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[Strange Behaviour] Resolve and %damage done DoTs



While discussing certain DoTs and attributes that influence their damage in this thread, the idea arose that Resolve may influence the DPS of Wounding Shot and Deep Wounds, in the same (inverse) way that Intellect does. So I decided to do a few tests, and not only does it increase the DPS but also the total damage done.


Using this test save, I stripped both Aloth (10 Resolve) and Vatnir (14 Resolve) of their armour and anything else that may influence incoming damage, then shot them both with Wounding Shot. I then added up the damage numbers that floated up, then repeated on the other. I did this several times to make sure I hadn't miscalculated, and every time not only were Vatnir's ticks higher and overall duration shorter (expected behaviour), but the total damage dealt was significantly higher.


As a final test, to make sure there wasn't some effect on either that I wasn't aware of that was skewing the results, I used a mod to alter Serafens Resolve first up to 20 and then down to 10. To quote myself from the above linked thread:


I have no idea why. :) I just did two tests on Serafen - first was with 20 RES and the shot did 87 + 11 lash = 98 and the DoTs did a total of 60 (rounding aside). I then dropped his RES down to 10 - hit for 104 + 13 lash = 117 and the DoTs did  52.

So with 20 RES he took ~61% of the hit across both DoTs, with 10 RES he took ~44%. He did have the buff/debuff from the Red Hand active, which could account for the increase with 10 RES, but one would still expect the total damage percentage to be the same.


I'm not saying this is necessarily a bug, we just can't think of any logical way to explain this behaviour. Tests were all done with the Essence Interrupter, with the lightning lash enchantment.


Save: http://www.mediafire.com/file/z7p7rlvryjo2alg/Blathiel_%28TheEndlessQueries%29_%282e7aaa45-bb7b-4b34-8493-733a9942db73%29_%28LAX-2ABCDE%29_%28935047080%29.savegame/file

Edited by thundercleese
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Hey ThunderCheese!


Thank you for another thorough post!  I'll put it in a report and have the Systems Design team investigate this to see what's going on.  If you discover more about this, by all means, keep adding to it :)


Thanks for all the help!

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