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Found 4 results

  1. I've started a wizard playthrough and came across this issue multiple times. When enemies in the backline not engaged by any allies are attacked, they move towards their attacker, completely ignoring other creatures in the way. If the path is blocked they move their allies out of the way, sometimes out of AoE spells and more. Here is an example This is not limited to 1 enemy moved either. Eder can engage 4 enemies but one creature in the back can move all 4 of them out of the way to go for the wizard in the back. Companions have no trouble blocking each other in the same situation (they try to move around allies), so why is that not the case with the enemies? It's like enemies just don't stick to the floor properly or something. Anyone else has this issue? Edit: After some testing, I noticed companions also doing this occasionally. It's like when characters engage something they become attached to that rather than the floor.
  2. There's a lot of bugs in the game. 1. Completing daily quests doesn't register. I just cleared the required quest with only Lem and nothing. It's happened with the clear on Legendary as well. 2.Whenever I open chests I get 50% of items from the B deck and the rest from the first 2 decks. I only care about getting more deck 6 items and I get one every 7 chests, if I'm lucky... Am I supposed to do something to improve the odds? 3. Teleport sometimes moves characters from different zones as well. It happened to me in the battle for the dam when I cast it with Seoni, Lini was moved as well. 4. Acquiring allies with spells or cards, even when it's from the deck doesn't trigger the close location option. 5. (The worst one) whenever I use the "move at the end of your turn" location power the game gets stuck and I can't do anything. Relaunching the game multiple times can randomly "fix" it, but it's still annoying. 6. Allies often have the ! as if they had something they can do despite not being the case. 7. The treasure book that you can reveal at the end of the turn to draw a new spell doesn't work correctly, it doesn't ask to banish another spell. I'm probably forgetting a lot of them..
  3. After the 1.1.6 I've noticed that if I use Amiri's Move Another power to move a character to Amiri's place it dosen't work, as if I pressed cancel. It has worked in the past patch, and when I use the power it says "choose a location to move yourself or select your corrent location to move another", which means it's definitely a bug. I'm playing on an android 5.1, my phone is meizu m2, and it happened in a few scenarios and different locations and parties.
  4. In battle, Itumaak is moving incredible slow, probably at half speed. Out of battle, moves completely normal. I've had the new 3.01 patch for a bit and it didn 't happen until recently, last couple days. Tried restarting game, removing her from party, resting, nothing works.
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