captain Pai holds out his palm to silence them. He studies you wearing a severe expression. 5 "You sure bout this, Captain Watcher? Whatever he's done, you draw on my family, you be drawing on me." His hands move to his weapons. "Stand down, Serafen." "All due respect, Captain Watcher, take a long **** off a short plank." 5 "Hand over that figurine. Now." The Príncipi’s leader stares at you blankly before taking a step back. His crew glances around, a few reaching for their weapons. The leader shakes his head and chuckles. "Gellarde." He wags a jeweled finger at you and hides a golden grin behind it. "You will make a prime pirate. At ease boys. We may have had the drop, but fortune changes more swiftly than the sea. Give this pirate-to-be the figurine." 5 "Stand your ground!" Blanching, the aumaua nods and steps forward - even as a second thick ooze explodes from the well, shredding its yoke and scattering the pit stones. He breaks off the end of his plunger, converting it into a simple spear. 1. "To me, citizens! I'll protect you!" 2. [Flee.] 3. [Cast a spell to freeze the oozes.] 4. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 5 "If you don't get back to your godsdamned stations, I'm going to strip your skins for sails!" The hands back away from you, eyes wide with fear. "We didn't mean anything by it, captain," [Specified 3] whines. [Specified 1] strikes a baton against the mast. "You heard the captain! Get back to your stations!" The crew breaks apart, glancing to one another while avoiding your gaze. You've averted the crisis, for the moment. -NONE FOUND- 4 "Our village has troubles, ekera? I go here to set mine afloat on Ngati's back." He nods to indicate the peaceful lapping of waves. "Tell me what's going on before I drown you in a tide pool." He blinks at you, his mouth falling open. At first it seems like he's going to protest, but then he simply hangs his head in surrender. 4 "Tell the shipwright to accept Cotta's deal before he suffers another 'setback.'" "Tell me my business again and I'll sew your wolf into a pair of boots, aimico." "Not Celezzia!" His hand goes to the scruff of his companion's neck. A chuckle rises from his mates, which they fight to suppress. 4 "Ac, I'm sure that you always find 'creative' solutions when things don't go your way." Luca purses his lips and studies you. "I cannot betray the company's interests. There are standards of business to uphold." His voice lowers to a panicked hiss. His gaze darts to the office guards, but something stops him from calling out. 4 "Excuse me?" He pauses and blinks at you, a rivulet of sweat working down the bridge of his nose. "Go admit to the steward you're treating this establishment like a brothel." He hangs his head and winces as onlookers begin to slyly observe your exchange. 4 "Tell you what - five hundred pires and you get the exclusive story." "Tell me what I want to know or your box ends up at the bottom of the harbor in Queen's Berth." "Knowing Arkemyr, he'd think it was funny and just leave me down there." The puppet's ceramic eyes roll in their sockets, clicking and whirring. 4 "FOUND... NEAR VAULT. KEEP SAFE FOR MASTER. TOO SHINY TO LEAVE LYING AROUND." "Hand it over and I won't strangle you with your own tail." "AH! WOULD RATHER BITE OFF OWN HORNS THAN LET GO OF BAUBLE..." He stares down at the gem lovingly. 4 "HEY! WHAT YOU DOING IN FASSINA'S ROOM? NO CUSTOMERS ALLOWED." In a showing of courtesy as practiced as it is grudging, the imp gestures for you to leave by the way you came. "Are you trying to order me around, imp?" "EH! NO HURT. NOT LIKE I MAKE THE RULES AROUND HERE ANYWAY..." The imp backs away slowly, shielding itself with its bared claws. 4 1. "Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare us off." 2. "Besides, you're here, aren't you?" She jabs her blade toward you. 3. "I ain't failed just yet! Not when I got you cornered." 4. "And I'm gonna sell that thing on my own." 5. "Not without the Cornett of Waves." She inches closer, brandishing a blade. "I've fought worse. You'll make easy pickings." She forces a laugh. "You think you can chase us away?" 4 "I knew it! Dereo figured you were gonna cross him, and now he's sent the Steel Garrote after us!" "Yep. And you'll leave Neketaka forever if you know what's good for you." She growls with frustration and sheathes her weapon. 4 "This is a rare treasure. One for which certain people would pay a small fortune. "I must ask, how did you come by this?" He lowers the lens and frowns at you. "I'm the one asking questions." 1. "Di verus?" He looks at his guards. 2. He sighs and motions to his guards. 4 "Ernezzo is careful. Cautious. And you would blackmail him? This is not done, aimico." He clucks sadly. "Consider it a threat, then." He sighs and motions to his guards. 4 "And now he sends one of Woedica's stranglers to clean it up? "Ernezzo is prepared to deal with you." "You don't stand a chance." He sighs and motions to his guards. 4 "Speak for yourself, you split-tongued gurnet. No outsider's laying a finger on one of ours so long as I'm still standing." [Point to each pirate then drag your thumb across your throat.] "Wh-what? Don't look at me. I wasn't planning to step in to start with." 4 "Ye've been lucky thus far, ye know. I'm of half a mind to call ye out, and I'm no worse than many with a blade. Least then, perhaps, ye'll give me a lick of satisfaction!" Her hand strays towards her belt. "Whatever you're thinking of reaching for, think again." With a half-step away from you, Syri lets her hands drop to her sides. They curl into small, furry fists. 4 "Why should I let you wander Ori o Koīki so freely? We do not leave our flank exposed to outsider spies." "Don't impede my progress. I go where I will." "Hm. I can use mad courage like yours." 4 "In any case, why are you here?" "Stop dancing around my questions. Tell me what's going on." "If- if you insist." She takes a step back at your sudden request and clears her throat. 4 1. "Per complanca. Another frail-faithed priest has come to mumble tearful protestations because I don't see the world with their blind eyes. I'm sure this will be as fresh as a pasture full of cow droppings." Pallegina sighs and crosses her arms. 2. "No, I will not settle down and shut up! I've been turning a deaf ear for too long - disgracing both myself and my god - ignoring the no-good, sour-souled, moronic blasphemy that spews out of her mouth!" "Make me tell you again, and you'll regret it, Xoti." 1. Xoti stumbles back, a look of hurt marring her features. Her shoulders slump briefly before she shoves them back proudly and juts her chin into the air. 2. "The Watcher's seen more of the gods' nonsense than we'll ever know, Xoti. Did you really expect to find a sympathetic ear?" 4 "Who are you to speak in his defense, and who is your traitor friend who postures like she is not one of us?" Jeers and rude gestures fill the air, many of them aimed at Maia. "I'm the one who's going to bring the wrath of Berath down on your heads." "Ekera... is that the Watcher who sailed to Neketaka with an army of spirits?" Anxious murmurs of accord 4 "A Huana who speaks for agents of Rauatai is no friend of the tribes. She and her... bird will share in his fate." He sweeps his hand to encompass Maia and Harama both. "I already know that I'm going to walk away from this. How certain are you?" The ringleader takes in a sharp breath, examining the faces of his neighbors and fellow tribesmen. 4 1. A heavily-built aumaua uncrosses his thick arms and raises a hand. "Ekera, it's that Watcher, isn't it?" The masked man blinks from him to you. "[Player Name]?" He jerks his head towards the building. "These fools owed Dereo too much for too long. We're just reclaiming what's his." 2. The woman on the right, a scarred elf, glances at the masked leader. "Think he sent someone to check up on us? Sounds like him, don't it?" "Get out of here. Now!" The leader's brow knits, but he gives you a curt nod. With a final uncertain glance, the arsonists flee into the shadowed alleys. 4 "Remember what I did to the last person who rubbed me the wrong way?" The mutineers pause. [Specified 3] murmurs a whisper hushed and hurried, no doubt something about you and your past. "Put down your weapons," [Specified 1] barks. "Let fear marshal you into staying alive, or ignore what you know to be true and venture into the future where, trust me, the captain and I already await you." The mutineers put their hands up. [Specified 1] comes to you, baton in hand. "That's not something to let pass lightly, captain," the sailor mutters. 4 King Wingauro crosses his arms and frowns, the picture of a petulant child. "It's time for you to own up to your failures and face judgment." "I did nothing! How- how dare you!" 4 "My boy, check your eyes - the Watūri clan reigns the Deadfire. Ukaizo's bounds stretch the breadth of the world. We are at the height of our power!" [Echo Prince Edanke.] "You allowed the foreign soul shapers run of our city, and they destroyed it. Own up to your failures and face judgement." 1. "I did nothing! How- how dare you!" 2. "That is not possible, I say. My empire is the strongest in Eora - no, the greatest empire history has ever known! My reach extends to the edges of the world! Kith on distant shores pay fealty to me, King Wingauro o Watūri I!" 3. "No! No, this cannot be. The foreigners have tricked you, I say. This is- you- "Do not disrespect me with lies, boy!" 3 "A threat? Di verus? We are the sons of the wealthiest families in Deadfire." [Say nothing.] "Merla! Scatter!" Larro whistles to his attendants, and they break apart in a disorganized exodus from the scene. 3 "ENOUGH!" Your roar silences the table. Even Martino blinks at you. 1. "I think you've forgotten who I am. I went out of my way to get us here, and you're wasting my time. State. Your. Terms." 2. "Can't you kiss and make up like normal people?" 3. "Let's negotiate this like any business proposition. What do you want?" 4. "Fine. I give up. Do whatever you want." 3 "I cannot make the contract disappear. I'm more disposable than their damned paper!" Luca swings his cup around. A splash of liquor arcs over his head. "Figure something out or I'll make you disappear." "Aha... no need for that now." 3 "EH... IS TRICK QUESTION? YOU LOST OR CONFUSED?" The imp flaps his wings rapidly. [Strike him.] You deliver a hard punch to the imp's jaw, which feels like making contact with a sturdy wall. In spite of it, the imp reels back with a surprised yelp and cowers back from you. 3 1. But the way they're all gathered around you, leaving their own backs exposed, tells you they haven't been here long, either. 2. But it's a rigid smile, and the first thug's hand is shaking. You suspect they're not as tough as they let on. 3. "You must be new. Lucky for you, we have a special rate for newcomers! A bag of coppers in exchange for your life." He brandishes a knife. One of his companions grins widely enough to show you all of his missing teeth. [Crack your knuckles.] "This'll be fun." The thugs look at one another and exchange a few panicked whispers. 3 "Unacceptable. I will arrange to have Bertenno taken into servitude. Without incident." He gestures to his men to proceed. "It's in your best interest to give me more time. I won't warn you twice." Hamuto meets your glare, unblinking. In the silence that follows, you're almost convinced that he could hold this position indefinitely. 3 "This is a private matter. Your interference is unnecessary." Hamuto spreads his hands in a peaceful manner as his soldiers level their guns at Bertenno. [Address soldiers.] "My business is with Hamuto. Does anyone think I'd hesitate to go after you next?" Several of the reinforcements Hamuto rallied to arms trade uneasy glances. Slowly at first, they lower their weapons and sheepishly back away from the scene. 3 "The grievance with Bertenno is mine, and so is the jurisdiction." "If you try to take him, you'll share in the punishment I have planned." "We will stand down." Hamuto nods to you with grudging respect. 3 "Do we have a problem, friend?" He glances from Maia back to you. "If you're the walking corpse who's following Tuaha, then we have a big problem." Nothing about him physically changes, but his bearing shifts from ease to something altogether more rigid as he stares you down. 3 "You must have me mistaken for someone else. This is not a name which I know." He shrugs. "Maia, take aim at his knee. Shoot to wound." "With pleasure." She **** back the hammer of her gun and aims down, closing one eye. 3 "No one told me to expect you. There are proper channels to discuss this!" His whisper lowers to an urgent hiss. [Lie] "I was the one who argued to spare your life. Don't make me change my mind." "Or go ahead and give us an excuse." Maia raises her brow and gives him room to speak. 3 "Who are you? Do not waste your lies." His eyes move up and down over your body in a calculating manner. "The one who's going to beat your face in if you don't leave Tuaha alone." Something about your presence causes him to take a step back, alarmed. 3 "You think the queen is cunning, but she is on the brink of losing her power." Ruāsare makes a disgusted, sweeping motion with her hand. "The queen is more vicious than you might guess, and so am I." "Vicious? Not a word that crosses a diplomat's tongue lightly." She scratches her chin, regarding you with interest. 3 "A much better swordswoman than you, to start." "If you're not careful, I might stick you in a rotghast and leave you there." A shock of cold crackles down the length of the blade. It seems about to speak a moment, to argue, then abruptly sighs. 3 "You're not even trying anymore! It's like you don't care if I'm your sword or not." Modwyr pauses, trembling, as if it's trying to tamp down some unvoiced emotion. "Stop complaining and tell me what's wrong, or I'll leave you here." "You - you think just because you've held me, used me to slice up countless monsters, that you KNOW me?" The sword shakes itself out of your hands and onto the ground, turning itself away from you. 2 1. Baer eyes you warily, awaiting your reaction. 2. "Zili is family! I told him so he wouldn't try to get involved or stand in our way." [Bluff/Lie] "You want Ezzali dead, right? I can help." "What kind of bloodthirsty idiots do you think we are?" 2 "Apologize." "Well, Gyntel? Care to apologize to my friend here?" "I'm not done!" He roars. 2 "The Bardattos sent you, right? No need to kill me over a family tiff, eh?" "Hello. I'm the one who's going to cut your throat if I catch you anywhere near the Bardatto house." "This job? I'm out. It never happened." She slaps her palms in a dismissive fashion and holds them out to you. 2 -NONE FOUND- His eyes widen and cheeks bulge. For an instant you're convinced he's going to vomit on the spot, but he swallows with a pained wince. 1. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. Lot of folks would've just vomited." 2. "I cannot make the contract disappear. I'm more disposable than their damned paper!" Luca swings his cup around. A splash of liquor arcs over his head. 2 1. "You a distant Bardatto cousin or something? I don't know how Ezzali think I can help, but ..." He trails off nervously. 2. "I may not approve of my family's methods, but I'm not about to sabotage them, either." [Grab his wrist.] "Care to find out if broken fingers improve your music?" "No! Wait, just wait!" Zili cringes, twisting in your grip. 2 "I know a Mataru trap when I see one, and I'm not looking to be snared. Keep that whats-it to yourself." [Grab her by her shirt.] "If you don't tell me, the Mataru will be the least of your worries." "All right, all right! Lay off 'fore I ask Birta to chuck you in the hole. You're ruining my one good shirt." 2 1. You come across a corner where a pair of thugs - a man and a woman - have surrounded a Huana man. He has a potbelly and a nervous expression, and he's backed himself as far into the corner as he can. The thugs advance. "It's an exchange. You pay us, and we don't hurt you." 2. One of the thugs turns to you and looks you up and down. "Or else what?" "I slaughtered a company of Goldpact Knights at Fyrna's. I'll take you on just for fun." The thugs look at one another. "I'm not taking any chances." They hurry away, but not before shooting a final look of warning at their erstwhile victim. 2 1. "Does he now? And what are you supposed to do about it?" 2. "Not this again. How do I put this politely? Piss off." "You can leave on your feet or get dragged out by the ankles. Your choice." Galian sneers for a moment, but something in your expression squelches his confidence in a hurry. He scratches nervously at his beard. 2 "I thought that went unsaid! What kind of man kills another man over something so petty?" "The kind of man you really don't want to upset." "...Ondra take me. Fine. But I'm not making the servants clean that mess up. That's my limit." 2 "You're lucky I don't call the guards!" "Think about who you're talking to, Thorel." "...Ondra take me. Fine. But I'm not making the servants clean that mess up. That's my limit." 2 "Merla... Perhaps my tongue was loosened by drink. What of it? "Is any man who insults the savage's pride due a beating? The law is on my side." "Confess to Darmo, or spend the rest of your sorry life eating nothing but soup." Rinco stares up at you, his eyes wide. His hands grip tightly at the sheets. 2 "Some woman. I don't know." "If you're not careful, I might stick you in a rotghast and leave you there." A shock of cold crackles down the length of the blade. It seems about to speak a moment, to argue, then abruptly sighs. 2 "You'd better cough up something worthwhile, old man, or I'll be picking over your corpse!" "You want a thing?" He pulls a leather-wrapped pouch from among his robes and tosses at your feet. "There then. A thing. Take it. Then go leave." 1. [Attack] "I'm taking the boars with me. At least the edible bits." 2. [Leave] "Thank you for your assistance." 2 "If you don't get out of my way, I'm going to make you watch while I kill your precious pigs." He straightens slightly, jabbing an extended index finger at you. "No. I never let you do harm... I go send you to Tangaloa!" 2 "Captain! This is hardly the time or place to pass around the handsome fish." Tekēhu gives you a warning look. [Whisper to Tekēhu.] "Just go with it." 1. "Ekera. If I must. "Look here, my king! A trick to dazzle your courtiers." Tekēhu opens his palm and conjures a pair of eels out of water that chase each other in swift circles. 2. "Absolutely not. I'd rather swim to the shallows and watch you flounder." Tekēhu folds his arms and takes a step back. 1 1. You come across a corner where a pair of thugs - a man and a woman - have surrounded a Huana man. He has a potbelly and a nervous expression, and he's backed himself as far into the corner as he can. The thugs advance. "It's an exchange. You pay us, and we don't hurt you." 2. One of the thugs turns to you and looks you up and down. "Or else what?" "Back off, or I'll show you how the Spindle Man died." The thugs look at one another. "I'm not taking any chances." They hurry away, but not before shooting a final look of warning at their erstwhile victim. 1 "Merla, she must be desperate! Not so desperate as to come here, on her knees, to beg for herself, but- she sent you. "No. There's my answer. I get my cut. There's no sense in ruining a good thing." "You can help, or you can join the bodies floating down the street." Ilari scowls, and his hand tightens around the grip of his pistol. He glances up and down the street. 1 "You are here for that skinny little Vailian?" "Last warning. I won't go down as easily as Rinco." Every trace of contemptuous amusement vanishes at once from Mokeha's face. 1 [Threaten] "Hand over whatever valuables you've got or you'll be meeting Eothas sooner than you'd thought." The Dawnstars look to one another, and the man swallows. He passes a pouch to you. A young mother moves her body defensively to shield her child. "We are not wealthy travelers, but what little we have to spare is yours." Mechanics Reveal hidden contents 12 1. "'Meant to.' An animancer's favorite words." He sniffs, casting a sidelong glance at the belt. 2. "I call it Neale's Auroral Transubstantiator. Or perhaps the Essential Battery Array. Or maybe... well, the name's not important. It's meant to collect and store ambient essence in an accessible form for dynamic usage at a later time." 3. "Doesn't look like it can store half so much as my lantern does." She shrugs, unimpressed. "I don't see an overflow valve or exhaust. What happens if it absorbs too much essence?" "What - it's, well, it's a prototype. There's still work to be done." He hugs it carefully to his chest. 12 1. Gears, cogs, and similar mechanisms fill the inside of the machine, however, and a false move might result in maimed fingers - or worse. 2. Though largely intact, there seems to be a leak somewhere within this construct. A trail of sweet-scented green fluid winds down the machine's carapace. The ice beneath it is blackened as if burned. [Siphon fluid from the construct.] You contrive a simple siphon from some tubing and basic physics, allowing you to draw a large measure of fluid from the construct without disturbing it. 12 It seems connected to the local flesh constructs in more ways than one. Skin and bone have spread across all of the major panels, rendering many of its old controls useless. This device is well-beyond the days of cogs and gears. It's a living organism, and as such it might respond more favorably to a gentle touch. 1. "I seem to recall these controllers gather bits and pieces of leftover scrap from the work of knitting flesh and bone. Over time they develop tumors, limbs, and even organs." 2. The device gurgles quietly. After a prolonged silence, a wet blast of air escapes through the eye of a mounted skull. You can only speculate that the machine is in working order. 10 1. Peering up at the daunting hillock, you take a moment to consider your options. 2. With a quick nod, [Specified 0] takes the other end of the rope and ascends the slope. [Tell [Specified 0] to wrap the rope around the pedestal and pull.] [Specified 0] salutes you and vanishes. The rope goes taut... 9 [Rig a quick fix for the helmet.] With no time to spare, you tear off a piece of cloth from the suit and quickly wrap the damaged portion of the helmet. Water continues to trickle in, but at a much reduced rate and you eventually make it back to your ship fully intact. -NONE FOUND- 8 Peering up at the daunting hillock, you take a moment to consider your options. [Gather everyone to pull on the rope.] The entire party climbs the hill, taking hold of the rope. You pull upon it, allowing gravity to draw you back down the hill. The rope grinds against the pedestal, but so too does the stone make its way to the top of the hill. You gather beside it, wiping sweat from your brows. 4 "What can I do for you?" [Study the engravings, look for a pattern.] You can vaguely see how different points of the engraving seem to match up, forming a coherent shape in spite of being situated on opposing sides of the carving. 3 "The cistern overflows into the world of the living, stirring the sea and skies with the fury of the goddess. "Bringing storms." His lips curve into a slight smile. "There's nothing divine about broken machinery around an adra pillar." "The gods laugh at machines, I say. Nothing built of kith hands can wrest away their will." In spite of his words, he regards the corruption over his shoulder with a frown. 3 The machine at the base of the pillar is in bad shape - the adra panels are warped and the copper is corroded, but it looks whole. A high, keening sound comes from the adra. [Examine the machine.] You check the copper connections and knobs. Everything appears to be intact, but none of the essence in the pillar runs through it. The keening grows louder. 3 The iron bars are set firmly into the surrounding brick, barring any passage onward. [Look for structural weaknesses.] The iron looks sturdy enough, but you are able to spot some telltale signs of corrosion between the bars and the brick. 3 [Break open the cage.] You deftly pop the poorly-crafted lock off the cage. 1. The xaurip scrambles to get out of your reach. When you make no move to capture it, it stares between you and the open cage door, blinking rapidly. It tenses, then bursts out the door. 2. The xaurip makes no move to escape. It stares past you at the other xaurips still stalking about the cave, its eyes wide with fear. 1 "Been trying to find a way past without losing a leg or getting a face-full of poison." "I can take care of a few traps." "Well, they sting something fierce, so mind yourself." Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, Party Assist, continued Metaphysics Reveal hidden contents 20 [Try and commune with the spirits.] You open a metaphysical bridge between your soul and the entities inhabiting the mineral. At first they project mild interest, but their attention shifts elsewhere once they comprehend your intentions. For the moment, they will not trouble you. 19 "Communion." Like a leaf held to a flame, his smile curls at both ends. "If you think you can feed your essence to the titan and assume control of it, you're going to be very disappointed. " 1. "The titan's soul is like an ocean. Deep and tumultuous. You'll be overwhelmed." 2. "All of the knowledge in these halls - all of the memories - it all descends, flowing into this titanic form." 18 "Here. What do you make of it?" He passes you a worn sheaf of parchment. "It seems designed to manipulate essence, but on a greater scale than any modern animancy tool." "When did you become an expert?" Tayn holds the parchment upside down and squints at it. 17 1. It seems to be awaiting instructions from you, and if it harbors any ill will or duplicity, you can't suss it from its arachnid features. 2. The spider watches you expectantly. 3. As the sac sways gently to either side, you notice a small spherical object set into it. At first you mistake it for a solid black gem, but then it shifts, and you find eight eyes peering up at you from a fist-sized spider. "You've been trained by the vithrack, haven't you? Will you take me where I want to go?" The spider stares at you. 15 "I fail to see why should that be a concern of mine." "How will you serve your duty if the Darcozzi bloodline turns hollowborn?" "You may have a point." She taps a skeletal finger against her jawbone in thought. 15 1. You would have me eat Rymrgand? To pluck him from the Void as I might a heifer from a field? 2. The dragon snorts, purple light flickering within her nostrils. You're not sure whether or not she was amused. 3. It does not follow that he fears me. Still... it is curious... Her head rises, canting slightly as she considers your words. "If kith created the gods, it stands to reason that they can be destroyed." That a thing is possible does not render it trivially easy. 15 "Did it, now. That's very curious indeed." She holds her voice carefully even. "There's a fragment of a soul in this book. That's what caused my vision." "Is there? And you can see it?" Her eyes widen. 15 "Will you seek it?" "Could the unchecked growth of Wael's body here have something to do with this device?" "Perhaps it was damaged, causing the growth. I won't be able to say definitively until I've had a chance to examine it." 15 But- but Sissak gets to leave! This one's progenitor told him, promised him they only need wait a few more generations! This stupid, stupid paper says we must stay? No! "The text refers to the <i>life</i> of Wael, not their existence. Wael's body 'died' two millennia ago - this contract was never legal." Does the kith mean... Sissak's clutch is free? That this one may dig a glorious burrow into the earth and dig and dig and keep digging? His many eyes flash, and he emanates a gleeful shriek so high you almost can't hear it. 15 "Watcher? Whisperer?" The aumaua - or what used to be an aumaua - twitches and licks its dry lips. "You're connected to the spores below, aren't you?" "Sp-spread. Growth. Claim. Amb-ambulate." 15 Maura's head **** to the side slightly, setting her loose eye to swinging back and forth. "If you've consumed Maura, you may know why she was here." The creature's posture straightens, but it head declines in a shallow nod. It almost seems to be considering your words. 15 "Unless, perhaps... Could the Hand Occult have developed some manner of contagion?" "You suspect some effect has caused people to forget you?" 1. His attention snaps back to you, his expression concealed behind his mask. 2. "Such a thing is certainly possible. We may have even read of this one in the past, only to have our memory of it suppressed." She frowns at the robed man. 15 1. You recall a passage from 'On Celestial Spectres.' The spirits inhabiting this mineral will attack if you interfere with their habitat. Energy from a powerful soul would appease them temporarily. 2. As you peer closer, the ambient soul energy studies you back with quiet calm. By your reckoning the essence is little more than an amorphous shape of emotions, though it seems more aware than most incorporeal entities. If you allowed the spirits to commune with your soul, it might prove a suitable distraction to claim a piece of the metal for yourself. The twisted hunk of metal glows with a faint but regular pulse. 14 "You found them all - oh, and in one volume, too! What a weight that is off my mind." She looks at you expectantly, hands clenched. "Before I give this to you, tell me something. Did you know Llengrath is a parasite?" "You refer to the first Llengrath." Her eyes narrow. "Yes, I know." 12 The soul sits almost motionless, awaiting your questions in tranquil silence. "The three of you arrived at the same time, yet you were each alive at vastly different times. I believe you are all a single soul awakened to your own past lives." "If we share the same soul, that would mean..." The aumaua soul taps at their chin in thought. 12 A twisted chunk of iron-like metal rises from Wael's flesh, leaning to the side like a crooked tooth. The pitted surface gleams with a disorienting array of colors. You've seen minerals like this on display at museums or sketched in manuscripts. It's a piece of starmetal, forged and shaped far beyond Eora. The metal radiates soul energy. The whole area is dense with it. Vague emotions reach out to you - anger, fear, and territorial aggression. None of it feels quite right. 11 "She did what? And you let her? I must - I have to go see her!" She blinks rapidly, still processing the revelation. "She was a pilgrim, and now she's a temple guardian. She'll almost certainly attack you if you find her." "Oh. Okay. I understand. Thank you for finding her. And helping her, I suppose." She deflates with a sigh and, rubbing her eye with the ball of one hand, turns away. 11 1. "What? I'm not - I'm needed, my people need me. Here." He wards you off with open palms. 2. "I'm - ? Wait, what? I can't! I've got... responsibilities!" Vatnir fidgets. "You'll face Rymrgand eventually. Wouldn't you rather do so on your own terms?" "Heh. My terms. As if such a thing could exist in the face of the Beast of Winter." 11 "Does the witness have testimony to present?" "For all of the information it carries, the soul is ultimately a form of energy. It has no volition and no purpose save that we set it to." "Choose your next words carefully, witness." 10 "And that's my problem, how?" "Without the Wheel, souls won't reincarnate and kith will eventually die off." 1. "All the more reason to go out in a blaze of glory now, if you ask me. Not like I'd be there to see world's end either way. "And I've no little ones running around to protect as my legacy." 2. "I might not care about anyone else, but I do care about those who are loyal to me. If I can help save the Príncipi, you'd best believe I will." 10 1. "'Meant to.' An animancer's favorite words." He sniffs, casting a sidelong glance at the belt. 2. "I call it Neale's Auroral Transubstantiator. Or perhaps the Essential Battery Array. Or maybe... well, the name's not important. It's meant to collect and store ambient essence in an accessible form for dynamic usage at a later time." 3. "Doesn't look like it can store half so much as my lantern does." She shrugs, unimpressed. "Isn't capturing essence at random inviting instability?" "Indeed! Exactly!" His eyes and smile widen, brightening his expression. 10 "Me, Muātu! Formerly of the island Kazuwari, presently of the Beyond." "You're in the In-Between, I'm in the Here. The Beyond is, well, beyond the In-Between." "Oh. Well. This is the first time I've ever been dead." 10 "Me, Muātu! Formerly of the island Kazuwari, presently of the Beyond." "You're in the In-Between, I'm in the Here. The Beyond is, well, beyond the In-Between." "Oh. Well. This is the first time I've ever been dead." 10 "Once I have the metal and complete my spell, I'll see to it that you are the second person in all the world to wield its power." "Why would starmetal have arcane energies?" 1. "You saved me the asking, Watcher." 2. "There is much left unanswered about their power. Stars do not visit Eora very often. For that reason alone, not many wizards bother to study them." 10 "You didn't need to reignite the adra lighthouse. Eothas had already gone. You could have tracked him to his next destination, but you opted to help the colony instead. Why?" "Depriving Eothas of essence may have slowed him down." "True, but in that form he can always replenish himself from another source. If he doesn't find adra, I'm sure a few ships full of pilgrims will suffice." 9 [Try to siphon enough of the dragon's essence to empower the guild, then break the imprisoning ward.] Scyorielaphas winces but makes no other protest. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other as the runes of confinement begin to crumble. The wardstone itself flashes brighter than ever, resplendent with the dragon's powerful essence. 9 While the aumaua shakes his head and says, "Very little," the Aedyran grins and answers, "A thing or two." "Why?" asks the dusky human. "The geography here... it's like the land has been twisted or broken by some great power." The Aedyran nods. "Perhaps it has. A great cataclysm shook this realm in ages past." The aumaua shakes his head. "But there's not much we can tell you about it." 9 "Enough with this madness!" "You are not whole, but you <i>can</i> be restored." The accused's face falls, and you see tears fall from her cheeks. 8 1. [Say nothing.] 2. "Understand what?" 3. "I'm not going to like where this is going, am I." "I've long been fascinated by the nature of entropy. Nothing is unaffected by the passage of time - excepting souls. Supposedly." She smirks. "Is it not possible that repeated reincarnation damages a soul? Could the process of reincarnation itself be responsible for some of the many ills that plague the souls of kith?" 8 "Oh should we? Why ever so?" "He's overflowing with souls. They could be yours." The god's myriad eyes narrow hungrily. 7 "I will make him proud." It sounds almost like a recitation. Edér's mouth is open but he has no answer. He looks to you, desperation in his eyes. "Your soul won't pass to Eothas. It will pass into adra and through the core of the world." "You can trust a Watcher to know something about that. "You won't get a choice with this." 6 "The gods see. They will tear them all down." "Adra is not a root that withers, but a channel of essence. This one is merely blocked - I can show you." Sugaan regards you with a wary eye. 6 "If your fat tongue speaks true, then give us proof." "Adra is not a root that withers, but a channel of essence. This one is merely blocked - I can show you." Sugaan regards you with a wary eye. 6 [Study the machine.] You manage to make out what little of the writing hasn't faded away. You deduce that Cignath Mór was once a place the Engwithans used to study the application of soul energy to enlarge the creatures of the Deadfire. You also learn that the machine is funneling essence into the surrounding flora and fauna from a luminous adra pillar deep beneath the ruins. You return to the control panel. It glows with a faint light as the machine hums. 6 [Study the machine.] You manage to make out what little of the writing hasn't faded away. You also learn that the machine is funneling essence into the surrounding flora and fauna from a luminous adra pillar deep beneath the ruins. You return to the control panel. It glows with a faint light as the machine hums. 6 "Still. I am free." "How do you intend to manage the decay of your flesh and escalating desire for soul essence?" 