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Found 3 results

  1. I took a look at the list of different grimoires in PoE1 and 2 and to my surprise there's no one called Cleveland Mark Blakemores Grimoire. Like wtf? How come? It's a huge mistake on your part! Can you at Obsidian please add one such item to Deadfire ASAP?
  2. So, with this multiclass, the grimoires allows to select more figther's active and passive abilities without fear of losing some good spells? Or the number of spells and passives to make a effective wizard still is great? With the grimoire mechanic the wizards looks to be the most free and easy class to multiclass beside the high number of spells to cast in the beginning of battle...
  3. I haven't played wizards very much in POE, and the reason is I have found the limited access via the grimoire to only 4 spells/level to be frustrating, particularly later in the game when you have gained most of the spells. Granted, there are some spells I never use, and I understand that you can have a backup grimoire in a quick slot and quick switch grimoires in combat. However, the cool down when you do this seems very long, at least in the heat of battle. I was wondering how those of you with more experience playing wizards handle this. Do you have one grimoire with buffs for use at the start of battle, and then switch to a grimoire with more damaging spells after buffing? I suppose if you do this, you'd need to auto-attack until the cool down clock runs down, right? I should add that, IMO, this problem is intensified by the fact that there are so many great wizard spells, definitely more than four per level for most levels. On the other hand, this wouldn't be a problem at all for druids. While there are some fantastic druid spells, I don't think I've ever used more than four spells per level (for some druid spell levels, just one or two) on my various runs with a druid MC. Druids just do not have as many great spells. Any advice regarding the management of wizard spells would be most appreciated. [Question expanded via editing]
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