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I'm trying to add great swords to the list of weapons that are affected by the Fair Favor hat. 


I'm fairly certain I know how to do this. If I'm reading the information right, I have to add the great sword Keyword ID to the list of IDs under the "Attack Filter" section to the two relevant Status Effects. I've found where to add this information. But I don't have a clue where to find the Keyword ID for great swords. 


So, any help? 


keywords already present in the game are those , you can found them in gui.gamedatabundle




here the great sword keyword


	"$type": "Game.GameData.KeywordGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
	"DebugName": "Great Sword",
	"ID": "3a2f20c5-5d12-4f5f-bb0d-856cc7a55d86",
	"Components": [{
			"$type": "Game.GameData.KeywordComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
			"GuiDisplayString": 2966,
			"AbilitiesDisplayString": -1,
			"Description": -1,
			"OverridePluralEffect": -1,
			"Icon": "",
			"TintableIcon": ""

Something you'll constantly find is that names of things can come from a variety of files


Every bit of text in the game is in some stringtable in localised/<lang>/<somefile> for example

The trick is finding the text you want to relate to a mod and backtrack it to design/<somewhere>/<or>/<another>


So the first step is finding some ID you can search for in some stringtable


This is not obvious but there are tools that help


Sadly these tools are not easy to use - they're designed for admins




grep -lir "2966," Pillars\ of\ Eternity\ II\ Deadfire


The added comma is from experience

Will find  me all references (takes 10 mins on my crappy server) back in 10...


Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/design/gamedata/items.gamedatabundle
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/design/gamedata/abilities.gamedatabundle
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/design/gamedata/gui.gamedatabundle
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/design/chatter/chatter.chatterbundle
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/design/conversations/companions/companion_aloth_intro.conversationbundle
You now only have a limited number of files to hunt through - @Kilay has already identified it's gui (another one of us with lots of experience)

From this information it don't take long to hunt down the bit you wanna change

I can do exactly the same on my Win10 box and my Mac (both are far faster than the local server)


The issue here is not CAN you find this info? It's is it worth it? It's taken me YEARS to learn how to do this kinda thing


A better solution is to join our team - https://poe.peardox.com/invite as there will be one of us able to give you an answer fairly quickly as we have many members with many skills who help each other out (it's why I created the place)


Read my Sig for the advert junk

OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 

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