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Found 6 results

  1. Thought I'd posted this yesterday, no sign, so trying again. Bought Obsidian edition from GOG a few days ago, installed yesterday. Install went okay, but options for Trial of Iron and Expert mode are both ON and can't be turned off. Closed and restarted, no change. Rebooted, no change. Thought it might be Razer Cortex messing things up; turned that off, no change. Do NOT want to reinstall - 50 gigs of upping and downing with no guarantee of success. Right now thinking refund, but if there's a fix I'd love to hear of it. There are postings from two YEARS ago with this problem on other platforms, and no sign of a solution. If it helps, possible relevant hardware spec is: Windows 10 Pro AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Sapphire Radeon Ntro+ RX 590 Razer Deathadder Elite Mouse, with Razer Cortex installed ASUS Prime X470-Pro mobo Any assistance gratfully accepted!
  2. Just started happening today. I was in Gullet, had triggered the transfer to The Hole (I think that was the name, it was in the southern part of the map) and the game crashed and it hasn't started again since. I've tried verifying the game files via steam but hasn't resolved the issue. The only thing that changed for me was I set fullscreen to fullscreen from windowed but had made a few map transitions on this setting before the crash. Savefile: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al7-6EHHVJzPi7BHcuQ6ODf9YG7NPw 2018-05-13_180858.zip DxDiag.txt
  3. Hello Dev's, mod and whomever else looks at this. I am able to launch Pillars Of Eternity: Deadfire, however, a bug basically prevents me from doing much as my vision of the starter menu Is confined to this. Before this image is presented to me, I have a series of black and grey screen moments as the game launches alongside the in-game representation of the mouse itself. Sometimes the game is also just a horizontal line at the upper corner of my screen. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  4. I have a 4K display, and when I have my desktop at 4K (3840x2160) and run the game, it won't actually run at anything more than 1080p (1920x1080) unless I turn off DPI scaling for the executable. I hated the way it limited how close I could zoom in once I was at that resolution, so I opted for 2K (2560x1440), but then I ran into a separate problem. If I changed my desktop resolution to anything less than 4K and tried to run the game, it crashed with no report. Then I tried to switch back and launch at 4K, and it crashed with no report again. I spent a while before figuring out that I had to either run the game with display scaling on at 4K and 200% scaling to get the 1080p screen manager settings in the game's registry options, or to turn display scaling off and launch at 1080p to get the same settings written to registry. The crash is a 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) in ntdll.dll somewhere in LdrpApplyFileNameRedirection. There's no relevant stack frames above that I can reference, the stack appears to be crapped on, and the instruction that accessed an invalid address is "mov [ebp-6], 1" so ... the address is a stack variable, and the stack is probably long gone if it can't write to just 6 past the stack frame pointer. I can reproduce it quite easily. Workaround; Delete the registry key (HKCU\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity) for the game's settings and run the game with DPI scaling compatibility off at 1920 x 1080. Then you can fool around with it some more. You're not getting a crash dump (there wasn't one) or a full spec (other than Win 10 x64, nVidia GF 980M 4K notebook) from me on this one. Could be a driver bug (eh... it's not) ... could be a windows bug (perhaps) ... but it's probably either stack mishandling or a bad call from a mono managed assembly, maybe a unity engine bug, maybe a legit game bug. None of my other unity engine games exhibit this behavior. Edit: Fix some stupid wording errors, typos, and sleep-deprived logic.
  5. Device: Hudl 2 OS: Android 5.1 I updated to the new build this morning, keen to try it out with all the bug fixes that have made my game such a drag recently, but when I launch the App it just sits at the "Unity splash screen". The Starknife isn't spinning and even after 20 minutes just sitting there, nothing appears to happening. Of course the device crashed during/after the install and had to be restarted, but even after a reinstall of the App, it still won't load.
  6. Crashing and locking up w/in 5-30 seconds of starting the game. I have made it as far as the character creation screen. No luck with the UNCL Font (doesn't exist) fix. I did notice that only one of my GPUs on my gtx690 is being utilized. Windows and Nvidia patched. vcredist repair used. System Information: Processor: IntelĀ® Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz RAM: 16GB GFX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 OS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit error.txt output_log.txt
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