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Game won't pause or fast-forward.

The Zeppo




I just started having this issue today but occasionally the game won't let me pause and I can't fast-forward. It persists through reloads and map transitions. But the weird thing is that the game also doesn't pause when in any menus either, including the options menu. I have no idea what causes it yet, but I'll keep testing until I can figure it out.



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Hello Zeppo!


That is quite strange.  If it wouldn't be too much trouble, might I ask for a save file where this is occurring?  We would love to test this and see if we can get a fix in for you so that you can adjust those settings.  You can find instructions on where to find your save files here.  You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily.  Personally, I find the game to be tremendously hard without pause, so I can understand any frustrations arising from this.


Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

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