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Found 5 results

  1. I personally like black humor, sarcasm, irony and absurdities. Those usually fit games with a more serious tone and i think they would fit PoE2 too. PoE1 was quite lacking in that department in my opinion so i am curious if there is more in PoE2. A world with magic and technology certainly provides enough eventualities to include some. Ambitious experiments that go horribly wrong, magical rituals that end in disaster, hopes and dreams that get crushed or turn out in an unexpected manner. Is there any of that or should there be none of that ?
  2. Previous thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90440-the-funny-things-thread/ Probably not very PC, but here goes...
  3. Hi Obsidian, Thank you so much for getting this game made in such fantastic shape. I'm enjoying it throughly and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Now to the thread title. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/pillars-of-eternity?full_summary=1 Congradulations on hitting 92 on Metacritic on Pillars! I know much bigger budget AAA games from mega-sized studies can't hit the 90s, so much kudos. Though I do wonder, since yall got above a 90, does that mean that bonuses are coming your way? Maybe that can be a stretch goal for the next kickstarter? Thanks again for the great game and all the great games before it! P.S. Please make Alpha Protocol 2 your next kickstarter.
  4. So it's been March 26th for almost 8 hrs. here in Denmark and I'm still only able to preload Pillars of Eternity. I'm thinking it's about time that you Americans, Canadians and miscellaneous Central and South American nations get with the program and stop living in the past. It's ridiculous that we, highly evolved Europeans, have to wait for our colonial brethren to catch up to us. More importantly: you colonials deserve better than to be treated as some sort of backwards midevial cave dwellers because of your choice in time zone.
  5. Should there be funny (but useful) perks and traits available when creating and leveling your character? And should abnormally low stats/skills (e.g., intelligence) affect dialogue and gameplay in a humorous and not-necessarily-game-breaking way? Finally, should there be items/consumables/wearables that affect gameplay in a humorous way as well? For example, in the Fallout games, there were perks and traits that would give you bonuses (e.g., to defense and bullet resistances) while lowering your charisma (essentially a terminator-like perk) -- or ones that would cause you to leave a bloody mess wherever you went, or ones that gave you bad luck, etc. A couple ideas that would be silly but might still fit within a Project Eternity world might be: A Tarzan-like Attack/Defense bonus for barbarians that fight naked or in their undies (pixelated); can significantly affect dialog options and wandering around a city may cause swift fines and a difficult time talking to anyone, including party members. Depending on charisma and gender, may result in different reception from other characters -- e.g., you may be thrown in jail for indecent exposure. (Idea from here) A cursed trait that affects everyone else around you, but not so much yourself. Similar to 'Jinxed' from Fallout, but essentially affecting others a little more than yourself. This also makes it much harder to recruit and keep companions (either willingly with you, or alive). Can also affect dialog and plot/story options, for example a seer or tribal elder might chase you out of a village or city on account of you bringing bad luck wherever you go. Maybe even a lot of bad luck, depending on how long you stay in a place -- or maybe this could even be rolled into the overarching plot. As for stats/skills, in Fallout if your intelligence was too low, your sentences would be slurred and speech would take a significant hit. Should something like this be present in Project Eternity? Should abnormally low stats/skills affect gameplay, but not necessarily in a game-breaking manner? For example, if you had really low intelligence, perhaps your other party members (the few you were somehow able to convince to join you) would speak more often instead of you for dialog with other NPCs.. or maybe they'd be more likely to scheme against you or otherwise be more likely to try and use your quest to their own advantage? Similarly, perhaps having low-intelligence might make otherwise dangerous encounters somewhat less dangerous -- perhaps NPCs would believe your character too stupid to understand what they are doing, and less likely to try and kill your character or throw them in a dungeon? Finally, should there be items or wearables or consumables that affect gameplay in a humorous (but potentially useful) way? For example, maybe there's a particular type of food made in the Swamplands of Whatever, which, when consumed, causes the character to smell so badly that their entire party will be forced to follow at a significant distance. Walking into a city square will cause residents to flee, and any attackers with working sinuses will likely hesitate before attacking you, and will always prefer to stay far away rather than be overwhelmed with your 'odor'. Dogs, wolves, and most other normal animals will also opt to run away from you, potentially making it a useful tool when trying to access otherwise inaccessible (or very dangerous) areas. This item might even be part of a quest (rather than something you can purchase in a store).
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