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Found 5 results

  1. Same as the last one but this is the new one so slightly different but the same-ish. Steam UPlay GOG As always please send a PM
  2. I don't have any future plans for playing this game but I have a code for 40 Chests in my possession, so if there's anyone interested, please leave a comment. First come, first served. Contact methods: Steam Email
  3. I've ran into an amazing FREE game in the making I never knew this fan-made game existed, but it exactly what it sez on the tin. You guide your chapter to glory or ruin. http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Chapter_Master_%28game%29 SCREENSHOTS PICTS: http://i.imgur.com/0FufKr9.png http://i.imgur.com/D45aBwi.png Also, BEHOLD the most heavily defended planet in the Imperium: https://media.8ch.net/tg/src/1433073548729.jpg
  4. UPDATE, April 29 I couldnt' resist the temptation of starting from a fresh slate. There are npc's that let you rest conveniently. I couldn't help it and rested after each fight. I WAS WEAK (Raedric's hold) UPDATE: SOLUTION: I've decided to incorporate a variation of scrotiemcb's idea. Once you enter an area, you can't leave until it's cleared and you've used all your camping supplies. I've defined an area as a place you transition to and from. Example #1: Outside of Readric's hold is an area, once the outside area is clear, you can go rest at an inn, but only when you've used all your camping supplies first. Example #2: Inside of Raedric's hold is an area, once the inside is clear, you can go rest at an inn, but only when you've used all your camping supplies first. Example #3: Radedric's dungeon is technically it's own area, once the area is clear, you can only go back to the inn and rest once you've used all your camping supplies first. Example #4: Magran's fork is an area. You can only go back to the inn to rest when the entire area is clear and you've used all your camping supplies. This seems to be a good starting point. Keep in mind I'm on POTD and TOI settings. OLD ORIGINAL POST: I'm trying to understand why a lot of spells are per rest instead of per encounter. Per rest means after each fight I have to run all the way back to rest at an inn or use camping supplies which is a time sink, this isn't really a penalty and more of an annoyance. Keep in mind I play on POTD, TOI, blind playthrough, so I usually don't hold back when fighting. I approach each fight with overwhelming force to ensure victory. The problem is having to constantly use all the camping supplies or having to constantly go back to the inn and rest. Would it really change anything if all spells were switched to per combat encounter instead of per rest? OLD UPDATE: I've come to this conclusion - Since there is no penalty or resource drain for resting, then it leaves the current resting and per rest ability system in a flawed and exploitable state. (Resting for free is exploitable). Btw, I love this game even in the current state so it's not that big of a deal.
  5. Interested in the game? Want to find out more come check it out with me, live on twitch Tuesday at 10am PST till 4pm PST and again at 7pm PST till 2am PST. Want to play the game but dont want to buy it? Don't worry I got you covered, I will be giving away 2 copies of the game live on stream. Come join me and find out how you can win this awesome game for yourself. www.twitch.tv/Sengira_nanaki www.sengirananaki.com Hope to see you during the show
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