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I have been playing the game for around two weeks on my PC, my current and only save is at day 75. I have been playing mostly with my two brothers however occasionally I will jump over to single player when they are offline. I only really noticed the issue starting this weekend and it has consistently been more prevalent. Every ten or so seconds the game will lag where it just freezes for a split second then jumps back to where it should be. It's not unplayable but it is extremely annoying, so much so that I cleaned up my entire PC and tried every fix I could find online. I have the games settings set to medium and performance which acted only as a temporary fix. I have found a few people saying they have the same problem with varying solutions however nothing worked on my end. I thought because I'm playing the Microsoft version of the game, I could try to switch to playing on my Xbox series s, however to no avail the problem persisted. I have killed off all of the ants in the red anthill nearby to my base, begun destroying unnecessary structures, retrieved all backpacks and moved all free grass planks and weed stems to their respective stack. At this point I have no idea what to do. My PC meets all requirements, and my Wi-Fi is excellent, like I said I only just started noticing the issue. I figured instead of getting frustrated and dropping the game I'd just ask directly. I have really been enjoying Grounded and hope I can come back to it ASAP, but for now if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. 


This just started happening to me today also, I installed the new Nvidea driver yesterday...wonder if that has something to do with it?


It seems that consumable food doesn't despawn in the latest patch, so your problem is likely the same as mine. Ants are hoarding food-bits near or in their anthills. I went near the black anthill and found around 300+ pieces of billy dogs, and at least 150 pieces of apple bits. I suggest you run to the location i've given a red ant marker in the circle of my screenshot, and see if there's food in the water here, then clear it out by either trashing it, or take it back to your base. I did this and went from 10 fps to 100+ fps after clearing that area. Hope this helps :)


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I practically can't play this patch anymore. When I start a new game everything is fine. As the days go by, the freezes start and I can't make progress fast enough to clear that area. I used a cheat to get where Shaewin commented and my game crashes instantly when I approach that point.


This is what it looks like 3 ingame days after i cleared it the first time. And there's almost as much food behind me in the screenshot. Pretty sure it's the food in the water that causes the problem though.



Games Performance After 1.0.3 :: Grounded Grounded Discussions (steamcommunity.com)

This thread on Steam covers both 1.0.3 and also 1.0.4, seems it's been happening for a lot of people.   I saw a ton of rotten food around the entrance to the black ant hill as well.   As a band-aid you can just pick up all the food and then "trash" it and block off the path with walls, it's probably only a temporary fix though - I fear it's only going to pile up somewhere else.

I trust the good folks at Obsidian will sort it out soon enough. 


Can confirm this is most likely the problem, I had the exact same thing since latest patch, went to the spot and found...


This is a grand total of:

679 Hog Bites

372 Apple Bits

Lag has completely stopped since removing it all

On 10/25/2022 at 12:35 AM, Shaewin said:

This is what it looks like 3 ingame days after i cleared it the first time. And there's almost as much food behind me in the screenshot. Pretty sure it's the food in the water that causes the problem though.


I just cleared mine and built a wall hoping the ants can't stack it back up. I'll let you know how it works!

On 10/25/2022 at 7:07 AM, Shaewin said:

It seems that consumable food doesn't despawn in the latest patch, so your problem is likely the same as mine. Ants are hoarding food-bits near or in their anthills. I went near the black anthill and found around 300+ pieces of billy dogs, and at least 150 pieces of apple bits. I suggest you run to the location i've given a red ant marker in the circle of my screenshot, and see if there's food in the water here, then clear it out by either trashing it, or take it back to your base. I did this and went from 10 fps to 100+ fps after clearing that area. Hope this helps :)


omg, thanks you, that is the problem, my brother cried when lag and high ping appeared continuously, hope the developer fixes this quickly



Good news friends!

The ants' piles of food should now be resolved in patch 1.0.5. Please feel free to submit a support ticket if you're still running into this or any other issues during your time with Grounded


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