1. "And the answer had better not involve consuming us." 2. "I am concerned by neither. I will sate my appetite with the souls of animals, just as I sated my appetite with their flesh while - while - in my previous life." 6 "I await my final end with most holy eagerness. Rest, at last, without the torment of a soul or the threat of rebirth. "Perfect unity and freedom. Forever." His bloodless lips curl into a knowing smile, like he references a joke known only to the two you. "Nothing is ever truly gone. Your constituent parts will still feed Eora, no matter the state of your soul." "Not if my body resides forever here in Rymrgand's realm." He shakes his head and smiles only wider, showing bone white teeth. 5 "Speak on, Watcher. As surely as a tide swelling over the shore, I feel you are not finished." "The 'forms' of watershaping are fabrications made to tap into the dragon's prison." "Then Periki's students had an advantage in their lessons, I say. And Mairu's after her. "All at the cost of this beast's freedom." Onekaza raises her brow. 5 Enchantments coursing through the stonework keep the dragon tethered to this spot and siphon energy from his soul. The spells of imprisonment look more recent. The siphoning enchantment merely sips at the dragon's essence and disperses it elsewhere. You think it could be used to store the essence - enough to last decades or longer if used responsibly. You can tell nothing else about the enchantments. The ward flashes, causing the Rod of the Deep Hunter to tremble in your pack, as if the two share some arcane affinity for each other. 5 The dragon watches you silently. "What if we excised the imprisoned portion of your soul from the rest?" NO. My soul is not for the taking. Not by you or any of the outsider spirit-thieves! 5 "Nevertheless, I'm more interested in reports the storms around the island have cleared. "What do you know of this?" He leans a little closer, his hands folded behind his back. "Strong concentrations of essence affect the physical world - that's how blights manifest, for instance." 1. "Even if this isn't the outcome we'd wanted for Poko Kohara, your observation is infinitely more valuable. "Take this and remember it the next time we call on you." He hands you a purse, but his expression is distant, as if he's still thinking about what you told him. 2. "Fascinating. And most encouraging. "You've proven most valuable, [Player Name]. Accept this as a small token of our gratitude." He hands you a purse, but his expression is distant, as if he's still thinking about what you told him. 5 With a shrug of his meaty shoulders, he steps aside. "Eothas has consumed your warriors' very souls. But I've faced him before and am still standing." Shoulders taut with tension, the warrior eyes the strewn corpses of his fellow Rathun-at-arms. They lie dried like husks, siphoned of their souls. 5 "If that is the goddess' ever-burning will, we Rathun will abide it." "Your souls aren't bound to Magran's will. You're free to choose your own fate." "What are our souls if not the sparks from Magran's flint? Our choice is not whether to serve the goddess but how." 5 "Impossible! A flame as bright as the Ancient's cannot be so easily extinguished." He shakes his head grimly. [Lie] "Her soul was drained just like the Rathun who Eothas consumed." "How disturbing... and unfortunate. She would've been a mighty ally against Eothas." 5 "In all likelihood, yes. But who knows how long that will be, how much these societies may change until then?" [Lie] "There is already an animancer in Ixamitl, Heichali, who is on the brink of making the same discoveries." "Then we shall visit her soon. As she is one of my nation, she will likely see the wisdom of refraining from future research." 4 "As the storms grow wild, Tikawara dies around us. No traveler will land here if they are forced to eat their belts, I say." He absently presses his knuckles, worrying the blood from his fingers. "It is highly unusual for adra to impact its environment as you describe." "Maybe that is for what the Vailians find it so fascinating?" Ruānu scratches his head and shrugs. 4 "You don't plan on staying here, ac? Why not let us tag along and see if we can reunite with our... what we left behind?" She spreads her palms open in a show of benevolence. "It never ends well when you stuff mismatched essence into one body." "You're... not lying, are you?" She glances back toward her crew and winces. 4 "I had intended to perform a handful of experiments regarding the nature of souls that could only be done safely at sea." "I know of no animancy that must be done strictly at sea." "A fellow researcher? Then perhaps you will understand." She steeples her fingers and gives you a sly smile. 4 "A curious mind is an agile mind. Besides, the two practices are more alike than one might think." "I suppose they do both require careful hands and an obsessive attention to detail." "Care and patience, yes. It is gratifying to be understood." She brushes a speck of dust from the front of her coat and gives you a lopsided smile. 4 "None of your godsdamned business." "Animats rarely retain their consciousness, let alone their memories. You're different." "Nice of you to notice." You hear what can only be a sneer edge Modwyr's voice. 3 "This place is a miracle. Every day I emerge from the baths as a new woman, and my first child will be as strong as an adra pillar." She looks to Seinu with a bright smile. "I don't think that's a guaranteed result." "Is that... true?" She blinks at Seinu. 3 "Now, if you don't mind, I'm waiting for someone very important who is definitely coming back any day now, and you won't want to be here when she does." "The master animancer responsible for your condition, I presume?" "No, THAT would be a man known across Eora as the great wizard None of Your ****ing Business. Have you heard of him?" 3 "That why they're so ashy?" Her nose crinkles. "Exactly. Eothas caused a bîaŵac when he passed through." "So it's not just symbolism in my dreams. I saw my god walking through storms. "Didn't know he created them." 2 "I'm not really supposed to chat with customers." He taps the coin slot and winks at you. "I wasn't aware it was possible to bind a soul to this type of contraption." "How about you get yourself over to the animancer's tower in the Sacred Stair, then. No need to gawk at me." 2 You have the rod and the wherewithal to set me free. I see no reason why we shouldn't leave at the same time! He snaps his jaws with an audible clack. "I need to understand what kind of magic we're dealing with before I try anything." The dragon studies you with quiet suspicion. 2 "You're... familiar with the luminous adra trade?" "I know that luminous adra is supposed to house more concentrated essence." "It's also quite valuable. When refined, it sells for considerable sums. "The Trading Company has invested a lot of time and money into locating sites suitable for mining and processing." 2 "You're... familiar with the luminous adra trade?" [Lie] "Of course." "Of course. I suppose you could hardly spend ten minutes in the Deadfire without hearing all about it." 2 "It doesn't matter." "Animats rarely retain their consciousness, let alone their memories. You're different." "Nice of you to notice." You hear what can only be a sneer edge Modwyr's voice. Religion Reveal hidden contents 16 "First the messenger, now Vatnir?! Is nothing sacred to you?" "Rymrgand did not intend for his child to live forever." Through the holes in his sagging, sweat-stained hood, you make out the rapid fluttering of Hafjórn's eyes. 15 "Your coming fulfills prophecy. 'Wheresoever strides the Duskspeaker, so falls falsehood, torn away. So discards false cycles. So quiets dawn and dusk.' They've high hopes for you." "Isn't the essential truth of Rymrgand's doctrine that endings are inevitable? That given time, all things fall to ruin?" "Absolutely. But your tone suggests a lingering concern." 15 "I hate my limitations, my hungers, my frailty. The Beast can suck my marrow and discard me - this is true perfection." She knocks on the iron shell, this time with more conviction. "Donning this permanent shell is a betrayal of your faith. Embrace annihilation when your time comes." "You make it sound like I missed the point. Curses, maybe I have." 14 "WRATH, EH? WHAT WARMLING SQUAWK ABOUT?" The imp cranes its neck to either side, peering into the cavern's icy recesses. It's possible it was trying to lower its voice. "When Elsífol Boldsummer attempted to cheat Rymrgand out of a single spirit, the god swallowed him, chewing him as cud for a thousand years." "NO! WON'T BE CHEWED ON AND SPAT OUT AND CHEWED ON AND SPAT OUT AGAIN!" 13 1. "I'll - I'll admit him a far walk from perfect, that's for certain. Couldn't hunt a bear to save his life." He peers down at the cooling corpse and sighs. 2. "By your hand!" 3. "Hard to say, now, isn't it? What with him a corpse and all." "The Beast of Winter would have us sweep away these falsehoods - prophets and avatars alike." "That's, I guess that's the truth of it. I suppose. Praise the Beast." 13 I came here for it. An object of such potency that it defies the deified. "Deified? Not deific? You know then the truth of the gods creation?" Obviously. My mother was older than your manufactured gods are now when she hatched me. 13 1. You would have me eat Rymrgand? To pluck him from the Void as I might a heifer from a field? 2. The dragon snorts, purple light flickering within her nostrils. You're not sure whether or not she was amused. 3. It does not follow that he fears me. Still... it is curious... Her head rises, canting slightly as she considers your words. "If kith created the gods, it stands to reason that they can be destroyed." That a thing is possible does not render it trivially easy. 12 Even were it so - the fire feeds me. It can cause me no harm. "Magran's fire can ravage even a god's body. She's killed Eothas before." How dare these gods war in my den! 12 -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- "Wait, I'm one of you!" 12 "After that, restoring the flow should be a simple enough task for a Watcher. One would hope." "I find it very hard to believe the Seeking Face would decline freedom and choose to stay in one place." 1. "The vulpinet wishes us to believe she is content with her leg in a trap. I do not believe this for a moment." 2. "Believe what you will. I served Galawain before I died, and I have served him for lifetimes since." 12 "Who are you?" The kith have taken pains to obscure the holy symbols on their chests, but that doesn't matter. You would recognize them by the acrid stench of charcoal clinging to their armor and the firearms on their hips. They are adherents of Magran. 1. [Attack] "You want a fight? So be it." 2. [Flee.] 3. "Why do you bar my path?" 12 "By your hand!" "Have you ever heard any tale associating Rymrgand with dragons? I haven't." "That is a little strange, I suppose." He stares at the floor. 12 -NONE FOUND- It would surprise you little, given its frozen appearance and the preternatural chill that attends it, to learn that this artifact was held sacred by Rymrgand's followers. -NONE FOUND- 11 1. "What? I'm not - I'm needed, my people need me. Here." He wards you off with open palms. 2. "I'm - ? Wait, what? I can't! I've got... responsibilities!" Vatnir fidgets. "You'll face Rymrgand eventually. Wouldn't you rather do so on your own terms?" "Heh. My terms. As if such a thing could exist in the face of the Beast of Winter." 10 "We are Magran's creatures, formed from her flames. We exist only to further her greatness." "Magran created you for a reason. You must persist in order to serve her properly." "As you say, Magran has chosen to sacrifice this site. Far be it from us to spurn her offering to the war." 10 "Truly, I hear the Call of Winter!" "You speak of the foretold beginning of the ending of all things at Rymrgand's touch." 1. Ydwin glances askance at you. 2. "Those of us blessed by Rymrgand hear the Call of Winter in our waking and sleeping lives - it is what has called us to this place... and what has called you!" 10 The old man trembles, his visage splitting apart at the wrinkles, the sagging flesh falling away to reveal bruised skin beneath. The illusion melts into black ichor, which flows through the air into an object hanging from the spirit's neck - a small blade broken near the hilt. "You wear a broken knife? Do you worship Skaen?" 1. The spirit's labored breaths fracture into a weak chuckle. 2. "Oh, come on! Skaenites again?! I already had to drive those idiots out of Dyrford once!" 10 "Oh should we? Why ever so?" "Don't you want to see what would happen?" Silence reigns for a moment before their quiet giggles echo through the Beyond. 9 He signals to his warriors. They stalk heavily around you. "Careful, Magran watches from this very shrine. Your failings have already displeased her." "You mean to imply that the goddess speaks to you? You can hear the roar of her voice?" 9 While the aumaua shakes his head and says, "Very little," the Aedyran grins and answers, "A thing or two." "Why?" asks the dusky human. "This place... it feels almost holy..." The three watch you, the elf smiling, the aumaua with an eyebrow raised, the human bent with a scowl. They do not answer. 9 A hairless face with pale gray skin, thin lips, a narrow nose, and no eye sockets at all. "Wael?" The visage smiles, its mouth curling at the corners. "Of course not." The figure stands. "No one is what they appear." 9 "Many have made similar claims within these walls. If only words bore the weight of actions." "Does this not gnaw at you? Did you not join the clergy to help kith?" A moment of silence passes in the chamber as the inquisitor peers down on you. 8 "Think ye're deservin, do ye? But in whitwey shoud a trust ye now?" "How will kith learn from the gods if we forever hide their truths in forgotten tombs?" "A nae conne any more about the ways of kith, but a world without the gods' direction is doomed." The towering skeleton cracks his head from side to side. 8 "You must draw the attention of the Faces of the Hunt in the Crucible. To contend in the Crucible, you must first complete the Rite of Passage." Her tone is reverent, and she bows her head slightly to you. "Your Faces of the Hunt sounds a lot like Galawain." "So I have been told." Her lips purse. 8 "I am a changed woman - asleep no longer. This bloated husk of mine is bound for the worms, but my soul is made for eternal service." "Wouldn't the ultimate expression of faith mean letting your body wither and rot over time?" "But that will take years! I can't serve the Beast and his Maw like this!" She gestures down at herself. 8 "Choose your next words carefully, witness." "The gods grant us soul energy that we might be greater than mere vessels. That we might develop the identity of which you speak. Self is the purpose of the soul." "This tribunal did not convene to contemplate matters of metaphysics. Only the fate of the accused is at question." 7 "I'm afraid you cannot. The vanguard is reserved for the most faithful among us. You have not even joined the Partisans." "Eothas does not play favorites as Woedica does. He would welcome all who wished to join him." "I agree, and Gaderian Bosc has admitted to the vanguard all who asked to join." 7 "If your fat tongue speaks true, then give us proof." "The gods summon storms. Call down moons. If they wanted Hasongo destroyed, they would not have left a single stone standing." Sugaan regards you with a wary eye. 7 "I will make him proud." It sounds almost like a recitation. Edér's mouth is open but he has no answer. He looks to you, desperation in his eyes. "Your leader has read too many parables. The gods seldom have cause to test our faith." "Maybe he's not testing faith. Maybe he's testing if you can think for yourself." 7 "Remember that with nothing but time and water, Ondra reshapes entire continents." The foreman nods. "Ekera, the Watcher spoken true." One of the workers scratches her head. "How so?" "As surely as the soft water erodes the shore, we go clear this passage!" The Roparu exchange nods and, reinvigorated by your words, get back to work. After a few hours, the sweaty Roparu succeed in opening the tunnel. 7 1. [Specified 0] gulps. "But captain, you're defying Ondra..." 2. [Specified 0] sheepishly knocks on your cabin door. When she enters, her skin is pale, her brow dotted with beads of sweat. "Begging your pardon, captain, but this is an ill wind sent by Ondra. We've sailed too long without offering her tribute. She's sure to punish us if we don't give her what she's due." She tilts her head towards the hatch, beckoning you to follow her on deck. 3. [Specified 0] sheepishly knocks on your cabin door. When he enters, his skin is pale, his brow dotted with beads of sweat. "Begging your pardon, captain, but this is an ill wind sent by Ondra. We've sailed too long without offering her tribute. She's sure to punish us if we don't give her what she's due." He tilts his head towards the hatch, beckoning you to follow him on deck. [Take the time to lead the crew in a ceremony invoking Ondra's protection.] "We owe her respect, and we shall give it to her." Heading abovedeck, you lead the crew in an Ondrite rite for several hours, imploring her to show mercy toward your ship and those within it. You call out the many names of Ondra - Ngati, Lady of Lament, Salty Wench, Lover of the Lost - and acknowledge her power and dominion over the waves, all that ride upon them, and all that sleep within their depths. At your instruction, each member of the crew stands at the edge of the ship and whispers a regret into the dark waters. 7 "GO AWAY! THIS PLACE NOT YOUR HOME! YOU PROBABLY DIE HERE!" "I take it you're not familiar with the wrath that awaits those who cross the Beast of Winter." The wiry primordial's bulging blue eyes narrow slightly. 6 "Abuttin yer next and last breath." "I am not here for that which you protect, Death Guard of Berath." "Ye're learnt in the Berathian rites. Ye knaw how I serve my duty, even in death." 5 1. He gives the apprentice an appreciative nod. 2. "I am misled if holding a shell is all it takes to earn Ngati's favor." Tekēhu tosses his hair and chuckles to himself. "Ondra is the goddess of loss. Legends say she calls missing things to her with the music of the conch." "Truly? Then I must hope she calls nothing back from me!" His booming laugh has a nervous edge as he glances around his fine home. 5 "Thought we'd been through this. I'm waiting for you to bring the goods so we can find Dereo's mosaic and be out of here." Her gaze darts around as if she's expecting something to jump out from the shadows. "This place is full of Ondrite imagery - waves, shells, the statue. Is it a place of worship?" "That's what the boss is hoping. And if you figured that much on your own, that's a good sign." 5 With a shrug of his meaty shoulders, he steps aside. "Eothas may be seeking revenge against you Magranites, but I've nothing to do with it." Shoulders taut with tension, the warrior eyes the strewn corpses of his fellow Rathun-at-arms. They lie dried like husks, siphoned of their souls. 5 "If that is the goddess' ever-burning will, we Rathun will abide it." "Among us, only I can hear her. So how do you know Magran's will is for you to stay and fight?" "Could her will be for us to flee like cowards?" 5 "Extinguished or crushed... us all... defiler..." He struggles to speak. The agony of a slow death blazes through the scrawls in his skin, shrouding him with a veil of fire. "You're a fire giant, an elemental servant of Magran's. Aren't you?" "You are not mistaken." 5 "Extinguished or crushed... us all... defiler..." He struggles to speak. The agony of a slow death blazes through the scrawls in his skin, shrouding him with a veil of fire. "What <i>are</i> you, creature?" 1. "A kindred, if larger, soul..." He wipes fire blood from his mouth with a palm that could crush a kith's skull. 2. "I am but one... of Magran's elite champions... birthed from her flames. Soon... reunited in glory..." 4 "For what does he listen to you, then? The gods I know are tight of lip and hard of hearing." "Mine won't shut up." He raises a hand to his lips and stifles laughter, shaking his head. 4 "Remember that with nothing but time and water, Ondra reshapes entire continents." "Just so, captain. We'll make a watershaper out of you yet." Tekēhu beams with pride. The foreman nods. "Ekera, the Watcher spoken true." One of the workers scratches her head. "How so?" "As surely as the soft water erodes the shore, we go clear this passage!" 3 He blinks. "But the queen gave it to me! There is great honor in such a gift." "Ondra punishes those who refuse to let go. If you cling to her relic, imagine what she might take instead." He blanches. "Far be it from me to offend a goddess. Especially when I have much else to... steward." He looks around at the spacious villa. His nervous expression is reflected in the mirror-smooth marble. 3 "Then what would he want with it?" One hand finds her hip. The other keeps her blade pointed at you. "It's a relic of Ondra. See the runes?" "I see 'em. Makes me think this shell is worth something, after all." She raises her hand, and her thugs charge. 3 "And Rikuhu, Berath, my god and goddess both, the eels that churn in ceaseless cycle. The new and the next and - " "From life to death to life again, blessed be. An end." Nodding fervently, he accepts your ending to the invocation. 3 1. "- to banish the shadows of the unfaithful and wash away the sins of our past." 2. "I can repeat it - slower this time if you'd like." "Godly redeemer and bringer of light..." Without so much as a movement from either of you, the flame suddenly snuffs out. Waenglith nods, and rubs a glob of wax into the wound. 2 "Prince of the Heavens shall be fed only young grasses grown on the hills of Lipasalis. He shall be curried morning and night with a brush made of the bristles of boars fed on golden root..." "That doesn't sound like a sacred document to me..." "Ah, you read many holy texts from Yezuha, then?" Though he tries to keep a straight face, he can't suppress a tiny, teasing smile. 2 The dirty furrows of his brow darken as his scowl deepens. "What of them then?" "Is not the death of an animal to feed another a sacred aspect of the cycle of existence?" "Then you speak as if you know the hunt. Yet you ask flesh without it." He frowns at you, though the expression shortly gives way to a smirk. "Then go take this." He pulls a leather-wrapped pouch from among his robes and tosses it to you. 2 1. "You go speak quickly, then. Your words disturb this place." 2. "Then you return? What for?" "Well it <i>sounds</i> like you're speaking of Galawain." The aumaua snorts. "Always you foreign sort speak of your changing god. I say you know nothing of change and less of the hunt." 1 "What can I do for you?" [You notice something unusual.] Your attention is drawn to Ezzali's desk. Among the assorted ledgers and documents sits a brass seal, still dripping with heated wax. Sleight of Hand Reveal hidden contents 15 "Here, newcomer. First drink's on the house." He pours from a nearby pitcher - filling a goblet with an unmistakable red liquid, thick and dark. The coppery odor hits your nostrils with force. The barkeeper slides the goblet across the bar towards you. [Pretend to drink it, but tip out the blood when the barkeeper isn't looking.] 1. "So. What'll it be?" 2. You notice a glint of metal, and looking over you see a man in a gleaming helmet peering down over the balcony at you. He stares at you for several moments, wild-eyed, before scrambling away from the railing. 15 [Attempt to give the lurkers the slip.] You bend low and collect a promising stone. You hurl it sidearm, skipping it across the ground and between the trees. It sounds a bit like a person running, and your hunters take the bait, leaping after the stone. It takes the stelgaers a moment to realize their mistake, but then the pack of large hunting cats, each shoulder high to an elf, turn towards you, fur bristling and claws flexing. 15 A parchment-thin shard of adra is positioned inside of a spiked, copper trap. When a current of essence conducts through the adra, the trap will snap shut and complete a circuit. It would take incredible care to extract the soul without setting off the bomb. [Try to disarm the bomb.] You carefully reach inside the bomb. In no time at all you're up to your shoulder in delicate gears and cogs, taking care not to displace anything. Something in the guts of the machinery falls off in your hand, but the Godhammer remains inert. 15 You carefully sink your hand into the machine's soft flesh. A canal of gore extends deeper than you guessed, and in no time you're shoulder-deep in a panel of drooping skin and exposed muscle. Flesh, gears, and wet, moving parts shudder under your touch. Something sharp and bonelike in the depths of the machine crunches down on your hand, but you squirm your fingers free before any damage is done. Reaching deeper, you find a warm, fluid-filled sac and give it a gentle squeeze. 12 While he's occupied by his belongings, a scroll goes tumbling out of his pack and lands at your feet. [Take it while he isn't looking.] You grab the scroll. Tayn remains oblivious. 8 "Hungry? Come on up, don't be shy." [Grab an extra portion.] You pocket some koīki fruit while the acolyte works. He does not seem to notice, still smiling as he hands you a bowl. 7 [Try and steal her coin.] "Maybe." You snatch up the coin before it can vanish into Okauro's fist. Or you thought you did. Closer inspection reveals your hand is empty. Okauro smiles and holds your gaze. "The next time payment crosses our hands, let it be in the execution of a bond. A vow. A bounty." Holding the coin in two fingers, she lays it flat in your palm and leaves it there. 7 The dragon spreads her wings possessively over her hoard, scaled throat rumbling a growl. "What's that over there?" What? Where?! The dragon swivels her head sharply to one side. 7 [Specified 1] nods. "Your orders, captain?" [Publicly chastise [Specified 0], then sneak him grog.] "Haul the thief to the deck." You have [Specified 0] hauled on deck, making it clear that he'll have no more grog, and if you catch him filching again, he'll skip straight past lashes to keelhauling. By the time you finish, [Specified 0] quakes in terror, and most of the rest of the crew has paled, too. Later you sneak [Specified 0] a flask, warning him to keep the show of generosity quiet, lest you be forced to make an example of him. 6 1. "Now, the best for last. We'll be having us a bit of Hangman's Blood! If this doesn't knock you on your backside, nothing will, I fear." 2. "It's been known to kill a man. Or at least his breath." [Pretend to drink from an empty tankard.] At first, the pirate merely stares. Then he nervously licks his lips and with trembling fingers, reaches for his own pint of the corrosive concoction. 5 "Next round's, grog! Not just any grog, mind you. This batch's fermented with gunpowder." [Pretend to drink from an empty tankard.] "Not many can handle a whole pint of gunpowder grog." He lifts his brows, both surprised and impressed. Then he struggles through his own drink before offering you a snide, wet-looking grin. 5 "Leave no barrel unturned! We don't go home empty-handed." While Captain Pai bellows his orders, you hope that no one noticed you hiding the chart. No one thinks to check you. The crew picks over every corner of [Player Ship] and drag their feet back to Pai. "Nothing?! You lampreys couldn't find your tails!" Pai tears off one of his gloves and throws it to the deck. 5 She dips one hand into your pocket and frowns. Coming up empty, she brazenly opens the mouth of your pack and peers inside. [Steal from her while she's distracted.] She's so enraptured by the contents of your pack that she doesn't even notice when you steal from a pouch hanging from her side. 5 She dips one hand into your pocket and frowns. Coming up empty, she brazenly opens the mouth of your pack and peers inside. [Steal from her while she's distracted.] She's so enraptured by the contents of your pack that she doesn't even notice when you steal from a pouch hanging from her side. 5 She dips one hand into your pocket and frowns. Coming up empty, she brazenly opens the mouth of your pack and peers inside. [Steal from her while she's distracted.] She's so enraptured by the contents of your pack that she doesn't even notice when you steal from a pouch hanging from her side. 4 You grab hold of the largest gear and give it a good shake. With a puff of escaping dust, the gear begins to turn. You react quickly enough to pull back your hand and avoid injury. The door slowly rises. The opening discharges a breeze of stale air and something else - a feeling which emanates from the yawning darkness that makes your every hair stand on end. 4 "First up's a round of Aedyran mead!" One of the more sober pirates pours two pints of the thick, sweet brew. [Pretend to drink from an empty tankard.] "Not a bad start. Not at all." He nods to you respectfully before guzzling down his own pint. 4 As you make your way up the rope, the loud twang of bowstrings announces that the archers have let loose a volley of arrows. You use the rope to your advantage, swinging your body at angles that confuse the eye - narrowly avoiding injury. You reach the top and swing onto the plateau, steeling yourself for a worthy battle. 4 "Be reasonable, captain. We can both get out of this alive." Pai opens his palms in a show of benevolence. [Light a second torch and juggle them near the gunpowder barrel.] Captain Pai and his crew watch, enraptured and horrified, as the flaming torches dance and twirl over your head. Pai is the first to shake himself out of morbid fascination. 3 "Awful generous when you want something. No matter." Luca signals the server and helps himself to another drink. [Pick his pocket while he's distracted.] While Luca is occupied with the server, you slip your hand into his pocket just long enough to retrieve a small key. 3 [Attempt to forge the governor's signature on an amendment to the contract.] There are enough examples of the governor's signature lying around that you are able to fabricate a convincing copy. -NONE FOUND- 3 "You return. What say, friend?" [Pretend to drop the tablet.] "I got you the Harapo - whoops!" Her mouth drops open and Netehe scrambles to catch the tablet before you deftly hoist it up. She only calms down once the Harapo Epic is in her hands. 3 You find yourself in the middle of a shop-lined street, packed shoulder to shoulder with the people around you. You can barely move. As a passerby brushes against you, you feel a hand reach for your purse. But you're faster. You snatch a narrow wrist and pull the would-be thief toward you. Before you is a Huana child. Her eyes are wide with terror. 3 Before you is a Huana child. Her eyes are wide with terror. [Teach the child better technique.] She's wary at first, but she slowly draws closer as she watches your quick, practiced movements. With your encouragement, she mimics your deft maneuvers. She does quite well. She thanks you with a mischievous smile and turns to go. 3 "You wouldn't be implying there's more to it than my superb luck and skills?" With a chuckle, he pats the left pocket of his pants - a nervous gesture. "'Cause accusations such as that are likely to see you whipped and pickled, my mate." 3 To avoid notice, you aim and launch an arrow at your target in record time. <i>Zing!</i> Your arrow slices cleanly through the cargo's rope, notching the stone wall behind it before everything clatters to the ground. 1. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. Ancret has no time to react before the heavy load buries her beneath a pile of splintered wood and spilled wares. 2. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. The crates and barrels crack loudly on impact, splintering and spilling their goods against the rough cobblestone. 2 [Slap him.] "Don't hang your hopes on me, Martino." Martino's head snaps to the side and a spot of blood forms at the edge of his lip. "You deserve that and more." 2 "Bah! Joking! There's no... I... No, really?" The sailor swallows and glances over his shoulder. [Touch his shoulder while he's distracted.] He flinches as a chill works up his spine, and glances back at you with horror evident in his rigid expression. 2 "WH... WHAT? CRYSTAL HARMS YELLOW-EYE THREE? WHAT MEANS YOU?" He ponders the crystal - closing one eye and holding it up close to the other. [Slap Yellow-Eye Three's claw while he's distracted.] Yellow-Eye Three screeches in pain as the crystal rebounds against his face. He recovers and dizzily rubs the indentation left on his forehead. 2 "Been trying to find a way past without losing a leg or getting a face-full of poison." [Set off the traps prematurely with a few heavy stones.] You wreak havoc upon the traps to the tune of snapping metal teeth and clattering darts. When the cacophony is ended, Beodul peers out from between his fingers, and gives you a broad grin. 2 "So if anyone's going to be doing the throwing, it's going to have to be you." "How about it, tough guy?" He reaches out to give you a shove. [Stab him in the arm.] "Ahh! ****-" Galian clutches at his wound. His face pales as blood seeps between his fingers. He gapes at you, open-mouthed. 2 "Those who try to steal fish from Ngati's jaws come to lose their hands." Ikawha regards you with weary suspicion, glancing pointedly at the offering bowl. [Pretend to return the coins.] "Sorry." Ikawha turns back around, and her shoulders shake with quiet laughter. 2 Stealthily, you aim a dagger at the cargo's rope. Following two warm-up flicks of your wrist, you toss the dagger with every last ounce of your strength. Your throw is silent and dead-on. The dagger easily severs crane's the rope. 1. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. Ancret has no time to react before the heavy load buries her beneath a pile of splintered wood and spilled wares. 2. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. The crates and barrels crack loudly on impact, splintering and spilling their goods against the rough cobblestone. Stealth Reveal hidden contents 10 You heave yourself onto the landing. A cave yawns before you. Great clouds of oily, black smoke roll like exhaled breaths from the cave mouth. [Sneak inside.] You wade through the smoke, your eyes streaming and lungs burning, and make your way into the cave. 4 1. The girl shakes her head and swings the weapon again, driving back a skuldr. "Can't! No way out behind me!" 2. On the far side of the creatures, a small girl, dressed in the rags of the Huana, grips a gleaming sword in both hands. She brandishes it wildly at the skuldr, each swing of the blade releasing a howl that keeps the beasts at bay. They creep ever closer to her, however, and her eyes plead with your own. "Please!" [Use the girl as a distraction and ambush the creatures.] You creep forward, drawing your weapon... 4 [Hide from the noble and guards.] You doubt you'll be able to mount an effective ambush with these two noisy, noisome crew in tow. 1. [Approach the group.] 