Kissker Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 Not that I really want to, but the combined effect from dew collectors not actually producing dew, mushroom farms not growing mushrooms, and the seemingly increased thirst rate makes this rather un-enjoyable at the moment. I also had some weird physics related issues (or just.. wolf spiders doing way too much damage to advanced structures) and just meh.. it's time to wait til a serious patch is done. I appreciate the hotfix for at least the larva control, but the new issues seem to have made things worse.
YooooooLago Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 is the dew not collecting and the mushroom farm not growing a new issue? Or has this been an on going problem?
JRE1043 Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 And the fact the game hasn’t loaded all day lol. Guess I will also be taking a break.
tecknotot Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 On 8/8/2020 at 6:40 PM, YooooooLago said: is the dew not collecting and the mushroom farm not growing a new issue? Or has this been an on going problem? Expand its a new bug with the latest patch the other day.
tecknotot Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 On 8/8/2020 at 7:01 PM, JRE1043 said: And the fact the game hasn’t loaded all day lol. Guess I will also be taking a break. Expand Im not having any issues with the single player game.
Kr4in Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 I have the same problem, the water is not generated anywhere in the garden, the fungi of the grower do not grow, the acorns do not regenerate, the wood does not regenerate either, it is not possible to play like this, and without water it is death assured. this happens to me since the last patch. 1
Epstein's Killer Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 Seems spawn rates on everything is broken after they patched yesterday 1
Rooks Nemesis Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 (edited) No, the water droplets is an ongoing one. It was happening before the patch. I just edited my post not long ago about this. I have actually replicated one of the bugs, if you constantly reload a save file or respawn continuously the droplets and some materials just break! The Dew collector is a different monster all together.. It seems if grass collides with it, it breaks.. If you shoot a dew droplet it will fade away (droplet) then break.. If it gets damaged it breaks.. And ultimately if the water spawn breaks it breaks... Edited August 8, 2020 by Rooks Nemesis
Kissker Posted August 8, 2020 Author Posted August 8, 2020 (edited) On 8/8/2020 at 6:40 PM, YooooooLago said: is the dew not collecting and the mushroom farm not growing a new issue? Or has this been an on going problem? Expand it is for me, and as far as I can tell. I loaded up my pre-existing world (60+ days survived) and harvested dew and mushrooms, and they never came back. I resorted to building a new dew collector, and it produced 4 almost instantly (within 5 minutes of being made) but then never produced more, 7-12 in game days later. On 8/8/2020 at 9:33 PM, Epstein's Killer said: Seems spawn rates on everything is broken after they patched yesterday Expand broken how? are we talking critters or items? they reduced larva spawn - but how they did it , might have had some effect on 'all spawns' On 8/8/2020 at 10:25 PM, Rooks Nemesis said: No, the water droplets is an ongoing one. It was happening before the patch. I just edited my post not long ago about this. I have actually replicated one of the bugs, if you constantly reload a save file or respawn continuously the droplets and some materials just break! The Dew collector is a different monster all together.. It seems if grass collides with it, it breaks.. If you shoot a dew droplet it will fade away (droplet) then break.. If it gets damaged it breaks.. And ultimately if the water spawn breaks it breaks... Expand this doesn't correspond to my gameplay. 60 days of it working, then the patch and it stops working. I don't reload from 1 save file a lot, in fact I typically delete excess saves since 'save over' doesn't exist. I rarely die, I don't try to fight things like groups of spiders or Wolf Spiders without terrain advantages, so I rarely "respawn" at all. They grass clipping seems to be a new clipping bug in general, as I had an expensive foundation tower (to "hold up" my bridge) get clipped by a wolf spider and instantly destroy all of it. Clay foundation, 8 palisades, 4 stem wood walls, 2 angle roof and 3 scaffold - all instantly broken and half material spewed into the world. He didn't "attack" it, he just ran by and clipped through it - and it exploded. (or if he did attack, it still is over powered physical collision, as those are supposed to be reinforced options costing much more than just easy to get grass) For more details on my saves: I have 1 save (medium difficulty) that is into day 70+ now. I have one save that is (mild) something around 20 days (I wanted to test other things like ant eggs and raw science spawn -since my first game never had them until the fix) I delete excess saves and only keep the 'most recent' of each, plus any 'log out' save that may exist, and