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Personal suggestions

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Hi all, first of all, english is not my native language so, you may find grammar mistakes (sorry), I try to not use google translator tbh. Then... I dont have a lot of hours played but atm Im enjoying the game with my friends a lot, my suggestions come from issues or annoyances I found on the game that could be improved or changed, but those could be bad or good for you, depending on my knowledge about the game  (and the things Im missing from the game that I didnt reach yet). Apologies if some suggestions were already mentioned or similary mentioned.

-Rope elevators: First threat I saw was that building base at ground level was "bad" depending on the place, my first base is on the baseball ball, based on some google recomendatios, I love my base but rope elevators for easy or better access could be nice for nearly all elevated bases. Could be activated by a wooden switch from up or hitting a high target board with an arrow or rock. Or maybe just building a ground level switch with rope on the ground.

-Inventory sort button: Right now I spend enough time sorting out my inventory and the crates inventories to think that this is necessary on any game with an inventory, easy sorting button as a QoL improvement would be really helpfull.

-Quivers: This (and other suggestions of mine) could be considered as an end game/advance item if is considered too op. But quiver when the max stack of arrows is 20 would be nice, sometimes we can miss some arrows and that could give us more inventory space. I know gold molars can improve the stack, but I think a quiver could be more usefull and gold molar stat could be changed to improve the arrows carried by the quiver.

-Transport/mounts: This is not really important, right now I dont mind to walk, but as the map grows in development could be a nice addition, as a personal transport or even Steem/plank transporter. I dont mind either a worm-bus for fixed zones of the game 🤣. Could be a tamed bug (dont want to compare it to ark but...) or just a craftable vehicle, wind board, skate, jumper boots.


-Signs: Well as Johnny Wirick said, for chest there is a way to tag them to better way to order things, so I will change this suggestion so if its added in the future, take it as a non really important feature, so its just to add a way to write signs for your friends or bases, more directly. If not, the actual tag system is more than enough


-Telescope: Yes, a zoom tool (like in A bugs life disney movie) this maybe could be not that usefull for everyone, but sometimes I like to see far away what kind of bug I have in front coming. I know that is maybe difficult to add because with this you are working with view distance and actual bug spawns, and maybe it couldnt show the bugs from a far distance, so it could fall in just a visual tool to see the landscape.


-Inventory Lock system: This falls in to the inventory improvement, as right now we dont have any inventory sort button, as I suggested, is annoying sometimes to see a messy inventory, I sometimes I've lost sight some items, to the point that I crafted again a spear thinking that I did lost it or something. Because obv the item moved from the place (all of us ever had that stupid moment of "I dont see my f item on the inv... ok its here Im blind")

-Backpacks: It feels like sometimes we want to specialize on everything and we pack all tools, hammer, axe, spear, shield and so on, with that in mind the inventory seems a bit small, this again could be an advance item, with larger stacks maybe this could be ignored but sometimes having stacks of 10 or even 5¿?. Backpack could add a few or a line of slots and increase the stacks, could be a backpack made of actual resources from the map, upgradeable maybe if devs have in mind to add a way to upgrade armors like we have with weapons. I understand that with the map size this low stack size could be perfect for the devs and more stack size could broke the gameplay a bit, maybe? because players could farm more time more resources in one go? And hoard items more or too easily, idk. Again its an idea...


-Weapons and UI stats: I know this is pretty basic being the game EA, I know this is just be patient, but more weapons (and varied, shields as well),  and tiers would be nice.
--Oh and an easy way to understand the stats of our weapons (and why not armour), because bars? I like actual numbers, Im the kind of player who counsults wikias a lot for games but I like to know exactly what dmg a weapon can do, so I can know how much it changes when I upgrade it on the smithing station. that way I can see if its worth it or not, and same with the durability, I recently crafted my insect axe and being the same upgrade level, seems that the durability lowers at the same pace, and again same with the stamina and health bars, I want to see my improvement, even if in the end I feel the bars just go empty at the same speed, because I just bought the stamina mutation and I dont feel the improvement at all, could be me being wrong or not notizing the improvement...

This of course could be a toggle option in menu, not everyone has to like it


-Better Dandelion Tuft: It is a cool item, but the durability is pretty low, cant be stacked, I dont even mind a backpack upgrade with a crow feather or leaf parachute. This probably is the only transport item, right?


Finally, not a suggestion per se, but would be cool if for end game the game had moments where you had to defend your base, place defense turrets, traps and have a horde mode like "full moon crazy bugs" with a button, from the lab or a crafted item that you throw and after a minute you see the horde coming. This sounds of course a thing that you would do at the point you ended the game, to extend the game life and keep the fun. Thought as well, that when the map grows a house interior section would be cool, with maybe a bedroom and more creatures from a more house enviroiment.

Thats all atm, If you reached this point thank you, leave a coment with your opinion (or not) and again, sorry for any grammar mistake... 👀

PD: Again I could lack in knowledge and some or even all suggestions could be garabage, but at least I had fun writing it and thinking on ways to improve and adding more stuff to the game.

Edited by MrSeriouscat
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47 minutes ago, MrSeriouscat said:

Signs: For this I consulted the wikia, wanted to make signs to mark my crates to set in order all my resources (that my friends end messing in the end xd), but I saw the only signs we have are like wooden frame pictures with fixed images to put, but you cant write on them, and you have to unlock more pics. Or maybe I missed the item


you can set an icon to the chests to mark them. just open the chest and use LT (left trigger) to open the icon menu.


50 minutes ago, MrSeriouscat said:

Better Dandelion Tuft: It is a cool item, but the durability is pretty low, cant be stacked, I dont even mind a backpack upgrade with a crow feather or leaf parachute. This probably is the only transport item, right?

i think they are planning on an upgrade using clovers. and there is a possibility we will get insect wings to use as gliders.


all of your suggestions are great. especially a backpack upgrade, mounts, telescope, and storage sorting.

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4 hours ago, Johnny Wirick said:

you can set an icon to the chests to mark them. just open the chest and use LT (left trigger) to open the icon menu.


i think they are planning on an upgrade using clovers. and there is a possibility we will get insect wings to use as gliders.


all of your suggestions are great. especially a backpack upgrade, mounts, telescope, and storage sorting.

Really? maybe I miss that of marking the chest, thank you. If thats true I guess that would leave the suggestion a bit break 🤣

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Ehm, for some rare reason I dont see and edit button but I will leave another suggestion right here.


Advanced Torches: Yeah I know we have the torch+ wich lasts more, but I dont want to lasts even more, I would like a repairable torch, maybe different matterials and a way to repair it or reaply the fuel to the torch. Even with the actual torch we have we could have the option just add the repair option and the matterials could be just fiber and sab. I usually have 2 torches on the inventory just in case one is depleted.

EDIT: Now edit works :S, ok nvm... I thought as well that with the firefly we could build a lantern, similar to the head armor with a light, but without using the head slot. Or that could even be the advanced torch XD. I would leave the "repair/refill" option to be cheap, I think we already have enough s* to repair, right?. Im now exploring underwater and looks like now I need more items, the inventory feels more small now

Edited by MrSeriouscat
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Yeah, that is what Im using since you said the crates can be customizable with icons. By the way, as I see on your screens you can build selfs, I wanted that to build more chests on my base. Wich chip does unlock that?

Edited by MrSeriouscat
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