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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, my name is Kiro and you may know me from such threads as "Let's play I'm charming and handsome, and you send me your phone number" and "Let's play I'm now in my thirties and I have it all figured out". Today I shall start a new Let's play New Vegas, because I'm chronic reroller and I thought this would be the only freaking way I could finish this game without starting again from the beginning half way through. "Ugh, what an ugly beard. What was I thinking" or "SCIFI game without specializing to lazors and ****? I was mad, mad I tell you!" For this playthrough I'm using mods which fix the issues I have with this game without changing it drastically. First for stability and bug fixes: New Vegas Anti Crash. New Vegas Stutter Remover. Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition. With these three the game runs smooth as baby's bottom over Mojave sand, doesn't crash and cry like a baby with irritated butt cheeks, and will finish it's quests properly like something about potty training sandy cheeked baby... Yeah, fine, I know! I lost the joke midway! Just be glad I didn't start the thread all over. *cough* Secondly some visual upgrade mods: Interior Lighting Overhaul. FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting. Since we are talking about visual upgrades I shan't make any references to baby bottoms since that would be improper and frankly below my high standards. Both mods make the game look better and atmospheric. Thirdly some miscellaneous/immersion mods: Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus. Truly a miscellaneous mod. New Vegas - Enhanced Camera. Look down and see your feet! Incrediable! The Couriers Cache. Adding bit of history to courier who had none. Karma Perks. Making karma matter before you hit the end slides. Unlimited Traits. Since they have a downside and an upside why limit them. Glowing Star Bottle Caps. I will get you this time Festus!!1 The playthrough itself will be in hardcore and very hard difficulty. If this sounds like your thing stick around. I will try to make daily updates of my progress. The greatest joke will still be me stopping half way through. I'm totally calling it.
  2. Today's batch of screenshots is going to let you take a look at the various dragonkind in Pillars of Eternity. Wurms: Young dragons begin as wurms, though most never develop beyond that stage. Wurms are clever and sly, if not actually intelligent. To develop into a drake (and, eventually, a dragon), a wurm must have ample space and ample resources (food). They will not develop if they live near drakes and dragons - they must seek out a habitat that has not already been claimed by a larger counterpart. Since the chances of further development are low, most wurms will band together in covens for survival. They are bold and highly aggressive - both competition for food among other coven members and claiming territory for further development demand this. Drakes: Drakes are the intermediary form between wurms and adult dragons. While wurms have the intelligence of a cat (i.e., mostly basic instincts) and dragons are often much more intelligent than humans, drakes are in-between, possessing cunning rivaling primates. They are clearly not dumb beasts and their eyes/faces should reflect their higher intelligence. In contrast to wurms, drakes have longer torsos with a broader chest. Their most prominent fangs are longer, as are the claws on their forelegs. Their other features tend to vary by subtype. During this period of a drake's life, they are starting the first stages of becoming "real" dragons. This means their colors start shifting, both overall and more strongly in patches. Some drakes have solid coats of scales, but others have multi-toned or even mottled coats. Because they are relatively young, their scales grow and heal fast, so they don't show much wear and tear (unlike dragons). The variation in their heads, mouths, spines, bumps, wings, all reflect the drake's home climate. A drake from the swamp may be shades of green, brown, and black with yellow eyes, nictitating membranes, and a long, flat snout featuring raised nostrils. A drake that spends most of its time in the sky may be blue and white with scales that seem feather-like, a slender body, and wings that assist with sustained gliding. A drake who lives underground may have earth-tone scales, wide eyes, a compact body, small wings, and powerful forelegs with oversized claws. While all drakes can breathe fire, many also have developed limited alternative breath attacks - lightning, acid, steam, etc. This can also be reflected somewhere on their bodies. Drakes have developed from wurms but have not reached (and may never reach) the dragon stage. They aggressively defend their territory and, when needed, seek out more. Their coloration reflects the territory they have claimed, and they are most hostile with other drakes, their territorial rivals. Dragons: Dragons have reached the mature stage of their lifecycle. Like drakes, they have adapted to fit in their environment, but even more extensively. Their coloration, ornamentation, and (to a limited degree) body structure will reflect their chosen territory, as will some of their attacks and defenses. Because they have already claimed territory and rarely face a threat from other dragons or drakes, they are more conservative in nature and will not seek unnecessary conflict. Only dragons can mate. This is generally the only occasion that will cause a dragon to leave its lands or seek out others of its kind. Upon reaching the dragon stage, these creatures will assume a sex. However, if surrounding populations are too heavily skewed one way or the other, individual dragons can change their sex. As creatures that reach this stage are so rare, this ability is critical to the survival of the species. They are more intelligent than most other sentient beings, but their solitary nature prevents them from meaningfully interacting with others. That's it for the screens for now. 21 days away from launch!
