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Found 6 results

  1. Surprised that the media has finally to address the problem after many years of sweeping the Muslim rapepidemic under the rug. I have been reading about the rape gangs in Sweden and the UK, but it seems like their governments and media are either unwilling to or incapable of dealing with the problem. Now the media has finally turned around. Why? Why now? What is so different about Cologne that set it apart from Sweden or the UK (Birmingham and Rotterham)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgz9dT6cZBk
  2. http://nytlive.nytimes.com/womenintheworld/2015/06/23/rape-survivor-who-escaped-isis-discusses-torture-she-was-subjected-to/ Some truly horrific events are described.
  3. I've heard about Indonesia so many times. Muslims and Islam apologists in America and Europe -- President Obama, Reza Aslan and the Young Turk came to mind in particular -- love to hold up Indonesia as some shiny example of "moderate/peaceful Islamic nation" when people criticize Islam. Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwzF4uW0uTU
  4. Peace Conference Scandinavia 2013 was a gathering of about 4,000 so-called "moderate" Muslims in Oslo, Norway, on 23-25 March, 2013. Here was their view on what "moderate" Islam is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV710c1dgpU Now, I did not make those statements. Those were the self-proclaimed "moderate" beliefs of "mainstream" or "moderate" Muslims who lived in the West, about 4000 of them who attended the "Peace Conference". Everyone seemed to agree with the speaker. So. Do those beliefs seem "moderate" to you?
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24582781 Thought it was worth highlighting since some of you chaps keep demanding Muslims speak out. I wonder how many of you would speak out publicly if you knew you'd spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. I wonder if I would.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23298375 I've got a really creepy feeling about this. Hope to <relevant deities> that it doesn't kick off.
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