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Basic Plot Discussion

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I can think of a possible LS continuation.


After destroying the Star Forge, Revan is trapped in a continuous struggle against his dark taint and former past. Interaction with people only brings him closer to darkness, so he decides to become a hermit/wanderer of the outer worlds where it is isolated enough to bring some peace of mind. Revan's departure hurts Bastila and shifts her to the DS again, and she proves instrumental in bringing the Sith back into power before she too is usurped and flees. Broken, she desperately goes out in search for Revan- the only thing she feels she can do.


Just making a pure guess though.

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Interesting theory. And that would also mean that one of the Sith you must fight is Bastila.


That would be great because not only would you be able to see her again, but you could be responsible for her dead. Not that I hate Bastila or anything, but at least that would be better than having her killed offscreen.

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First off I said the Unknown Regions, not the Outer Rim.  And since the Unknown Regions are uncharted space, *duh*, I figured there has to be some sort of connection. That is all.


I was referring to Maia's post. A little tip don't say Duh. We aren't 12.

Anyways what sort of connection do you think there is? Like you said uncharted space=unknown regions. This is where the star forge was.


Most likely you are right and it was the Quest for the Star Forge that turned him and Malak, but something had to make them want to search for it in the first place! Revan didn't just come to the conclusion one day that he wanted to go to the sacred ruins on Dantooine and quest for some hidden super weapon, and of coarse fall to the darkside while doing that.  Remember, Revan and malak's quest for the star forge began when they entered the sacred ruins(a jedi no no) on Dantooine they didnt just stumble upon one of the star maps.


Actually that is exactly what happened. Revan sensed the power of the star map(which is a dark side artifact) and decided to go investigate. Revan searched for the star forge out of curiousity and a thirst for knowledge. As your Jedi Master explains to you when warning how easy it is to fall to the DS. He found this incredibly mysterious object(that predated the republic) talking about a long extinct civilization, an incredible creation etc. Who wouldn't want to go find something like that? He decided to search out the other star maps because he had to find the other ones to find the location of the star forge. Does no one pay attention to the dialogue and story anymore?


-Ithor(I came to this conclusion when looking at a screenshot that had some wierd hovering staion thing around a planet, which of coarse Ithor does)

-Coruscant(They can't leave Coruscant out a second time, they just cant)

-Some planet in the Unknown regions, probably where Revan ended up.

-Yavin 4(Famous Moon, I thought this cause i remember seeing everyone on a forest like planet in one of the videos)

Link the screenshot. I think it's more likely that is Telos.


The rakatan planet/star forge IS where Revan ended up in unknown space/regions.

Doubt it.

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I actually think Revan may have gone off in search of that thing that Canderous mentioned. The strange asteroid/meteor thing that shot off into space after melting his armor.

A Yuuzhan Vong coral skipper? Why in the hell would he go off in search of an object Canderous said fled outside the galaxy? He wouldn't. I also really doubt they'd introduce the Vong in any serious way.

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I actually think Revan may have gone off in search of that thing that Canderous mentioned. The strange asteroid/meteor thing that shot off into space after melting his armor.

That's one of the most nonsensical things I've ever read here. Why would Revan have gone off looking for some random thing he heard about that has nothing to do with him/her, is totally irrelavent to anything going on in his/her life, may not even exist, and if it was, was last seen years ago leaving the galaxy?

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