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Lagging was a slight problem in KOTOR. The game itself lagged once in a while, when too many characters were on the screen. However more importantly the characters in your party would lag behind you, and fall behind you by vast distances. The area I most noticed this problem was on Manan, however it did happen through out the game in various areas. The problem was annoying because it prevented you from reaching other areas, until all of your party joined you. Perhaps the devs can you a beaming or spawn system to reunite lagging party members in KOTOR2. This system can be seen in co-op Halo. If one character is too far behind, that character is beamed to the rest of the party. This system would prevent long waits for lost party members to transverse areas of the map to reunite with the party.

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The problem was annoying because it prevented you from reaching other areas, until all of your party joined you. Perhaps the devs can you a beaming or spawn system to reunite lagging party members in KOTOR2.

I think one of the Devs mentioned that you'd be able to move to different areas without the need for your party members to catch up.

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Yes they did say that. But just get used to qui asking the same questions and making the same suggestions over and over. <_<

Excuse me, but when did I attack you to warrant a smart ass remark like that? As far as I know I have never really interacted with you....now if you want to act like that jackass Jenny Star we can make something of this.

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This lagging is due to bugs in path finding algorithm implemented in the engine. We shall see if Obsidian will change it - may be not, because it is not easy to program this, and that is why they only remove the annoying message at area transitions.

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