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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, Even tho i am veteran of BG 1-2, IWD, NWD I was a bit overwhelmed by amount of tutorials, mechanics and guides, then looking for advice for someone more familiar I am looking for the advice about party composition (maybe you can suggest some builds + some companions) a. I want to use 6 man party b. I want to use story companions c. I would like to play at hard or potd, unless due to other requirements this is too much hassle/not doable. d. I dont mind microing stuff and pausing, I do like spells, abilities, so all the "classes with some kind of spells" are in favour. e. I ve read that good beginner party composition is: 1. Tank 2. Offtank 3. 2nd line damage dealer 4. ranged damage dealer 5. Caster 6. Caster The most interesting classes from look in game for me are: Paladin, Chanter, Wizard, Priest, Cipher(what a cool idea!) Druid ! Experience from other games says me that Rogue would be needed too. Could you point me out some guides & companions i can use in such party? Thanks a lot //I can edit post if i find some suitable build for some role.
  2. Girl Power Party: Watcher Pallegina Sagani Grieving Mother Maneha Devil of Caroc This all-girls group seems difficult. Not only are these all mid-to-late recruits, the team lacks "vancian" casters (unless you pick one type as the Watcher). How could this party work? Buy up 2-3 early NPCs right when you hit Gilded Vale, maybe, and then rush through Caed Nua to get access to Grieving Mother, Sagani, and Pallegina. What would be the best Watcher class for this party? Fire Priest, maybe? Sausage Party: Watcher Eder Aloth Durance Hiravias Kana? Zahua? The all-boys party looks a lot stronger, given that you can recruit one of each major "vancian" caster very quickly. The Watcher could be a Cipher to fill out the caster list, or ... anything, really. Which of the 6 male NPCs is it best to drop? What's the best Watcher class for the resulting party?
  3. So I have decided on a MC for my canon run that I will port over to Deadfire. I am going to play a tank chanter with high might to melt foes with Dragon Thrashed, and was wondering about a few things. 1) I want to take Eder, Pallegina, Aloth, and Kana since they are likely to play a big role in the next game. Any suggestions as to builds for them? I was thinking Eder as Lady of pain, and Aloth as a blaster, but Pallegina and Kana both throw me off. Maybe Kana as more of a ranged support/buffer, as I won't be using many of the buffs? 2) If Kana comes with, do chants stack, or should I diversify chants? 3) I want to switch to a firearm when appropriate. I was wondering if there is any synergy with "And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon the Shield" and then switching for a blunderbuss shot, or is that tactic not powerful enough? Would Aefyllah Ues Mith Fir work with a blunderbuss? I know some of these questions have probably already been answered, so I apologize in advance, but I figured I'd ask all my questions all at once. Thanks!
  4. Hi all! Really liking PoE so far. Only 20-something hours in, about half way through Act 2 & I've got a question regarding my party's damage output, specifically why it seems so low. Whole party is level 6. Eder (Heaviest armor i can find, shield, fine sabre) Aloth (leather armor, fine wand) Durance (fine robe, fine wand) Kana (heaviest armor available, shield, fine hatchet) Pelligrina (Heaviest armor available, shield, fine pike / spear thing) Cipher [me] (fine leather armor, fine war bow / lead spitter, key spells used are Mental Binding & Mind Blades) recently been doing some quests around Defiance Bay, and I've noticed that my damage output seems really low. like, each party member is only doing 2-5 damage per hit. without spoilers, the enemies i've been facing recently all have a DR of about 10-15 & I'm hitting for the MIN damage value more often than not. Have I done something wrong gear or skill-wise? should I be hitting harder at this level? most fights at the moment are drawn-out wars of attrition. my casters drop before too long coz I cant defeat anything quick enough & my front line just sit there slowly hacking away. most of the time, they get the job done, but it takes ages & I cant help but feel I'm doing something wrong. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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