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Interesting, i started playing PoE II for the first time after the new patch was released and therefore couldn't identifiy if there is a difference in this regard. But i was surprised of a specific encounter in the old city (southeast of the map), where i always pulled the group of blights together with all the spectres, shades and skeletons. It wasn't only an unbelievable difficult fight but also a nightmare from the performance perspective.

Edited by frogmoth
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is the increase enemy pulling thing intentional?


it makes some of the fights early game really tough like the looters.


to clarify -- the looters can be separated, and if you didn't manually separate them before, you fought them all at once. This was true pre-3.1, and can confirm with my very new run that they can still be separated into separate encounters.

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is the increase enemy pulling thing intentional?


it makes some of the fights early game really tough like the looters.


to clarify -- the looters can be separated, and if you didn't manually separate them before, you fought them all at once. This was true pre-3.1, and can confirm with my very new run that they can still be separated into separate encounters.


I coudn't split-pull them so I just rush with Eder to the bottom right corner of the map while sneaking rest of te party to confront Ilari. Eder's armor is nice diversion.


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