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Created/optional companions being Destroyed in Combat

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As the title says, my created or optional companions like Fassina sometimes get outright destroyed in combat and leave the party.  They do not have any injuries at all.  Playing on Veteran difficulty.


Anyone have an idea what this is?


Also id post a screenshot but couldn't figure out where the shots went.  This is was the text box in game says:


"Companion name" has left the party.

"Enemy" destroyed "companion".


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Companions can be killed and sometimes without warning. If you get three red dots on the left side of your avatar, the next one will kill them, period. In a fight I have lost companions because they get all of the dots at one time. The only way you can come back from that is to load your last save and try again.

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Thanks for the replies.  The thing that frustrates me about this is that it doesnt tell you how they were destroyed so you could figure out a way to avoid it.


@msyoung The red dots are injuries and getting 4 injuries kills any character.  When my companions get destroyed they had no injuries at all.  It seems like it could be a bug/glitch. 


I do reload and attempt the fight again but without knowing what actually destroyed my companion is frustrating.

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I encountered the destruction thing during the fight with Cristal Spider Queen. If enemy was petrified and she did her scream attack petrified companion would shatter killing him permanently. I managed to avoid it by equipping companions in danger with resistance gear so their addiction would drop to "paralyze".


Recent expansions were first time I felt the wound system to actually have some effect. It was normal for my tank to die and get resurrected couple times making the would system actually mean something - neat!

Edited by Wormerine
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I've encountered this on occasion. As far as I know, it's always meant to happen to characters who are knocked unconscious with three wounds. In particular, it also seems to happen when characters, including those with no preexisting wounds, die to raw damage (e.g., from Disintegration) or from some very specific instant death effects (happens with Belranga's Shattering Screech vs. petrified characters, and I think I've seen this happen due to a near-death character hit by a Wizard's Death Ring spell as well). I have no idea if any of this behavior is consistent or whether it's an intentional mechanic outside of characters dying with three extant wounds.

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