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Found 2 results

  1. Hi there, first of all let me thank all of you at Obsidian for delivering the best RPG I've played in years! I wish you the best of luck with further development of this new franchise and all other endeavors you have in mind!!! I've stumbled across a bug, trying to do my first enchantment in the game - enchanting the garbage sabre to "Fine" one. Previously I've found some of the "Fine" weapons and armor in the game, so I knew, that the appearance of these items changes to a "prettier" version (both in-game, paperdoll and the inventory icon). But doing such enchantment myself hadn't changed the weapon's look, although it added the blue background to it in the inventory cell. I,ve tried save/load but to no avail (although before 1.0.3. all my found "Fine" items appeared same as the ordinary ones, but the patch gave them new look). The enchanted "Fine" items share the same enchanted properties as the found or bought ones (+2 Acc. 1.15 DMG and show the same "Fine" icon in the enchanting UI) - they differ only in their appearance, and thats quite emmersion breaking. I've made a save with sabre and robe enchanted this way, and placed them near the "Fine" sabre and robe, which I bought. You can find them in Eder's inventory to the right - the difference between bought as "Fine" and enchanted to "Fine" is evident. Please find the screenshot, dxdiag, log file and save in attachment below. Thanks in advance! Hope to see it fixed in the next patch))))))))) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kchk1q1s5un5ftq/bug_report.zip?dl=0
  2. Ok, so when you enchant your weapons, it should have different skin.Better quality looking material, or flames etc. On some items it works nicely (crosbow, pistol) on some it dont work at all (spear, sword, mace) is there a way to display it properly? BTW, is there a way to enchant -exeptional- on -fine- quality weapon?
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