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Found 5 results

  1. I was given one of the choices for a flaw a while back for a perk and I took the perk, it said something about being paranoid of getting caught by guards. It said it was an exchange for a -1 on a skill but now it growing and its up to about -3 on each perk now. Its caused my temperament to become below average and I cant even heal at using anything! Im not sure if this is absolutely a bug but even if it isnt, its absolutely game breaking for me to try survive with a sliver of health. I cant even get out of the area im currently in because im prone to being one shotted.
  2. The HUD should show an icon that indicates a fear of HEIGHTS. Not spiders. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Acrophobia is fear of heights. I think the designer for this got confused? There aren't even spiders in this game (so far as I have seen.) View attached file.
  3. I have been offered 2 flaws so far that I have denied , those were in the early days of not knowing what to expect and the hit seemed to much for one perk choice. I got to level 11 (playing on hard, not having my mates permadeath on me) and there was no real threat anymore so I have taken every flaw I have been offered so I can make the game more challenging. I have accepted two so far, plasma damage hit of 25% and fall damage (which I cannot remember the hit for.. perception I think) and am now taking damage from everything (not dying though, running away before I take to much damage) so i get offered more flaws! I say, take all flaws and make it interesting! anyone else doing this? and don't forget, it's not your choice, it's spacer's choice. Looking forward to a difficulty spike in end game times to test my gaming though!
  4. At one point I was given a Flaw option that said: Reduce offensive skills as the penalty. 1. Does anyone know what that flaw was/is called? 2. What are considered the offensive skills? 3. Also, are you ever offered flaws a second time if you decline? Thanks!!! Really enjoying the game so far.
  5. I don't think the devs have talked too much about how the character creation will be yet, but one thing I loved from both arcanum and fallout were the different strengths/flaws/perks that could make your character feel much more unique. Often times though, they are usually made to make the character stronger in some way, with only a small penalty at something at most (since most people don't want to gimp their character voluntarily). While I would like that too of course, I would also be happy to see some more serious flaws. I actually googled a little about this and found this page: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3.5e_Flaws Some examples from there are: 1) Favorite target = For one reason or another, you find yourself the chosen target of the enemies your party fights. 2) Fear of magic = You find magic incredible frightening. 3) Narcissistic = Your devotion to your own beuty tends to be distracting 4) Pyromania = You love setting things on fire and watching it burn! Now, I can think of a few ways on how to go about this. Either once could simply be FORCED to pick at least, say 2 of these traits to continue the character creation, so one would normally pick the least worse traits for the character they are going to build. OR, you woud at the end get these 4 traits chosen randomly for you. Of course, there should be a button to "reroll". Kinda like the dice rolling when doing your stats in the Baldurs Gate games. Usually I hate dice rolling for stats, but I think I would like a system like randomizable traits like these for some reason. To make an example for the latter, say that we are trying to do a sorcerer of some kind. Trait (1) is obviously quite the weakness for a very squishy character, and um, trait (2) would certainly be an "interesting" choice for a sorcerer... (3) Is a really small weakness, and can even be "desired" for your character depending on how you want to roleplay. Trait (4) would probably add some extra damage to your fire spells, and might also lead to some extra conversation options... Or lack thereof, if you see a village burning you cant bring yourself to stop it, and instead just admire it... Now, imagine the same scenario, with the difference that we are trying to build a tank like character. Suddenly (1) becomes a strength and not a weakness, while the others become mostly smaller annoyances to different degrees. Of course, there is one major weakness with a system like this: You might WANT to play a narcistic character, but keep clicking the "randomize traits" button over and over without it ever showing up - and when it does, the other traits are the worst possible for your specific character. It might be an idea to give the OPTION to select these traits manually, one by one. Maybe letting this be an option unlocked after the first time you beat the game? Thoughts?
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