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I was toying around with this weapon a couple of days ago and I enchanted it with "out with the bad" wich removes 10sec worth of affliction on hit wich made me remove the afflictions I put on enemies (lol). First I was on a rogue/fighter and when I hit an enemy two big dmg numbers would pop up (100dmg and 70dmg for example) and only one showed up in the log, almost as if the "out with the bad" would force several deep wounds to trigger right away. So I made a cipher and tried the theory with disintegration but that wasn't working.


On the cipher I wasn't able to trigger the two dmg numbers at all. Anyone have a theory of what's going on? Or rather does anyone with a more active brain have any interest in running some tests with this thing? :p

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Hmm what version of the game are you on?  I tried this using a swashbuckler in 2.0 and it seemed to grant me only 1 tick of the applied dot before falling off.  The recent patches may have affected this, but try doing this with DoTs that are applied with an attack.  What gear, skills, and buffs did you have while doing this? Having a 70ish dmg dot ramp up instantly from a deep wounds sounds pretty nasty even for the broom that I think there could be other things in there.

Filthy Chanter Main  :dragon:   :skull:  :skull:  :skull:  -_-

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Hmm what version of the game are you on? I tried this using a swashbuckler in 2.0 and it seemed to grant me only 1 tick of the applied dot before falling off. The recent patches may have affected this, but try doing this with DoTs that are applied with an attack. What gear, skills, and buffs did you have while doing this? Having a 70ish dmg dot ramp up instantly from a deep wounds sounds pretty nasty even for the broom that I think there could be other things in there.

It was on the 2.0 beta. I have no idea what caused those numbers because they didn't show up in the log but things died rapidly with this weapon, also like I said I couldn't replicate this with Cipher/fighter so I suspected it had some weird behaviour with deep wounds.


I had the staff on legendary and "out with the bad" enchant. I had reckless brigandine on my chestslot and the rest I can't remember :p


Ur not getting any weird results?

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Sound like  Soul Annihilation ? :D It's damage displayed separately from original attack but in log displayed as bonus DM from main attack

Edited by mant2si

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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Well, I tried goofing around with the weapon on an existing Cipher/Rogue. If I had to guess, it will be that the deep wounds get usually tick over 10 secs got combined into a single tick.


Apparently, it is also happening for Disintegrate too for me. I think i was seeing 3 numbers - 1 for the weapon dmg, 1 for the combined deep wounds, 1 for the Disintegrate. I was testing at the palace top level in Serpent's Crown. And unfortunately, I can't get more info as all the enemies died in the Streetsweeper hit after Disintegrate.


The additional single ticks dont appear in the logs. Similar to the way Deep Wounds and Disintegrate DoTs dont appear in logs.


Just to be clear, what I mean by combined is that instead of the traditional "x dmg per y secs over z secs", the effects will change it roughly into "x * (10 / y) per y(?) secs over z - 10 secs". And if z is less than 10, then it becomes "x * (z / y) dmg per y(?) secs over 0 secs". The maths isn't exactly but I am just trying to show what I mean. Overall, there is no change to the DoT mechanics, just the time tick gets adjusted.

Edited by mosspit
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Sound like Soul Annihilation ? :D It's damage displayed separately from original attack but in log displayed as bonus DM from main attack

Yeah, as does deep wounds. Character I had these weird results with was trickster/unbroken.


What will happen if you will try do dispel DoT with Veilpiercer ? Maybe -10SEC to hostile effects trigger DoT trigger with summary DM xD For example if game calculate summary DoT damage as 50 DM for 10 SeC ~= 5DM/SEC or ~ 15 per 3 Sec, when you set DoT timer to 0 it will do all damage at once :D

Edited by mant2si

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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Well, I tried goofing around with the weapon on an existing Cipher/Rogue. If I had to guess, it will be that the deep wounds get usually tick over 10 secs got combined into a single tick.


Apparently, it is also happening for Disintegrate too for me. I think i was seeing 3 numbers - 1 for the weapon dmg, 1 for the combined deep wounds, 1 for the Disintegrate. I was testing at the palace top level in Serpent's Crown. And unfortunately, I can't get more info as all the enemies died in the Streetsweeper hit after Disintegrate.


The additional single ticks dont appear in the logs. Similar to the way Deep Wounds and Disintegrate DoTs dont appear in logs.


Just to be clear, what I mean by combined is that instead of the traditional "x dmg per y secs over z secs", the effects will change it roughly into "x * (10 / y) per y(?) secs over z - 10 secs". And if z is less than 10, then it becomes "x * (z / y) dmg per y(?) secs over 0 secs". The maths isn't exactly but I am just trying to show what I mean. Overall, there is no change to the DoT mechanics, just the time tick gets adjusted.

That's what I suspected just wanted more ppl to confirm it. I however did not notice anything when I tried it with Disintegration.. wonder if it works nicely with taste of the hunt

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Well, you've got my perspective. Nice find.

But it only worked when the dot had 10 or less seconds remaining, right?


