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Found 4 results

  1. I have bought a new phone and downloaded the game but when I logged into my Google play account or link to my asmodee account, my data doesn't transfer. How do I get my game data from one Android device to another? I have seen many threads regarding Android to pc links.
  2. Hello! This is my first fourm post and I'll cut to the chase. I sent Hiravias to escort Berolt from Caed Nua. I didn't want to go to Twin Elms without him so I did some WM II quests while I waited for his six days to finish up. When he got back all of his loot was gone and stark naked (this is really disheartening because he had two soul weapons bound to him along with an invisible cloak) and he was under level. When I tried to level him up his name wasn't even Hiravias anymore but "tGender" and then two of him spawned! However only one of them could follow me while the other just stood still. I've got some screenshots as proof PLEASE HELP! I have only one save before buggy!Hiravias shows up and unfortunately, I don't have any saves made before I sent him to escort Berolt. Edit: Here's a link to the pictures as proof 1.https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1WVle926PrNgpoNV9HcY9V_4rEJj1eyYWV_yC3BBCuko/edit 2.https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1q4DWu05xZX535NR6tI6hmddJQJ12QeR8H6eNhyL1lSs/edit
  3. Hey, I have this problem where no matter what I do, Kelborn won't contact me to tell me that I can return to Onderon. A extensive Google search revealed a few details as to why this is: I'm using The Restored Content Mod, which *may* be contributing to the issue and I chose to go to Onderon as my last planet. The quest "Master Of The Palace" and "Lost Jedi" both say that Master Kavar was forced to flee when we met in the Onderon Cantina, telling me to "bide my time" until he contacts me. As most people don't do Onderon first, this is usually when they do the other planets and he contacts them later on. I made a fresh save and messed around with the both of the quests using KSE (KoTOR Save Editor) in an attempt to artificially move them forward, with no luck. The quests would move forward in my Journal, but Kelborn still wouldn't contact me. He just kept saying that he'd let me know if there was "any change planet side" which would allow me to return to Onderon. I have since reverted to the save where both quests are where they were to begin with. Here are a few other forum posts which also show the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/app/208580/discussions/0/620713633846218888/ This post here suggested I use KSE: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66151-master-kavar-wont-contact-me/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/31136-master-kavar-said-to-contact-me-later-when/ One guy says that he saw a walk-through where if you chose Onderon as your last planet, you just have to wait a few hours in-game for the message from Kelborn to trigger. Another guy said that wasn't true, but I'm going to give it a shot none-the-less. If anyone has ANYTHING which they think may be causing the issue, or a way to trigger the message I would be extremely thankful, I'm getting pretty desperate now. I'm coming to the end of the game and don't want all these hours to go to waste and force me to start over. Thanks in advance
  4. Just a thought on a more organic method of marking out quests, giving directions and adding to the atmosphere and depth of the gameworld. Between cities we have milestones, giving distances to local points of interest, cities, shrines, battlefields of yore etcetera. So that we know we are on the correct path and do not need quest markers or glowing exclamation marks, we can just follow the simple directions we have been given. And if a path or trail is not marked, is that not intriguing in and of itself. Signposts could also mark the way at crossroads, perhaps with shrines for the prayers of passing pilgrims, the grisly gibbet of condemned criminals, or a toll house for the upkeep of the highway. All serving to give directions, while enriching the world, rather than a glowing mark in some far off spot. Street names so that instead of going to the marked house, we look for a hovel clinging to the side of Woedica's temple on Aedyr avenue. Venturing forth to beard the bandits in their lair we are advised to take Goodroad Gate, and the well maintained and travelled highway stretching beyond it. Famous events, heroes and peculiarities could be reflected in the streets names, so that in travelling them we learn more of the local culture, history and peoples. In time hopefully we come to know these locales as well as we do the Strip, Sigil, Mulsantir or Athkatla, and can quickly follow directions without the need to ask or be directed. That being said, random encounters that are not with monsters or peddlers, but simply a farmer leaning on his gate or a goodwife putting out her washing, might be perfect opportunities to gain directions. Local points of interest, warnings, rumours and such might also be passed on, all while serving to reinforce the atmosphere of the locale. Thoughts?
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