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Found 8 results

  1. So I’m on the Groundbreaker after finishing a mission and as I am leaving I hear this lady (Ellie) in the medical bay complaining about something or whatnot, so I talk to her and start the ”Worst Contact” Mission but before I went ahead I told my current companion (Parvati) to go back to the ship since I figured I didn't need her then I set off to go to that hidden entrance to the restricted area of the medical bay thinking the id cartridge was back there also but no it was in the nonrestricted area as a found out later but I thought I could sneak past the guard and get it but they caught me and I had to kill them which lower my reputation which I didn't want so I went to a previous autosave so I could do it with getting the id cartridge fist then going past them but here's the problem: when I loaded back in I noticed the Parvati’s character model was there want this was after I dismissed her but there she was. I couldn't interact with her and she had the original outfit she has at the beginning of the game. I didn't think too much of it I've seen this happen before in other games but I'll tell you why I made this when it comes up anyway I finish the mission and go back the Ellie and Parvati is still standing there just the way I described before but I still don't this much of it (besides the fact that it's still there) and I go the Ellie and finish the mission and recruit her and we go my ship and I go around the ship to see where Ellie would be and before that happens I see Parvati doing her usual thing but in the same outfit from the beginning of the instead of what I gave her so I go to see whats in her inventory and there's nothing. So that's the problem and I wouldn't as upset about it if she didn't have the prismatic hammer which isn't replaceable. Now the only save I have before this happened was 6 hour prior so I was hoping to find a way to fix this or at least get the hammer back without doing 6 hours worth of stuff I already did and if not then tell me. The video was a save I went back to before I finished the mission so that I could show what was going on with Parvati. The second video is showing everything that was reverted back Including her skills. 59927233842__DAD3E270-B302-4F3D-9341-4DD519AC2ED2.MOV 59927196644__2F9038AE-40FC-4F02-8B20-83974F2B1ED8.MOV
  2. I first encountered the Parvati companion bug when I came to Roseway ("The Distress Signal" quest) - the quest "Sapphire Wine" was labeled botched, saying Parvati was dead. Went back to the ship, found her, and could add her as companion, which brought back the Sapphire Wine and I was able to complete it. However, now that I've come to Stellar bay, the next quest Don't Bite the Sun is stated botched again (stating the same "Parvati has died" reason), while Parvati is still in my group. I can't start the Don't Bite the Sun quest.
  3. Even after the update every time I try to take Parvati quest it keep saying she dead. I load pass saves it say fail am I doing something wrong. Any help would be great really.
  4. Spoilers for Parvati questline So I'm playing on Hard difficulty (NOT Supernova), and my Parvati Quest "Don't Bite The Sun" has been marked as botched while on the step "Give Parvati the Food", and the reason for it in the quest description says "Parvati was killed." Parvati can't die since I'm not playing on Supernova. Furthermore, she is in my party 95% of the time including right this very moment. She's alive and well. But the quest is botched. How this appears to have happened is: I had just gotten done doing the portion of the questline in Cascadia where you get the candy or whatever it is for her date. I had gotten back on my ship, flew to Groundbreaker, and after the loading screen to go into Groundbreaker I noticed Parvati was missing. I searched around, gave movement/follow commands... Nothing. But my other companion (Ellie at the time) was still there. Then, I suddenly hear Parvati screaming in the distance, I get a "quest botched" notification and a few seconds go by, then poof she's back with me like normal. I speak to her and she proceeds to give em dialog that continues the questline, saying she wants to buy clothes on Byzantium. So SHE is proceeding the quest like normal. But it's still marked as botched. Strangely, I was able to go to Byzantium, purchase the clothes, and send Parvati on her date... But it was a really strange occurence.
  5. So I'm on PS4, and it seems I've botched the quest line called "Dont bite the sun." Apparently, Parvati was killed. But here's the kicker: Parvati is 100% alive. Somehow after the dialog option about getting soap for her date with Junlei, I got hit with the botched quest notification. I'm still able to continue the quest, but without the quest details I've pretty much hit a wall.
  6. Hi, on the final step of the "love mission" after she meets with Julia and you appears on your bedroom, if you try to leave the bedroom to chat with her or just walk around the bedroom after a few seconds the game crashes. I had to use a auto-savegame to select other mission and be able to go on with the game. Regards.
  7. Since initially talking to Junlei Tennyson in the Groundbreaker, Parvati will no longer engage in any combat. She just continues to walk around whilst in combat, doing the barks of "that's the last of them" etc, but not fighting. I've returned to the ship, reloaded a previous save, taken just Felix on a mission then rotating Parvati again all with no luck. I really like her as a companion and want to keep using her, but she's useless currently - What can I do? Playing on PS4.
  8. Heya, this might have been posted already but here goes anyway, so after Felix joined the crew, I went to chat with him in the kitchen, when I suddenly see Parvati climbing invisible ladder through the kitchen floor to ceiling and probably into space/outside the map that is the spaceship, and I didnt notice that she probably had ''died'' from this, sure I couldnt find her anywhere in the ship after that, until I took in to the squad while going outside of the ship, her health bar flashed 0 and then refilled, game took a little lag spike and she appeared behind me, so I was on my way to the bar with her on the Unbreakable to continue her quest, but to no avail, check the juornal and see her quest ''botched'' because she had died when going outside the spaceship during her derp ladder climb, and I just want to know, are you guys gonna patch this? I really wanna continue the quest and I kinda felt really annoyed that I cant complete a quest due to this glitch or something, thx.
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