2. [Leave the noble be.] 3 [Bless Orso.] Your attempt at subtlety pays off as a divine glow hovers over the duelist and quickly fades, going unnoticed. Once the swords are delivered to their respective bearers, the seconds back away in melancholy silence. 3 [Bless Larro.] Your attempt at subtlety pays off as a divine glow hovers over the duelist and quickly fades, going unnoticed. Once the swords are delivered to their respective bearers, the seconds back away in melancholy silence. 3 This tunnel ends, but another branches off. The only sounds are the crackling of torches and the steady drip of water. You can't shake the feeling that you're being watched. But when you glance over your shoulder, no one is there. [Go right.] 2 "What?! She's up to no good, I know it!" [Whisper] "So have her followed to see where she goes and whom she meets." The guard nods at you, her eyes wide and knowing. She clears her throat and turns to the merchant with a deliberately menacing scowl. Streetwise Reveal hidden contents 20 1. You begin your grisly work, only to notice too late the sound of boots all around you. A group of brigands, well-armed and armored, have the wagon surrounded. One steps forward, chuckling. "Look at what we've got here. A big fish." 2. The brigands leap to their feet and spin upon you weapons flashing as they slide free of scabbards. One of them blinks, agape. "Seriously? You had us near to sneak-slit and you hailed us? What's your game?" "How about I pay you a toll, and we all walk away. This road need not be anyone else's grave." 1. "You wanna give money to this bunch? They're the ones should be paying for what they done." 2. The man smirks, straightening slightly. His lip bulges as he runs his tongue across his upper teeth. "Eight thousand pands, then. In any denomination you please." His eyes run the length of your body. "You look like you can afford it." 15 "How about double that?" The dwarf considers, then sighs. "Sure. Double, then." A small group approaches, a motley band of kith bearing quality arms and armor. The foremost, a deeply-tanned dwarf, raises a hand in greeting. "You're coming down the pass?" she asks. "Don't suppose that means you've dealt with those filthy eotens, does it?" 15 "Well, these halls are more lively than most of the abandoned sanctums I've visited." "Makes you wonder who's keeping the candles lit." "Hey, you reading my mind?" 15 "You'll have an archmage's ear. Isn't that enough?" "I'm already on a first name basis with plenty of archmages." 1. "Yes, I suppose the help must become well-acquainted with their betters if they hope to achieve above their station. Continue hoping, Watcher." 2. "An archmage will owe you a favor. That's a rare boon." 14 1. You consider what you will say. 2. Rekke stares at you blankly. After a few long, silent moments, his eyes widen, and he slowly shakes his head. 3. You consider your words. 4. The kith firing these arrows are clearly hostile. You know you'll need to choose your words with incredible care if there's any chance of them standing down. "You're slaves from Crookspur, aren't you? We're not here to take you back!" The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... 14 1. "Of course not! Why would it?" 2. "Did you see the ships? We came on them. Back then, that was the extent of the ice. But now it stretches to the horizon! It grows further each day!" 3. "Vatnir, our mentor, foretold your coming. He described you perfectly, from toes to top! Praise be to Rymrgand!" "Yes. He invited me, then he told you I was coming. Quite the prophecy." "He is very wise." The kith nods vigorously. 13 Malnaj's lip twists above her pointed teeth, twitching. She bends forward slightly, like she might leap upon you, but instead straightens. Finally, she shrugs. "Fair enough, <i>captain.</i> Best hope ye stay in the good graces of our leaders. One wrong step, and ye'll find me there awaiting." With a flourish of her hand, she leads her crew away. -NONE FOUND- 13 "I'd be happy to mark it on your maps... for price." The dwarf considers the offer for only a moment before handing over a purse of coins and a hand-drawn map of the area. "Nobody better understands the value of a blazed path than a child of the Living Lands." The dwarf gestures towards the tents. "Seeing as you've gotten our whole venture started up again, the least we could do is let you share our fire for a spell." 13 "If I might ask - what did you learn from them?" "What's it worth to you?" He blinks at your question, then laughs. 13 But- but Sissak gets to leave! This one's progenitor told him, promised him they only need wait a few more generations! This stupid, stupid paper says we must stay? No! "Wael hasn't actually signed this contract, Sissak. It's not valid." Does the kith mean... Sissak's clutch is free? That this one may dig a glorious burrow into the earth and dig and dig and keep digging? His many eyes flash, and he emanates a gleeful shriek so high you almost can't hear it. 12 The man smirks. "Double that, and you've done got yourself a deal." "Half again as much, and nobody gets hurt. That's not such a bad deal, is it?" 1. "Woedica's ashy hole! You aiming to fund the whole bare-poled slave trade?" Serafen growls. 2. The man grins as he hefts the heavy bag of coin. "We're drinking well tonight, boys. Let's leave these good faithful folk be to express their devotion." The group walk away, laughing among themselves. 11 "But before we go any further, I must ask you - how do currently or how do you plan to discipline your slaves?" "Harshly, but in a way that leaves no trace back to me or you." "I believe we see eye to eye. Indeed, I would like to offer you access to my absolutely best stock." 10 "I... that is..." He swallows thickly and looks to you as if to read the answer in your face. "Crookspur doesn't need this many guns to control a few slaves. What legal operation requires so much security?" The crowd sways. Heads shake and murmurs swell as expressions turn from annoyance to suspicious curiosity. Disquieted, the auctioneer claps her hands once to signal the sale's close. 9 "Please, enlighten me. How many slaves and of what type are you in the market for?" "In this business, the less we know of each other, the better." "That may hold true in most matters, but not all. Still, it's a worthy point." 9 "I sent Muātu that you might speak to him and seek us out, Watcher of Caed Nua." "For a matter too sensitive for the servants?" "Bringing an outsider here presents certain dangers. I couldn't risk it, not knowing myself quite how serious the situation is. Yet." 9 1. "What? I'm not - I'm needed, my people need me. Here." He wards you off with open palms. 2. "I'm - ? Wait, what? I can't! I've got... responsibilities!" Vatnir fidgets. "Risk the temple with me or risk the wrath of your followers when I reveal you for the fraud you are." "What? No!" He shrinks back from you. 8 "I can forget everything I saw here. For a price." The leader frowns, eyes sliding the length of your body. He finally looks to the thug with the bag. "Give him a share of the loot, Murk." 8 "Heh. Youthful folly. Nothing more to it than that." "Uh huh, sure. So, what gang did you run with?" "Wasn't a gang. Not really." He mutters something under his breath, though you can't quite make out what. 8 1. "I'll - I'll admit him a far walk from perfect, that's for certain. Couldn't hunt a bear to save his life." He peers down at the cooling corpse and sighs. 2. "But - but that doesn't mean he was supposed to die now!" 3. "By your hand!" 4. "Hard to say, now, isn't it? What with him a corpse and all." "How about I make a substantial contribution to your temple to help you get your bearings again?" "You'd... you'd offer me a bribe?" 8 "Each?" "Total, friends. Nothing to sneeze at for a few minutes' work." "Have to do better than that, mate." 7 "Unfortunately, the Children of the Dawnstars don't have many connections in this part of town." She turns away, whooping and hacking into her arm. "But you might. "Not meaning any offense, just that you seem like someone who's comfortable on that side of town." 1. She shrugs. "If not, I bet you could find someone at the tavern who knows where Delver's Row is." 2. "Need something?" 7 "Ye've been lucky thus far, ye know. I'm of half a mind to call ye out, and I'm no worse than many with a blade. Least then, perhaps, ye'll give me a lick of satisfaction!" Her hand strays towards her belt. "You really want to kill Furrante's personal shiphunter?" With a half-step away from you, Syri lets her hands drop to her sides. They curl into small, furry fists. 7 "You sure bout this, Captain Watcher? Whatever he's done, you draw on my family, you be drawing on me." His hands move to his weapons. "You don't steal from family and stay family." 1. "You heard his reasons, cap, clear as me." 2. Serafen's eyes widen, then fall closed. He nods and looks to Remaro. 7 [Attempt to flee.] You duck away and wind through as many alleys as you can. Thankfully, the pirates aren’t so wise to the bundle of streets as they are to a bevy of waves. They keep up pretty well for a bunch of sailors, but you eventually lose them on a quick double-back. 7 [Search for evidence of smugglers.] You slide a crate of junk aside and find a trapdoor underneath. Within rests a small chest brimming with golden scellings. Among the coins rests a small figurine of an imp, of all things. 6 "No one threatens Cotta, you overstuffed boil!" Celezzia lets out a low growl. "You and your mangy friend have to sleep sometime." Cotta aims a horrified look from you back to his wolf. His cohorts trade uncertain murmurs. 6 1. "When it comes to the dignity of the guild, the crown can compromise nothing. "Onekaza will see their leadership disciplined, I say." 2. "For... for what did you do this? My sister needs every watershaper at her disposal to keep Rauatai's armada at bay!" The prince stands up straighter, looking at you with sudden alarm. "They must have needed the money. Can you imagine why?" "Ekera, I cannot." Aruihi pinches his lower lip and sighs. 6 "And how's your crew, better than most?" "Ain't a more ruthless bunch of ruffians in the Deadfire." "All right, sweet talker. Two hundred and fifty copper and a top bunk. Deal?" 6 "I'll wait here. Come tell me when you've found it." "I'll find the temple, but it's going to cost you. Up-front." "Fine, but this is all you're getting until the job's done." She grudgingly hands you a bag jingling with coin. 6 "Otherwise, you could raid them in shallow waters as they ship it in." "Moving so much adra risks notice from others. Perhaps a smaller delivery would be shrewder... to protect your operations." "Aye. Wouldn't want to be reckless, now would we?" 6 1. "Otherwise, you could raid them in shallow waters as they ship it in." 2. "You know what I want. Get me the luminous adra or pay up if you wish to buy my cooperation." "Moving so much adra risks notice from others. Perhaps a smaller delivery would be shrewder... to protect your operations." "Aye. Wouldn't want to be reckless, now would we?" 6 1. "Way I see it, you've got two options. You can tell me who sent you. Or I can feed you the shaft of my gun." 2. Morena's features are harsh, cutting. Her hair is drawn up into a large braid on the top of her head. Feathers and bits of bone - teeth and phalanges wrapped with ribbon - jut from tresses that gleam like red wine in the low light. You don't doubt she'd follow through on her threat - or try to. "I heard there was business being done down here and thought I'd bring a donation." "Well, aren't you thoughtful. Now tell me what you want." 6 [Inspect the merchant stall.] Laid out are various trinkets made from junk - necklaces strung with fish bones and shoe buckles, and bracelets made with shards of broken glass. But the curtain sways and flaps as if stirred by a draft. You twitch it aside and discover a secret passageway. On your left is an abandoned merchant stall displaying cheap jewelry. The path continues ahead. 6 "Captain?" The unfamiliar sailor chuckles, her eyes heavily hooded. "You should've taught your mates not to start fights they don't have the stones to finish." Her compatriots snicker, shifting towards you. "Perhaps a few coins will clear this all up?" 1. "You'll take those coins if you know what's good for you." Xoti draws an invisible line across her throat with the point of her sickle. 2. One of the sailors takes the purse you offer, weighing it in her gloved hand. "Aye, friend. This about evens things between us and your mate." The sailors walk away, leaving you with [Specified 0]. 6 "Captain?" The unfamiliar sailor chuckles, her eyes heavily hooded. "You should've taught your mates not to start fights they don't have the stones to finish." Her compatriots snicker, shifting towards you. "Perhaps a few coins will clear this all up?" 1. "You'll take those coins if you know what's good for you." Xoti draws an invisible line across her throat with the point of her sickle. 2. One of the sailors takes the purse you offer, weighing it in her gloved hand. "Aye, friend. This about evens things between us and your mate." The sailors walk away, leaving you with [Specified 0]. 6 1. "Were there something else you wanted, Watcher? I've got friends to forget." The man doesn't look up from his mug. 2. "Wake up down the way at Vilario's Rest, nothing but the clothes on my back and this coin clutched tight in my grip. Come up here looking for work, for a ship to get me off of this backwater island." He takes a long swig from his mug. "Can I buy the coin off of you?" "It ain't for sale, Watcher." 6 1. "We might be the hands. The hands and the blades. Paid no small share of the take to keep prying and questions to a minimum, savvy?" 2. "No gambling with the customers." She shakes her head. 3. "Just enforce them." 4. "Something you want, mate?" 5. "Seen Bauble over there tear kith clean in half." "Want to make some coin?" The pair exchange quick glances. 5 1. "I myself came from nothing. Perhaps you knew that. "No family name. No prospects." 2. "I came from nothing. Perhaps you knew that. "No family name. No prospects." "Maybe that's why we get along." "Perhaps. Like recognizing like, no?" 5 "This is a rare treasure. One for which certain people would pay a small fortune. "I must ask, how did you come by this?" He lowers the lens and frowns at you. "Relax, I know you're just the middleman. How about you point me to these 'certain people'?" He pauses, considering your suggestion. 5 "Careful what you say next, or I'm likely to make you eat your entrails." "Didn't anyone ever teach you to keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" 1. "I ought to keep you closest, is that it?" He grins, an ugly, dark expression coming from him. 2. He glances around nervously, licks his lips. Sweat trickles down his jaw. 5 1. With a grunt, he tosses you double the copper staked. 2. "Careful, pal. You're a little too lucky for your own good, I think." With a heavy sigh, he hands you quadruple the stake. This time when Snake Eyes grabs up the dice from the cobblestones, he leans forward, blocking them from view for a sliver of a second. The dice he holds after are almost identical to the ones from before - aside from a tiny chip on the corner of each. "Care for another roll?" 5 "What do even plan to do now that you've seen my... special wares... firsthand?" "Hold my silence, for the right price." 1. "But I have no reason to believe you." Kua slides a hand forward, thumbing a notch in the wood near the center of the desk. 2. "If I wasn't so well acquainted with your reputation, we might have a problem. As it is..." 5 "May the rest of us never see the world as you do." "You'll need to think like outsiders if you hope to outlast them." You toss up a pouch of coins. Kipeha catches it handily and appraises it with a gentle squeeze. She still seems uncomfortable over accepting the coin. 5 "Smart play for crashing any party involves scavenging yourself up an invite. And then dressing to impress." He puffs out his chest, thumbs tucked into the fine fabric of his shirt. "So look the part." "Aye, captain, from stem to stern." 5 "That's me bounty, swabby. I've been at sea after it for too ****ing long to see ye claim it. Hand over the traitor's head, or I'll be taking it from ye!" "The bounty's four thousand copper, right? I'll give you two thousand now to leave me be." She plucks at her furred chin, eyes narrowed. 5 You burst through the back door onto an almost abandoned street. A group of ragged kith holding torches are the only people present. You note one of them holds a bulging sack stained with blood. One of the kith, a broad-shouldered human in a tight-fitting mask, scowls. "Got ourselves a hero, seems. Sadly for you, the boss were clear on us leaving no witnesses." You've seen their type before hanging around Dereo. By the way they handle themselves, you infer that they were most likely hired by him. Grinning, the thugs draw their weapons, spreading to surround you. 5 [Give the noble directions.] Drawing from your knowledge of the streets of Neketaka, you direct the man back to Queen's Berth. "You have my sincere gratitude." He bows deeply and offers a small bag of gold coins. "For your trouble." -NONE FOUND- 5 "What can I do for you?" [Throw a party.] "Absolutely! You deserve a reward. Break out the casks and the good meats!" 1. The mates look to one another. "It's not that we don't appreciate a rowdy time as much as the next kith, captain, but there comes a point where coin in hand is better than drink in the belly." 2. The cheer almost shakes the boat. Soon ale and rum is flowing, washing down double rations of spiced and salted meats. The sea shanties persist late into the night, and questions of pay are forgotten... for the moment. 4 He pores over the sheet, his lips moving all the while. The way his eyes travel over the words leave you in little doubt that he fails to understand them. "Ekera, it is as you say." He returns the papers, his expression impassive. 4 "Your smoke and mirror ghosts do not impress Celezzia, and they do not scare Cotta." A line of drool drips down between the wolf's bared teeth. "[Player Name] finds them amusing, which is enough for [Player Name]." "Cotta likes you already." 4 "Zili Valera strums a lute by the watch towers. A meek-tempered boy. Fonder of song and drink than the family business. "He might spill something of his family's affairs." "Put in a good word for me with the Vailian Trading Company and it's a deal." "I'll have it taken care of at once." She dips a quill and makes a quick mark in one of her documents. 4 "Besides, lying is second nature to the ranga heir and his ignorant gliente." "You know, I can always just sit on the office stoop and tell passers-by how the company conducts itself." 1. "Ac, I'm sure that threats and blackmail WOULD suit your sensibilities." 2. "Ac, I see." Luca glances away, his gaze wandering anywhere but your direction. 4 "That will depend on what you find, I say." Aruihi folds his arms and scrutinizes the floor between his feet, deep in thought. He's telling the truth, but there's something more to it all the same, and he doesn't trust his face not to betray it. "Onekaza leaves this for me to handle. While she worries about the manor, I tidy up the basement." 4 "Again you bring this up. Speak on, I say." Prince Aruihi sighs and opens his palm. "It would be a shame if the trading companies recognized this failure of leadership." "Ekera, if one framed it that way." The prince squeezes his hands into fists. 4 "Would that it were so! Ganor would make good money, and perhaps I would receive a raise, yes?" The bathhouse steward chuckles heartily. "When have you ever known men such as Ganor to share their spoils?" "You, I like. We see eye-to-eye on many things, I suspect." He lets out a bark of laughter. 4 "Have we come to this, then? Am I really paying for my own property? Fine. Five hundred pires." "Arkemyr could fetch more for these I'm sure." "Ondra's teats... six hundred, then. I am so very done with this." 4 "My skills don't come cheap. Make it worth my while - to the tune of, say, seven hundred copper - and I'll consider it." "Seven hundred copper will look a pittance next to the loot we collect." "And how's your crew, better than most?" 4 "I would like you to 'liberate' it for me." He flutters his slender hands in a way that resembles a bird taking flight. "Most people of your standing like to handle their 'acquisitions' themselves." "Alas, none of my people are Watchers. "And you will see things they cannot." 4 "Never let it be said that Dereo does not pay a fair price." "This job got complicated. That raises my price." He gives you a respectful - if strained - smile and nods to one of his attendants, who produces a bag of coin. 4 1. "Nearly done, I hope. I sold a consignment of iron and cultured coral and will return to Rauatai with vorlas, murkberries, and Ondra's Stars." She shifts in her chair, tugging at her conspicuously clean and bright clothes. 2. "Anyway, that's what brought me here." She fidgets with her cup. "Odd that you'd take your business to the slums. Unless you're trading illegally." She sets her glass down with a loud clatter. 4 You find yourself in the middle of a shop-lined street, packed shoulder to shoulder with the people around you. You can barely move. But you know how pickpockets operate. You keep your hands over your valuables. As a passerby brushes against you, you feel a hand reach for your purse. You grab its wrist and pull the thief toward you. Before you is a Huana child. Her eyes are wide with terror. 4 "You can fight me, if you'd like. But you won't be leaving this fort alive." "Shut up and think for a minute. You want someone like me on your side." "You mean someone ruthless, a survivor? I can see it in you. You've the heart of a pirate." 4 "Why should I let you wander Ori o Koīki so freely? We do not leave our flank exposed to outsider spies." "Showing generosity to a stranger is the essence of hospitality." "Well spoken. You hear how this one shames us, friends?" She glances at Tangara and Burapo before turning back to you. 4 "Rauataian warships circle Crookspur, and the cries of bondage carry across the waves like the song of injured gulls." "You left Crookspur leaderless. You had to expect someone would occupy the vacancy." She chews the inside of her cheek and holds her silence. 3 "Outlanders conquer us with ink-and-paper pacts as well as blades, but they conquer us all the same." She squares her stance and grimaces. "So learn to fight or read the fine print. Either will do." "If our ranga gave me the chance." She grits her teeth. 3 "I'm sure I don't know who you're talking about. Now, please leave." She gestures toward her door and makes a shooing motion. [Lie] "Oswald's run up a debt with the wrong folks. I can help him, but I need to know where he's gone." "That- that explains quite a lot." 3 "Bah, it's a matter of dignity. You can't ask a respectable clerk to ruin perfectly good paperwork!" "So adjust the terms. Keep the adra, but give up the island." "Belfetto, very well. The tribals can keep their island, and it's one less contract for me to worry about." 3 "I needed COIN, not a middleman to negotiate with cutthroats!" He pulls a small flintlock from his belt and holds it pointed at the ground. "You're meant to take this deal before they offer you a worse one." His chest rises and falls with heavy breaths as he lifts the gun halfway. 3 "Ask. I do not discourage curiosity." She opens her palm. "Could this be a trap?" "Your caution is admirable, but we keep a closer eye on the trading companies than you might think." 3 "FOUND... NEAR VAULT. KEEP SAFE FOR MASTER. TOO SHINY TO LEAVE LYING AROUND." [Mimic speech.] "EH. GIMME CRYSTAL." The harsh, discordant parody of speech that erupts from your throat grab the imp's attention immediately. His eyes widen in surprise. 3 1. But the way they're all gathered around you, leaving their own backs exposed, tells you they haven't been here long, either. 2. But it's a rigid smile, and the first thug's hand is shaking. You suspect they're not as tough as they let on. 3. "You must be new. Lucky for you, we have a special rate for newcomers! A bag of coppers in exchange for your life." He brandishes a knife. One of his companions grins widely enough to show you all of his missing teeth. "You're newer than I am. Which means you're poaching on someone else's territory." "Told you!" One of the others punches the leader's shoulder. 3 "You must be new. Lucky for you, we have a special rate for newcomers! A bag of coppers in exchange for your life." He brandishes a knife. One of his companions grins widely enough to show you all of his missing teeth. But the way they're all gathered around you, leaving their own backs exposed, tells you they haven't been here long, either. 1. [Attack] "Let's get this over with." 2. [Crack your knuckles.] "This'll be fun." 3. "How convenient. YOU just walked into MY trap." 4. "Want to know what I did in my last life to get this face?" 5. "Dereo the Lean will be disappointed to hear about this." 6. "I'm not looking for trouble." 7. "You're newer than I am. Which means you're poaching on someone else's territory." 8. "You should know better than to cross a Bleak Walker." 9. "The Huana throw troublemakers like you into the Old City. And they happen to be friends of mine." 10. [Pay 50 cp.] "Will this satisfy you?" 3 "W-what?" He blinks. "Obviously. This spot is perfect for an ambush - it's got few exits, distance from the guards, and plenty of drunk marks." The thugs whisper worriedly among one another. After a brief conference, the leader gives you a wan smile. 3 1. He leans forward with a squeak of leather and a rattle of metal. You see something protruding above his boots - the bottom of a leg brace. 2. "Ah, the antiquarian! Ac, Ernezzo spoke of your medallion. But he did not say why you brought it." "You think I'm foolish enough to fence it somewhere respectable?" "I would make no such assumptions about one clever enough to survive the Gullet." 3 They descend spider-like from the lift by Ernesso's shop. But many guards there, oh yes. "There's always a back door." Yes. It nods over its folded claws. 3 This tunnel ends, but another branches off. The only sounds are the crackling of torches and the steady drip of water. You can't shake the feeling that you're being watched. But when you glance over your shoulder, no one is there. [Go right.] 3 1. You arrive at an enclosed intersection of paths. A shattered vial litters the ground, and further ahead amber-hued smoke fills the tight space. 2. Weaving after Rust, you arrive at an enclosed intersection of paths. Without glancing back, the assassin hurtles a thin glass vial at your toes. It hits, cracks, and amber-hued smoke hisses up your legs. In seconds, all visibility is obscured in the tight space. You've canvased the Narrows - mapped the weave of winding alleys in your mind. The closest outlet is straight ahead of you, making it the most direct route for escape. 1. [Cast a spell to clear the smoke.] 2. [Go left.] 3. [Go forward.] 3 1. "I ought to keep you closest, is that it?" He grins, an ugly, dark expression coming from him. 2. "I think I'm beginning to like you, chum. Maybe I don't flay you alive, see where this goes...?" "Now you're getting it." "All right, let's say you won me over. I can be a good mate to those who've earned my loyalty. "For now, that's you." 3 "How do I know you're aren't cozying up with outsider lies?" "I'm the one taking on all the risk. Worst case scenario, I get killed on Crookspur and nothing changes for you." "Either sounds favorable, I say." Kipeha narrows her eyes. 3 "What can I do for you?" "I've heard rumors you're the Red King, the infamous pirate." "Infamous to his enemies, famous to his friends." He narrows his eyes and sizes you up before saying more. 2 1. Baer eyes you warily, awaiting your reaction. 2. "Zili is family! I told him so he wouldn't try to get involved or stand in our way." [Bluff/Lie] "You're after the Bardatto vault, right? I want in." "Persa- what DIDN'T you blab about?!" Baer pierces her with a disapproving look. 2 "The Bardattos sent you, right? No need to kill me over a family tiff, eh?" "Relax. What's your part in the Bardatto job? You're clearly not muscle." "I just check for traps. Belda and her crew are the vault crackers - not my line of work." 2 "A gang in the northern alley stole every coin. I cannot hire a crew, much less repay Zamar." Radora slowly lowers her trembling hands. "Zamar is having some pirate trouble. Could this gang be connected?" "If they wanted Zamar to thirst for coin... ac, it is possible." 2 "I needed COIN, not a middleman to negotiate with cutthroats!" He pulls a small flintlock from his belt and holds it pointed at the ground. "You underestimate how hard the Príncipi are working to make cooperation your only recourse." "That doesn't make it right!" His grip on the gun squeezes tighter. 2 "Guess that means you've spent at least an hour or two in town." Zili sighs. "Smart. Better to stay out of what doesn't concern you." "Maybe. I don't know. I just don't have a mind for strategy." He balances his lute on his hip and sighs. 2 "I may not approve of my family's methods, but I'm not about to sabotage them, either." "I'm preventing the reprisal that will inevitably hit your family when the Bardattos realize what happened." "Even if we crippled the Bardattos, someone would scrounge together the coin for an assassin. And this would just... keep going." Zili sighs and rubs his brow. 2 "I am working to keep the Roparu safe. For what do you distract me?" "Smugglers are the difference between a rebellious underclass and merely a hungry one." Sighing, the prince weighs your words. 2 "Dereo took his time sending you. You got the key?" "Even if he did, I'd know better than to announce that to a stranger." "Come on, I'm just ready to get this over with." She peels a strand of sweat-slick hair from her neck. 2 "You've got to make your own way from there. Dereo'll skin me if I say anymore." "Nobody knows what Fyrna knows, except that she's loyal to the Gullet." "Folks on the bottom gotta work together to get out from under those on top. Aye, I hear you, fresh face." She favors you with a wink and a buck-toothed grin. 2 1. You come across a corner where a pair of thugs - a man and a woman - have surrounded a Huana man. He has a potbelly and a nervous expression, and he's backed himself as far into the corner as he can. The thugs advance. "It's an exchange. You pay us, and we don't hurt you." 2. One of the thugs turns to you and looks you up and down. "Or else what?" "Everyone knows you don't rough up your own neighbors." The thugs consider your words and nod. "He's right. Let's head to the surface. Plenty of money floating around the bathhouse." 2 "Cuè?! And how am I supposed to conduct my business?" [Whisper] "Not every guard is as steadfast as her. Try later... with some spare change." The Vailian winks at you and backs away, a deliberately outraged expression on her face. 2 "Fancy a look at the wares, my friend?" "Any chance you have something Mokeha might like?" "You mean she likes things?" "I joke, I joke. She is so serious. Like the guards back in Port Maje." 1 "I'll hear no more of it." "He stole them from the wizard Arkemyr. Do you want that on your conscience?" "These are Arkemyr's possessions?" Hamuto looks at Bertenno with grudging respect. 1 1. "You're lucky I don't call the guards!" 2. "I thought that went unsaid! What kind of man kills another man over something so petty?" "Come on... It's not like anyone else is going to want to stay in that room." "...Ondra take me. Fine. But I'm not making the servants clean that mess up. That's my limit." 1 "When the fighting is over, she takes my coin purse and strides away. Bold as anything." "Yeah, you should always ditch the jewelry before a fight." "I was deep into my cups. It was not a fair contest to begin with!" Survival Reveal hidden contents 18 Unproductive to debate with a vessel. You will understand shortly when your song joins Ours. "If what I've read is any indication, the real Llengrath knew that joining beings together was a natural occurrence, not an inflicted one." The colony pauses. A dozen eye stalks sprout and observe you in lidless fascination. 15 ...But We are not pain-cruel, as Our captors were to Us. We seek to endure, to flower as beautifully as you. "I could also carry you as a symbiote, but only if you promise to respect our boundaries." The colony hesitates, weighing your words. A sharp odor wafts from the mound, as if it has begun to salivate digestive acids. 14 Even were it so - the fire feeds me. It can cause me no harm. "You've lived too long to risk death now. Fly for safety, and return once the gods have settled their quarrel." I suppose... She rumbles in thought. 14 [Examine the imp.] Though still, the imp does not appear dead. Its coloration, while dominated by blue and white, suggests circulating blood, and a hand held before its mouth catches the light brush of exhalation. The creature is alive, possibly in some form of hibernation. 14 [Examine the imp.] Though incredibly still, you make out a slight tremor in the imp's finger and the briefest twitch of one of its ears. Its chest expands and deflates with preternatural slowness. The creature is alive, possibly in some form of hibernation. 1. "It would appear to be under some form of enchantment, but I sense nothing of the sort. Curious." 2. This imp sits on the frozen ground, rime clinging to its flesh, wings draped protectively over its shoulders. Its mouth hangs agape, and the wrinkles around its eyes indicate that they're squeezed tightly shut. It grasps a small object in its hands. 13 1. "He does look like he can handle himself... What say, Hateno?" Scibéal casts a questioning look toward her partner. 2. "You don't seem to understand this place at all!" "This one's resourceful, that much is clear. But their worth - that I'll leave for Toamowhai to judge." "Pass, then, but watch your back." 12 "Everyone grab a pole or a net. We're going to fish until we've got food in our bellies." Though hardly enthusiastic, the crew take up angler's tools and move to the railings. You move about them, offering advice, providing bait from the meager remaining stores, and otherwise helping. It takes hours, but the crew manage to bring in quite the haul. By the time you sail on, they've even managed a few weak shanties to pass the time. -NONE FOUND- 12 It seems connected to the local flesh constructs in more ways than one. Skin and bone have spread across all of the major panels, rendering many of its old controls useless. This device is well-beyond the days of cogs and gears. It's a living organism, and as such it might respond more favorably to a gentle touch. 1. "I seem to recall these controllers gather bits and pieces of leftover scrap from the work of knitting flesh and bone. Over time they develop tumors, limbs, and even organs." 2. The device gurgles quietly. After a prolonged silence, a wet blast of air escapes through the eye of a mounted skull. You can only speculate that the machine is in working order. 8 "I would rather die than risk awakening again in chains." "What about your tribe? Will they have the strength to survive as well?" "They... There's wisdom in your words." 8 "But per complanca - Feel free to make your case." "It can't be easy to stay self-sufficient, on an island." "Hm. Fair, vulpinet. It is difficult to keep everyone in fighting trim. You have a solution to offer?" 8 1. [Specified 0] gulps. "But captain, you're defying Ondra..." 