Not really because I mentioned that I tried using Disintegrate too. Disintegrate was giving > 10 secs remaining before the Streetsweeper hit. Yet enemies still exploed due to the dmg spike. From my observation, it still worked on > 10 sec effects.


What I think will be interesting to check is what happens when we consider the infinite length dmg effects (Brand enemy, Gouging Strike, True Love's Kiss). I can't tell if the dmg got combined. The ticks were not large enough for me to notice.

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Well, you've got my perspective. Nice find.

But it only worked when the dot had 10 or less seconds remaining, right?
Not really because I mentioned that I tried using Disintegrate too. Disintegrate was giving > 10 secs remaining before the Streetsweeper hit. Yet enemies still exploed due to the dmg spike. From my observation, it still worked on > 10 sec effects.


What I think will be interesting to check is what happens when we consider the infinite length dmg effects (Brand enemy, Gouging Strike, True Love's Kiss). I can't tell if the dmg got combined. The ticks were not large enough for me to notice.

Cool! I tried the disintegrate against eothens and I think at times it's hard to see the numbers u generate on those guys unless it shows up in the log.


Next time I can play I will try this with an assassin/druid and hit with taste of the hunt out of stealth and see what happens. It has a very juicy raw dot, at base it does 32 raw dmg per 3 sec for 10sec, plus the likely crit with assassinate and the extra dmg from backstab should generate quite a nasty Deep Wound from the primary attack.


Funny if it turns out that a broom is the ultimate backstab weapon ;P


Also ty for helping me investigating this :D

Edited by Dorftek
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Thanks for sharing that amazing found, now Ranger + new 2H axe modal  + WW and then switch on Street-sweeper + WW produce stupid amount of damage :D + I assume that Barbarian blood storm also has good synergy


I forget enable DD mod :D This trick works only on abilities that do fixed amount of damage per x time, for example disintegration, Ranger DoT work's correctly

Edited by mant2si

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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Thanks for sharing that amazing found, now Ranger + new 2H axe modal + WW and then switch on Street-sweeper + WW produce stupid amount of damage :D + I assume that Barbarian blood storm also has good synergy


I forget enable DD mod :D This trick works only on abilities that do fixed amount of damage per x time, for example disintegration, Ranger DoT work's correctly

I'm not sure what you mean?

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Perfect class combo to take advantage of this is probably Ranger/Rogue, with accurate wounding shot spamming and deepwounds.

I tested Ranger, and all ranger skills work correctly (they will be dispel on Streetsweeper hit). Even spells like Shining Beacon doesn't give you more DPS. You need stack-able skill like Deep Wound i.e skill which DPS can be changed overtime, for this type of abilities I assume PoE use dynamic  formula, which you can abuse to produce more DPS


All Ranger skils non-stackable :(


I don't even know why disintegration use this type of formula, disintegration should work as shinning beacon 

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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Well, you've got my perspective. Nice find.

But it only worked when the dot had 10 or less seconds remaining, right?


Not really because I mentioned that I tried using Disintegrate too. Disintegrate was giving > 10 secs remaining before the Streetsweeper hit. Yet enemies still exploed due to the dmg spike. From my observation, it still worked on > 10 sec effects.


What I think will be interesting to check is what happens when we consider the infinite length dmg effects (Brand enemy, Gouging Strike, True Love's Kiss). I can't tell if the dmg got combined. The ticks were not large enough for me to notice.



I've tried with gouging strike and i have still not encountered this burst dot dmg.




It's strange, i just tried this again and now when using it with deep wounds i get super small results like 1-2 dmg?


That sounds about what I've been getting where it only gives me 1tic worth of dmg.

Filthy Chanter Main  :dragon:   :skull:  :skull:  :skull:  -_-

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I tried with a build with that spread and Deep Wounds. Also with just "Out with the Bad"


On a normal Kith enemy






It is about 7 dmg.


I tried using the same build but with just a normal superb Quarterstaff. Deep Wounds duration was 6-7 secs. Each tick was about 3dmg and the last partial tick was just 1 dmg. So the dmg kinda add up.


Deep Wounds seem to be dependent on the strength of the attack. So a graze on the weapon hit will just lead to DW ticks of 1 dmg. And similarly Crits with the weapon hit will lead to stronger ticks.

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I tried with a build with that spread and Deep Wounds. Also with just "Out with the Bad"


On a normal Kith enemy






It is about 7 dmg.


I tried using the same build but with just a normal superb Quarterstaff. Deep Wounds duration was 6-7 secs. Each tick was about 3dmg and the last partial tick was just 1 dmg. So the dmg kinda add up.


Deep Wounds seem to be dependent on the strength of the attack. So a graze on the weapon hit will just lead to DW ticks of 1 dmg. And similarly Crits with the weapon hit will lead to stronger ticks.

It doesn't seem reliable on my side, at first I was doing very high dmg with it on my trickster, then when I tried on a scout it did only 1-2 dmg, then I tried it on my "The Undying" char (streetfighter/Skaen) and the dmg was still extremely low.

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