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Reloading animation makes reload time inaccurate



Edit: I mean "inaccurate" in the title ;(


There is already a post in this forum https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98617-bug-attack-frequency-on-guns-capped-at-36-sec/

in which the author pointed out that reload time of firearms capped at about 3 seconds.
I did some tests in game.
Actually the animation is always played with the same speed. For longer reload time, certain scene will be repeated several times.
The animation is alwasys played smoothly, that means a reload can't end unless certain part of the animation is over.
Example: Lets see how a pistol is reloaded in game
Left hand into pocket and grab a club(or sth I don't know its Name), put it into pistol.       (Part A)
Left hand into pocket and grab a club(or sth I don't know its Name), put it into pistol and prepare to do sth to your pistol   (Part B)
Put the club into your pistol then draw it back, repeat several times(I don't know how to discribe it better in english, sorry).  (Part C)
Pull the bolt.   (Part D)
Fire again.
Part A and Part D must be played, takes about 3 seconds, that is the shortest real reload time.
Part B and Part C are repeatedly played in loop for several times according to theoretical reload time(displayed in tooltip).
The end of Part D is also the end of reload.
Part is the smallest unit, unable to be split further.
So there are 3 cases.
1. A -> D.   shortest reload time, about 3 seconds.
2. A -> B -> C -> B -> C -> ... -> B -> D
3. A -> B -> C -> B -> C -> ... -> B -> C -> D
That means the real reload time is not very accurate (frame-level ), it is only roughly sorted(about 1 sec difference between levels, since part B,C lasts about 1 second) according to the theoretical reload time.
Therefore the theoretical reload time displayed in tooltip is quite misleading and it is hard to manage "-recovery" or "+speed" bonuses so that they won't be wasted.
Sadly, it seems not to be very easy to fix.
Tell me if I'm wrong.
Edited by zczczc1680
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