2. [Specified 0] sheepishly knocks on your cabin door. When she enters, her skin is pale, her brow dotted with beads of sweat. "Begging your pardon, captain, but this is an ill wind sent by Ondra. We've sailed too long without offering her tribute. She's sure to punish us if we don't give her what she's due." She tilts her head towards the hatch, beckoning you to follow her on deck. 3. [Specified 0] sheepishly knocks on your cabin door. When he enters, his skin is pale, his brow dotted with beads of sweat. "Begging your pardon, captain, but this is an ill wind sent by Ondra. We've sailed too long without offering her tribute. She's sure to punish us if we don't give her what she's due." He tilts his head towards the hatch, beckoning you to follow him on deck. [Explain the science.] "This wind is a natural phenomenon, nothing to worry about." You explain at length how ocean winds can shift over time and, in certain places, seem unnaturally cold or warm for extended periods of time. [Specified 0] protests but has no educated arguments to make against you. In the end, the sailor acknowledges that you're the captain and must know best in a thin voice that suggests otherwise. 7 "I have an angry Consuaglo to appease. Were I not to hang her, it could be misconstrued as sign of weakness on my end. "I need bring her fleet in line with a display of power." "Ondra's Mortar is a death trap. The storms will sink her for sure." "I will concede to your point. So long as I obtain what I need - the information and Aeldys' death - what matter are the means?" 6 1. And you hear a faint, musical sound from the depths. The melody ebbs and flows, rises and recedes. 2. As murky as it is, it's difficult to tell how deep it goes. You can barely see the statue's submerged shoulders; the rest is shrouded in darkness. Yet a smudge of light shines from the gloom. Scattered bones lie around the pool. They're clustered around the water's edge, and despite lying in the mud, they're perfectly white. A cracked stone face rises from the pool. Lichens clog the hollows under its brows and nostrils, and a pale glow plays along the undersides of its cheeks. 6 Bearn's breath catches in his throat. He tries again, but the passage is already constricting. He leans over his knees, but loses his balance as tremors begin to move up his legs. [Induce vomiting with your fingers.] You rush to Bearn, whose body now convulses head-to-toe. His jaw is clenched tight. 6 The tightness releases in an upwelling of warm rusty fluid that ejects violently from his mouth and pours down your arm. His spasming slows but his breath is still constricted. [Force his windpipe open.] Braving sour, putrid fumes, you inhale deeply and then exhale directly into Bearn's mouth as hard as you can. You repeat it, over and over, losing count several minutes in. Bearn's vital signs continue to dim, until his body stops convulsing altogether. 5 "Go and explore someplace with pleasant views and fresh air. The harbor. Or Periki's Overlook." "I can look after myself." "It is your neck, ekera." He whistles, and the guard standing by the lift looks over at him and nods. 5 "Ready to skin some slavers? I know I'm ready for revenge." She pops a joint in her neck. "Only fools can't tell when to fight and when to retreat." "I would rather die than risk awakening again in chains." 5 "Your words reek of outsider lies. You would earn our trust, and then skewer us when we leave our flank exposed!" "You have the high ground. I'm in no position to risk my skin." "The Crookspur slavers are bold to send an assassin here." 5 While the aumaua shakes his head and says, "Very little," the Aedyran grins and answers, "A thing or two." "Why?" asks the dusky human. "Island like this, I'd have expected to see birds, lizards, insects. But it's dead." The dusky-skinned human nods. "Strange as ****, no?" The aumaua grins, sharp teeth reflecting firelight. "Makes one wonder what's in the stew." 5 Harpoon in hand, [Specified 2] leaps from the skiff, using the downward momentum to drive the weapon into the beast's flesh. The creature thrashes, its tail slapping [Specified 2] from its back and into the water. The line from the harpoon to the skiff goes taut as the whale drags the skiff along. If the whale dives, they're in trouble. 1. [Say nothing.] 2. "Let it go!" 4 "If I release the young ones, then they attack when they grow big." "Lagufaeth are reclusive by nature. They would avoid the village if you did not have their young." "When they ran from me before, I thought it was only my weapon they feared." She laughs again but tapers off into a pensive silence. 4 "I pushed the cage with the young ones farther toward the beach, but I smell them even here." "It's no wonder they come here when the beach smells like a lagufaeth hatchery." "Better to keep them under our thumb than sharpening blow darts, I say." 4 "Where could they've taken him?" She chews on her lower lip with uneven teeth and mutters to herself. "You must have sailed through half the Deadfire to get to Neketaka. Anything catch your eye?" "Not really. To be honest, I spent most the trip out from Defiance Bay bent over the bulwark giving Ondra a taste of my innards. "I hate boats." 4 The vision departs, leaving you with a deep pit in your stomach and the phantom sensation that nothing has gone as it should have. The prince regards you expectantly. "Nature is restless on this island, but I can guess nothing more." "I suspected this. As you say." 4 "The Deadfire is a fragile place, and a blundering soul-drain like Eothas can damage more than just castle keeps." "The Deadfire will be lucky if any of its reefs endure this long walk of his." "Indeed." 4 As the passage begins to grow dim and the water cloudy, you reach an intersection where the walls are spiderwebbed with cracks. The hall continues to the left and to the right. The way on the left is dark. There's a faint glow to your right, but still, dark shapes obstruct the passage. [Orient yourself in the passage.] Your finely-honed sense of direction tells you that the hall to the right leads west, while the route to the left seems to bend southeast, back toward the docks. 4 After just a few feet, you reach a wood-paneled wall with a green banner that billows gently in the current. The hallway continues to your left - the section on the right has collapsed. The way is dark, and it appears to be constricted with debris. [Orient yourself in the passage.] Your sense of direction is sharp enough that you know the hallway to the right leads west while the left passage leads east. 4 You disembark on a calm beach. A thick treeline ahead separates you from the deeper jungle. [Listen.] The beach is conspicuously quiet and it takes you a moment to realize what's missing - the chirp or warble of birds. Then you spot it - subtle movement in the treeline. You're not alone. 4 From between the bars stares a frail and sickly xaurip. It shrinks when you near, pressing itself into the furthest corner of its cage, trembling. Around its neck are the remnants of a bedraggled feather crest. Paint is smeared across its face, but the paint is old, flaking. It hasn't been reapplied in some time. The xaurip's regalia tells you they must have been an important figure in the tribe - perhaps a High Priest, or a Mother - but its condition makes clear that those days are long past. 1. "What happened to you?" 2. [Leave it be.] 4 [Explore the oasis.] The shade in the oasis is pleasant after your long trek through the desert. Soon, you come upon a small pool deep within the trees. As you get closer, you notice the pool is infested with thousands of tiny, wriggling maggots, and you immediately recognize them as the parasite that creates rotghasts. As you step back from the infested pool, a small glint catches your eye. Half-hidden behind a clump of reeds, you see a smaller pool of water, this one clear of maggots. 4 "I've found some unusual stains. I don't think they're blood, but they are rather... odorous." He wrinkles his nose at a streak of something the color of a fresh bruise. "That's koīki pulp." "So it is. But what would that be doing here?" 3 A deep, wrinkled scar traces a winding path down her neck. She tilts her head to the side and beckons you to look closer. The angle and shape look like the mark of a boar's tusks. She raises one finger and points down to a dried hoof knotted to her belt. Then she makes a gesture of pulling back and releasing a bowstring several times in rapid succession. 3 "I'm hunting a god. If I fail, your islands will not be spared his wrath." The man frowns, then pulls a leather-wrapped pouch from within his belongings. Hands shaking, he hands it to you. "Then go take this. They protect you if you speak true. They tear out your throat if no." He dismisses you with a wave. 2 "It's my leg. Madiccho it hurts even worse than it looks." Irrena's leg bears a bloody gouge along the length of her shin, and the swelling around her knee suggests a nasty break. [Craft a splint from some debris.] "I'll patch you up best as I can, but you'll want to stay off the leg as much as possible." "I wasn't planning on going for a run, casità." Irrena watches you work with obvious relief. Once you're through, she gives the leg a tentative stretch. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Watcher, No Party Assist These are usually conversations with gods or ones where you're forcibly alone. Alchemy Reveal hidden contents 6 1. The boar snorts and shakes its head before taking another step towards you. 2. The beast is taller than you are - and much heavier, all muscle, bone, and tusk. "You look hungry, fella. Here, maybe I've got something you can eat." Its head tilts to the side slightly, ears twitching and snout aquiver, and it cautiously hoofs towards you. 6 Its head tilts to the side slightly, ears twitching and snout aquiver, and it cautiously hoofs towards you. [Feed boar deadly huona mahe.] "Here's some nice, tasty mushrooms." The boar sniffs at the mushrooms, then eats them out of your hand. Despite its size, the animal is surprisingly gentle. It sniffs at you as if seeking more. Arcana Reveal hidden contents 13 1. The deity's hundred eyes stare blankly ahead, glistening with moisture, as if on the verge of tears. 2. "Again." "Do you really want a bunch of archmages crawling all over your corpse harvesting it for ritual components?" "What?! Those are our limbs and - protrusions!" 10 "I've been struggling with Llengrath's Theorem of Misperception..." The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. Athletics Reveal hidden contents 15 The mass of the Proving Stone strapped to your back, you gingerly climb over the wall of the well and descend into the dark. Your arms, legs, and shoulders tremor, straining against the mass, and the rock walls bite into your hands. You reach the bottom of the well only to find yourself hanging from the roof of a large, open cavern. Your muscles burn and the stone bites into your fingers as you lower yourself to a nearby outcropping. Looking around yourself, you find that the rocky ledge continues deeper into the cavern, the darkness inviting. 11 [Scale the wall.] You grasp a few likely holds, ignoring the sensation of stone biting into your flesh, and step up onto the wall, slowly pushing yourself towards the hole in the roof. A wave of relief vies with the ache in your muscles as you reach into the light and grasp the top of the stone wall. You pull yourself out and find yourself sitting on the side of a small well in a small jungle clearing. 11 You strain, trying to desperately to hold on, your grip weakening as sweat beads across your forehead... You force your hands to remain clenched, holding tightly to the rope as you make your way down. The rushing water's roar envelopes you as you're running short on rope, and the walls fall away around you to reveal an underground cavern. You note an outcropping of stone nearby, jutting out above the water. 8 You plunge towards the floor, arms grasping at the wall, feet sliding along it. You drive the pick again and again into the ice in an attempt to find purchase. Mere feet from the ground, the pick strikes true, wrenching your arm painfully as you halt your fall. Wincing, you lower yourself down. -NONE FOUND- 7 You trudge on through the bog. Attention diverted, you accidentally step onto a patch of unstable ground and sink deep into the water. You fight and claw your way back to the surface. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Press on.] 7 [Leap to [Slot 2]'s defense.] You knock [Slot 2] out of the way, avoiding the falling rubble entirely. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 6 [Draw the beast's attention.] You throw yourself into the crowd of skuldr, shouldering one to the ground. As it scrambles to its feet with a screeching hiss, the others turn their hungry eyes and fetid breath on you. -NONE FOUND- 6 [Charge the skuldr.] "Let's save her!" You throw yourself into the crowd of skuldr, shouldering one to the ground. As it scrambles to its feet with a screeching hiss, the others turn their hungry eyes and fetid breath on you. -NONE FOUND- 6 [Throw a grappling hook up.] You lob a grappling hook up the side of the cliff, securing it around a tree growing out of the rock face above. 1. [Sigh.] 2. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 3. [Climb the rope.] 5 -NONE FOUND- You reach for the item... and come up just short. Try as you might, your arm doesn't reach. Worse, your one-handed grip on the rope is wearing you out. -NONE FOUND- 5 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] You maneuver past the chancier rock formations and easily identify those able to support your weight. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 5 [Scout ahead for a safe route.] You maneuver past the chancier rock formations and easily identify those able to support your weight. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 5 [Scout ahead for a safe route.] While you are physically fit to make the climb, caution delays your progress and takes the wind out of you. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 4 -NONE FOUND- You find a way through the swamp by sticking to the few patches of solid ground among the muck. You move swiftly on your own. You come upon a particularly boggy stretch surrounded by dense trees with not a single patch of dry ground in sight. With no way forward but through, you forge ahead into the bog. 4 You try to scramble away, but your noisy attempt to flee have only made it easier for the creatures to find you. Bony hands snake out of the water and grab hold of your ankles. You kick viciously at the skeletons' grasping hands, preventing them from pulling you down into the water. Another hand reaches for your feet, its fingers straining. You kick it away, but just then the moaning reaches a feverish pitch. 4 "Down the ropes! Now!" You run towards the rope - and the drake - and hit the ground as the beast swoops down. You skid off of the edge of the platform, and, for a moment, only a few dozen feet of air exists between you and the hard stone of the flooded arena floor. But you've got one hand tight around the rope, and it arrests your flight. You swing back, striking the raging column of water that holds the center of the arena aloft. You hear screaming, and realize that not everyone was so quick on their feet. The crowd cheers. 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] You hurl the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] You hurl the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] You hurl the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] You hurl the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 You spring off the stone and crash into the cool, crisp saltwater with the other swimmers. -NONE FOUND- You kick against the powerful current, expertly reaching one hand after the other to pull yourself through the water, parting it like a knife. The others fall behind. 3 You swim on, noting the muscular bald woman break away to head back for the struggling swimmer. The goal looms closer. With a final burst of muscle-straining speed, you push well ahead, crossing the goal several stroke ahead of the closest competitor. Panting and aching, you pull yourself onto the shore and walk back towards the bridge to collect your belongings. The people on the bridge above cheer and applaud. 2 [Kick Orso's sword back toward him.] Orso seizes the blade and runs it through Larro's heart. The crowd gasps in a mixture of anger and bewilderment as Larro falls. -NONE FOUND- 2 You spring off the stone and crash into the cool, crisp saltwater with the other swimmers. -NONE FOUND- As hard as you kick and pull, the current pushes back with the strength of a bear. You keep pace with the Huana, though your muscles burn with the effort. 1 You take a deep breath and step down into the water. The water is cool, but not uncomfortably so, and you swim forward into the tunnel. Your powerful strokes propel you along swiftly, and you find a few air pockets within comfortable reach of your starting point. You're certain you can make it through the tunnel without much trouble. The tunnel seems to extend a short distance before turning sharply, but you cannot see where it leads. 1 1. The onlookers gasp as you leap from the bridge and into the cold, briny wet. You kick out, swimming hard against the current. 2. [Help him to shore.] -NONE FOUND- You wrap an arm around the struggling swimmer, and he has the wherewithal not to struggle against you as you swim him towards land. You pull yourself onto the rocky shore and help him up behind you. 1 You swim on, noting the muscular bald woman break away to head back for the struggling swimmer. The goal looms closer. You push yourself until your muscles scream in complaint, but the blond aumaua stays just ahead, clenching the victory. Panting and aching, you pull yourself onto the shore and walk back towards the bridge to collect your belongings. The people on the bridge above cheer and applaud. Bluff Reveal hidden contents 13 It stops and considers, one fang trembling. You feel it tasting your thoughts for the truth. "Lie!" It squeals. We tire of your games, [Player Race]-creature. 13 "An intriguing proposition... We are listening." "It distances you from the body. You wouldn't know what it was up to unless you chose to." "Deliciously argued, Herald. We recognize the wisdom in your words." 12 "I still can't let you through." "Hazanui Karū game me permission. I could go get her, but she won't appreciate the disturbance..." 1. "You're the last person she'd let in here." He narrows his eyes, seeing through your ruse. 2. "She did? I would hate to bother her..." Perspiration forms on his furrowed brow. He gnaws his lip. 9 "I'm sorry... they didn't make it." Though clearly distraught by the revelation of [Specified 1]'s loss, the party follows you as you lead the way onward. You feel the heat of the glares upon your back. 8 "So, have you heard the one about the Dyrwoodan, the Vailian, and the orlan?" The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. 8 "Look upon the Duskspeaker and be glad, brothers and sisters, for he heralds an end to your suffering." "Yea, I cometh before you to deliver you from your anguish." 1. "Ah. For once the divine mantle passes to anyone but me." Tekēhu breathes a sigh of relief. 2. "And yea are we full glad to receive your comfort." 6 "You must forgive, but you do not look like an ally of the Vailians." His brow forms a deep crease. "I hit rough seas and lost a lot of supplies, including my credentials." "Ngati is most restless of late." He frowns, kneading his hands together as if this is somehow his fault. 6 "I would be a poor host if the ironclad thing decided to remove your skin." He chuckles, but the humor doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm something of a construct expert, myself. If I got a closer look at the make of this one, I could narrow down the source of the malfunction." Raising his fingers to his lips, Tangara scrutinizes you in silence. 3 "EH... IS TRICK QUESTION? YOU LOST OR CONFUSED?" The imp flaps his wings rapidly. "I'm testing you. This should be an easy one." "OKAY, OKAY! VAULT IS ON SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOWER LEVEL. GREAT BIG DOOR, CANNOT MISS." The imp points in one direction, then another. He shrugs and hovers in thoughtful silence. Diplomacy Reveal hidden contents 16 1. The deity's hundred eyes stare blankly ahead, glistening with moisture, as if on the verge of tears. 2. "Again." "If you insist. But what if Eothas succeeds? Do you think any of the other gods would be capable of picking up the pieces?" "You flatter us, Herald of Berath." 10 When you open your eyes, your vision has cleared, and a large nāga looms before you. A crest frames its head, and bones and bits of coral hang from the leather thongs around its neck. Its forked tongue flickers out as it peers at you. [Bow your head to it.] You hear the nāga shift slightly, and then you feel its hand rest upon the back of your head. When you look up, it bows its own head to you. 5 1. The boar snorts and shakes its head before taking another step towards you. 2. The beast is taller than you are - and much heavier, all muscle, bone, and tusk. "Who's a good boar? Who's a good little... ish... boar?" The boar clomps over, eyeing you warily. It sniffs at you, then snorts. 4 "Why do you bring this to me?" "Sedūzo Nui, they have little here. Think of how they could benefit from Rauataian culture." "That must be the first time I've heard civil speech in the Gullet." She nods at your use of the respectful suffix. 1 The beast is taller than you are - and much heavier, all muscle, bone, and tusk. "Here piggy, piggy, piggy." The boar's eyes narrow as it snorts. You've never seen an expression of greater incredulity on a boar. It stamps on the ground. History Reveal hidden contents 7 "I'd argue that culturally, the Huana share more in common with Eir Glanfath than Rauatai." The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. 6 A large, round stone, its face covered in whirling etchings, rests in the grass. You recognize it as a Proving Stone, though search as you might, you find no indication of who sent it or what you're intended to do with it. The hazy form of Muātu shimmers at the edge of your sight. "Oh, a Proving Stone! You'll find an entrance to the Crucible at the top of the hill. The stone will unlock the way." 4 -NONE FOUND- "Magran's Teeth. It's notoriously perilous chain of volcanoes." -NONE FOUND- 2 "He said it was like this for all godlike. Different chimes resonating for different types." "Ah, he must have built upon the work of Tödh Beylecg. Please continue." Pallegina's head shifts back as she looks at you and nods. 1 1. He gives the apprentice an appreciative nod. 2. "I am misled if holding a shell is all it takes to earn Ngati's favor." Tekēhu tosses his hair and chuckles to himself. "Our people have used conch shells to communicate for centuries. This is likely one such device." "What a... noble purpose." He expression falls, as if he were hoping for a grander story. Insight Reveal hidden contents 10 "You aren't required to kill them all, but you must outlive them." "That was a half-truth. You're keeping something from me." The Surviving Face sighs, deflating slightly. 8 When you open your eyes, your vision has cleared, and a large nāga looms before you. A crest frames its head, and bones and bits of coral hang from the leather thongs around its neck. Its forked tongue flickers out as it peers at you. [Bow your head to it.] You hear the nāga shift slightly, and then you feel its hand rest upon the back of your head. When you look up, it bows its own head to you. 8 "One that I fought in." "But it's addictive, too. Living like that." "Yeah, and you know that better than most, don't you?" 8 "That obvious, huh?" He chews a large knuckle, considering his next words. "You look about ready to run." 1. "Damned ciphers. Not even the inside of a man's head's sacred to you." 2. "You secretly a cipher or something?" 8 "Again." The deity's hundred eyes stare blankly ahead, glistening with moisture, as if on the verge of tears. 1. "You should really use the body to help us with the Eothas problem." 2. "You misheard me, great and mysterious Wael. I, too, meant that we should allow the body to die." 3. "What? You were just going to do whatever you wanted to do regardless? Fine, I'm returning to the Here." 4. "If you insist. But what if Eothas succeeds? Do you think any of the other gods would be capable of picking up the pieces?" 5. "If you're going to let the body die, you might as well let the spores claim it." 6. "You seem to forget that I am Berath's Herald. She will learn what I found here. Maybe you care to reconsider that decision?" 7. "Do you really want a bunch of archmages crawling all over your corpse harvesting it for ritual components?" 7 "The Huana captured your young?" With your keen intuition, you hear the syllables in her gurgles and read the desperation in her rapid, darting movements. She screeches with emotion, rocking her whole body back and forth. Her bristling fin flashes like a blade. The other lagufaeth bare their teeth even wider. 7 "I've been here before." "Seems like you did a lot more than visit." "Yeah, you got me there. You're too perceptive, you know that? It's almost creepy." 6 1. "I've seen his type before. No sense of loyalty or responsibility. No belief in any ends beyond his own." 2. "The point is, he's untested and yet he plays with great power. He's a liability, [Player Name]." "Whether you want to admit it or not, he reminds you of yourself five years ago. And that bothers you." "That was quite different." He stiffens and glances away, but not before you catch a look of conviction in his eye. 6 "Not sure there be much to say, captain." He looks away. "You found out you were inadvertently aiding the trade of slaves. That couldn't have felt good." "Aye, cap. Didn't feel at all good. Right brilliant you are." He winces. 6 [Interpret the sensation.] You recognize the sensation as familiar - the draw of a soul towards adra. You felt something very similar when you died... And again when you returned to life. 1. [Tear away from the pool.] 2. [Surrender to the pull.] 6 [Interpret the sensation.] This energy - this hunger - it draws down your soul, you suspect, towards the bottom of the pool. You might not even feel it, you realize, if you weren't a Watcher. You're unsure what effect such a pull might have on you. You recognize the sensation as familiar - the draw of a soul towards adra. You felt something very similar when you died... And again when you returned to life. 5 Many claws tighten about weapons and tails lash in eager, hypnotic rhythm. The broodmother watches you. "The Huana captured your young?" 1. With your keen intuition, you hear the syllables in her gurgles and read the desperation in her rapid, darting movements. 2. She screeches with emotion, rocking her whole body back and forth. Her bristling fin flashes like a blade. The other lagufaeth bare their teeth even wider. 5 "Let's just say there are other folks who'd be happy to pay my price." "You mean the Vailian Trading Company." "What matters is that I'm giving you the chance to buy it first." Perin shoots her a quizzical look. 5 "Believe me, I take no pleasure in duplicity." "I don't know, Aloth. You've gotten rather good at it." "I've certainly had my share of practice these last five years." 5 "Embarking on inquiry with an agenda - that is how mistakes get made." Her arms crossed, Ydwin idly taps on her elbows. "It sounds as if you speak from experience." "I've had a year or two in which to make mistakes." 4 "They have clans and families. What would you do if someone caged your children?" A look of pain and surprise twinges across her face. It reveals an old but raw wound to your shrewd gaze. 1. Her expression hardens. 2. In her mind, you glimpse an image of a demolished village on the cliffs, a broken spear in Himuihi's hands, and slavers' ships disappearing over the horizon. 4 "I want to be sure. Please, let me go over my notes again. Then I promise I'll tell you everything." "This isn't about your notes. You're second-guessing yourself. Again." He laughs uneasily. "You know me too well. "All the same, I need to gather my thoughts." 4 "I don't be having a whole lot of rules, Captain Watcher. Really only got the one." "You look upset. I'm listening." "Upset? Upset ain't the first flogging half of it, captain." 4 "If I'm being honest - and I ****ing hate honesty - I'm not certain how I fit with this crew." "You're not the only odd man out here." "That so? The islands can be a dry and poxy whore for loners and misfits. Easier waters by far with a friend at your back." 4 "Or perhaps our expectations determine our perception of this place." She taps lightly on her chin, frowning. Her short, white hair whips about her head like a halo. "It's not like you to sound so nervous." "I'm not usually staring directly into the inevitable ending of all things." 3 "Dark clouds surround Poko Kohara, and in my dreams they swallow us all." She looks at the statue next to her, her eyes bright with intensity. It's a good speech, and it sounds like one she's rehearsed a little too carefully. "Dark clouds surround Poko Kohara, and in my dreams they swallow us all." She looks at the statue next to her, her eyes bright with intensity. 3 "Tell her, cap!" "She's upset, Serafen. Lying won't set things straight." "****ing aye, I'm upset. Got every cod-crushing reason to put sixteen plugs of lead in yer furry blue ass and see how ye sink." Arms crossed, Syri taps her right foot a smidge faster than the tempo of the music. Serafen rubs the back of his head and clears his throat. 3 "I didn't enjoy deceiving them, but it seemed simpler than the alternative." "Are you still thinking about Benessa?" He sighs. "I realized there could be nothing between us. "But it was nice to have a friend all the same." 3 "I'm glad you're doing better." His smile falters. The moment is brief enough that you might not even notice it if you weren't already used to his subtle deflections and evasions. "Back to our journey across the Dyrwood..." He clears his throat. 2 "Not that the Company needs help eating itself from the inside." She smiles. "I'm guessing that you want to be my best friend, and that together we can do some real good in the region. Is that right?" "Sharp. I like that. Once you're coached up and guided in the right direction, I think you'll do very well indeed." 2 [Take the opportunity to study each of the opponents.] You note the sweat on Larro's upper lip and the furrow of concentration cleaving Orso's brow. Onlookers gather and press at the edges of the poorly-defined arena. Their jeering lowers to expectant mutters. The duelists' seconds bring forth their weapons. 2 [Distract Larro with an insult.] You call out some cutting words to Larro which involve his father and a butter churn. He turns to the crowd wearing a shocked expression. Orso takes the opening and advances menacingly. Larro scrambles to recover, but Orso claims his advantage - smacking the sword out of Larro's hand. It falls to the ground with a loud clang. 2 [Distract Orso with an insult.] You call out some choice words regarding Orso's father and a lamprey. While Orso searches the audience Larro takes advantage of the opening and rushes him, knocking Orso off his feet. 1. Orso scrambles to rise, but Larro pushes the blade into his chest, pinning him to the spot as a gasp sweeps across the audience. 2. Larro points his weapon at Orso's heart, letting it hover there. He summons up the courage to plunge forward. 2 "Most do." She avoids meeting your gaze. Her mouth is pressed into a hard frown. "You seem nervous. Does the Royal Deadfire Company know you're trading here?" She sets her glass down with a loud clatter. Intimidate Reveal hidden contents 12 "No, we think we'll simply forget about it again. That seemed to be working well enough." "You seem to forget that I am Berath's Herald. She <i>will</i> learn what I found here. Maybe you care to reconsider that decision?" "We do not fear Berath, dear Herald. They need us." 10 "I'll do as I wish. If you can't handle it, you'll make a poor meal for the sharks." Serafen's fur bristles and eyes widen. His hand twitches beside the weapons at his hip. Then he audibly exhales and forces a grim smirk. "You be a scourge of a man, cap, but I'll do your bidding... for now." 7 "I go where I please." The aumaua and the savannah folk exchange glances. The former nods, and the latter lowers his weapon. "If you want to join us," the elf says, "you needed merely ask. We're <i>very</i> hospitable." The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." 7 1. The boar snorts and shakes its head before taking another step towards you. 2. The beast is taller than you are - and much heavier, all muscle, bone, and tusk. [Pull yourself to your full height.] "Back off, beast!" 1. The boar blinks at your tiny orlan body. 2. The boar's big brown eyes blink at you as it takes a few steps back. Then it turns and flees your terrifying presence. 5 The wilder's cold, beady eyes turn to you... The lagufaeth takes a step back, then a second, and finally breaks, running as fast as its webbed feet can carry it. In its wake, the lagufaeth left some fish, a few of its poisoned barbs, and a well-crafted club. 4 "Shoo, now! Get out of here!" The xaurip lets out a frightened chirp and flees into the undergrowth. 1. [Investigate your surroundings.] 2. [Leave.] 3. [Go back to sleep.] 3 "I am starting to question both your allegiances and your character. If this continues, I will report back to my superiors and request reassignment." "Turn against me and I'll make you pay for it." "You dolt. I would gladly accept death for the Republics. But at least now I know where you stand." Mechanics Reveal hidden contents 5 [Examine the latch.] The clever mechanism ensures that the box remains tightly sealed. There is no lock and no trap. You should be able to open it safely. Not far in you find the crate in question, its sides split by crowbars, the dry grass used as packing material spilled across the floor. Within stands an intricately crafted chest of some dark tropical wood. A polished visage peers up at you - a triumvirate of wild animal faces carved in the swirling Huana style. The front of the chest bears an iron latch affixed to a complex iron mechanism that runs to the top four corners of the chest. You see no bolts or keyholes. Metaphysics Reveal hidden contents 8 "But Humaire, the island's caretaker, says the essence that sustains the island has sickened. 'Curdled,' she called it. "The animals, the trees, they all churn with anger and fear." "Have blights formed?" "Yes! Humaire was right. She said you would understand!" 8 [Interpret the sensation.] This energy - this hunger - it draws down your soul, you suspect, towards the bottom of the pool. You might not even feel it, you realize, if you weren't a Watcher. You're unsure what effect such a pull might have on you. 1. [Tear away from the pool.] 2. [Surrender to the pull.] 8 [Interpret the sensation.] This energy - this hunger - it draws down your soul, you suspect, towards the bottom of the pool. You might not even feel it, you realize, if you weren't a Watcher. You're unsure what effect such a pull might have on you. You recognize the sensation as familiar - the draw of a soul towards adra. You felt something very similar when you died... And again when you returned to life. 8 "What is your specific area of study?" "I'm surprised you haven't read my work." She **** her head slightly. "As an apprentice, I focused on - and then helped discredit - the phrenological approach." 8 [Examine the vortex.] It roils with a cold, dusky energy, a point of intersection between the material realm of the living and the ephemeral realm of the soul. You identify the anomaly as a vertex joining the Here and the In-Between - not unlike yourself. You've no idea what might be causing it. 1. [Reach out to the anomaly.] 2. [Leave it be.] 3. "Don't suppose any of you know what this is?" 6 "When I looked in a mirror, what I saw was not a godlike, not some thing to be paraded around. It was me. Finally, me." "So the severing of the chime during puberty caused your godlike nature to be sublimated by your essentially kith soul." She flexes her jaw and exhales through her nose forcefully. 