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Found 4 results

  1. I've been playing now for several hours, died a few times, and am enjoying the game, learning the skills/perks/etc. Only two issues I noticed both deal with stealth. 1. Not sure when I am hidden. Am I missing an indicator or something on the HUD? When I'm in tall grass it fades so I can see through it. But it's also tough to know when I reach or PASS the edge of that grass and am now visible. 2. I kill a mob. The noise aggros a mob on the other side of a solid building/wall/etc. I run into tall grass and hide, or around another corner and hide. The aggro'd mob somehow knows right where I am eventhough they never saw me. I got killed off by a guy with a light machine gun because I though I was crouched hiding the grass after blowing the head of his buddy. He (and a third mob) come around the corner and mow me and the grass down. If that's an intended mechanic I'll adapt, just was surprised they knew exactly where I was without ever seeing me in the first place. Anyway, breaks over. Back to hunting marauders.
  2. Just a quick question. Will the game integrate an option to hide the helmets you are wearing? I know this is only aesthetics but I usually like to see my characters faces. Just curious. Thanks!
  3. After Alt + Tab out of the game , the cursor wont hide, even in while watching cut scene , please fix this bug soon thanks or anything i could do to fix this , please let me know, thanks
  4. so to help me to fix the mouse cursor bug , here what you have to do. go to the directory where you installed south park and you will find a file called engine.ini and when you open it with norepad , and scroll down you will find something like this. [Engine.Input] preferred_device = gamepad maybe bit different than this. like your s might say something different than gamepad , if so please leave a reply. thanks this might be what causing what the game to not hide the mouse to hide when playing the game , and even in cut scene , please reply thanks
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