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Found 3 results

  1. I played Grounded for plus 25 hours, finished the story quests, explored the entire backyard, built my base, and killed all kinds of insects. Gameplay Overview Possibly inspired by the movie "Honey I Shrunk the Kids", Grounded is a friend and family survival game that can be played solo or together with other 3 players. You will FIGHT TO SURVIVE from all dangerous a backyard can present. It is an open-world game with dozens of resources, insects, and secrets to learn about. For a big part of the gameplay, you will be collecting resources to craft, build, or cook things. As, the best you prepare, higher will be your success in exploration, quests, or combat adventures. The game comes with a SHORT CHAIN OF STORY QUESTS that when completed unlocks daily repeatable quests. But keep in mind, the core game is to learn how to survive and strive with what the environment offers. As most Early Access games, Grounded starts with a lot of bugs and glitches. Some have workarounds and some we will just need to wait for a fix. One truth Grounded share with most of the survival games is that, the more you learn, the easier the game gets. Early game challenges, like searching for food or water are replaced by thoughts of "how can I make my base look even better". Watch full review, click at this link. Read the full review, click at this link. Game review toplines: Grounded is a survival adventure game. You will explore, collect, build, and fight insects. It is in Early Access stage so you will need to work-around bugs and glitches. The story quests can be finished in less than 1 hour, after that you get repeatable daily quests. The game is a real promise for the survival genre. The price tag is fair for what the game offers. Happy to chat about it.
  2. The story is good, and I enjoyed the way it worked throughout the game. Given that this is the most important aspect of an RPG like this, it made the game overall enjoyable. Combat is also pretty decent except that I was max level near the start of Act III. That turned most of the fights into mindless spanks. There were a few exceptions. The finale of the Endless Paths was hard. And having now finished the game, I was right on when I said I suspected it was the hardest fight in the game. That fight is the only one with a mob who can one-hit-knock-out (OHKO) the entire party, and can do it every couple minutes or so if the fight lasts long enough. I really wish such things weren't in games as there is zero fun to be had when the first time you face a mob, you're entire party gets wiped out in just a few seconds. Given the sheer amount of cheese (but no bugs) that I used to win this fight, I'm not sure anyone at Obsidian really thought to try and balance this fight out. Of course, it was totally optional, but still... I killed all the dragons, and I did all the god quest and unlocked those achievements. Somehow I didn't unlock the visit every map achievement. I have no idea what I missed or if its just a bug. I do know I didn't complete all the quests simply because you can't. You have to pick a faction at Defiance Bay, and the one you pick actually matters to the ending. Speaking of which, like too many games, Pillars of Eternity has the whole pick-an-ending dialogue at the end. There is a huge, massive, so-much-better aspect to how PoE handles this tho. Unlike say Mass Effect 3 where your final choice is the only thing that actually mattered, your choices and actions leading up to this final choice all get added in to the ending. I'd saved my game before thinking I'd just watch a bunch of final cutscenes. After watching the first, I realized that wouldn't work as all kinds of things are tied into things you did as you traveled the world. If you're going to make a game with a pick-an-ending, this is the way to do it. Better yet, come up with an ending that's based entirely on things the player did before s/he gets there so you don't have that moment of deus ex. The game is not without its flaws. I hate that its level based without any way of knowing before you go into the fight whether its something you can handle or not. Sure, I can access my bestiary that is now pretty much filled out, but that's meaningless during the game. All they've done by hiding this information is made save scumming or wiki research mandatory. I also really dislike the rest system. It makes zero sense to have skills that are limited per rest and then have how many times you can rest on an adventure limited by a very artificial feeling consumable and quantity-limited system. Like the hidden mob levels, all this does is promote boring gameplay. In this case, you had to trek back to town to either rest at an inn or buy more camping gear. Then you'd trek back. Nothing fun was added. My last major complaint is that controller-type effects are seriously overpowered. Paralyze scrolls, spells, and like 2/3 of the cipher abilities leave your opponents utterly helpless. And of course, the handful of mobs who can charm your party members or stun them are easily the worst fights in the game. Anyway, I'd give the game a "B" overall. It hits on its most important elements, and the problems in the game can be overcome, albeit with a bit of tedium.
  3. me and my friend just finished south park today and put out a review for everyone on the fence about buying this game for 60$, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQusNPoi1tA All feedback is welcome
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