6 "You see, the Beyond is a series of tubes..." The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. 6 "Afterwards my interests turned to the theoretical, before shifting a few decades later to the study of parapsychological inertia." "Individuals engaging in actions or going to places that reflect the experiences of their past lives." "Just so." Her grin almost thaws her icy demeanor. 5 The construct trembles and rattles, its vacant gaze wandering without purpose. Habit and routine are seemingly the only forces keeping it upright. [Tap into the soul energy at the construct's core.] The construct abruptly hardens its bearing and turns to you, standing at attention. 5 "I would be a poor host if the ironclad thing decided to remove your skin." He chuckles, but the humor doesn't quite reach his eyes. "If there is a problem with its logical reckoning, there's no danger of it misunderstanding - just failing to understand." Pursing his lips, Tangara looks grudgingly impressed. 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." 3. "I... I don't know. They can't be aware, surely." A muscle ticks in her jaw at the thought. "Eothas is only planning to break the part of the cycle that allows souls into the Beyond. The more souls you deliver to Hel before that happens - the longer humanity will survive before dying out." "So souls won't be trapped in Hel during the darkness? They'll be reborn, while the rest of us wither after death on Eora?" 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." [Say nothing.] "You're right, I ought to deliver as many souls to Hel as I can - before it's too late." 5 "He said it was like this for all godlike. Different chimes resonating for different types." "Ah, he must have built upon the work of Tödh Beylecg. Please continue." Pallegina's head shifts back as she looks at you and nods. 5 "Not sure there be much to say, captain." He looks away. "Remaro's not gone, Serafen. He's merely rejoined the wheel. He'll move on and be born again." He looks to you, holding your gaze with his. He snorts quietly, nodding. 4 "Soon, this link will unravel completely. If I have not reached my destination when that happens, I will need to pull more souls from your world." "Wait... is that what happened at Hasongo?" "It is. When you contacted me from Port Maje, I had to sever my tether to the luminous adra. Without it, I lacked the strength to reach Hasongo." 4 "Say, how reliable are these memories anyway? Is this how it actually looked or... just what someone remembers of it?" "The soul remembers what the body perceives, but the mind is not perfect. There are always biases and flaws." "Guess that makes sense. And something as big as this, as big as... killing a god... might just get all blown out of proportion." 3 -NONE FOUND- "Eothas tethered himself to the luminous adra, and I connected to him through the essence." -NONE FOUND- Religion Reveal hidden contents 12 When you open your eyes, your vision has cleared, and a large nāga looms before you. A crest frames its head, and bones and bits of coral hang from the leather thongs around its neck. Its forked tongue flickers out as it peers at you. [Bow your head to it.] You hear the nāga shift slightly, and then you feel its hand rest upon the back of your head. When you look up, it bows its own head to you. 12 "No, we think we'll simply forget about it again. That seemed to be working well enough." "You risk your body being discovered again. I thought you didn't want the kith to uncover the secrets of the pantheon." Some of the eyes widen. "You make an unsettling amount of sense. We didn't consider that at all!" 10 "An intriguing proposition... We are listening." "The spores have already developed their own mind. Aren't you curious about what they might do with your body?" "Herald. You know just what to say to make a god go all wobbly in the eyes." 7 The wooden figurine has the body of a woman and the head of a fish, with beady eyes and a gaping, snaggle-toothed maw. It's pale and rough-textured, like it was carved recently. It looks like an idol of Ngati, the Huana trickster goddess. You know from your studies that idols like this are sometimes used to carry the blessings - or curses - of the gods they represent. Sure enough, scratched under the idol's feet, you see the markings of a confusion hex. 1. You feel a sudden, sharp headache. 2. You remember Nairi's mention of her father's efforts to stop the Vailian expedition. 6 1. "Why would you risk your life and soul for this knowledge?" 2. "Many kith would like to know the gods' designs. Why is it so important to you?" "To know the will of the gods is to peer through a crack in the fundament at the reasons for our own existence." "But Watcher, you already know that we gods were once as you, mortal kith who dared to peer through the cracks. And what did we find?" 6 They watch you expectantly. "I'm going to give a sermon on the importance of empathy... and the iniquity of theft." You gather the crew on deck, [Specified 0] included, and give a prolonged, castigating sermon on the importance of community, empathy, and mercy, as well as the horrors that selfishness and theft have inflicted upon the world. 6 "But Humaire, the island's caretaker, says the essence that sustains the island has sickened. 'Curdled,' she called it. "The animals, the trees, they all churn with anger and fear." "You speak of the Changeling, the Father of Monsters, the hunter Galawain." "That which hunts, kills, and endures, yes! You understand!" 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." 3. "I can't just abandon my souls - not to mention my principles - and hope for the best." 4. "Gaun aside, the gods' past actions don't instill me with the greatest confidence." 5. "I... I don't know. They can't be aware, surely." A muscle ticks in her jaw at the thought. "That's not for you to decide. Rebirth is a divine issue, meant to be sorted between the gods." "You're saying I ought to have more faith." She rubs a calloused knuckle against the heated tinge spreading over her cheek. 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." [Say nothing.] "You're right, I ought to deliver as many souls to Hel as I can - before it's too late." 5 "Before we enjoy this stew, let us all bow our heads and thank the gods." The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. 5 [Examine the carvings.] These three animals, the spider, stelgaer, and boar, often represent Toamowhai, the shapeshifting god of the island wilds. Not far in you find the crate in question, its sides split by crowbars, the dry grass used as packing material spilled across the floor. Within stands an intricately crafted chest of some dark tropical wood. A polished visage peers up at you - a triumvirate of wild animal faces carved in the swirling Huana style. The front of the chest bears an iron latch affixed to a complex iron mechanism that runs to the top four corners of the chest. You see no bolts or keyholes. 4 "Your coming is a favorable omen already!" The prince nods and crosses his arms, a self-satisfied smile on his lips. "I know enough not to believe in omens." "Nonsense! How else do the gods whisper in our ear?" 4 "Not sure there be much to say, captain." He looks away. "The gods set trials before us, Serafen, some far more difficult than others, but none impossible. For good or ill, we have their particular interest." "All who tread the sea possess some faith, cap. Some of us be having a little less than others." He shrugs. 2 The woman bends over a pile of dried, bitter-smelling herbs. She's crushing and mashing them on a dirty scrap of parchment, coughing with effort. She steps in front of you to block your way, wiping a ragged sleeve across her rheumy, bloodshot eyes. As she does, her hood slips, and you glimpse three faded stars on her forehead - the emblem of the Children of the Dawnstars. 1. "Got nothing here worth selling or stealing. You best be on your way." She stifles a croupy cough. 2. "Pitli? Good Gaun, I nearly didn't recognize you! You look more death-warmed-over than Dawnstar." Sleight of Hand Reveal hidden contents 10 [Search the camp.] You find surprisingly little in your brief search of the camp: tents, bedrolls, pillows. You find a single sack - within, several eyeballs stare up at you. They look fresh. 1. [Take them.] 2. [Leave them be.] 8 "What can I do for you?" [Steal back five times what you lost.] It takes a moment for the child to realize what happened. Their eyes open with wonder. 8 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 6 [Sneak forward and take his coin purse.] You cradle the coin purse, and - with a deft slip of the knife - liberate it from the man's waist. The noble and his guards continue down the street none the wiser. -NONE FOUND- 6 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 5 [Take the letter.] You snatch the letter out of Serafen's hand. He looks shocked and angry for a moment, but then purses his lips and takes a breath. He turns his back to you. The end of the letter reads: <i>I wish you a long and prosperous life. You carry with you all I could have imparted. While my legacy may otherwise be reduced to shame, know that you remain the exception. Yours, R</i> "If you find yourself imperiled, seek Udyne at Magic Water. She can help." Serafen falls silent, staring at the page for a while longer. You hear his breath catch, and he looks up, his expression carefully blank. 5 [Search the camp.] You find surprisingly little in your brief search of the camp: tents, bedrolls, pillows. You find a single sack - within, several eyeballs stare up at you. They look fresh. 1. [Take them.] 2. [Leave them be.] 5 1. "Sorry, mate. Ain't available for the taking." 2. "Wouldn't be a mariner if I turned down a drink of rum... or pour out a dram for the lads." [Pretend to drink.] The man drinks eagerly. Given that he was half-sodden when you found him, it doesn't take long before he rests his head in his hands with an incoherent mumble. Moments later, he begins to snore. 4 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 3 "Hey, I wanted to ask you something. It's about Xoti." [Pick his pocket while he's distracted.] "She- she means well. I can see that. And she's spirited, and if I was still young, and didn't know the things I know, it'd be different." Stealth Reveal hidden contents 4 [Sneak behind the xaurip and attack it.] The reptilian wilder makes no notice of your approach, and it crumples beneath your strike to its head. You disarm it. 1. [Investigate your surroundings.] 2. [Leave.] 3. [Go back to sleep.] 2 "There are risks, of course. The gunpowder is one concern, but the powderhouse itself is also heavily guarded. "Best that you avoid being seen." "Infiltration isn't exactly my specialty." 1. "Then leave no witnesses. The explosion will handle most of that. So long as you are clear of the building before that happens, your part will be done." 2. "We like making noise and wrecking things." Streetwise Reveal hidden contents 12 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 10 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 8 [Attempt to cheat.] You step forward, shifting your body to lean a tad closer to the target than is technically legal, and let your dagger fly. The pair of crew don't seem to notice your deceptive move. 7 "An intriguing proposition... We are listening." "The spores would keep it alive - sparing the body without forcing you to break your pact with the rest of the pantheon." "Deliciously argued, Herald. We recognize the wisdom in your words." 6 "Enough! Or I'll gut you lot alongside this fool." Ateira spins to glare at her people. "I guess you've never heard of a spur-and-snare con, have you?" She growls with frustration and sheathes her weapon. 4 "Not sure there be much to say, captain." He looks away. "There are rules, Serafen. Remaro knew them. He broke them anyway." "Gods, I know, cap. Remaro saw to it my learning of the laws of the sea were damn near cyclopedic. Just wish I understood why - after all that - he went and broke them." 2 "Please sir, a coin!" The child moves closer and tugs at the hem of your garments. In the midst of this pitiful gesture, the urchin's hand discreetly dips into your coin purse. "What can I do for you?" 2 [Find a better vantage point to observe the fight.] You maneuver through the crowd with ease and find an uninterrupted view of the escalating conflict. Once the swords are delivered to their respective bearers, the seconds back away in melancholy silence. Survival Reveal hidden contents 9 Lagufaeth territorial sigils mark your path at regular intervals. You walk cautiously, keeping a close eye on your surroundings. -NONE FOUND- You're careful to skirt the trap - and a few others - and continue on your way through the jungle. 8 1. The boar snorts and shakes its head before taking another step towards you. 2. The beast is taller than you are - and much heavier, all muscle, bone, and tusk. "You look hungry, fella. Here, maybe I've got something you can eat." Its head tilts to the side slightly, ears twitching and snout aquiver, and it cautiously hoofs towards you. 8 Its head tilts to the side slightly, ears twitching and snout aquiver, and it cautiously hoofs towards you. [Feed boar deadly huona mahe.] "Here's some nice, tasty mushrooms." The boar sniffs at the mushrooms, then eats them out of your hand. Despite its size, the animal is surprisingly gentle. It sniffs at you as if seeking more. 6 [Head for the path.] You pick your way over to the small path, but it provides no escape, for the moaning grows louder and closer. Soon, it's all you can hear. You're surrounded. -NONE FOUND- 4 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] You maneuver past the chancier rock formations and easily identify those able to support your weight. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 4 [Scout ahead for a safe route.] You maneuver past the chancier rock formations and easily identify those able to support your weight. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 4 [Scout ahead for a safe route.] Though you possess the know-how to navigate the drop, the physical strain takes a heavy toll. You are barely able to clear the distance. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 3 "I tell Ranga Ruānu that the stench of Tikawara will drive away friend and outsider alike. Do you smell it?" She flares her nostrils and grimaces. [Smell the air.] "Four lagufaeth. Their odor suggests they're young - still hatchlings - and in distress." "The words of a skilled hunter." She nods, impressed. 1 The tunnel seems to extend a short distance before turning sharply, but you cannot see where it leads. [Scout for air pockets.] You take a deep breath and slide into the cool water. You follow the cavern wall, using your hands to seek out spaces where the water does not completely fill the underground tunnel. It takes a couple of short trips back and forth, but you find a safe place to come up for air. With a fresh lungful of air, you swim to the end of the tunnel. 1 You take a deep breath and step down into the water. The water is cool, but not uncomfortably so, and you swim forward into the tunnel. You start off at a good pace, but your lungs are burning by the time you get to the second bend in the tunnel. Fortunately, that is the point at which you discover an air pocket. With a place to rest along the way, you're confident you can make it through the tunnel without much trouble. The tunnel seems to extend a short distance before turning sharply, but you cannot see where it leads. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 5 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Any, Party Assist These are generally interactions in which you can select one character to tackle a challenge. Alchemy Reveal hidden contents 17 [Convert the fungicide into fungal fertilizer.] Through a cautious application of alchemical procedures, you purge the toxins from the beaker, replacing it with a potent admixture of growth enhancers. 1. [Examine the table and its contents.] 2. [Convert the fungicide into fungal fertilizer.] 3. [Apply a small portion of the bottle's contents to the fungus.] 4. [Leave.] 5. [Take the fungus.] 6. [Take the fungicide.] 17 [Convert the fungicide into fungal fertilizer.] After a few hours bent over the beakers and tubes, [Specified 0] announces success. Your companion passes you the bottle with a wry grin. "Careful you don't get that on any spores you don't want getting significantly larger." 1. [Examine the table and its contents.] 2. [Convert the fungicide into fungal fertilizer.] 3. [Apply a small portion of the bottle's contents to the fungus.] 4. [Leave.] 5. [Take the fungus.] 6. [Take the fungicide.] 16 [Identify the fluid.] The substance seems an admixture of naphtha and water with an agent produced through the alchemical combination of a mixture of alcohol and phosphorus with one of silver salt with potash. It's undoubtedly toxic. Or at least a sludge. 14 [Improvise an alchemical concoction combining rune powder, a rahi pod, and a solution to immolate the vines.] Drawing on your alchemical training you crush some rahi pods and drain their oil into the solution. You dab that over the vines, before filling your cupped hand with rune powder. Blowing carefully over the pile, you lightly dust the solution. Moments later, the vines alight in a bright flare of violet and green that quickly reduces them to ash. In their absence, the wall loses much of its cohesion and collapses. 14 [Improvise an alchemical concoction combining rune powder, a rahi pod, and a solution to immolate the vines.] [Specified 0] performs a complicated alchemical procedure, combining the crushed remnants of rahi pods with a clear solution, then coating the vines with the mixture. The alchemist then lightly dusts the vines with rune powder. Moments later, the vines alight in a bright flare of violet and green that quickly reduces them to ash. In their absence, the wall loses much of its cohesion and collapses. 13 [Concoct a salve.] It takes time to find the right herbs, but soon [Slot 4]'s boils and sores have been soothed. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 12 [Identify the fluid.] The brilliant green surface of the sludge shimmers with prismatic colors, not unlike oil. Though the exact nature of the fluid remains unclear, it's almost certainly toxic. Or at least a sludge. 7 [Check the fish for signs of disease.] "Let's judge the fitness of the catch." Several of the fish display discolored scales and bloated bellies - clear signs of disease. It's possible their meat could sicken the crew. "See?" [Specified 0] asks [Specified 1], scowling. "Are you trying to give us all the squatting splatters?" An argument from the deck pulls your attention away from the gentle rocking of the ship and the smooth expanse of blue on the horizon. "Half of those fish were floating belly-up!" cries [Specified 0]. "Better we throw out the whole catch than end up with a rot-bellied crew!" "They looked alive enough when we hauled them out!" [Specified 1] retorts, gesturing violently at the pile of fish on the deck. "Fish die when you pull them out of the water! That's what fish do!" 7 [Check the fish for signs of disease.] "Let's judge the fitness of the catch." There are no signs of discoloration, open sores, or bloated bellies. The fish appear perfectly healthy. "I told you it wasn't dangerous," [Specified 1] gloats, arms akimbo. An argument from the deck pulls your attention away from the gentle rocking of the ship and the smooth expanse of blue on the horizon. "Half of those fish were floating belly-up!" cries [Specified 0]. "Better we throw out the whole catch than end up with a rot-bellied crew!" "They looked alive enough when we hauled them out!" [Specified 1] retorts, gesturing violently at the pile of fish on the deck. "Fish die when you pull them out of the water! That's what fish do!" Arcana Reveal hidden contents 20 A rune-etched medallion hangs against the breastplate of this blood red armor, secured around its gorget by a steel chain. [Break the enchantment.] You dig among your gear and come up with a piece of chalk. You grind it down, and - with the utmost care - wipe it into the sigils. Your defacement should - you hope - neutralize the enchantment without triggering it. 15 A rune-etched medallion hangs against the breastplate of this blood red armor, secured around its gorget by a steel chain. [Examine the necklace.] The pendant bears several potent sigils of conjuration and binding - doubtlessly designed to infuse the armor with soul essence and animate it with a semblance of intellect and life. 14 [Investigate your surroundings.] A large stone stands just off the road, and your head swims as you approach it. Behind it you locate an unusual collection of bones and sticks, a small wilder totem that glows balefully, its power disturbing the essence around it. 1. [Use Wardstone of Darkness on the totem.] 2. [Scout for whatever left the totem.] 3. [Destroy the totem.] 4. [Continue cautiously forward.] 12 [Examine the lectern.] The rain and ozone scent of arcane energy wafts from the lectern. There appears to be a spell imprinted in the stone. It looks as though a book could be placed here. 12 [Examine the lectern.] The rain and ozone scent of arcane energy wafts from the lectern. There appears to be a spell imprinted in the stone. There is already a book resting in the indentation. 12 [Examine the lectern.] The rain and ozone scent of arcane energy wafts from the lectern. There appears to be a spell imprinted in the stone. It looks as though a book could be placed here. 12 [Examine the lectern.] The rain and ozone scent of arcane energy wafts from the lectern. There appears to be a spell imprinted in the stone. There is already a book resting in the indentation. 8 1. The campsite has been thoroughly destroyed. The tents lie crushed as if under some great foot, a kettle rests on its side, very nearly caved in, and the fire has been stomped out. 2. The bodies - what's left of them - bear the tattered remnants of the robes and holy symbols of the Dawnstars. 3. "How could this happen? These... these are Children of the Dawnstars from Neketaka. I-I've worshipped with them." A handful of arrows pincushion the trees to the south of the camp. Where they've struck the trunks, the bark bears a thin layer of ice. It's slowly melting in the warm tropical air. The trees to the south hunch bent aside, as if whatever caused this carnage came from and left by that direction. Athletics Reveal hidden contents 22 [Push the wall over.] You throw the whole of your weight and strength against the wall and it collapses under you in a rush of dust and rubble. -NONE FOUND- 22 [Push the wall over.] With a mighty grunt, [Specified 0] throws a shoulder into the wall. It collapses beneath your compatriot, who vanishes with a yelp into the darkness beyond. -NONE FOUND- 18 [Haul [Specified 0] out of the water.] You plunge your arms into the murky water and pull [Specified 0] back to the surface. With help, [Specified 0] manages to break the surface and roll onto dry land, coughing up bog water. Thanks to your quick rescue, your compatriot is none the worse for wear - if a bit sodden. 18 [Haul [Specified 0] out of the water.] [Specified 1] reaches into the water and pulls [Specified 0] back to the surface. With help, [Specified 0] manages to break the surface and roll onto dry land, coughing up bog water. Thanks to your quick rescue, your compatriot is none the worse for wear - if a bit sodden. 16 [Push the wall over.] You throw the whole of your weight and strength against the wall and it collapses under you in a rush of dust and rubble. -NONE FOUND- 16 [Push the wall over.] With a mighty grunt, [Specified 0] throws a shoulder into the wall. It collapses beneath your compatriot, who vanishes with a yelp into the darkness beyond. -NONE FOUND- 15 "Grab the phylactery!" [Specified 0] ably dances among the dragon's wildly slashing talons before thrusting a hand elbow-deep into the beast's chest. Your compatriot leaps away, glowing relic clutched tightly in gore-caked fingers. The dragon's neck twists, turning her head that she might cast a single balefully glowing eye upon you. 14 [Keep going.] You continue across the gorge, your sweat dripping into the abyss below you. At last, you reach the safety of the far side. Beyond the canyon, the jungle opens up into a broad field interspersed with huge, fruit-dotted trees. The jungle continues towards the mountains to the north, but to the southeast the Deadfire is visible above a sharp decline towards the shore. 13 [Continue cautiously forward.] You continue up the path, but have only taken a few steps when a hail of arrows rains down from the trees. You dive to the side, just managing to dodge the volley. A trio of kith emerge from the treeline. Fierce companion animals follow them close at heel, their teeth bared. 13 [Keep going.] You slide along the ledge, foot by foot, then inch by inch. Time seems to melt away, stretching into an eternity suspended above the angry sea. Finally, you arrive at the far side of the ledge. You pull yourself onto the path, sweat pouring from your face, muscles shaking. The eotens remain on their perch above, oblivious to you, and the path winding down the cliffs before you is clear. 12 The rope creaks as you grab hold and shimmy out onto it.... You pull yourself across, hand by hand, until you hang suspended over the gorge. Your muscles tingle and your hands burn, and you've got further left to go than you've already crossed. 1. [Keep going.] 2. [Turn back.] 11 [Flee.] Keeping low, you run from the xaurips. The grass lashes at your legs and the spines of plants tear your skin, but you managed to evade the wilder... if they pursued you at all. You catch your breath and continue on your way. -NONE FOUND- 11 [Shimmy across the rope.] You shimmy across the gorge without difficulty. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 10 1. [Specified 1] lights the explosive and chucks it overhand at the totem. Its detonation scatters pieces of the totem across the landing. The nāga shaman emerges from the smoke unscathed, its beady eyes trained on [Specified 1]. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. 2. You hurriedly light the explosive and toss it overhand at the totem. Its detonation scatters pieces of the totem across the landing. The nāga shaman emerges from the smoke unscathed, its beady eyes trained on you. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. 3. You whip the explosive toward the totem, but you didn't throw it fast enough, and it detonates in the air. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. 4. You turn to descend back down the side of the mountain, but you hesitate when you hear a high-pitched screech echo across the mountainside. 5. You heft your weapon and stare down the nāga shaman. But just when you think it's going to attack, a high-pitched screech echoes across the mountainside. 6. [Specified 1] whips the explosive toward the totem, but doesn't throw it fast enough - it detonates in the air. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside. You deftly duck out of their way as they fly past you. The nāga hisses and waves its arms, conjuring from the shadows a cloud of living flame. The nāga begins to chant in a deep, lisping voice. Screeching bats with smoldering wings swarm in a cloud over your head, then descend upon you. 10 [Attempt the crossing.] You make it half way across the ledge. You can make out an outcropping by which you can return to the path. But the distance between seems ragged and perilous, more difficult than what you've encountered thus far. 1. [Keep going.] 2. [Turn back.] 10 Taking care to help one another to the extent that you can, you and your fellow travelers work your way down the old well, using the protruding stones as handgrips and footholds along the way. After but a few minutes, your muscles ache and fingers burn... You reach the bottom of the well only to find yourself hanging from the roof of a large, open cavern. Your muscles burn and the stone bites into your fingers as you lower yourself to a nearby outcropping. Looking around yourself, you find that the rocky ledge continues deeper into the cavern, the darkness inviting. 10 As you make your way forward, the pebbled earth shifts out from under you, plunging you into a hidden crevasse. [Slot 3] grabs you and hauls you back up to solid ground. [Slot 3] brushes the dirt from you before you continue on. 1. [Turn back and leave the valley.] 2. [Press further into the valley.] 3. "You doing okay?" 4. "Ugh... you still with me?" 5. "I think... we're finally... almost there. How are you... holding out?" 6. [Check on the glow.] 9 [Attempt to flee.] You run, the leaves slapping you and vines catching up your legs. Yet when you come to a stop, dripping sweat and swallowing great, heaving breaths, you see no sign of whatever killed the lagufaeth. -NONE FOUND- 8 [Attempt to flee.] [Specified 1] grabs your hand and starts running, hauling you along through the narrow alley. Luckily, pirates do not have the legs for long runs, and you escape via a long, straight sprint. Your pursuers slowly fade from the rear, doubling over and heaving for breath. 8 The ropes feel secure beneath your hands, and you move confidently along the structure. With a final step onto solid ground, you complete the crossing and find yourself among the thick foliage of the central island. -NONE FOUND- 7 As you approach, the lagufaeth hiss and gurgle at you from the deck. A few produce blowguns and quickly fill the air with a rain of brightly-feathered darts. The darts pelt the skiff, but none of them strike you. The skiff bumps against the junk, and you scale the side of the lagufaeth-infested ship... 6 -NONE FOUND- [SkillCheck 0] only barely manages to avoid being impaled by one of the protruding tusks. 1. "Attack it while it's stuck in the hull!" 2. [Blast the creature with magic.] 3. [Try to calm its rage.] 4. "Fire the cannons!" 5. [Throw an explosive at it.] 5 You bolt, dodging past the arsonists. Torches whiz by, clattering and skittering across the cobbled street, embers sparking after your feet. The gang, perhaps sensing that the guard could arrive at any time, doesn't give chase, instead retreating into the alleys from whence they came. -NONE FOUND- 4 -NONE FOUND- With patience and some careful maneuvering, you manage to keep yourself and the others out of the stinking morass and on dry ground. You come upon a particularly boggy stretch surrounded by dense trees with not a single patch of dry ground in sight. With no way forward but through, you forge ahead into the bog. 4 You pull yourself up, using bent planks and barnacles for holds. You've almost reached the main deck when a wave slams against the ship. You hear a crash from somewhere below as the vessel rocks. Your legs slip out from under you, and your fingers dig into wet lumber. Your grip holds. Once the ship settles, you resume your climb and make it to the safety of the deck. The ship is deserted - you don't even find corpses. If the ship had a skiff, it's missing, too. Bluff Reveal hidden contents 15 "I don't know how to tell you this, Konstanten, but..." "Ah Hel, you're not serious, are you?" 1. "I'm kidding. You're very alive." 2. [Stare at him meaningfully.] 13 "My friend here saw it happen." "Had a whole leg of ham!" [Specified 3] shouts up at the beasts, nodding vigorously. One of the eotens swings at the other, a wild blow that glances off of the second's shoulder before crashing into the rock, shaking the cliffs. The other grabs onto the attacker, and the pair struggle. Stones drop around you. 12 -NONE FOUND- The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "You don't look much like the slaving type... you're not from Crookspur?" 12 [Trick them into giving you potions and other medical supplies.] You spin a wild tale of the many sicknesses and maladies that plague the orphaned children of a village on the other side of the mountains to the south. By the time you're finished, both the dwarf and the Vailian are openly crying. You're returning that way, you tell them. If they have anything they could spare - for the children! - you'd be happy to deliver it. -NONE FOUND- 12 [Specified 2] launches into a story of the miserable condition aboard [Player Ship], about how you'd given all of the medical supplies to a colony of bone frost victims, and now the crew suffers the full ravages of every minor malady. -NONE FOUND- Wiping her nose, Zandran retrieves a pack from one of the tents. "Please, take this. It's not much, but every bit helps, aye?" The scrawny orlan shakes her head and sighs. 12 [Trick them into giving you potions and other medical supplies.] [Specified 2] launches into a story of the miserable condition aboard [Player Ship], about how you'd given all of the medical supplies to a colony of bone frost victims, and now the crew suffers the full ravages of every minor malady. Zandran frowns at the request. "I appreciate your plight, but I can't very well put my own troops at risk by giving away our supplies." 10 [Trick them into giving you potions and other medical supplies.] Frowning, Serafen stands and clears his throat. "Sorry to be bothering you, what with you have already been so hospitable-like, but you should know we be on a mission of mercy." Serafen wipes at his eyes. "We be sailing from Port Maje, which be full besotted by the children's plague. You've heard of it, aye? The sickness that turns the poor lads and lasses' innards to jelly... to hear their moans as they pass them through their -" The orlan looks away. "Nay, such details be better left unsaid." 10 Serafen wipes at his eyes. "We be sailing from Port Maje, which be full besotted by the children's plague. You've heard of it, aye? The sickness that turns the poor lads and lasses' innards to jelly... to hear their moans as they pass them through their -" The orlan looks away. "Nay, such details be better left unsaid." -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- 7 "Look, my good lads and lasses. We of the sea be having more respect for Ngati than just about anyone, aye? We don't be wanting her nursing an anger on us anymore than you do. So what do you say?" Serafen steps towards the Huana, arms open wide, and summons up his most gracious grin. The Huana share a few pensive glances before the leader among them nods. "Go make your oblations, then, and speak your prayers. When you finish, leave this place. Return to the city." You kneel at the shrine, and the Huana worshipers join you. You pray to the gods. You rise feeling calmer than you have in some time and continue on your way. -NONE FOUND- Diplomacy Reveal hidden contents 14 [Specified 1] peers into the surrounding trees. "I don't suppose you could stop shooting at us for a moment? Give us a chance to at least learn each other's names?" The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "You're - you're not sent from Crookspur? If you're not here to take us back, you should leave. Leave this island. Gods, leave the Deadfire even!" 14 -NONE FOUND- The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "You're - you're not sent from Crookspur? If you're not here to take us back, you should leave. Leave this island. Gods, leave the Deadfire even!" 7 "I've only come to pay my respects to the goddess for the safe travels of my ship. Allow me to do so, and I'll be on my way." The Huana share a few pensive glances before the leader among them nods. "Go make your oblations, then, and speak your prayers. When you finish, leave this place. Return to the city." You kneel at the shrine, and the Huana worshipers join you. You pray to the gods. You rise feeling calmer than you have in some time and continue on your way. -NONE FOUND- Explosives Reveal hidden contents 20 [Plant an implosion charge.] You take cover as the expertly-placed implosion charge detonates. With a keening shriek, it tears down the wall, consigning the rubble to the void and leaving the path open to you. -NONE FOUND- 14 [Blast the chest open with a grenade.] You carefully set the grenade, packing it into the ground to channel its blast into the chest. Then you take cover. In an eruption of soil and wood, the chest breaks open. Within the chest you discover a short blade, wrapped in a rag stained in yellows and greens. Prize in hand, you return down the river. 