  3. Hey all! Today we have a little something different for you. Not only do we have some new screenshots for you, we have also taken some of your more fun questions from our questions thread last month and have some answers for you! First up, the Q&A! Question: Are there otters in the game? Brandon Adler: No, but we are thinking about adding wereotters as a druid form in the expansion. Question: What is Tim Cain's best recipe? Tim Cain: I'm going to go with the Darkest Rauatai Cookies. Those puppies are so dark and so rich. I defy you to eat more than three at one sitting. And if you sing the song "The Final Countdown" while replacing the lyrics with "The Darkest Cookie", it might be the best culinary experience that you ever have. Question: How long exactly is a dragon's flight from Lac Dinneshere? Eric Fenstermaker: Way longer than it should be since they eliminated all the direct flights to cut costs and now you have to do a 5-hour layover in Cormyr. Question: How many pennies has Adam Brennecke surrendered to Josh Sawyer over the course of the project? Adam Brennecke: I have not surrendered a single penny of broken promises from my pocket to Josh over the course of this project. Over the years working with Josh, I've learned my lesson the hard way not to guarantee anything when it comes to discussing things with him. He will make me pay for it, one penny at a time. Question: How many active cats are in the game? Josh Sawyer: If you don't include stelgaer and druids in spirtshift form, there are four pet cats you can get. However, for me there is only one choice: The Cutest Cat. (Image attached). That's it for the Q&A, but wait, we promised screenshots and we have screenshots for you! Behold, the glory that is. The glory that was. And the glory that always will be: Big Head Mode!
  4. Today we have some information and screen shots on Raedric's Hold for you all! The Raedric line has held dominion over the lands surrounding Gilded Vale for generations, and its formidable keep stands as a bulwark against the dangers of the Dyrwood. Despite their lofty position as Aedyran nobility, the Raedrics joined in the fighting for independence from the Empire during the War of Defiance. In the wake of the Dyrwood's victory, they retained both their stronghold and their stature. Raedric VII now carries the title of Thayn, pledged to Gilded Vale's defense against all threats - both physical and spiritual in nature. Raedric's iron-fisted rule has seen his people through many hardships, but in the aftermath of the Saint's War, new threats have arisen - threats Raedric has sworn to scour from his lands and reclaim some of Gilded Vale's past glory. At his invitation, new settlers have braved long distances to settle within Gilded Vale, tempted by the offer of land and opportunity. Full resolution links to the pics below: http://media.obsidian.net/eternity/media/screenshots/20150227/poe-raedrics-dungeon.png http://media.obsidian.net/eternity/media/screenshots/20150227/poe-raedrics-hold.png http://media.obsidian.net/eternity/media/screenshots/20150227/poe-raedrics-throne.png
  5. Hey, everyone! We are now 12 days away from launch! Things are getting more and more exciting every day. To keep with that excitement, here is some more Engwithan lore and a couple of more screenshots! Engwithan buildings can be found across most of the Eastern Reach, with a heavy concentration in the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath. Misunderstandings over the sacred importance of these ruins to the Glanfathans resulted in the Broken Store War early in the Dyrwood's colonial history. Despite treaties between the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath, fortune-seekers continue to plunder Engwithan ruins. Many of them often pay with their lives. The Fangs, a particularly zealous group of Glanfathans, ruthlessly pursue those who overstep the boundaries of the treaty.
  6. Hey all, with now 13 days left until Pillars of Eternity launches, we have two new screenshots for you! Enjoy the awesomeness of the Engwithan empire! Little is known about the long-lost Engwithan empire or its culture. Called the "Builders" by the tribes of Eir Glanfath, the Engwithans are believed to have created strange, elaborate structures over decades using shaped pillars of living adra to support the stone. Their language is barely understood by even the most well-read scholars, leaving many details of their society lost to the ages and hopelessly mired in rumor, folklore, and blatant lies.
  7. Quistnix

    Toggle HUD?

    Hi, I've just started my third playthrough of the game and I was hoping to make it a picture tour for Dead End Thrills. This means taking a lot of screenshots, but it also means I can't show any hud or user interface. I could crop and Photoshop most of the HUD out of my shots, but having a key to toggle the HUD on and off gets way better results. I've been looking at some basic Unreal engine ways to toggle the HUD, with no luck. Anyone here who could help? Thanks!
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