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there's a new forum about a MMORPG, you guys should check it out: clickieclickie some people can become mappers if you want (no pay) but we're also searching for some imaginative minds for storyline, quests, NPC's... etc.

and if someone is interested in becoming co-owner/admin/ whatever (allpowerfull maybe? :( ) cuz we're still looking for a host...

greetz... Chyandum



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euh dude, I'm not a spammer, I've been here for quite some time, but just never posted, (I read more) but i just made a forum about a game, which I and this other dude are making, and I need mappers and the likes! plz don't let it die :rolleyes: , I'm a real member

why would I have an avatar if I weren't a member???

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why would I have an avatar if I weren't a member???




um... anyway, one thread should suffice for the.. project.

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I'm not trying to be rude. However there are many people on this forum who love to flame.


I can't even find a website for your MMORPG. And so far you have a small team and little progress judging from your forums. To be perfectly honest, what you need is positive people to help you.


Go check out sourceforge.net for programmers, or RPGMaker forums. You might find people who want to make a game and help you out. However, hitting random forums is likely only wasting your time and attracting flames.


These flames will be a negative distraction from what you're trying to accomplish.

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euh dude, I'm not a spammer, I've been here for quite some time, but just never posted, (I read more) but i just made a forum about a game, which I and this other dude are making, and I need mappers and the likes! plz don't let it die :blink: , I'm a real member

why would I have an avatar if I weren't a member???

you know, you should have left, cause ender was right, there are those who love to flame, and i am one of em!


f*** you, stupid bastard! you registered on may 17, you said youve been a member for a long time, BULLs***! i registered on may 4, and i know your full of it, so f*** off. the only posts you make are about your f***** game which has nothing to do with anything we discuss here, so take your farm game, your cornmeal, and your pitchforks and shove em right up your ass!

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Hi! I'm a guy from the intarn3t! I want to make a MMORPG! I need mappers, programmers, designers, a producer or two, testers, server administrators, secretaries, a building and a soda machine etc. etc. 3tc.. I have no game designing experience and my programming abilities include putting font size and color tags on message boards so... I'll admin the message boards and have a couple ideas 4 da game(Like character models who are a cross between Goku and Cloud!! R0X0RZZZ!11) so I'll be the leader!



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Now, if you all believe this guy,


I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell you cheap...

"For The Love Of Carnage And Discord, I Bring Annihilation And Cheap Beer!" - Mad Dwarf


"Watch that howling1. His sig used to eat cities." - Synaesthesia


"Beat me with a wet noodle huh? " - Feargus Urquhart


"the term "Board Troll" ain't a thing ta be proud o', lads" - Sargallath Abraxium


"The line between comedy and tragedy is pretty thin in these parts." - Overseer


" Grrr... ...Argh." - Darque

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