14 [Blast the chest open with a grenade.] [Specified 0] sets the grenade, packing soil around it at the base of the chest. You both take cover. In an eruption of soil and wood, the chest breaks apart. Within the chest you discover a short blade, wrapped in a rag stained in yellows and greens. Prize in hand, you return down the river. 10 [Attempt to blast the pick free with an immolator.] You carefully wedge an immolator between the handle and the ice. The explosive pops and hisses as it bursts, spraying steam and water from the ice wall. With a ringing thud, the pick falls to the floor below. 10 [Attempt to blast the pick free with an immolator.] [Specified 2] carefully wedges an immolator between the handle and the ice. The explosive pops and hisses as it bursts, spraying steam and water from the ice wall. With a ringing thud, the pick falls to the floor below. 9 [Throw a grenade at it.] The ravager again surfaces - and the grenade goes directly into its gaping maw. Its head vanishes in a cloud of cartilage and viscera. Bits of brain and muscle rain down upon the deck. The crew swallow air, catching their breath. Someone belowdecks laughs. The rigging creaks. It's over. 9 [Throw a grenade at it.] The ravager again surfaces - and the grenade goes directly into its gaping maw. Its head vanishes in a cloud of cartilage and viscera. Bits of brain and muscle rain down upon the deck. [Specified 0] rushes to the side and throws a line overboard. Shortly thereafter, a sodden [Specified 3] climbs back over the rail. 9 1. [Throw a grenade.] 2. [Throw a blister bomb.] 3. [Throw an immolator.] 4. [Throw a lightning bomb.] [Specified 5] hurls the explosive directly into the beast's blow hole... -NONE FOUND- 9 The receding tracks part in opposite directions. One pair cuts directly west, towards the edge of the island. These are evenly spaced and far apart, the length of the strides and directions the toes are pointed suggesting the kith was running. The other pair trails along to the north. The prints suggest one leg dragged behind the other, and the ground is spattered with drops of blood. You note, however, a residue coating the nearby leaves - the expended dust of a sparkcracker, perhaps thrown as a distraction. You stop short as you come upon a scene of carnage. Congealed blood pools on the ground and gore spatters the nearby trees. Flies cloud the air. 9 The receding tracks part in opposite directions. One pair cuts directly west, towards the edge of the island. These are evenly spaced and far apart, the length of the strides and directions the toes are pointed suggesting the kith was running. The other pair trails along to the north. The prints suggest one leg dragged behind the other, and the ground is spattered with drops of blood. [Specified 0] points out a thin coating of silvery dust coating the nearby leaves. "Somebody threw a sparkcracker. Probably as a distraction." You stop short as you come upon a scene of carnage. Congealed blood pools on the ground and gore spatters the nearby trees. Flies cloud the air. History Reveal hidden contents 14 [Examine the armor.] The breastplate and chain worn by this figure seem significantly more intricate than anything else you've seen since arriving at Harbingers' Watch. Padding and heavy cloth complete the panoply, probably as protection against the cold. Barely visible through the ice you can make out etchings suggestive of the imagery of Rymrgand - snowflakes, skulls, and, of course, the horned face of the aurochs. 14 [Examine the armor.] The breastplate and chain worn by this figure seem significantly more intricate than anything else you've seen since arriving at Harbingers' Watch. Padding and heavy cloth complete the panoply, probably as protection against the cold. Layered chain and plate - highly adaptable to varying circumstances - often proves popular with those travelers who can afford it. Members of military or religious orders in particular favor wearing armor like this kind with their uniforms or vestments. The set before you appears to be of a style not commonly crafted in the past two centuries. 13 [Examine the rope.] It's a three-strand twisted rope, much like those purveyed by any number of merchants across Eora. It seems surprisingly clean and unworn - easily strong enough to bear the weight of the heaviest kith. The craftsmanship is likely Reacher, perhaps Dyrwoodan or Vailian. 1. The divide is vast - the crossing would be strenuous and a fall fatal. 2. Serafen's nose twitches. "Rope seems safe enough, cap... for it being strung over a bottomless pit and all. But there be something in the air that ain't quite square." 13 [Examine the walls.] Ancient pictographs present aumaua with bows drawn and spears sharp as they stalk deer and boar. Others display hunters rising from rafts, harpoons high, as whales breach the sea before them. The wear of the images and the weapons being borne against the hunted suggest the art was added to the walls millennia ago. 13 [Examine the engravings.] You recognize the uncommon sigil as the emblem of the Hand Occult, a secretive group of historians. 1. With a confounded shake of the head, [SkillCheck 0] whistles. 2. You're not even sure where to begin the process of breaking this lock. 13 [Examine the engravings.] [Specified 0] stretches to better see the engraving. "Seems to be the emblem of the Hand Occult." 1. With a confounded shake of the head, [SkillCheck 0] whistles. 2. You're not even sure where to begin the process of breaking this lock. 12 [Identify the statues.] They look like jaguars, rendered in the somewhat abstract Huana style. The markings along the flanks and jowls suggest them to be sacred beasts, spirits of the jungle. Guardians, perhaps, of this well. Muātu's quiet voice plays at the edge of your hearing. "This well draws water from beneath the Crucible. It should offer ingress... for the careful." 10 [Examine the decorations.] At first the rough-hewn simplicity of the ornaments remind you of Wilder totems, but fine etchings in some of the bones seem indicative of the Huana. You discover several effigies that appear to be boar-headed kith. Among the other desiccated sacrifices within the mouth, you find the remains of a human corpse. 10 [Interpret the statue's meaning.] The Seeker is rendered with an eye missing. Or perhaps the eye has been removed since, the statue defaced by some other contestant in the island's games. It strikes you as unusual that the Seeker would be presented as blinded, given that aspect of Toamowhai on the gathering of knowledge. You doubt that the Seeker's cult venerates the blind. 10 [Interpret the statue's meaning.] The Seeker is rendered with an eye missing. Or perhaps the eye has been removed since, the statue defaced by some other contestant in the island's games. [Specified 0] examines the figure. "Strange isn't it, the Seeker being presented as blinded? Partially so, anyway. Think the Seeker's cult respects the blind any more than the Slayer's the feeble?" 1 [Identify the symbol.] It seems to be of the style of the local Huana culture, but beyond that, it looks like three overlapping circles. A quiet rustling in the underbrush draws your attention northward - deeper into the forest. Insight Reveal hidden contents 15 "Is he faking dead?" He certainly seems dead - motionless and unbreathing. Maybe the gasses in the body are settling? The robes shift gently, as if something is moving beneath them. 15 "Is he faking dead?" [Specified 1] examines the body, going so far as to nudge it with a foot. "Looks dead to me." The robes shift gently, as if something is moving beneath them. 13 1. Despite your party's efforts, your companion loses the tracks among the tall grass and dry dirt. By the time [Specified 0] declares it a lost cause, you've meandered further into the open field. 2. You continue along the stelgaer tracks. They're difficult to make sense of - this path seems to have seen the passage of multiple animals going in both directions. If you didn't know better, you'd think they'd meant it to be confusing. 3. You step out of the canopy's coverage and walk among the dead contenders who came before you. A few sparse clumps of trees rise between you and the far side of the field. 4. Despite your efforts, you lose the tracks in the tall grass and dry dirt. By the time you give up the cause, you've meandered further into the open field. 5. You make to backtrack along the kith's trail. You're not sure what it is - perhaps the rustling of grass that's just a tad too intense to be the wind or the way each of these corpses seems to have gotten only a little further than the last - but you have the uncomfortable feeling that you're being watched. Or perhaps stalked. 1. [Run for the tree line.] 2. [Sneak towards the nearest copse of trees.] 3. [Return the way you came.] 12 [Examine the outstretched hand.] Two of the fingers have been broken from the hand. Based on the hard, sharp edges of what's left, it seems this occurred after the figure froze over. The angle of the joints indicate that the warrior once gripped something tightly - something since removed. Deep scratches in the wrists suggest that someone clawed at the figure long after it froze over, perhaps to remove the absent object. 12 [Examine the outstretched hand.] Two of the fingers have been broken from the hand. Based on the hard, sharp edges of what's left, it seems this occurred after the figure froze over. The figure stands straight, shoulders a bit forward, as if against a strong wind. The posture bespeaks a deep resolve in the face of terrifying force. The upraised hand seems to be warding against some threat. 8 [Attempt to understand its motivation.] The lagufaeth seems grateful. Perhaps it knows of the young lagufaeth you freed from the Huana. 1. [Leave] "I was just going, actually." 2. [Accept the fish.] "Thank you." 3. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 8 [Attempt to understand its motivation.] [Specified 5] frowns, examining the wilder. "It seems... grateful?" Perhaps it knows of the young lagufaeth you freed from the Huana. 1. [Leave] "I was just going, actually." 2. [Accept the fish.] "Thank you." 3. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 1 [Examine the competitors.] The largest of them, a bald woman, is all muscle. She'd be menacing in a fight, but in the water, the bulk might slow her down. One of them, a man with tightly-curled blond hair, combines lean muscle with a compact frame. As he stretches, he watches the water as if it were an old friend. 1 [Examine the competitors.] [Specified 0] looks over the aumaua, eyes lingering on a heavily muscled, bald woman, a lean blond man, and a gangly young man in his late teens. "I reckon the blond has an advantage, being both strong and compact." She cants her head to the side. "You look bedraggled, stranger. As if the sea spat you upon our shore. What for you come here? To watch?" Intimidate Reveal hidden contents 16 -NONE FOUND- The rain of arrows temporarily abates. A Dyrwoodan voice rings out... "Gods - you mean it, don't you? Apologies, stranger, but we'd rather die than go back to Crookspur!" 16 "Does this really look like someone you want to start trouble with?" The man looks at you, turns his head and spits, then looks at you again. "Well then. Maybe ain't the profit in this I thought there were." He waves off the others. "Let's go boys. Leave these folks to their praying." They move away, leaving you to pray at the shrine. When you rise, you do so with a renewed sense of resolve. -NONE FOUND- 13 [Brandish weapons and yell.] The xaurips' beady eyes widen at the sudden appearance of so near a threat, and they stumble over each other, chittering and screeching, as they try to back away. The band breaks, xaurips discarding their weapons as they flee towards the jungle. You collect what they abandoned and continue your travels. -NONE FOUND- 8 "You're going to turn around and walk away, or I'll introduce you to your gods forthwith." The Huana step back, expressions going slack as the blood drains from their faces. One, a smaller aumaua towards the rear, mutters, "Maybe we should go leave this sort be." Only the leader of the group doesn't flinch, dark eyes meeting your own. With a final nod, the kith turns back to the other worshippers. "We can let them use this shrine. Let Ngati receive all words of praise. We will wait for them to finish." The group goes down the path to wait. You finish your prayers, and rise feeling reinvigorated. -NONE FOUND- 7 [Brandish weapons and yell.] The xaurips' beady eyes widen at the sudden appearance of so near a threat, and they stumble over each other, chittering and screeching, as they try to back away. The band breaks, xaurips discarding their weapons as they flee towards the jungle. You collect what they abandoned and continue your travels. -NONE FOUND- Mechanics Reveal hidden contents 26 [Pick the lock.] After an hour of sweaty, difficult work, a peal of clanging contraptions announces... something. The parts of the door shift before you as the mechanism's rods retract, opening the way... 26 [Pick the lock.] [Specified 0] spends an hour of sweaty, difficult work at the door before a peal of clanging contraptions announces... something. The parts of the door shift before you as the mechanism's rods retract, opening the way... 17 [Examine the wall.] Thorough investigation of the wall reveals some vulnerable structural elements. A careful application of tools might weaken the barrier further. A faded note pasted to the ancient stonework bears the Engwithan legend, "This wall is no different from any other wall." 15 [Pick the lock and open the chest.] The lock provides a challenge, but not one you can't overcome. After some effort, the chest springs open with an audible click. Within the chest you discover a short blade, wrapped in a rag stained in yellows and greens. Prize in hand, you return down the river. 15 [Pick the lock and open the chest.] [Specified 0] grins and goes to work on the lock. Several minutes later, the chest springs open with an audible click. Within the chest you discover a short blade, wrapped in a rag stained in yellows and greens. Prize in hand, you return down the river. 14 [Search for another route.] You walk the edge of the chasm in either direction, but find no other manner of crossing. The river seems to stretch down to the beach you landed at, separating you from the rest of the island. 1. With time, [SkillCheck 0] tells you, a bridge could be reinforced with materials provided by the island, but that would require days of dangerous effort. 2. With time, you could reinforce the bridge from the materials provided by the wilds around you, but that would require days of arduous effort. 13 [Set a burning ground trap.] Within minutes, the trap is laid and hidden. One swollen eye half-opens and gazes through you. The hunter's voice rasps through dry lips. "I am... slayer... of champion..." He coughs weakly. 12 [Examine the pedestal.] Roughly a meter tall, the pedestal is little larger around than a particularly healthy melon. In both material and construction the plinth reminds you of the Proving Stone. It even bears similar markings. A small gap exists around the base of the pedestal, as if it extends deeper below the surface of the plaza. 12 [Consider the construction of the bridge.] The edges of the wood seem somewhat splintered rather than cleanly cut. It seems no attempt was made to seal the planks. The rope seems of stronger make, but could stand to be reinforced. A bridge of wound rope crosses the gap, planks of dark wood supported between the strands. 11 [Set a bear claw trap.] Within minutes, the trap is laid and hidden. One swollen eye half-opens and gazes through you. The hunter's voice rasps through dry lips. "I am... slayer... of champion..." He coughs weakly. 10 [Aim the bombard at the cluster of nāga.] You estimate the distance to the nāga and consider what you know about ballistics and parabolic trajectories. After a few mental calculations, you ratchet the bombard into a suitable firing position. You're confident you can take out the nāga on the platform at this angle. 1. "Didn't even have to count on your fingers. Very impressive, captain." Maia pats your shoulder. 2. The bombard continues its lonely vigil. 10 [Aim the bombard at the cluster of nāga.] [Specified 0] estimates the distance to the nāga and ratchets the bombard into a suitable firing position. [Specified 0] is confident you can take out the nāga on the platform at this angle. The bombard continues its lonely vigil. 10 [Aim the bombard at the rubble obstruction.] You estimate the distance to the western platform and consider what you know about ballistics and parabolic trajectories. After a few mental calculations, you ratchet the bombard into a suitable firing position. You're confident you can take out the rubble obstruction on the platform at this angle. 1. "Didn't even have to count on your fingers. Very impressive, captain." Maia pats your shoulder. 2. The bombard continues its lonely vigil. 10 [Aim the bombard at the rubble obstruction.] [Specified 0] estimates the distance to the western platform and ratchets the bombard into a suitable firing position. [Specified 0] is confident you can take out the rubble obstruction on the platform at this angle. The bombard continues its lonely vigil. 9 [Have someone tinker with the panel to see if anything works.] After some gentle attention with a practiced hand, a soft click and an arcane fizzle erupt from the lock. [Specified 0] surveys the job well done with a satisfied smile. As a result of careful tinkering, the gems set around this control panel glow with arcane luminescence. 8 [Enter the hold.] It takes some time, but you manage to clear the blockage and open up the hold. The stench of rotting meat - and a black cloud of flies - pours out. You find several corpses scattered around the hold. Most of them are wearing the simple garb of Readceran farmers, but one is wearing armor - another paladin, it seems. After some searching, you find a sealed barrel of pitch, a few buckets of nails, and a generous length of canvas for patching your sails. 8 [Enter the hold.] It takes time, but [Specified 5] manages to clear the blockage and open up the hold. The stench of rotting meat - and a black cloud of flies - pours forth. You find several corpses scattered around the hold. Most of them are wearing the simple garb of Readceran farmers, but one is wearing armor - another paladin, it seems. After some searching, you find a sealed barrel of pitch, a few buckets of nails, and a generous length of canvas for patching your sails. 8 Peering up at the daunting hillock, you take a moment to consider your options. [Gather everyone to pull on the rope.] The entire party climbs the hill, taking hold of the rope. You pull upon it, allowing gravity to draw you back down the hill. The rope grinds against the pedestal, but so too does the stone make its way to the top of the hill. You gather beside it, wiping sweat from your brows. 6 [Disable the alarm system.] After disconnecting the wires from the alarm with care, the stones are now safer to move. This wall looks recently repaired. Many of the stones are new, and were cut to fit into the older structure around it. It would take an appropriate tool, or considerable brawn, to overcome the steadfast obstacle. 5 [Fiddle with the panel, see if you can get something to work.] After a great deal of careful manipulation, the gemstones around the unoccupied hole flash with brilliant, colored lights. The workaround, it would seem, was a success. As a result of careful tinkering, the gems set around this control panel glow with arcane luminescence. 2 [Disarm the trap.] Though the trap seems simple, you take care as you disarm it and collect its component parts. 1. [Search for the xaurips.] 2. [Continue cautiously forward.] 2 [Disarm the trap.] [Specified 0] quietly disarms the trap and collects its component parts. 1. [Search for the xaurips.] 2. [Continue cautiously forward.] Metaphysics Reveal hidden contents 8 "But Humaire, the island's caretaker, says the essence that sustains the island has sickened. 'Curdled,' she called it. "The animals, the trees, they all churn with anger and fear." "Have blights formed?" "Yes! Humaire was right. She said you would understand!" 8 [Interpret the sensation.] This energy - this hunger - it draws down your soul, you suspect, towards the bottom of the pool. You might not even feel it, you realize, if you weren't a Watcher. You're unsure what effect such a pull might have on you. 1. [Tear away from the pool.] 2. [Surrender to the pull.] 8 [Interpret the sensation.] This energy - this hunger - it draws down your soul, you suspect, towards the bottom of the pool. You might not even feel it, you realize, if you weren't a Watcher. You're unsure what effect such a pull might have on you. You recognize the sensation as familiar - the draw of a soul towards adra. You felt something very similar when you died... And again when you returned to life. 8 "What is your specific area of study?" "I'm surprised you haven't read my work." She **** her head slightly. "As an apprentice, I focused on - and then helped discredit - the phrenological approach." 8 [Examine the vortex.] It roils with a cold, dusky energy, a point of intersection between the material realm of the living and the ephemeral realm of the soul. You identify the anomaly as a vertex joining the Here and the In-Between - not unlike yourself. You've no idea what might be causing it. 1. [Reach out to the anomaly.] 2. [Leave it be.] 3. "Don't suppose any of you know what this is?" 6 "When I looked in a mirror, what I saw was not a godlike, not some thing to be paraded around. It was me. Finally, me." "So the severing of the chime during puberty caused your godlike nature to be sublimated by your essentially kith soul." She flexes her jaw and exhales through her nose forcefully. 6 "You see, the Beyond is a series of tubes..." The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. 1. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio watch the two of you carefully. 2. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. 6 "Afterwards my interests turned to the theoretical, before shifting a few decades later to the study of parapsychological inertia." "Individuals engaging in actions or going to places that reflect the experiences of their past lives." "Just so." Her grin almost thaws her icy demeanor. 5 The construct trembles and rattles, its vacant gaze wandering without purpose. Habit and routine are seemingly the only forces keeping it upright. [Tap into the soul energy at the construct's core.] The construct abruptly hardens its bearing and turns to you, standing at attention. 5 "I would be a poor host if the ironclad thing decided to remove your skin." He chuckles, but the humor doesn't quite reach his eyes. "If there is a problem with its logical reckoning, there's no danger of it misunderstanding - just failing to understand." Pursing his lips, Tangara looks grudgingly impressed. 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." 3. "I... I don't know. They can't be aware, surely." A muscle ticks in her jaw at the thought. "Eothas is only planning to break the part of the cycle that allows souls into the Beyond. The more souls you deliver to Hel before that happens - the longer humanity will survive before dying out." "So souls won't be trapped in Hel during the darkness? They'll be reborn, while the rest of us wither after death on Eora?" 5 1. "Gaun already confirmed he's set on breaking the Wheel in order to bring the final harvest down upon us." 2. "Normally, I'd simply safekeep them until the god of rebirth could return to Hel. But..." [Say nothing.] "You're right, I ought to deliver as many souls to Hel as I can - before it's too late." 5 "He said it was like this for all godlike. Different chimes resonating for different types." "Ah, he must have built upon the work of Tödh Beylecg. Please continue." Pallegina's head shifts back as she looks at you and nods. 5 "Not sure there be much to say, captain." He looks away. "Remaro's not gone, Serafen. He's merely rejoined the wheel. He'll move on and be born again." He looks to you, holding your gaze with his. He snorts quietly, nodding. 4 "Soon, this link will unravel completely. If I have not reached my destination when that happens, I will need to pull more souls from your world." "Wait... is that what happened at Hasongo?" "It is. When you contacted me from Port Maje, I had to sever my tether to the luminous adra. Without it, I lacked the strength to reach Hasongo." 4 "Say, how reliable are these memories anyway? Is this how it actually looked or... just what someone remembers of it?" "The soul remembers what the body perceives, but the mind is not perfect. There are always biases and flaws." "Guess that makes sense. And something as big as this, as big as... killing a god... might just get all blown out of proportion." 3 -NONE FOUND- "Eothas tethered himself to the luminous adra, and I connected to him through the essence." -NONE FOUND- Religion Reveal hidden contents 15 [Approach and identify it.] A pair of stone eels twist up the sculpture. Each eel's mouth clings to the other's tail, creating an unbroken circuit. It portrays Rikuhu - the Huana's rendition of Berath. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "Some flee. Others fight. Rikuhu consumes all." 1. [Desecrate the shrine.] 2. [Pray at the shrine and rest.] 3. [Leave the shrine and continue your travels.] 4. [Meditate on your travails and rest.] 15 -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- -NONE FOUND- 15 [Identify the ambushers.] The approaching kith wear little in the way of identifying marks, but their masks suggest possible ties to the Leaden Key. The heavily armored kith may be members of the Steel Garrote. Servants of Woedica. 1. [Attack] "Let's get this over with." 2. "What do you want?" 3. [Flee.] 12 [Examine the corpse.] The human this skeleton once was, his arms twisted at his sides, his legs broken, clearly died in pain. Deep gouges along the sternum and cracks in the rib cage reveal multiple stabbings to the chest - likely the cause of death. That, combined with the raised position of the corpse on thick stones and its prominence in the center of the larger skeletal mouth, suggests that this individual died as a sacrifice. Among the other desiccated sacrifices within the mouth, you find the remains of a human corpse. 11 [Examine the armor.] The breastplate and chain worn by this figure seem significantly more intricate than anything else you've seen since arriving at Harbingers' Watch. Padding and heavy cloth complete the panoply, probably as protection against the cold. Barely visible through the ice you can make out etchings suggestive of the imagery of Rymrgand - snowflakes, skulls, and, of course, the horned face of the aurochs. 11 [Examine the armor.] The breastplate and chain worn by this figure seem significantly more intricate than anything else you've seen since arriving at Harbingers' Watch. Padding and heavy cloth complete the panoply, probably as protection against the cold. Barely visible through the ice you can make out etchings suggestive of the imagery of Rymrgand - snowflakes, skulls, and, of course, the horned face of the aurochs. 10 [Investigate your surroundings.] A large stone stands just off the road, and your head swims as you approach it. Behind it you locate an unusual collection of bones and sticks, a small wilder totem that glows balefully, its power disturbing the essence around it. 1. [Use Wardstone of Darkness on the totem.] 2. [Scout for whatever left the totem.] 3. [Destroy the totem.] 4. [Continue cautiously forward.] 10 [Examine the door.] The door seems set into the stone itself, and you can find no mechanism for opening it. Examining the fine details carved into the door reveals reliefs depicting the hideous, snarling faces of three animals: the spider, the boar, and the dreaded stelgaer, a ferocious saber-toothed cat. These creatures are all considered sacred to Toamowhai, the Huana god of the hunt. 8 [Approach and identify it.] The statue bears the shape of a nude woman with the head of a monstrous fish. It portrays Ngati - the Huana's rendition of Ondra. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "The surf smooths stones, but also crushes them into sand." 1. [Desecrate the shrine.] 2. [Pray at the shrine and rest.] 3. [Leave the shrine and continue your travels.] 4. [Meditate on your travails and rest.] 7 [Approach and identify it.] The sculpture portrays a flamboyantly feathered bird of paradise. Its long body coils around a spherical egg. A few flaky remnants of paint cling stubbornly to the stone. It represents Amira - the Huana's rendition of Hylea. An inscription runs along the shrine's base - "The faithful strive always, as swift as the albatross and as agile as the osprey." Dirt crusts the statue, and bright, strange pigments have been slathered across its surface, gracing the deity with reptilian features. 7 [Approach and identify it.] The statue bears the shape of a nude woman with the head of a monstrous fish. It portrays Ngati - the Huana's rendition of Ondra. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "The surf smooths stones, but also crushes them into sand." Dirt crusts the statue, and bright, strange pigments have been slathered across its surface, gracing the deity with reptilian features. 7 [Approach and identify it.] A pair of stone eels twist up the sculpture. Each eel's mouth clings to the other's tail, creating an unbroken circuit. It portrays Rikuhu - the Huana's rendition of Berath. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "Some flee. Others fight. Rikuhu consumes all." Dirt crusts the statue, and bright, strange pigments have been slathered across its surface, gracing the deity with reptilian features. 7 [Approach and identify it.] The statue portrays a creature akin to a stelgaer, though a spider's head juts from its right shoulder and a large-tusked boar's from its left. It portrays Toamowhai, the Huana rendition of Galawain. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "Stalk. Slay. Survive." Dirt crusts the statue, and bright, strange pigments have been slathered across its surface, gracing the deity with reptilian features. 7 [Sing an Ondrite dirge.] The Huana share a few pensive glances before the leader among them nods. "Go make your oblations, then, and speak your prayers. When you finish, leave this place. Return to the city." You kneel at the shrine, and the Huana worshipers join you. You pray to the gods. You rise feeling calmer than you have in some time and continue on your way. -NONE FOUND- 6 The campsite has been thoroughly destroyed. The tents lie crushed as if under some great foot, a kettle rests on its side, very nearly caved in, and the fire has been stomped out. The bodies - what's left of them - bear the tattered remnants of the robes and holy symbols of the Dawnstars. 1. A handful of arrows pincushion the trees to the south of the camp. Where they've struck the trunks, the bark bears a thin layer of ice. It's slowly melting in the warm tropical air. 2. The trees to the south hunch bent aside, as if whatever caused this carnage came from and left by that direction. 6 [Sing an Ondrite dirge.] The Huana share a few pensive glances before the leader among them nods. "Go make your oblations, then, and speak your prayers. When you finish, leave this place. Return to the city." You kneel at the shrine, and the Huana worshipers join you. You pray to the gods. You rise feeling calmer than you have in some time and continue on your way. -NONE FOUND- 5 [Approach and identify it.] The sculpture portrays a flamboyantly feathered bird of paradise. Its long body coils around a spherical egg. A few flaky remnants of paint cling stubbornly to the stone. It represents Amira - the Huana's rendition of Hylea. An inscription runs along the shrine's base - "The faithful strive always, as swift as the albatross and as agile as the osprey." Pollen and dirt dust the statue, and grass grows wild at its base. It seems some time since this shrine was tended. 5 [Approach and identify it.] The statue bears the shape of a nude woman with the head of a monstrous fish. It portrays Ngati - the Huana's rendition of Ondra. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "The surf smooths stones, but also crushes them into sand." Pollen and dirt dust the statue, and grass grows wild at its base. It seems some time since this shrine was tended. 5 [Approach and identify it.] A pair of stone eels twist up the sculpture. Each eel's mouth clings to the other's tail, creating an unbroken circuit. It portrays Rikuhu - the Huana's rendition of Berath. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "Some flee. Others fight. Rikuhu consumes all." Pollen and dirt dust the statue, and grass grows wild at its base. It seems some time since this shrine was tended. 5 [Approach and identify it.] The statue portrays a creature akin to a stelgaer, though a spider's head juts from its right shoulder and a large-tusked boar's from its left. It portrays Toamowhai, the Huana rendition of Galawain. An inscription runs along the shrine's base. "Stalk. Slay. Survive." Pollen and dirt dust the statue, and grass grows wild at its base. It seems some time since this shrine was tended. 3 [Inspect the door.] An elaborate etching spans the stone's width, carved faintly beneath several runes. It depicts a small crowd praying to a pair of giant eels that have coiled above a large door. An aumaua priest holds a disk near to the door's face. 1. The door shudders and groans at your approach. 2. A religious artifact, blessed by Berath, is likely necessary to open this entry way. Sleight of Hand Reveal hidden contents 15 [Attempt to give the lurkers the slip.] [Specified 0] kneels and collects a promising stone. With a sidearm throw, your nimble-fingered compatriot skips the rock across the ground. It sounds a bit like a person running, and your hunters take the bait, leaping after the stone. It takes the stelgaers a moment to realize their mistake, but then the pack of large hunting cats, each shoulder high to an elf, turn towards you, fur bristling and claws flexing. 13 [Unfasten the straps.] You painstakingly pick at the many straps and buckles, slowly unfastening the rime-crusted armor from its pale elf bearer. Even with the straps unfastened, however, the armor remains frozen in place. 13 [Unfasten the straps.] [Specified 2] painstakingly picks at the many straps and buckles, slowly unfastening the rime-crusted armor from its pale elf bearer. Even with the straps unfastened, however, the armor remains frozen in place. 9 [Collect the fluid.] You carefully scoop some of the fluid into a container, careful not to touch it with anything save the bottle. A few drops fall to the floor, hissing where they land. When the steam clears, you see that the fluid has melted a small hole in the ice. The solution is doubtlessly unfit to handle, much less to consume. 9 [Collect the fluid.] [Specified 2] adroitly scoops some of the fluid into a container, careful not to touch it with anything save the bottle. A few drops fall to the floor, hissing where they land. When the steam clears, you see that the fluid has melted a small hole in the ice. The solution is doubtlessly unfit to handle, much less to consume. 