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Found 4 results

  1. I started my PC win10 version of the Epic-Storefront-activated copy of the Outer Worlds and got a "Cloud Sync Error" message followed by a prompt of a choice of loading an either/or local or cloud save. I didn't know what to press but I must have chosen "cloud", because now all my saves locally (user>saves>outerworlds>numbersalad).were overwritten at the same timestamp with saves from a previous play session, about 6 game hours and half an explored station later (I lost the last 25% of Emerald Vale and the first 25% or so of the ship-station storyline. I have combed through my C drive but the only manual saves I could find all now have a date-stamp of the identical time this evening when I picked the wrong save selection. Is there any retrieving this data or is it just gone? Also, WHAT KIND OF A STUPID **&^%ING error prompt let's you DO THAT! Ok. I'm cool now, rant off, but I have a kid so stringing together a couple late-night sessions is hard for me, won't get back to the same storyline point until next weekend, which just....sucks.
  2. I've bought Pathfinder Adventures on Steam when it was released. Owned the Android version for some time already, so I've synced my accounts with Android one being the main account. I then redeemed Pathfinder Ambassador rewards on Steam, and everything seemed to be synced perfectly - parties, progress, purchases. The only thing not working properly is the "Rise of the Goblins" campaign. In my Android account it's shown as not bought (price is shown in store, "Buy" button is white). Yet I have access to Goblin skins and characters - same as in my Steam account. I can even start a "Rise of the Goblins" campaign - but it won't sync between accounts. Valeros's Tale, bought through Steam, appears as "bought" on Android too - and this adventures syncs normally.
  3. When this game came out it was unplayable for me. Obsidian did nothing to address the issues I reported so I was unable to play. I've waited until V2 to try again but all the same issues are there. - Saves are immediately corrupted on game exit causing save load to loop back to menu - Clicking "Conintue" in the menu loads the encampment from the beginning of the game then pauses and will not unpause - Game locks up the majority of times on launch and must be killed and relaunched. (I have windows hang reports but this also happens on Linux) - Save states can be "fixed" by deleting the tempsavedata on both windows and linux every time you launch the game - On Linux the cursor starts on the bottom left of maps regaurdless of where the characters are - Game performance is absoluately terrible when running since V2...it was terrible at launch and it's worse now - Steam Sync does not work I've submitted bug reports, tickets, Obsidian has ignored all these issues. I have tickets that still have never been addressed since the second day of the games release! The only effort Obsidian has made was on these forms where a dev "fixed" my saves. I was then trolled about how I was thankless about this "help" meanwhile everyone ignored the reality the game just immediaetly corrupted the saves the dev fixed. Fixing saves does not address the problem of how they are becoming corrupted! Fast forward to now and I've tried all my old tricks and new. The game is a fresh install since v2, I deleted it months ago after it was obvious Obsidian gave 0 ****s about dealing with issues. I nuked the registry entries, wiped all old directories in hopes of removing any and all traces of the old bugged out v1.X version of the game or its files. None of this has helped on Windows or Linux. The game is still a worthless mess and obviously I'd like to PLAY the damn thing. I didn't back this project so I could spend my days trolling the forms about Obsidians **** support, I just want to play the god damn thing!
  4. I play PoE using Steam on my Macbook Pro and on my Windows machine, but the savegames are not syncing between two platforms.
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