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[1.2.2] Engwithan Sentinals automatically start attacking at Ukaizo



This may be intended or something specific to the VTC questline, but is definitely different from all my other Ukaizo attempts.


Normally I fight the dragon and then in the middle of the fight it goes into some sort of protective sphere, which then activates the Engwithan titans.


This time, however, once I arrived at Ukaizo, the Engwithan Sentinels immediately activated and walked over to my party, and once I regained control of my party the fight began immediately, sans dragon. See screenshot:



Here's a dropbox link to two saves and OS X output log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0yelqtlx3p0xf0v/AAC5DSfE20uIDQRyMVayrUcHa?dl=0


There's two saves because interestingly if I reload the Ukaizo autosave, the sentinels don't immediately activate and attack. So it appears to be some trigger misfire from the pre-Ukaizo VTC conflict (I used slavers to fight the first ship, engaged the next ship in ship-to-ship combat, and then stoically abandoned the third conflict). So I have one autosave at Ukaizo harbor which should load just fine, and then an autosave from ship-to-ship combat leading into the Ukaizo arrival, which should cause the sentinels to activate and attack.

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So, maybe this is particulary borked or maybe the VTC questline is different, but I don't get a dragon fight *at all.*


I loaded my Ukaizo save today to actually do the fight, and only the Engwithan Sentinels activated when I ran forward. No dragon, no conversation about the gates of Ukaizo, nothing. Just two Engwithan Sentinels and I was done and could move on to the next area. Very anticlimactic.

Edited by thelee
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