my auto saves are set to 1, so it doesn't overload the save system. Dealing with Bethesda games so long, I learned to 'manually save often, disable autosave as much as possible" to deal with issues like over-saving, too many files/folder saves, etc. to fix the bugs and problems they are riddled with. The simple fact selecting a save doesn't get a 'save slot' to save over, but simply allows you to delete it is strange. Pressing the save button always generates a new slot. I think for some people, the tremendous amount of saves is causing problems (I have no proof, just theory) and with 2 or 3 auto save slots, it pushes all the 'slots' i care about tend to get pushed deep on the list and I hate having to scroll to it, so I just delete the in between saves. When I come back to play, I load from the 'log out save' . If I crash I load from the 'most recent save' be it auto or manual. So if you believe that 'reloading your save' causes this break in dew collector use - I don't see it. If anything it's a 'duration of game' problem over reloading save problem, as many games with similar structures perform worse, have more glitches and breaks, the longer 'in game time' you play. (Notably- Bethesda games) and finally I know Bethesda and Obsidian are not the same company, thankfully. But they do have experience with how bethesda games are structured, as they worked on Fallout New Vegas (one of the best fallout games, hands down. I own the collector's edition proudly to this day) so it isn't a 'stretch' to think they may work in similar ways, with similar bugs, despite being different engines and teams. Edited August 8, 2020 by Kissker 1
bargearse85 Posted August 9, 2020 Posted August 9, 2020 I'm experiencing exactly the same bugs, I'm switching over to creative mode until it gets looked at.
Rooks Nemesis Posted August 9, 2020 Posted August 9, 2020 (edited) On 8/8/2020 at 11:21 PM, Kissker said: it is for me, and as far as I can tell. I loaded up my pre-existing world (60+ days survived) and harvested dew and mushrooms, and they never came back. I resorted to building a new dew collector, and it produced 4 almost instantly (within 5 minutes of being made) but then never produced more, 7-12 in game days later. broken how? are we talking critters or items? they reduced larva spawn - but how they did it , might have had some effect on 'all spawns' this doesn't correspond to my gameplay. 60 days of it working, then the patch and it stops working. I don't reload from 1 save file a lot, in fact I typically delete excess saves since 'save over' doesn't exist. I rarely die, I don't try to fight things like groups of spiders or Wolf Spiders without terrain advantages, so I rarely "respawn" at all. They grass clipping seems to be a new clipping bug in general, as I had an expensive foundation tower (to "hold up" my bridge) get clipped by a wolf spider and instantly destroy all of it. Clay foundation, 8 palisades, 4 stem wood walls, 2 angle roof and 3 scaffold - all instantly broken and half material spewed into the world. He didn't "attack" it, he just ran by and clipped through it - and it exploded. (or if he did attack, it still is over powered physical collision, as those are supposed to be reinforced options costing much more than just easy to get grass) For more details on my saves: I have 1 save (medium difficulty) that is into day 70+ now. I have one save that is (mild) something around 20 days (I wanted to test other things like ant eggs and raw science spawn -since my first game never had them until the fix) I delete excess saves and only keep the 'most recent' of each, plus any 'log out' save that may exist, and my auto saves are set to 1, so it doesn't overload the save system. Dealing with Bethesda games so long, I learned to 'manually save often, disable autosave as much as possible" to deal with issues like over-saving, too many files/folder saves, etc. to fix the bugs and problems they are riddled with. The simple fact selecting a save doesn't get a 'save slot' to save over, but simply allows you to delete it is strange. Pressing the save button always generates a new slot. I think for some people, the tremendous amount of saves is causing problems (I have no proof, just theory) and with 2 or 3 auto save slots, it pushes all the 'slots' i care about tend to get pushed deep on the list and I hate having to scroll to it, so I just delete the in between saves. When I come back to play, I load from the 'log out save' . If I crash I load from the 'most recent save' be it auto or manual. So if you believe that 'reloading your save' causes this break in dew collector use - I don't see it. If anything it's a 'duration of game' problem over reloading save problem, as many games with similar structures perform worse, have more glitches and breaks, the longer 'in game time' you play. (Notably- Bethesda games) and finally I know Bethesda and Obsidian are not the same company, thankfully. But they do have experience with how bethesda games are structured, as they worked on Fallout New Vegas (one of the best fallout games, hands down. I own the collector's edition proudly to this day) so it isn't a 'stretch' to think they may work in similar ways, with similar