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At first view, this arbalest is not really great : 3 projectiles with decreased damage/pen/accuracy (inaccurate) that can apply Distracted/Disoriented on the enemy or steadfast for allies but for 4s only.

In reality, these 3 effects have their duration "stackable", each projectile can add 4s to the effect. They are auto-hit (100% chance to be applied on crit).

For exemple, with 10Int, against an enemy with 10Res, with 6s to attack+reload, and every time a crit, so 12s of Disoriented for each attack, the enemy have 30s of the affliction in 4 attacks.

That can be useful vs a streetfighter ally, to Distract him for an huge duration before a fight, and of course vs enemies.


It is like Death of the 1000 cuts, a new cast of the spell dont adjust the duration of the DoT but add a new duration.

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Oh that's interesting !

Another good point with this crossbow is the crossbow modal. It interrupts on Hit. But since you have three rolls, you have three chances to interrupt. It also helps digging through layers of Concentration, making it arguably the Best in Slot item for this purpose.

Multi hits weapons also have many applications (avenging Storm, resonant touch, confounding blind, combusting wounds), they are not specific to this weapons, but multi hits is usually an advantage on its own.

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On 10/15/2022 at 1:25 AM, Elric Galad said:

Oh that's interesting !

Another good point with this crossbow is the crossbow modal. It interrupts on Hit. But since you have three rolls, you have three chances to interrupt. It also helps digging through layers of Concentration, making it arguably the Best in Slot item for this purpose.

Multi hits weapons also have many applications (avenging Storm, resonant touch, confounding blind, combusting wounds), they are not specific to this weapons, but multi hits is usually an advantage on its own.

yeah, it seems to me that the streetfighter synergy is very persnickety to pull off (requires crits). but imo i love scourge of bezzello for use against big fights like huana o whe, because it is a great way to wipe out concentration and constantly interrupt that ooze.

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