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Companion AI bugs



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Not as far as I can tell.

Describe the issue that is occurring.



1) Xoti doesn't cast Swift Strikes reliably (or ever, it seems) using the following setup:
Inspiration: Dexterity (NOT) -> Cast Swift Strikes
2) Companions just sit there doing nothing with a gear icon above their heads, despite enemies nearby, properly assigned AI behaviours, etc.  This frequently happens when other companions are happily doing their thing, and the one companion just sits there doing nothing.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue:
List the steps of how to make the issue happen.



See above.

Try to include a save file from right before as well as during the issue you are reporting
Windows Location: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II
MACOS: ~/Library/Application Support/ Pillars of Eternity II
Linux: $XDG_Data_Home/PillarsofEternityII



'you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file'
System Specs
This will give us most of your computer specs to help us diagnose the problem
Windows Location: Press (windowkey + R), Type "dxdiag" and press Enter, Click "Save All Information", Attach the file that you create
MAC OS Location: Click the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen. From the drop-down menu, click About This Mac to open the System Information window.




Attach any pictures or links to pictures that can help us understand the issue



I'll try and cap some screenshots next time I see it happening.


Edit: here's one of my characters just sitting there doing nothing for no apparent reason:




Here's one of Xoti prioritising a lower AI behaviour over casting Swift Strikes




See the AI setup here:




I changed it from Dexterity(NOT) to this one but it still doesn't work.

Edited by Yosharian
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Ok, so this is awkward.


I figured out why Xoti isn't casting Swift Strikes.  It's because I upgraded it to Lightning Strikes, but didn't change the AI behaviour to the new ability.  So Xoti can't cast Swift Strikes because she doesn't possess that ability anymore.




The other behaviour is still occurring, though.

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