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[PC/Linux] Slowdown on mass pick-up/ship combat manoeuver





this bug occurs for me on the Linux port; I imagine it may also occur on other platforms but I cannot confirm that.

It is also extremely low priority - it's mostly an inconvenience, and to likely be prioritized at the bottom of the pile.


The bug is as follows: basically, after a large battle where there are lots of corpses to be looted, when you loot a large enough amount at the same time (through the automated pick-up radius), sometimes clicking on the "take all" button in the modal that opens will provoke a freeze of the game for anywhere from 2 to ~50 seconds.


A similar thing happens, but much more often, during ship-to-ship combat; when you do a several-turns maneuver, the actions of the other ship (during which there is ship's wheel turning on the left side/your side of the screen) will sometimes take up to 2 minutes to appear, though usually not more than 30 seconds, and only when the bug occurs. This one happens much more often than the previous one (I'd say in ~half of the battles I had).


This is on very modern hardware (Intel i7-8700K, nvidia 1070TI), and under Debian Stretch amd64. I can provide log files, savegames, or strace outputs should they be required.


As I said this is very low priority - the game is perfectly enjoyable as-is. And may I take the opportunity to congratulate whoever handled the Linux port - it's absolutely awesome; runs flawlessly, handles pause-on-focus-lost perfectly even on unusual window manager/when you change virtual desktops (something that's often lacking on Linux ports of games). I'm having a blast.


Do not hesitate if you require more details on the bugs in question.

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