3 To avoid notice, [Specified 0] aims and launches an arrow at the requested target in record time. <i>Zing!</i> [Specified 0]'s arrow slices cleanly through the cargo's rope, notching the stone wall behind it before everything clatters to the ground. 1. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. Ancret has no time to react before the heavy load buries her beneath a pile of splintered wood and spilled wares. 2. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. The crates and barrels crack loudly on impact, splintering and spilling their goods against the rough cobblestone. 2 Stealthily, [Specified 0] tosses a dagger at the cargo's rope. [Specified 0]'s throw is silent and dead-on. The dagger easily severs crane's the rope. 1. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. Ancret has no time to react before the heavy load buries her beneath a pile of splintered wood and spilled wares. 2. As the pallet plummets toward the ground, the loose cargo tumbles from all sides. The crates and barrels crack loudly on impact, splintering and spilling their goods against the rough cobblestone. 2 [Attempt to steal the strongbox.] You hop into the wagon and take a moment to examine the boards and shift them around. You take the opportunity to deftly slide the small box into your back. You drop back to the dirt, expression carefully thoughtful. 1. [Leave] "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for your wagon." 2. [Attempt to lift the corner of the wagon.] 2 [Attempt to steal the strongbox.] [Specified 2] hops into the wagon to inspect the boards, only to climb out a few minutes later with a subtle nod. 1. [Leave] "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for your wagon." 2. [Attempt to lift the corner of the wagon.] Stealth Reveal hidden contents 18 [Sneak away.] As you make your way silently through the undergrowth, you overhear a group of kith nearby. You see them moving quietly among the trees, draped in hides and armed for the hunt. 1. [Leave them be.] 2. [Approach openly.] 16 [Sneak up on the eotens.] You move silently across the sand, keeping the bulk of the pillars between you and the eoten. -NONE FOUND- 16 [Sneak up on the eotens.] [Specified 0] leads you silently across the sand, keeping the bulk of the pillars between your party and the eoten. -NONE FOUND- 15 [Consider the integrity of the planks.] Each piece of wood examined looks like the kind one would avoid trying to sneak over. A bridge of wound rope crosses the gap, planks of dark wood supported between the strands. 14 [Hide in the undergrowth.] A large group of lagufaeth are headed your way, their hulking broodmother in the lead. They don't seem to have noticed you yet. 1. [Ambush and attack.] 2. [Go back.] 3. [Leap from hiding, weapons drawn.] 14 [Continue watching.] They eventually exhaust the keg - as well as their full catalog of alcohol-related sea shanties - and gather their tools. They stumble back down the river, passing within feet of you without ever knowing it. You listen to the sound of their exit until it fades into silence. 1. [Dig up the chest.] 2. [Leave it be.] 14 [Sneak up on the eotens.] You press yourself close to the cliffside to avoid the eoten's sight. You slowly make your way towards the eotens, unsure whether you'll be able to stealthily approach the creatures given the narrow path ahead... 14 [Sneak up on the eotens.] [Specified 1] waves you up against the cliffside, and you flatten yourself against the stone. You slowly make your way towards the eotens, unsure whether you'll be able to stealthily approach the creatures given the narrow path ahead... 13 [Double back and attempt an ambush.] You pretend you're leaving by returning the way you came. You must have put on a convincing show, because when you sneak off the path and through the area unnoticed, the guardians act none the wiser. As you pick your way among the trees, you locate a trio of kith lurking in wait among the trees, accompanied by fierce-looking animals. They don't seem to have noticed you. 13 1. [Specified 1] nods at your instruction, glancing at [SkillCheck 0] with an expression alloying concern and annoyance. 2. [Double back and attempt an ambush.] 3. [Specified 1] looks at you with knit brows as if to ask "Really? Me?" before shrugging. [Specified 1] leads you back through the forest before guiding you from the path and through the underbrush. The arrow-armed guardians seem none the wiser. As you pick your way among the trees, you locate a trio of kith lurking in wait among the trees, accompanied by fierce-looking animals. They don't seem to have noticed you. 12 [Sneak past the nāga camp.] You move silently from cover to cover, sticking to the deep shadows along the canyon walls. Through precise timing and careful steps, you are able to sneak through most of the nāga camp undetected. Ahead of you is a final cluster of nāga, the only thing standing between you and the canyon's exit. 12 [Sneak past the nāga camp.] [Specified 0] guides you forward, leading you from cover to cover, sticking to the deep shadows along the canyon walls. Through precise timing and careful steps, you are able to sneak through most of the nāga camp undetected. Ahead of you is a final cluster of nāga, the only thing standing between you and the canyon's exit. 12 [Continue watching.] Hours later, they finish their task. The treasure lies buried, and the pirates stand about wiping sweat from their foreheads. One of the pirates, perhaps their leader, says, "I think we need a drink after all that. Break out the grog, Big Burknur." The ogre plucks a sizable keg from atop a nearby stone and sets it down in the sand. The pirates laugh and cheer as they all produce mugs from their belts. They proceed to assail the grog - along with their sobriety. 10 [Leave.] -NONE FOUND- Preoccupied with their ritual, the cultists take no notice of you when you turn around and head back the way you came. 10 [Wait and observe.] The group clearly seems to be in no hurry. Hours pass as you hunker in your hidey hole, the cool mist from the falls settling into your clothes. Eventually - finally - they finish the hole and lower the treasure in before beginning the long process of filling the pit up again. 1. [Ambush and attack.] 2. [Continue watching.] 3. [Approach them.] "Ahoy there!" 4. [Sneak away.] 10 [Sneak past the area.] You skirt the group without drawing their attention and sneak away. -NONE FOUND- 10 1. [Sneak closer to observe.] 2. She nods quietly. A large boggy clearing spreads before you, mist clinging to the water and soggy ground alike. A massive lurker rests in the water, utterly still, as a mênpŵgra and delemgan speak in low, susurrus tones. 1. [Continue along the path.] 2. [Ambush and attack.] 3. [Scatter them with magic.] 4. [Approach openly.] 5. "Care to show these things the wrath of Gaun, Xoti?" 10 Making as little noise as possible, you creep away from the creatures... You continue down the path without further interference. -NONE FOUND- 9 [Sneak closer to observe.] You creep up the path and discover a chorus of spirits floating in the clearing ahead of you. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Sneak closer to the spirits.] 3. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 8 [Hide in the undergrowth.] You duck behind a rock, slick with mist and thick with moss. The continued murmur of the pirates mingles with the thunder of the falls. Your presence seems to have escaped them. 1. [Sneak closer to observe.] 2. [Ambush and attack.] 3. [Approach them.] "Ahoy there!" 4. [Sneak away.] 8 [Sneak closer to observe.] You slink quietly through the brush, eyes alert for other threats. 1. Distracted by their sport, the wilder don't seem to have noticed you. 2. As you near the group, you observe a party of roughly ten xaurips. Several are poking at grubs with long sticks, under the guidance of one of their shaman. In the center of the circle, two of the grubs snap at one another, egged on by their xaurip captors. 8 [Sneak closer.] You slink through the undergrowth... -NONE FOUND- 8 [Sneak closer.] [Specified 3] leads you silently through the undergrowth... -NONE FOUND- 8 1. [Sneak closer to observe.] 2. Even crouched, the wilder towers among the tropical trees, and it wears a bleached skull on its head. The lagufaeth doesn't seem to have spotted you... yet. 1. "Face me you scaled bastard, for I am your death!" 2. [Ambush and attack.] 3. [Summon a drake.] 4. [Hurl electricity at it.] 5. "I can show these swabby fish-faced bilge-sucker a thing or two, cap." Serafen licks his lips. 6. [Sneak past the area.] 7 [Move in for a better look.] You move deeper into the canyon. You take cover behind brush and boulders when you can, and stick to the shadows when you can't. After a few tense minutes of furtive movement, you have a clear view of the source of the sounds. Ahead of you gather several nāga speaking together in hushed, hissing tones. 7 [Ambush and attack.] You creep forward, drawing your weapon... -NONE FOUND- 7 You slip off of the road, hunched low, each step carefully considered before you put your full weight on it. As the cart slides to your periphery, you make out a group of armed and armored brigands crouched before you, their attention on the wagon. They haven't noticed you. 1. [Ambush and attack.] 2. [Call out to them.] "Ahoy there. Looking for me?" 3. [Leave them be and continue on.] 6 [Sneak up on the camp.] Keeping low and behind the robed figure, you make your way towards the camp fire. You're passing the first tent, absolutely assured in the silence of your movements, when a savannah folk levels an arbalest at your head from your left. "Not another step," his voice growls, almost more menacingly than the bolt threatening to add another hole to your head. A lithe elf in Aedyran finery steps from another tent. "Greetings, stranger." She smiles welcomingly. As a broad-shouldered island aumaua joins the man with the crossbow, you note that the robed figure hasn't moved an inch. 6 [Specified 1] nods at your instruction and, crouching low, leads you forward. Keeping low and behind the robed figure, you make your way towards the camp fire. You're passing the first tent, absolutely assured in the silence of your movements, when a savannah folk levels an arbalest at your head from your left. "Not another step," his voice growls, almost more menacingly than the bolt threatening to add another hole to your head. A lithe elf in Aedyran finery steps from another tent. "Greetings, stranger." She smiles welcomingly. As a broad-shouldered island aumaua joins the man with the crossbow, you note that the robed figure hasn't moved an inch. 5 [Hide from the noble and guards.] One of the guards leans in towards the man. "This is not the safest of streets, sir. Perhaps-" "It's your <i>job</i> to keep me safe... not prattle on like a schoolmarm." You crouch in a shadowed corner, and the noble and his guards pass you by. Although the sound is faint, you can just hear the gentle rattling of a full coin purse as they pass. 5 1. [Sneak closer to observe.] 2. It's a pretty big mushroom. 3. A dank spore. You can barely make out the recumbent form of some unfortunate kith tangled in its roots, the essence the spore sucks from its victim glimmering along its length. If it notices you, it will likely attack, and inhaling the spores clouding around it could confuse your senses. Near the center of a nearby clearing stands a delemgan, tending to a large spore. The delemgan seems formed of the living tropics, with vibrant flowers cresting her head. Her shape suggests that of an elf, replete with pointed ears. 1. [Ambush and attack.] 2. [Examine the spore.] 3. [Approach openly.] 4. [Sneak past the area.] 5 [Sneak closer and observe.] You pick your way down the rise and approach the downed boars. They seem to be breathing, albeit shallowly. You're not sure how long they have before they meet the Wheel. 1. [Attempt to heal the boars.] 2. [Wait and watch.] 3. [Put the boars out of their misery.] 4. [Collect the baby boar.] 5. [Leave.] 4 [Sneak past the area.] You skirt the group without drawing their attention and sneak away. -NONE FOUND- 4 [Sneak closer to observe.] As you round the corner, you see [Specified 0] surrounded by a group of unfamiliar soldiers. From their dress, you don't believe they're locals. They shout at [Specified 0], who returns the yelling with interest, though you can't make out the actual matter of the argument. One of the sailors shoves [Specified 0] against a wall, and the hand of another thug lingers dangerously near his weapon. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Approach openly.] 3. [Fire an arrow at one of the unfamiliar toughs with your bow.] 4. [Draw your weapons and attack.] 4 [Sneak past the area.] You creep through the forest, evading the boars and their aumaua companion. -NONE FOUND- 3 [Bless Orso.] [Specified 0]'s attempt at subtlety pays off as a divine glow hovers over the duelist and quickly fades, going unnoticed. Once the swords are delivered to their respective bearers, the seconds back away in melancholy silence. 3 [Bless Larro.] [Specified 0]'s attempt at subtlety pays off as a divine glow hovers over the duelist and quickly fades, going unnoticed. Once the swords are delivered to their respective bearers, the seconds back away in melancholy silence. 3 [Use the distraction to sneak closer.] You move quietly from stone to stone, entering the canyon without drawing the creatures' attention... -NONE FOUND- 2 [Hide in the undergrowth.] You duck silently behind a log and still your breathing. Whatever's making the sound draws nearer. Through a gap in the foliage you make out a tall island aumaua standing among a small sounder of wild boars. Matted copper hair hangs over his features, and boar hides drape his frame. Despite his presence, the swine seem entirely at ease. Streetwise Reveal hidden contents 15 [Search for the buried chest.] After some searching, [Specified 0] indicates a patch of freshly disturbed sand and stone. You unearth the chest, which is secured by an intricate brass lock. A message, carved into the lid, stands out in stark relief to the polished wood: We've hid this from the world - may it never cause another harm. Open at your own peril. 15 [Search for the buried chest.] You scour the shore and locate a patch of loose, disturbed sand and stone. You unearth the chest, which is secured by an intricate brass lock. A message, carved into the lid, stands out in stark relief to the polished wood: We've hid this from the world - may it never cause another harm. Open at your own peril. 10 [Find a route around the collapse.] You leave the workers to their unenviable task. The streets twist like a kraken's tentacles, but you've traversed Neketaka's districts enough times to know the land's lay. Eventually you make your way back onto the wide, well-traveled thoroughfare, and from there, on to your destination. 10 [Find a route around the collapse.] You leave the blockage behind, relying on [Specified 1] to guide you through the twisted morass of Neketaka's byways. 1. He does so with aplomb, his urban expertise making short work of the detour. 2. She does so with aplomb, her urban expertise making short work of the detour. 8 [Loot the body.] The man's pack contains little more than a grappling hook and some rope, but tearing out its false back reveals a large collection of carefully packed Dyrwoodan coins. Among the other desiccated sacrifices within the mouth, you find the remains of a human corpse. 7 [Attempt to flee.] [Specified 1] grabs you, hauling you aside and guiding you through the winding alleys. Thankfully, the pirates aren’t so wise to the bundle of streets as they are to a bevy of waves. They keep up pretty well for a bunch of sailors, but you eventually lose them on a quick double-back. 7 [Search for evidence of smugglers.] [Specified 4] glances around before sliding a crate of junk aside... and finding a trapdoor underneath. Within rests a small chest brimming with golden scellings. [Specified 4] whistles. "Smugglers after all." 5 [Give the noble directions.] [Specified 4] gives the man and his guards clear, concise directions back to Queen's Berth. "You have my sincere gratitude." He bows deeply and offers a small bag of gold coins. "For your trouble." -NONE FOUND- 3 [Give the noble directions.] [Specified 4] gives the man and his guards clear, concise directions back to Queen's Berth. "You have my sincere gratitude." He bows deeply and offers a small bag of gold coins. "For your trouble." -NONE FOUND- Survival Reveal hidden contents 19 [Continue through the bog.] You trudge onward. Deep pits of water and sucking mud cover the ground everywhere you look, but you manage to avoid them through caution and attentive footing. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Press on.] 19 [Continue through the bog.] You trudge onward. Deep pits of water and sucking mud cover the ground everywhere you look, but [Specified 0] expertly guides you through the muck. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Press on.] 17 [Search the area around the altar.] You reach behind the altar and palm through the mud. You find a battered journal half-buried in the mud. The pages are waterlogged, but some of them are still legible. 17 [Search the area around the altar.] [SkillCheck 0] palms through the mud behind the altar, revealing a battered journal. It's certainly seen better days, but some of its pages are still legible. 1. [Examine the altar.] 2. [Leave.] 17 [Search the area around the altar.] You reach behind the altar and palm through the mud. You find a battered journal half-buried in the mud. The pages are waterlogged, but some of them are still legible. 17 [Search the area around the altar.] [SkillCheck 0] palms through the mud behind the altar, revealing a battered journal. It's certainly seen better days, but some of its pages are still legible. 1. [Examine the altar.] 2. [Leave.] 15 [Look for an alternative route.] It's difficult to see, but there appears to be a ledge that winds along the edge of the cliffs, bypassing the eotens. You could attempt the crossing, but a drop into the waters below would certainly prove deadly. 15 [Look for an alternative route.] [Specified 0] points out a narrow ledge that winds along the edge of the cliffs, bypassing the eoten. You could attempt the crossing, but a drop into the waters below would certainly prove deadly. 15 [Follow the beast tracks back the direction they came from.] It's no easy task, but you manage to follow the faint trail in the dust through the tall grass. It continues to the east, gradually curving northward along the tree line. You come upon a pile of stelgaer leavings. You could apply them to your armor to cover your scent, making it less likely to be stalked in turn by the beast you stalk. 15 [Devise a simple snare.] You rig a passable snare from a rope and a bowed sapling. One swollen eye half-opens and gazes through you. The hunter's voice rasps through dry lips. "I am... slayer... of champion..." He coughs weakly. 15 [Follow the beast tracks back the direction they came from.] It's slow going, but [Specified 0] manages to follow the faint trail through the dust and tall grass. The tracker leads you northeast along the tree line. [Specified 0] draws your attention to a pile of stelgaer droppings just off the trail. "We could mask our scent with this. Less likely we'll end up getting ambushed by the beast that way." 15 [Devise a simple snare.] [Specified 0] rigs a quick snare from a rope and a bowed sapling. One swollen eye half-opens and gazes through you. The hunter's voice rasps through dry lips. "I am... slayer... of champion..." He coughs weakly. 14 [Search for another route.] You walk the edge of the chasm in either direction, but find no other manner of crossing. The river seems to stretch down to the beach you landed at, separating you from the rest of the island. 1. With time, [SkillCheck 0] tells you, a bridge could be reinforced with materials provided by the island, but that would require days of dangerous effort. 2. With time, you could reinforce the bridge from the materials provided by the wilds around you, but that would require days of arduous effort. 13 [Search for the buried chest.] You scour the shore and locate a patch of loose, disturbed sand and stone. You unearth the chest, which is secured by an intricate brass lock. A message, carved into the lid, stands out in stark relief to the polished wood: We've hid this from the world - may it never cause another harm. Open at your own peril. 13 [Search for the buried chest.] After some searching, [Specified 0] indicates a patch of freshly disturbed sand and stone. You unearth the chest, which is secured by an intricate brass lock. A message, carved into the lid, stands out in stark relief to the polished wood: We've hid this from the world - may it never cause another harm. Open at your own peril. 13 [Consider the quality of the wood.] The wood looks good for burning but little else. It will not likely hold much weight. A bridge of wound rope crosses the gap, planks of dark wood supported between the strands. 13 [Identify the skeleton.] A variety of large quadrupedal lizards exist across Eora, and, judging from its skull and claws, this seems to be one. The shape of its ribcage suggests an aquatic or amphibious existence. Such creatures can be very aggressive. An unusual structure rises from the thick jungle foliage ahead of you. Vines drape it like décor, and it takes you a moment to resolve its form into the spine and ribs of some titanic beast. Its skull faces you, upside down, jaw wide open and gaping. Sharp teeth hang above like the waiting edge of the headsman's axe. 13 [Examine the beast tracks.] The tracks appear to have been left by a stelgaer. A very large stelgaer. The tracks overlap the kith tracks and are overlapped by them in turn. It seems the creature was stalking those who would stalk it. You turn north, only to enter a large open field ringed with woods and peppered with small clumps of dense forest. Clouds of insects hum over the rotting remnants of discarded carcasses. The path before you looks roughly disturbed. 13 [Follow the kith tracks.] The kith tracks bend around the field, largely following the tree line. You stop short as you come upon a scene of carnage. Congealed blood pools on the ground and gore spatters the nearby trees. Flies cloud the air. 12 [Search the area.] You catch a flash of movement in your peripheral vision. You realize a large party of lagufaeth lie in wait for you in the surrounding jungle. No doubt they seek revenge for their fallen friends. The lagufaeth let out an ululating cry and charge toward you. 12 [Follow their directions.] Despite the vagueness of the directions, you set out, crossing the water and following the first game trail you locate through the increasingly swampy wilds. It's not long before you find the place. The man was right, you know it when you see it. 12 [Follow their directions.] With a nervous glance back at the trio, [Specified 0] leads the two of you into the increasingly swampy wilds, following their vague directions. It's not long before you find the place. The man was right, you know it when you see it. 12 [Examine the kith tracks.] Four different sets of tracks appear, including a set that look orlan. The others are more difficult to narrow down to a specific type of kith. The tracks seem pretty close together, as if those who left them were moving slowly and carefully. You turn north, only to enter a large open field ringed with woods and peppered with small clumps of dense forest. Clouds of insects hum over the rotting remnants of discarded carcasses. The path before you looks roughly disturbed. 11 [Search the surrounding area.] There's nothing overtly suspicious - certainly no sign of traps. Recent footprints crowd the rocks the rope is anchored to, though - kith and ogre both. Several sets, it looks like. Before you spreads a yawning chasm. It stretches from the mountains in the north towards the sea to the south, and you can't make out the bottom for the darkness. Curiously, a rope spans the divide. 11 [Inspect the paths.] There is no hint of tracks here, neither animal, wilder, or kith, as if this trail has never before been traveled. The paths to either side seem uncannily similar, almost symmetrical, as if a pane of glass runs between them, one the reflection of the other. The trees bend above like long, many-jointed legs, and their limbs entwine with vines into an impermeable tangle. 10 [Head for the path.] With some quick thinking and good guide sense, [Specified 0] leads you safely to the path. You pause to catch your breath before forging on, but don't have long to rest - the moaning grows louder and closer. You're surrounded. -NONE FOUND- 10 [Head for the path.] With some quick thinking and good guide sense, you lead the way safely to the path. You pause to catch your breath before forging on, but don't have long to rest - the moaning grows louder and closer. You're surrounded. -NONE FOUND- 10 [Examine the tracks.] You recognize the large, uneven, roundish tracks as those of a <link="stringtooltip://cyclopedia/49">lurker</link>, a massive conglomeration of carnivorous plants. You also note a wide groove down the center of the tracks. It seems the lurkers were dragging something heavy behind them when they left. Scratching the underside of your jaw, you consider your options. 10 [Examine the tracks.] [Specified 4] points at the large, roundish tracks. "See this unevenness? From a <link="stringtooltip://cyclopedia/49">lurker's</link> roots." There's also a wide groove down the center of the tracks. [Specified 4] says it seems the lurkers were dragging something heavy behind them. Scratching the underside of your jaw, you consider your options. 10 [Investigate the scene.] The hooved prints of numerous boars cross the space, overlapping with those of kith of various sizes. Among the other desiccated sacrifices within the mouth, you find the remains of a human corpse. 10 [Investigate the scene.] Though it's difficult to discern from the chaotic wreck of dirt and grass, it seems like multiple sets of kith tracks came from the direction you did and continue towards the coast to the northwest. Another set of tracks - these from some manner of clawed beast - come from inland and follow the same path as the kith tracks. You turn north, only to enter a large open field ringed with woods and peppered with small clumps of dense forest. Clouds of insects hum over the rotting remnants of discarded carcasses. The path before you looks roughly disturbed. 8 [Identify it.] The beast closes fast, sinuous and sleek, but you know enough of the denizens of the deep to recognize the creature for the spines that don't quite break the surface of the water. It's a barbed ravager, a gargantuan shark known for ramming ships - and sinking them. You look. A dark shape moves under the water. It's almost at the edge of the horizon, but it's rapidly approaching. [Specified 0] stands. "One of Galawain's spawn. It's coming right for us." 8 [Identify it.] [Specified 5] stares out at the shape. "I... I think that's a barbed ravager." A barbed ravager. A gargantuan shark known for ramming ships - and sinking them. You look. A dark shape moves under the water. It's almost at the edge of the horizon, but it's rapidly approaching. [Specified 0] stands. "One of Galawain's spawn. It's coming right for us." 8 -NONE FOUND- [Specified 5] frowns down at the water. "Bowhead, maybe? Or a wallface. Whale either way." -NONE FOUND- 8 -NONE FOUND- The thick, rounded head suggests a baleen whale of some kind, likely a bowhead. -NONE FOUND- 8 [Search the surrounding area.] Xaurip tracks appear in the softer soil around the area. They appear relatively fresh. You notice a small pavilion containing a large, weathered statue of stone a little ways off the path. It appears to be a Huana shrine. 8 [Investigate your surroundings.] As you move carefully forward, you spot a massive lagufaeth slinking through the wild growth. Even crouched, the wilder towers among the tropical trees, and it wears a bleached skull on its head. 7 -NONE FOUND- As it crests again, you make out three tusks jutting directly out in front of the beast like a trio of sharpened spears. A qilutaalik, a large carnivorous whale known for punching holes through the sides of ships. -NONE FOUND- 7 -NONE FOUND- [Specified 5] swears. "A qilutaalik! See the horns?" You've heard of such beasts, large carnivorous whales known to punch holes through the sides of ships. -NONE FOUND- 7 [Search the surrounding area.] The statue and surrounding area is clean and maintained. Locals likely visit the shrine frequently to keep it that way. You look around but don't see anyone nearby. You notice a small pavilion containing a large, weathered statue of stone a little ways off the path. It appears to be a Huana shrine. 6 [Identify it.] Serafen peers out at the shape. "It be a barbed ravager, cap! Big blinking fish! Fast as the wind and twice as bitey!" You look. A dark shape moves under the water. It's almost at the edge of the horizon, but it's rapidly approaching. [Specified 0] stands. "One of Galawain's spawn. It's coming right for us." 6 [Search the surrounding area.] The area around the shrine is clear and may prove to be a good place to rest. You notice a small pavilion containing a large, weathered statue of stone a little ways off the path. It appears to be a Huana shrine. 6 [Examine the spore.] The bulbous fungus towers taller than an aumaua, its fleshy fronds hanging over its bulging stalk. A miasma of yellow dust hangs around it, gently stirring in the light breeze. A dank spore. You can barely make out the recumbent form of some unfortunate kith tangled in its roots, the essence the spore sucks from its victim glimmering along its length. If it notices you, it will likely attack, and inhaling the spores clouding around it could confuse your senses. 6 [Examine the spore.] The bulbous fungus towers taller than an aumaua, its fleshy fronds hanging over its bulging stalk. A miasma of yellow dust hangs around it, gently stirring in the light breeze. A dank spore. You can barely make out the recumbent form of some unfortunate kith tangled in its roots, the essence the spore sucks from its victim glimmering along its length. If it notices you, it will likely attack, and inhaling the spores clouding around it could confuse your senses. 6 [Examine the spore.] The bulbous fungus towers taller than an aumaua, its fleshy fronds hanging over its bulging stalk. A miasma of yellow dust hangs around it, gently stirring in the light breeze. A dank spore. You can barely make out the recumbent form of some unfortunate kith tangled in its roots, the essence the spore sucks from its victim glimmering along its length. If it notices you, it will likely attack, and inhaling the spores clouding around it could confuse your senses. 5 [Check the fish for signs of disease.] "Let's judge the fitness of the catch." Several of the fish display discolored scales and bloated bellies - clear signs of disease. It's possible their meat could sicken the crew. "See?" [Specified 0] asks [Specified 1], scowling. "Are you trying to give us all the squatting splatters?" An argument from the deck pulls your attention away from the gentle rocking of the ship and the smooth expanse of blue on the horizon. "Half of those fish were floating belly-up!" cries [Specified 0]. "Better we throw out the whole catch than end up with a rot-bellied crew!" "They looked alive enough when we hauled them out!" [Specified 1] retorts, gesturing violently at the pile of fish on the deck. "Fish die when you pull them out of the water! That's what fish do!" 5 [Check the fish for signs of disease.] "Let's judge the fitness of the catch." There are no signs of discoloration, open sores, or bloated bellies. The fish appear perfectly healthy. "I told you it wasn't dangerous," [Specified 1] gloats, arms akimbo. An argument from the deck pulls your attention away from the gentle rocking of the ship and the smooth expanse of blue on the horizon. "Half of those fish were floating belly-up!" cries [Specified 0]. "Better we throw out the whole catch than end up with a rot-bellied crew!" "They looked alive enough when we hauled them out!" [Specified 1] retorts, gesturing violently at the pile of fish on the deck. "Fish die when you pull them out of the water! That's what fish do!" 4 [Identify it.] "A barbed ravager... Ngati's assassin of the deep. Mother has sent us a worthy test." Tekēhu lowers his shaking hand from shielding his eyes. You look. A dark shape moves under the water. It's almost at the edge of the horizon, but it's rapidly approaching. [Specified 0] stands. "One of Galawain's spawn. It's coming right for us." 4 -NONE FOUND- There's only one breed of glowing sea life of this size to your knowledge - the Resplendent Phantom. Their sweet flesh makes them a popular quarry among whale hunters. -NONE FOUND- 4 -NONE FOUND- [Specified 5] watches the growing glow. "Must be a Resplendent Phantom. Big glowing whale. Good eating, or so they say." -NONE FOUND- 3 [Have someone study the cliff.] [Specified 0] squints up at the rock face and points at dangers which eluded you until now. You note that a crevasse, which would otherwise have proven a useful foothold on the journey up, is home to a bulbous and pulsating nest of wasps. 2 [Examine the markings.] The depth and width of the gashes suggest the tusks of a boar, and the curled tufts of brown fur you find wedged into the scored wood confirm the supposition. 1. You notice a sigil carved lightly into the wood, so faint as to be almost imperceptible. 2. A quiet rustling in the underbrush draws your attention northward - deeper into the forest. 2 [Examine the markings.] [Specified 0] examines the gashes in the wood, then plucks a tuft of hair from the side of the tree. "Wild boar did this." 1. A quiet rustling in the underbrush draws your attention northward - deeper into the forest. 2. [Specified 0] taps the tree. "Look at this." A sigil has been lightly carved into the wood, so faint as to be almost imperceptible. 2 -NONE FOUND- "A Resplendent Phantom! We could not ask for a fairer omen than this beauty!" Tekēhu's cups his hands and lets out a deep, musical call that carries across the waves. The whale answers with a majestic spray of water. -NONE FOUND- 1 [Search the area.] It takes you only a few moments to make sense of the chaos. No blood spatters suggest it was not a fight, and you easily identify the clawed prints of xaurips. The tracks seem recent. A dry and ropy vine has been pulled taut across the path and inexpertly covered in dirt. 1 [Search the area.] [Specified 0] makes sense of the chaos within moments. No blood spatters suggests it was not a fight, and your compatriot easily identifies the clawed prints of xaurips. The tracks seem recent. A dry and ropy vine has been pulled taut across the path and inexpertly covered in dirt. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 4 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Any, No Party Assist These are generally interactions in which you can select one character to tackle a challenge, and that character for some reason gets no help. Arcana Reveal hidden contents 4 1. As [Specified 5] chants, a sickly, salty scent fills the air. 2. You chant, calling through the essence into the dark depths of the arcane. A long, writhing tentacle rises from the riotous depths. It deposits the lost sailor - who promptly vomits - back on the tilting deck. 1. The storm rages on, showing no sign of subsiding... 