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Story Suggestion

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This is sort of a suggestion to the guys at Obsidian,



when your writing the story, make sure everythings covered. cause bioware made some mistakes, these are some of em i remember:


You we're suppose to forget who you were, yet you knew your home planet, that your mother was dead, that you knew your reason in the republic fleet.


That Juhani said she looked up to revan, and how she saw him as powerful or something like that, but why didnt she recognize you?! i dont think revan wore a mask when he was a light jedi!


your escape pod crashed right on a street, and noone at all saw you? sort of stupid


when saul told malak about the other companions of yours, what did he mean? that was sort of stupid too


just a bunch of holes in the story on the first 1

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You we're suppose to forget who you were, yet you knew your home planet, that your mother was dead, that you knew your reason in the republic fleet.

I assume that information was false. It was part of the Jedi's reprogramming of Revans mind. To be honest all the points you've made are incredibly minor. Those aren't plot holes. You just need something else to do, I think.

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You we're suppose to forget who you were, yet you knew your home planet, that your mother was dead, that you knew your reason in the republic fleet.

I assume that information was false. It was part of the Jedi's reprogramming of Revans mind. To be honest all the points you've made are incredibly minor. Those aren't plot holes. You just need something else to do, I think.

it seems youve never played kotor1 before, or you just skipped all the dialogue.

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I don't understand why people are bashing Bioware so badly. I think they have done an excellent job with Kotor. No game is completely "perfect". ;)

So, does every minor critisism of KOTOR translates into bashing Bioware ?!?


What are you, a fanboy ?!?

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To be honest all the points you've made are incredibly minor. Those aren't plot holes. You just need something else to do, I think.

it seems youve never played kotor1 before, or you just skipped all the dialogue.

Gee, in the cases like this ppl@bioware forums start throwing 'stupid's back and forth. Sad, but funny. ;)

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just a bunch of holes in the story on the first 1

Ok, these are not plot holes. It's your deficit of attention speaking.


You we're suppose to forget who you were, yet you knew your home planet, that your mother was dead, that you knew your reason in the republic fleet.

Play again the Malak scene @Leviathan, read the full dialog tree.


That Juhani said she looked up to revan, and how she saw him as powerful or something like that, but why didnt she recognize you?! i dont think revan wore a mask when he was a light jedi!

a. Watch again the movie of Dantooine's Star Map.

b. talk to Yuuthura about Revan


your escape pod crashed right on a street, and noone at all saw you? sort of stupid

Mildly valid, though, normal ppl would seek some shelter in case of a space battle nearby and the following major fallout (of escape pods), don't you think? And what if they did see you? Sith troopers had been looking for survivors, hadn't they?


when saul told malak about the other companions of yours, what did he mean? that was sort of stupid too

This, actually, could mean that Calo Nord was not just an ignorant bastard, and was either a) familiar with Revan's facial features B) made the same as Bastila conclusion about you.

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I don't understand why people are bashing Bioware so badly. I think they have done an excellent job with Kotor. No game is completely "perfect".  ;)

So, does every minor critisism of KOTOR translates into bashing Bioware ?!?


What are you, a fanboy ?!?

Lol,I hardly consider myself a "fanboy". ;)

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but how did calo know?

Who said Calo knew?


Calo reported who helped Bastila escape and descrived Revan to Saul that knew Revan.


Notice he also descrived Carth that Saul also knew and there is no indication that Calo sould know who Carth was.

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but how did calo know?

Know what - Revan's facial features? Revan's exterior features don't strike me as something particular (unlike Malak's ;) ) So while Revan was mostly wearing helmet it is quite possible that images of Revan (maybe, of a younger face, but still) were available at some prior moment. But that's as shaky as a base as a jello could ever dream to be... Drakron's explanation is more realistic in this case.



In regards to the other option, Calo guessing that something is fishy about PC. First, if one is a multi-world famous bounty hunter, one is bound to need to maintain some connections and stay current with stuff.

It's not like a total stranger's win in the race and following stuff was not talked about, Revans persona must have been a rumor staple in certain circles. Also include here the serum business, duel ring, Sith Base break-in, bounties...


Even Davik recognizes you as a prominent local figure, for Pete's sake...

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