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  On 11/8/2019 at 12:39 AM, highlor3 said:

Does it mean that the quest "Don't Bite the Sunwill get out of the botched section?



  On 11/9/2019 at 5:10 AM, TheIrishRoguer said:

Will this fix the Pavarti quest if it is already bugged in our playthrough?



Can we get an answer to this question? I don't really want to play anymore if I'm going to have to go back to an old save file to fix this.

  On 11/9/2019 at 3:02 AM, jwth96 said:

The inferior graphics rendering (foliage and grass) on the XBOX ONE X needs to be fixed, I've basically stopped playing for the time being as the whole experience now seems tarnished, i know its silly to be concerned over such an issue but The Outer Worlds really does look barren compared to every other system its released on and with Microsoft continually marketing the X as the worlds most powerful console, this seems like a slap in the face....hope its fixed soon


According to an email I received from Private Division this is supposed to be getting fixed in patch 1.1.1 but it's not in the patch notes. 

Either they were wrong and it's actually being fixed in a later patch or it's just missing from the patch notes


Love this game excellent work Obsidian! 


Bug: When in the workbench menu the "compare" weapons feature doesn't work correctly. It allows you still to press L3 to set a marker but only "one" not "two" the feature is broken here. 



Would be nice to have a dynamic flashlight on the armor enabled by holding the crouch button. 


A manual quick save option option would be great to save time. (maybe add as standstill 1hr wait time) 


In the weapons inventory it would be useful if you have a double ups of the same weapon (with the same stats) to be in one slot saying x2 etc. 


Some type of feature in the inventory to "Lock" weapons / items so they don't show up in the sell menu for vendors and traders. Or add a new sub inventory option "favourite locked items". This would make it so much better to sell items you don't want. 


In the consumables inventory it can take a long time to look through for "heal %" items. Maybe add a health symbol on those (for example same symbol area like shock weapons have) or add a new arrange order options. 


On the compass bar could you add small grey dots to show dead bodies that haven't been looted yet. When your companions kill a big group of enemies it's not always clear where the bodies are. 


Option to Set a custom Waypoint on the map menu. 

  On 11/7/2019 at 7:36 PM, Shyla said:

•    Increase Font Size - Conversations/Subtitles


Can you revert back to the original font size? I don't want it bigger.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2019 at 7:54 PM, gtamike_TSGK said:

A manual quick save option option would be great to save time. (maybe add as standstill 1hr wait time) 


In the PC Version, that is already implemented. F5 to Quciksave, F9 to Quickload. You can adjust the Autosave Timer in the Settings already.

  On 11/11/2019 at 7:54 PM, gtamike_TSGK said:

Would be nice to have a dynamic flashlight on the armor enabled by holding the crouch button. 


+1 Would be great.

Edited by BigBo
  On 11/11/2019 at 8:11 PM, BigBo said:

In the PC Version, that is already implemented. F5 to Quciksave, F9 to Quickload. You can adjust the Autosave Timer in the Optionsmenu already.

+1 Would be great.


I'm on the PS4 version. 


So will this fix the quest dint bite the sun from being botched? Like with this patch will it take it out of the botched quest? Or is it only patched for a new game. Like do you have to start a new game to bring dont bite the sun out of botched because Parvati had "died" even though im playing on hard and not supernova? 

  On 11/7/2019 at 7:36 PM, Shyla said:

If you do not see your particular issue or suggestion listed above, please understand that we are continually reviewing and working on items that you are sharing with us. We will continue to work on updates and patches to see how we can make your gaming experience the best it possibly can be.                                                                   


Kinda surprised that key re-binding is not one of the first things being addressing in initial patches.

Their is a small collection of inputs that are currently hard bound and hence not re-mappable - like inventory, map, ledger, companion menu etc etc. Theses inputs need to be made re-mappable, so we can re-bind them if we want to.



Still no patch or ETA - maybe its a Friday thing or related to X019 tonight

The differences in resourcing between Obsidian and Rockstar is immense. RDR2 has been getting almost daily updates and today's patch notes list 75 items against 6 for the TOW patch. 

I hope the "new IP" isnt taking effort away from TOW

  • Like 1
When there will be a patch on the PC, I can't go through the missions delivered from my companions, I stood on the main mission mission after a spatial jump going from the ship to the professor, i.e. crashes to the Windows desktop, I have current drivers, dll and other, AMD R2400G 8GB.
Posted (edited)

"Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova"

I'm playing on PC on Supernova difficulty using Game Pass. I chose not to have Parvati follow me around so she definitely didn't die. I wanted to complete her companion quest line but realized I can no longer find her on the ship, though I can still see her in the menu. If I leave the ship with her the game generates a message saying "Parvati has left the party". There's a certain save file where if I leave The Unreliable with her on Groundbreaker Parvati spawns dead and I get the same message. More often than not I just get the message without her or her corpse appearing anywhere.

Reddit post about the same bug

Is this bug fixed or is it something else?

Edited by Mektu
Posted (edited)

There is nothing fixed till now  and we don´t get a fixed date only its cooming soon this week.

I wish  i could work like that.  

Here are people that payed the full price for the Game and the service for a 60 buck is kinda a bad joke. 

You can treat the Windows Game Pass People like that i dont care.

Edited by Weedbeast
Posted (edited)

So, I guess if the patch is released Saturday at 11:59pm it would still be technically "this week"?

Edited by Jharel
Posted (edited)
  On 11/15/2019 at 7:22 AM, Jharel said:

So, I guess if the patch is released Saturday at 11:59pm it would still be technically "this week"?


I’m afraid you’re right. Still hoping for a sweet just-before-the-weekend release..

Edited by Arrebarren
Posted (edited)

Come on Obsidian be fair to your fans.

I know you dont have the resources to generate the kind of monthly content updates we get from Beth or Ubi or EA but your comms on this patch and future roadmap should be better .

You should have planned for at least one update in the first two weeks to address crashes and quest blocking bugs

We all want DLC as the base game is great but dont make it paid DLC under game pass - put your fans first

Edited by grooner
  • Like 1
  On 11/15/2019 at 11:50 AM, grooner said:

Come on Obsidian be fair to your fans.

I know you dont have the resources to generate the kind of monthly content updates we get from Beth or Ubi or EA but your comms on this patch and future roadmap should be better .

You should have planned for at least one update in the first two weeks to address crashes and quest blocking bugs

We all want DLC as the base game is great but dont make it paid DLC under game pass - put your fans first


Could only agree with you Grooner.

As me and my friend discussed it’s really interesting how the business been developed as an unfinished game can be released for purchase for approx 60 euros. Imagine buying other products with issues from the start that will be needed to be ”fixed” later on. Would you accept a new washing machine with roughly 80% of the programs working? Simple answer is: No. That darn machine would’ve been returned the day after.

Obsidian, time to make a change to the gaming-industry. Release the fix already.

  On 11/15/2019 at 11:50 AM, grooner said:

We all want DLC as the base game is great but dont make it paid DLC 


I'll happily pay for DLC it's obviously going to cost them resources to expand on this game. I'm sure they're prioritising the patches first anyway. 


Cheeky miss-quote there mate

I said under game pass . Many games are included in game pass but the DLC isnt. We happy few is one exception. 

  • Haha 1

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