2. As if exhausted, the clouds finally calm, coming to rest like a thick blanket across the sky. The waves, too, end their trembling complaint, and [Player Ship] finally sails easily. The crew lean against the rails and rigging, their faces haggard but relieved. The storm, it seems, has passed. Athletics Reveal hidden contents 15 1. The heavy Proving Stone secured by rope to his back, [Specified 0] straddles the wall of the well and begins shuffling down into the darkness. 2. The heavy Proving Stone secured by rope to her back, [Specified 0] straddles the wall of the well and begins shuffling down into the darkness. After several agonizing minutes, [Specified 0] finds solid footing on a stone outcropping and lets out a victorious whoop... before collapsing against the wall and breathing heavily. You descend the rope and take the Proving Stone back from [Specified 0]. 11 [Specified 0] slowly descends, grunting with the exertion, taking frequent breaks to recover from the arduous work. After several agonizing minutes, [Specified 0] finds solid footing on a stone outcropping and lets out a victorious whoop... before collapsing against the wall and breathing heavily. 1. [Specified 0] joins you in the darkness. 2. You descend the rope and take the Proving Stone back from [Specified 0]. 3. You descend the rope, joining [Specified 0] on a ledge in the darkness, the luminous water pouring through a wide cavern. 11 [Grab the artifact.] With an alacritous grab, you manage to draw the metal shard from the stelgaer's neck while avoiding its claws and fangs. The stelgaer falls silent and glowers at you. 11 [Grab the artifact.] In an impressive display of alacrity, [Specified 0] liberates the metal shard from the stelgaer's neck while avoiding its claws and fangs. The stelgaer falls silent and glowers at you. 9 [Escape while [Specified 1] holds the door open.] [Specified 1] holds the door open long enough for the party to escape. As the last person squeezes through the doorway, [Specified 1] gives the door a final shove and dives out of the room to safety. -NONE FOUND- 8 Your heart leaps as [Specified 1] plunges towards the floor, scrabbling against the wall all the way down... Mere feet from the ground, [Specified 1] slams the pick into the wall, arresting the plummeting descent. You make your own way down. -NONE FOUND- 7 1. [Leave [Specified 0] to his fate.] 2. [Leave [Specified 0] to her fate.] Despite receiving no aid, [Specified 0] manages to breach the surface and roll onto dry land, coughing up buckets of water. [Specified 0] gives you a narrow-eyed look but says nothing. 1. [Leave.] 2. [Press on.] 6 [Try to save the falling gems.] You catch some of the gems, but the rest plummet and disappear forever in the murky depths of the well. 1. You tighten your grip on the rope and haul yourself back up into the cool desert night. 2. You tighten your grip on the rope and haul yourself back up into the blistering desert sun. 6 [Try to save the falling gems.] [Specified 0] catches some of the gems, but the rest plummet and disappear forever in the murky depths of the well. 1. [Specified 0] climbs back up the rope into the blistering desert sun. 2. [Specified 0] climbs back up the rope into the cool desert night. 6 [Escape while [Specified 1] holds the door open.] [Specified 1] holds the door open long enough for the party to escape. As the last person squeezes through the doorway, [Specified 1] gives the door a final shove and dives out of the room to safety, but the door catches [Specified 1]'s leg on the way out. -NONE FOUND- 6 [Hold the door open while your party escapes.] You hold the door open long enough for the party to escape. As the last person squeezes through, you give the door a final shove and dive out of the room to safety. -NONE FOUND- 6 1. [Specified 0] scowls at you before turning back towards the beasts... 2. [Draw the beast's attention.] With a resounding shout, [Specified 0] rushes into the fray. The skuldr flinch and turn on your party. They growl hungrily as they charge forward... -NONE FOUND- 5 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] Breathless, [Specified 0] makes it to the top and gestures to indicate the safest route up. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 5 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] After scaling the cliff with a mountain goat's alacrity, [Specified 0] waves down at you and signals the optimal path up. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 5 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] While you are physically fit to make the climb, caution delays your progress and takes the wind out of you. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 5 Your noisy attempt to flee has only made it easier for the moaning creatures to find you. Bony hands snake out of the water and grab hold of your ankles. You and the others kick viciously at the grasping hands, preventing them from pulling you down into the stinking water. You stumble away from the skeletons and take stock of your situation. Everyone is present and unharmed, but the horde is closing in. 4 [Try to save the falling gems.] With one leg hooked around the rope, you lean forward and balance over the water. You manage to catch the falling gems in one hand while gripping the sack with the other. With your prize secured, you gracefully pivot back to the rope. 1. You tighten your grip on the rope and haul yourself back up into the cool desert night. 2. You tighten your grip on the rope and haul yourself back up into the blistering desert sun. 4 [Swing toward the sack.] [Specified 0] kicks back and forth. The smooth, deft motions bring [Specified 0] closer and closer to the wall until the sack is finally in reach. 1. [Grab the sack.] 2. [Climb back up.] 4 [Try to save the falling gems.] With one leg hooked around the rope, [Specified 0] leans forward and balances over the water. [Specified 0] manages to catch the falling gems in one hand while gripping the sack with the other. With the prize secured, [Specified 0] gracefully pivots back to the rope. 1. [Specified 0] climbs back up the rope into the blistering desert sun. 2. [Specified 0] climbs back up the rope into the cool desert night. 4 [Throw a grappling hook up the lift.] The hook successfully gains purchase and snags onto the lift, bridging the gap between the raised mechanism and the ground with a dangling rope. A shout of alarm rises among the Wahaki warriors guarding the cliffside. Archers nock back arrows and take aim in your direction. 3 [Swing toward the sack.] You kick your legs back and forth. Your smooth, deft motions bring you closer and closer to the wall until the sack is finally in reach. 1. [Grab the sack.] 2. [Climb back up.] 3 1. [Have someone throw a grappling hook across to the manor's railing.] 2. [Throw a grappling hook across to the manor's railing.] The hook sails across the gap and lands with a clang. After the rope is pulled back, the hook solidly lodges in the railing of the parapet. A rope and grappling hook extend across the way. One end is tied to the window, and the hook is lodged in the parapet of the manor's second floor. 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] [Specified 0] hurls the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 [Throw a grappling hook across the gap.] [Specified 0] hurls the grappling hook at the broken wall. It catches securely on the parapet. 1. [Cross the rope.] 2. [Leave.] 3 Halfway up, you reach a spot where the stairs have crumbled away. Luckily, a narrow ridge remains. It proves sturdy and allows you to easily cross the gap. The half-crumbled, stone-carved ridges groan beneath your feet. You rise cautiously to the top, the labor of your ascent punctuated by heavy breathing. Sweat sticks tunics to straining muscles, and at least one member of your group doubles over, gasping, at the peak. 3 You grab the rope, planting your feet on the edge of the precipice, and begin your descent. Gusts of wind sway you from side to side, forcing you to tightly grip the rope. It digs into your skin with every move. The descent proves too laborious. You manage to reach the tomb's opening but not without suffering great exertion. You stand on the narrow ledge of the tomb's entrance, its passage leading into darkness. Your rope dangles from the tree, above. 3 As you climb, some of the rocky handholds crumble within your grip, but others hold firm, permitting you first one foot and then another higher, closer toward the waiting window above. You scale ahead of the others, setting both the path and the pace. When your hand or foot holds crumble, the others adjust, routing around to rejoin behind you. After some time, a slew of curses and the sound of panting reaches your ears - from someone falling behind. You reach the window, well ahead of the others, who stumble through redfaced and shaking, chests heaving from the strain of the climb. 1 [Send someone to scout ahead for air pockets.] [Specified 0] sets out at a good pace, cutting through the water with confident strokes. Nearly to the far side of the tunnel, [Specified 0] finds a space to come up for air. With a place to rest along the way, the swim should be more manageable. The tunnel seems to extend a short distance before turning sharply, but you cannot see where it leads. Bluff Reveal hidden contents 8 [Whisper] "Hey, mind keeping them talking for a bit?" [Specified 3] nods and turns to the trio, launching into a tale of one of your adventures. 1. [Abandon the plot.] 2. [Search the camp.] Explosives Reveal hidden contents 12 [Throw an explosive at the totem.] You hurriedly light the explosive and toss it overhand at the totem. Its detonation scatters pieces of the totem across the landing. The nāga shaman emerges from the smoke unscathed, its beady eyes trained on you. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. 1. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside, catching you by surprise. The bats slam into you, knocking you into a pile of jagged rocks. The nāga hisses and waves its arms, conjuring from the shadows a cloud of living flame. 2. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside. [Specified 0] fails to duck in time, and takes the bats head-on. [Specified 0] tumbles to the ground and lands hard on a pile of jagged rocks. 3. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside. You deftly duck out of their way as they fly past you. The nāga hisses and waves its arms, conjuring from the shadows a cloud of living flame. 12 [Throw an explosive at the totem.] [Specified 1] lights the explosive and chucks it overhand at the totem. Its detonation scatters pieces of the totem across the landing. The nāga shaman emerges from the smoke unscathed, its beady eyes trained on [Specified 1]. A high-pitched screech echoes across the mountain side. 1. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside, catching you by surprise. The bats slam into you, knocking you into a pile of jagged rocks. The nāga hisses and waves its arms, conjuring from the shadows a cloud of living flame. 2. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside. [Specified 0] fails to duck in time, and takes the bats head-on. [Specified 0] tumbles to the ground and lands hard on a pile of jagged rocks. 3. A horde of bats burst from small holes in the mountainside. You deftly duck out of their way as they fly past you. The nāga hisses and waves its arms, conjuring from the shadows a cloud of living flame. History Reveal hidden contents 1 [Identify the symbol.] [Specified 1] squints at the carving and frowns. "Looks Huana. Three overlapping circles. Can't say beyond that." A quiet rustling in the underbrush draws your attention northward - deeper into the forest. Mechanics Reveal hidden contents 11 [Stake the rope to the ground.] You produce a hammer and stake from your gear and, with quick, expert movements, nail it into the arena floor, securing the rope beneath it. The drake wings above you, ascending as it approaches the far end of the raised arena floor. The rope goes taut. The great beast shrieks as, propelled downward by its own momentum, it slams into the platform - which rocks beneath the force - and explodes into a cascade of magical sparks. 11 [Stake the rope to the ground.] You pass the rope to [Specified 0], who takes it, drops to one knee, and with expert efficiency secures it to the ground with a hammered stake. The drake wings above you, ascending as it approaches the far end of the raised arena floor. The rope goes taut. The great beast shrieks as, propelled downward by its own momentum, it slams into the platform - which rocks beneath the force - and explodes into a cascade of magical sparks. 5 -NONE FOUND- Aloth taps on his chin. "The arms would help keep water out, but the latches don't seem locked. Or trapped, for that matter." -NONE FOUND- 5 -NONE FOUND- Chewing on the nub of his pipe, Edér frowns at the crate. "Looks like a whole mess of metalwork without much in the way of purpose. Not a trap on it." -NONE FOUND- Religion Reveal hidden contents 5 The three animals seem to be a spider, a stelgaer, and a boar. You don't know if they have any greater significance. Xoti's nose wrinkles at the image. "I reckon this might be the Huana hunting god. Like Galawain, but not exactly." Not far in you find the crate in question, its sides split by crowbars, the dry grass used as packing material spilled across the floor. Within stands an intricately crafted chest of some dark tropical wood. A polished visage peers up at you - a triumvirate of wild animal faces carved in the swirling Huana style. The front of the chest bears an iron latch affixed to a complex iron mechanism that runs to the top four corners of the chest. You see no bolts or keyholes. 5 The three animals seem to be a spider, a stelgaer, and a boar. You don't know if they have any greater significance. Konstanten frowns. "Toamowhai. He's to the Huana what Galawain is to the people of the Reach. More or less." Not far in you find the crate in question, its sides split by crowbars, the dry grass used as packing material spilled across the floor. Within stands an intricately crafted chest of some dark tropical wood. A polished visage peers up at you - a triumvirate of wild animal faces carved in the swirling Huana style. The front of the chest bears an iron latch affixed to a complex iron mechanism that runs to the top four corners of the chest. You see no bolts or keyholes. Sleight of Hand Reveal hidden contents 10 [Attempt to steal the dwarf's dagger.] As you make small talk with the adventurers, Zandran meanders about the camp, looking over the watch, checking on the stew, and so forth. As she squeezes between you and the fire, your hand flickers out and slips her dagger from her belt. -NONE FOUND- 10 The trio pay you little heed, their eyes constantly surveying their surroundings. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." 10 [Attempt to steal the dwarf's dagger.] After confirming your whispered order with a slight nod, [Specified 2] slips off after Zandran. You don't see your compatriot lift anything from the dwarf, but isn't that the point? -NONE FOUND- 9 [Impress them with some sleight of hand.] The xaurips stare, enraptured by your complicated legerdemain. When you finish, reproducing the coin from behind your back, they screech, hopping up and down and raising their hands towards the sky. The xaurip shaman steps forward, feathered headdress swaying. It chitters, points towards the horizon, then points towards a pouch hanging from its waist. The other xaurips nod. 9 [Impress them with some sleight of hand.] The xaurips raptly stare as [Specified 4] performs a complex coin trick. When the copper reappears from its apparent vanishing, they screech happily. The xaurip shaman steps forward, feathered headdress swaying. It chitters, points towards the horizon, then points towards a pouch hanging from its waist. The other xaurips nod. 6 [Sneak forward and take his coin purse.] Like a shadow, [Specified 4] slips behind the nobleman. After a bit of legerdemain you can't follow, your compatriot returns to you with a bag of coins in hand. The Dyrwoodan man and his guards disappear down the street. -NONE FOUND- 5 The trio listen raptly, apparently absorbed in your words until [Specified 4] returns. A green tint and somewhat aghast cast mars [Specified 4]'s features when your companion sits again at your side. The trio seem none the wiser. The trio guide you among the tents - there seem too many for the few kith you see about. The elf graciously offers you a seat at the fire. The robed figure makes no apparent notice of your arrival, their cowl casting their visage in impenetrable shadow. "We have soup," the aumaua says. "Stew really. And you're welcome to make use of our tents, if you'd care to rest." Stealth Reveal hidden contents 13 [Hide from the cultists.] You press yourself into the shadows. The cultists pass you by and vanish into the woods. -NONE FOUND- 10 [Sneak around the back of the tents and rummage through their belongings.] You lean away from the campfire with a long yawn and spot some open bags beside a tent. Something flickers back at you, reflecting the flames. You excuse yourself from the campfire and work your away around the encampment. You find plenty of small items to secrete into your pouches before returning to the others. No one seems to have noticed. 10 1. [Specified 2] grins and politely excuses himself to answer nature's call. 2. [Specified 2] nods and politely excuses herself to answer nature's call. -NONE FOUND- With a discreet smile meant only for you, [Specified 2] returns to the fire. Survival Reveal hidden contents 9 Lagufaeth territorial sigils mark your path at regular intervals. You walk cautiously, keeping a close eye on your surroundings. -NONE FOUND- You're careful to skirt the trap - and a few others - and continue on your way through the jungle. 4 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] After scaling the cliff with a mountain goat's alacrity, [Specified 0] waves down at you and signals the optimal path up. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 4 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] [Specified 0] struggles up the cliffside, just barely managing to reach the top. Winded, [Specified 0] points out the safest path. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. 4 [Send someone up to scout for a safe route.] Though you possess the know-how to navigate the drop, the physical strain takes a heavy toll. You are barely able to clear the distance. You make for the summit of the cliff, panting from the exertion and grateful to find yourself once more on stable ground. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 4 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) All, Party Assist These are typically challenges in scripted interactions that everyone has to pass, like climbing or sneaking. Athletics Reveal hidden contents 19 [Descend.] Not unlike a spider you carefully and expertly make your way down the drainage duct. A pale red light expands before you... 12 -NONE FOUND- Time ticks in your ears like the marching of tiny ant feet, over a seemingly endless expanse. A heartbeat, a second more of no oxygen, and then another... and another... You struggle against the undertow to make headway. Your lungs pang. A flurry of fat bubbles escapes from your throat just as you reach the lip of the tunnel... You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 12 -NONE FOUND- Arms and legs thrashing hard, everyone swims fast and doggedly through the tunnel. But the distance drags on. You can barely make out the pained expressions on the others faces as your own lungs pang for air, but thankfully no one falls behind, and you're able to grimly press onward. You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 12 [Jump down into the eye.] You hit the ground at a roll, springing to your feet to catch your breath. As you pause to survey your surroundings, the oppressive beating of the drums throbs in your ears. 10 Your fingers dig at the jagged sides of the tunnel as you swivel in the darkness. Blood pounds in your ears. Then you thrust ahead for the fork. As you near the fork, your lungs begin to burn, but you push calmly onward. Swimming deeper into the cavern, you come to a set of tunnels, forked left and right. One tunnel leads to darkness, the other is marked by a faint glimmering of light. Both tunnels are completely submerged. 10 -NONE FOUND- You swim on and on, deeper into the tunnel - no end in sight. After some time, a twinge stabs at your lungs, but you shake it off and stubbornly press on. You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 10 -NONE FOUND- Your group swims on and on, deeper into the tunnel - no end in sight. You feel a twinge in your lungs but shake it off and stubbornly press on. You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 10 [Attempt to outswim them.] Clawing your way forward through the brine, you outswim your adversaries and achieve the rope first. You can barely make out the other rope through the swirling column. -NONE FOUND- 9 [Run for the tree line.] Discarding caution, you bolt towards the forest's cover. Something - several somethings - pound through the grass behind you. The long grass thins out as you race beneath the forest canopy. A glance over your shoulder confirms that there's nothing in immediate pursuit, and you slow to catch your breath. 8 -NONE FOUND- With everyone's lungs freshly filled with air, you and your group press through the dark tunnel with ease. You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 8 -NONE FOUND- Your lungs filled with fresh air, you press through the dark tunnel with ease. You emerge from the tunnel and break the surface of the water in a cavern deep beneath the fortress. 8 -NONE FOUND- You refocus on climbing - it takes minutes of hard effort, but you pull yourself up the rope to the platform above. It's surprisingly stable, and the audience's applause overcomes the roar of the spinning water. The Band of the Bear pull themselves - and their bears - onto the raised floor and rise to meet you. 8 [Leap out of the way.] You throw yourself out of the falling beast's path, and it slams into the arena floor, bursting apart and dissolving into dimming motes of soul stuff. -NONE FOUND- 7 Your party slowly picks its way up the stone, working together to scale the nearly sheer expanse... You feel a wave of relief as you pull yourself from the darkness and onto a low stone wall marking a well in a small jungle clearing. Reaching back, you help the others ascend from the well and onto the island's verdant surface. -NONE FOUND- 7 [Carefully descend the rope.] Tightly gripping the rope, you carefully lower yourself down as the drake sweeps in for another pass. Your muscles tighten as you swing out of the reptile's path, its passage stirring the air around you. 1. Little evidence remains of the Dragonstalkers - a handful of disembodied limbs and a pair of armored corpses floating in clouds of blood. Grublings snack on the remnants of the Slayer's chosen. The colossal grub turns its fetid maw towards you. 2. The corpse of the colossal grub lay curled in the water, its thick carapace rent and bloody, smaller grublings eating at the larger creature's flesh. The Quiet Five - now the Quiet Four, silently examine the results of their violent work. 3. The corpse of the colossal grub lies curled in the water, its thick carapace rent and bloody, mauled by bears and gnawed at by smaller grublings. The Band of the Bear's druids chant, holding the small beasts under their sway. 6 -NONE FOUND- You refocus on climbing - it takes minutes of hard effort, but you pull yourself up the rope to the platform above. It's surprisingly stable, and the audience's applause overcomes the roar of the spinning water. The Band of the Bear pull themselves - and their bears - onto the raised floor and rise to meet you. 4 You and your companions begin the awkward hand-over-hand climb across the gap. Everyone reaches the opposite dock without incident. -NONE FOUND- 3 Halfway up, you reach a spot where the stairs have crumbled away. Luckily, a narrow ridge remains. It proves sturdy and allows you to easily cross the gap. You rise to the peak at a brisk pace. Sweat beads the valley of your spine, but it feels good - a relief against the balmy atmosphere. The rote step-scrape, step-scrape to your ascent gives you time to think. When you reach the top, you stretch and find your group reflects the same, exuberant smiles spread across their faces. 3 You grab the rope, planting your feet on the edge of the precipice, and begin your descent. Gusts of wind sway you from side to side, forcing you to tightly grip the rope. It digs into your skin with every move. Despite the effort, your group proves their excellent conditioning. Everyone manages to reach the tomb's opening without exertion. You stand on the narrow ledge of the tomb's entrance, its passage leading into darkness. Your rope dangles from the tree, above. 3 As you climb, some of the rocky handholds crumble within your grip, but others hold firm, permitting you first one foot and then another higher, closer toward the waiting window above. You scale ahead of the others, setting both the path and the pace. When your hand or foot holds crumble, the others adjust, routing around to rejoin behind you. By the time you reach the open window, everyone is sweating but grinning, triumphant. Stealth Reveal hidden contents 13 [Sneak around the Eoten.] You manage to find a path through the pass to sneak around the eoten. -NONE FOUND- 12 You press onward, wordlessly. Suddenly, a hair-raising growl rumbles out from the fog, only a few paces ahead of you. Through the fog, you can make out the lean shape of the dog, darting to and fro. Still barking, the dog comes running in your direction. 1. [Hide within the shadow of a wrecked ship.] 2. [Stand your ground.] 11 [Sneak up to the nāga.] The basking nāga are no more the wiser as you sneak up near them. 1. [Sneak attack the nāga.] 2. [Continue past the nāga.] 10 [Sneak closer to observe.] As you near the skeleton, you make out a number of rough pieces of decoration hanging from the old skeleton. Crafted from wood and bone, they hang inside of the mouth and ribs. Among the other desiccated sacrifices within the mouth, you find the remains of a human corpse. 10 [Sneak towards the nearest copse of trees.] Keeping low, you move almost silently through the grass and into the trees. You hear grass rustling nearby. From two different directions. 9 You hide among the greenery and await the arrival of the beast. It doesn't keep you waiting. A small pack of stelgaer stalk into the clearing, each lithe saber-toothed cat shoulder-height to an elf. The largest of the creatures is wounded, what looks like a shard of hot metal piercing it just behind the neck. 1. Each predator carefully pads towards the prostrate kith, gingerly sniffing at him. 2. The animals sniff at your inexpertly hidden trap, carefully avoiding it. 3. As the largest stelgaer crosses the boundary of the magical seal, a pulse of potent magic erupts around it. The creatures yowl in pain and surprise before leaping onto the fallen kith, hissing and tearing at his already ruined flesh. 4. One of the animals triggers the trap, and flame erupts from it, rolling across the ground and catching up the animals. They yowl in pain, leaping away from the trap, before descending in a furious frenzy on the fallen kith. 8 [Sneak towards the nearest copse of trees.] Keeping low, you move almost silently through the grass and into the trees. You hear grass rustling nearby. From two different directions. 7 You hide among the greenery and await the arrival of the beast. It doesn't keep you waiting. A small pack of stelgaer stalk into the clearing, each lithe saber-toothed cat shoulder-height to an elf. The largest of the creatures is wounded, what looks like a shard of hot metal piercing it just behind the neck. 1. Each predator carefully pads towards the prostrate kith, gingerly sniffing at him. 2. The animals sniff at your inexpertly hidden trap, carefully avoiding it. 3. As the largest stelgaer crosses the boundary of the magical seal, a pulse of potent magic erupts around it. The creatures yowl in pain and surprise before leaping onto the fallen kith, hissing and tearing at his already ruined flesh. 4. One of the animals triggers the trap, and flame erupts from it, rolling across the ground and catching up the animals. They yowl in pain, leaping away from the trap, before descending in a furious frenzy on the fallen kith. 2 [Leave the road and avoid the wagon entirely.] You slip off of the road and make you way through the rough, keeping low and moving from cover to cover. You easily evade the carriage and return to the road a few hours later. -NONE FOUND- 1 [Sneak closer to observe.] As you near the cart, you make out a group of Readceran pilgrims in rough spun linens and cottons. A single draft horse stamps at the ground impatiently, as two of the pilgrims argue over the front right wheel, which seems hopelessly stuck in the mud. 1. [Leave the road and avoid the wagon entirely.] 2. [Ambush and attack.] 3. [Approach openly.] =============================================================== All, No Assist A few physical challenges that nobody gets to help anyone with! Athletics Reveal hidden contents 8 [Climb the tower.] You ascend quickly and easily to the top of the tower. -NONE FOUND- 8 -NONE FOUND- You descend to the base of the tower. -NONE FOUND- 8 [Swim onward.] You navigate the obstacles with deft strokes and powerful kicks, reaching another intersection with a wood-paneled wall and a ruined green banner. Seeing the promise of air and light on your right, you push toward it. -NONE FOUND- 8 [Swim onward.] You navigate the obstacles with deft strokes and powerful kicks, reaching another intersection with a wood-paneled wall and a ruined green banner. Seeing the promise of air and light on your right, you push toward it. -NONE FOUND- 4 1. "Down the ropes! Now!" 2. [Run for the ropes down.] You run towards the rope - and the drake - and hit the ground as the beast swoops down. You skid off of the edge of the platform, and, for a moment, only a few dozen feet of air exists between you and the hard stone of the flooded arena floor. But you've got one hand tight around the rope, and it arrests your flight. You swing back, striking the raging column of water that holds the center of the arena aloft. 1. [Slide quickly down the rope.] 2. [Carefully descend the rope.] 3 [Flee.] You crash through the underbrush, leaping nimbly over fallen branches and gnarled tree roots, and manage to outrun the lagufaeth. -NONE FOUND- 3 [Chase after the lagufaeth.] You crash through the underbrush, leaping nimbly over fallen branches and gnarled tree roots, and manage to run down the lagufaeth. -NONE FOUND- =============================================================== Current These skill checks are given to whichever character you use to interact with the object. The Alchemy checks involve two objects in the bowels in The Forgotten Sanctum. The 18 Sleight of Hand check can substitute one of the Alchemy checks. The 5 Sleight of Hand check happens on the Wahaki island, as an assassination attempt. Alchemy (Party Assist) Reveal hidden contents 16 Rising from the fungus at uneven intervals are fleshy, nipple-like pustules. [Harvest the pustules.] You easily collect a sample of the mold, pustules and all. 16 Bile churns within this pit. The fleshy tube nearby pumps the acidic substance into the larger pit in the central chamber. [Examine the reservoir.] The fluid seems highly acidic. It will quickly dissolve anything introduced to it - though it would likely react extremely poorly to a strong base. 16 Bile churns within this pit. The fleshy tube nearby pumps the acidic substance into the larger pit in the central chamber. [Examine the reservoir.] It reeks, and the fumes burn your eyes. Sleight of Hand (Party Assist) Reveal hidden contents 18 Rising from the fungus at uneven intervals are fleshy, nipple-like pustules. [Harvest the pustules.] With deft care, you slice free a few of the pustules without rupturing any. Sleight of Hand (No Party Assist) Reveal hidden contents 5 This copper brazier reeks of ashes and burnt hair. A layer of soot and detritus line the blackened concavity. [Place a bomb in the ash.] 1. You search among your belongings, but it doesn't look like anything you possess will get the job done. 2. After taking stock of your inventory of explosives, you must decide which one to plant in the ash. Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 4 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Reserved. (test) Edited August 14, 2023 by omgFIREBALLS 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. Wow, with the added info, it will take many posts. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
omgFIREBALLS Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Reserved. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
kaziel Posted September 9, 2023 Posted September 9, 2023 (edited) This is awesome, thanks for taking the time to create this post. I'm confused about the "All, Party Assist" section. Your description says that everyone has to pass this check. In the spoilers for Athletics, however, the highest number is 19. Does this mean that each member has to have 19 Athletics? Or does each member have to have 10 Stealth Athletics + Party Assist of 9? So basically everyone has to have around 10 Stealth Athletics each to safely get the 37 points to get a Party Assist of +9 for each and everyone in the party? It has to be the latter right? Now for the "All, No Party Assist" for Athletics, just to double check, the data says that every character in your party must have 8 Athletics to pass the hardest checks. Have I got that right? Lastly, what does -NONE FOUND- mean? Thanks again. The post is much appreciated because I've been looking for something like it for ages now! Edited September 10, 2023 by kaziel
omgFIREBALLS Posted September 11, 2023 Author Posted September 11, 2023 On 9/9/2023 at 2:36 PM, kaziel said: I'm confused about the "All, Party Assist" section. Your description says that everyone has to pass this check. In the spoilers for Athletics, however, the highest number is 19. Does this mean that each member has to have 19 Athletics? Or does each member have to have 10 Stealth Athletics + Party Assist of 9? So basically everyone has to have around 10 Stealth Athletics each to safely get the 37 points to get a Party Assist of +9 for each and everyone in the party? It has to be the latter right? Expand It's the latter, yes. No one has to have 19 on their own. And it's for... Reveal hidden contents ...sliding down to the final boss fight in TFS. On 9/9/2023 at 2:36 PM, kaziel said: Now for the "All, No Party Assist" for Athletics, just to double check, the data says that every character in your party must have 8 Athletics to pass the hardest checks. Have I got that right? Expand Correct. And it's for... Reveal hidden contents ...climbing the tower in Hasongo. On 9/9/2023 at 2:36 PM, kaziel said: Lastly, what does -NONE FOUND- mean? Expand There is some mildly ugly code digging for strings before and after each check, but sometimes a check ends the whole interaction and then there is no later string. If a check is -NONE FOUND- x3, it probably doesn't actually exist. There can be other reasons for not finding anything. The code isn't perfect but should generally provide you some nice context. On 9/9/2023 at 2:36 PM, kaziel said: Thanks again. The post is much appreciated because I've been looking for something like it for ages now! Expand I'm glad you like it I wanted to do even more, especially writing code that always figures out if a string is the result of a skill check or the trigger for one, but my situation has changed and I don't see myself returning to this project anytime soon. 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
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