bugs, despite being different engines and teams. Expand It may not correspond to your exact situation, yet simply reloading repeatedly still breaks it unfortunately, You can easily replicate it yourself. I literally just did this 3 times again.. Idk see what you can glean from these steps.. Start new game Run up to baseball Save game Load game Load game Repeat 6 or 7 more times You may find a couple of droplets after words, but no new droplets respawn afterwords.. Went to day 10 and nothing. Interestingly enough acorns seem to be effected by whatever is effecting the droplets as well (acorns are a new issue after update) where only the tops will spawn.. You can also replicate the above with constant dieing/respawning. For what ever reason it happens as well although half the time. And lmao I take your wolf spider and raise you 1 gnat stuck in my base.. It got stuck in a corner, it finally got out by disassembling everything.. And im talking 40 plus scaffolds, 18 palisades, 12 reinforced walls 8 reinforced walls w/windows.. Roofs Everything crumbled.. Funny enough the 8 high clay foundation still stood.. Which was the only thing touching dirt. Everything else was built on baseball, The lag alone froze up my xbox for a minute or 2.. Hilariously frustrating. Edited August 9, 2020 by Rooks Nemesis
Mikeb1too Posted August 9, 2020 Posted August 9, 2020 i also had no problems on xbox console with the dew collectors or the mushroom gardens until the patch came out , also demolished the old ones and built new and they spawned shrooms and dew one time and then never again , and its very obvious thirst and hunger are going down much faster then before the patch , this is a big issue and pretty much game breaking to have to spend so much time running around to just keep hunger and thirst up.
Kissker Posted August 10, 2020 Author Posted August 10, 2020 On 8/9/2020 at 3:23 AM, Mikeb1too said: i also had no problems on xbox console with the dew collectors or the mushroom gardens until the patch came out , also demolished the old ones and built new and they spawned shrooms and dew one time and then never again , and its very obvious thirst and hunger are going down much faster then before the patch , this is a big issue and pretty much game breaking to have to spend so much time running around to just keep hunger and thirst up. Expand yeah, i noticed the thirst just draining like a bucket with a hole in it post-patch. food is easy enough to get tons of , things that stack in 10s especially (jerky, acorn bits, hotdog, apple, etc) the issue is thirst.. and that we can't just simply 'boil water' like other survival games. So while we can drink dirty water, suffer mass food loss, then eat more than needed as a 'work around' it is not exactly ideal. Dew collectors empty, mushroom farms empty, ran through both my water storages - all these things are now pointless wastes of space until fixed.
Lead Magnet Posted August 12, 2020 Posted August 12, 2020 In my game after the patch, the dew collectors simply stopped I had four. Three in my main base, one actually intersected by grass that spiders oftten made waggle, and never affected by it. And one in a hedge area remote base. All had 4 on them after patch. After I'd collected all of it and drank it (and yeah, thirst DOES seem to drain faster), they never came back. I honestly didn't notice at first. My four mushroom farms also stopped producing, and they used to produce several times a day. I assumed maybe spawn rates were increased, and went about my exploration. Collected all the clay, and all the acorns. Acorns used to respawn sometimes right when you whacked them. So, again, didn't think anything of it. But, after going around gathering resources, exploring, and every time coming back to my oak tree base, seeing zero acorns and zero dew or mushrooms, it became obvious this was broken. Played more than 10 days, but ran our of resources. Drank all my smoothies. Ants robbed ALL my stored food. They normally cannot even get into the base, and have never tried, but I found some at the bottom of the stump, sort of running into the stump, and wondered "why are they there," and later found they'd gotten all my stored food. Sigh. I raided all the 100 mushrooms at the large garden under the porch, and have my inventory stuffed, and have been drinking dirty water, but I can't really play with my inventory full, and can't keep food in the base, anymore, or get water, so gave up. I'd hoped for either a patch or at least official comment by today. I'm not quite concerned as this does not bode well at all for alpha development, if the devs break something and don't acknowledge it, or hotfix it many days afterward. Means throughout alpha, we're going to be getting serious breaks and just be left in limbo. I hope they realize, though it's an advanced release, we are still customers, excited for the game they are creating, and spending a lot of free time within its universe. Breaking it without even a "oops, dammit, we'll fix this as fast as possible" creates really bad karma and lack of trust. Do I REALLY want to invest more time in this, if this is going to be standard operating procedure?
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