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The AI editor for party members is really nice, but it can be improved.


- add auto attack as selectable action

- add party members as condition

- sort things alphabetically ( This was suggested by somebody else but I cannot find this thread right now )

- allow us to select no behaviour at all


About the first 2 suggestions:

I really with you would have used the same AI editor as Dragon Age: Origins.

There you had the following options for behaviour: ( I will use Eder as example for a party member )

+ Cast a spell on Eder when he has condition X ( low health, not having buff X, . . . )

+ Use auto attacks against the enemy that is targeted by Eder

+ Use auto attacks against the nearest enemy


In DA:O you could tell your frontline character (tank) to attack an enemy and all other chars would attack the same enemy automatically to focus on one enemy after the other. You could also tell your healer to keep the regeneration spell on the tank.

While I really like the AI editor, at the moment I have the problem that it cannot do what I want to have. I want them to auto attack automatically the same enemy and I select all active abilities myself.

I admit that your AI editor is very good for keeping up buffs you want to be on all of the time.


Regarding the last suggestion:

Once you have selected a behaviour for a char you cannot unselect it. If you want your char to use only auto attack, you have to select an ability and make sure that you never have the condition for it. Being able to select auto attacks as selectable behaviour would solve this problem too. Until you can select auto attacks as behaviour, it would be nice to be able to select "none" as behaviour.


Unlike DA:O you can create hirelings in PoE, so the number of possible party members is infinite. It could help if you can chose the position of the party membes instead of the name. Like:

* Attack the target of the party member in the 3rd slot *

If you are in the 3rd slot yourself, you just ignore this command and do the next thing on the list.

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God, please on the auto attack. Jeez. And make the screen clean, it is a mess and things aren't even listed alphabetically. They really should look at DA:O on how "Tactics" are done. The behavior menu for me was just confusing and overwhelming. Barely any tutorial popped up for it either. 

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