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Found 8 results

  1. Every time I leave the Stellar Bay area, the game crashes! Not when I leave the gates, but a good 200 meters away from the town in any direction. I have tried restarting my PC, capping my frames to 60, doing other missions and coming back, but nothing has worked! The main quest is outside of Stellar Bay right now, so I cannot get to it either... The game closes immediately, no lasting black screen or anything. I am on the Radio Free Monarch quest, and am on the Speak to the Broker objective. Any suggestions on how to fix the crashes?
  2. I have read about similar issues with the game crashing after trying to load in from the ship on this and other forums. Mine seems to be behaving slightly differently, it just loads indefinitely, my load times are usually under 15 seconds I'd say and I've let this screen attempt to load for well over five minutes without any progress. Another sign that the game is crashing is that the music stutters and then completely stops and the program completely locks up forcing me to restart the computer to close it. This is a huge bummer for me as I was really enjoying the game and wanted to finish it but it seems until this is resolved I'm locked out. What I've attempted already: I tried going back a few saves in case the autosave got screwed up somehow, I tried playing the game in a small window instead of full screen, I checked that my drivers were up to date, I've tried to load in at least half a dozen times now. No dice. Any help that anyone could offer is appreciated, I was really looking forward to finishing this up. I am running the game through Microsoft Gamepass on PC. Specs: i5-7600k 3.8GHz 16 GB DDR4 GTX 1080 8GB Running the game at 1080p with minimal hiccups until this point.
  3. Game goes to title screen but when I press “A” to continue on Xbox one it crashes. Music continues to play but ship freezes. Tried restarting, closing, removing disk...nothing works. I’m ten hours in and don’t want to uninstall and lose that progress. Update soon?
  4. I keep getting issues with dialogues: First, when starting a new one iwith an NPC t tends to lag. Sometimes it also lags a lot when next lines of dialogues are supposed to follow. When skipping dialogues [space], the entire system bugs completely out, sometimes I get the massive lag mentioned above before the next line proceeds, then some stuttering of the entire engine, then again I get entirely stuck in a line of dialogue (I can only enable/disable the History and nothing else). Sometimes when I hit ESC and then resume, the previous line is repeated but then nothing proceeds with the current. So: Skipping dialogue seems not to work at all. Even letting it run can be a rather laggy affair. What's also annoying: When the game is stuck in this way it completely overlays the windows desktop, I can start the Task Manager, but cannot change to it to actually kill the game. [I play on a Intel Xeon E3 with a GTX 1080 from a SSD, 16 GB RAM. Everything else runs pretty fine, so this is actually this game.] edit: Just loaded a fresh game, went carefully (without touching anything and with giving it plenty of time to stream) through the Dialogue with Tobbson (the Cannary boss), got some dialogue-lags but that aside went through and right at the end on [leave conversation]... crash to desktop. I do like the game so far, but it seems pretty unplayable right now.
  5. The first quest I did in Byzantium was the SubLight one, where I must kill a person. After doing that quest, the reputation with The Board was damaged beyond 50%. Now I cant go into Byzantium and do other quests (even story quests) because my reputation is damaged.
  6. Game crashes every time I holographic uncloak into the final (I think) room with HHC Chairman, camera, and two bots.
  7. Hi all, reading all these topics and encountering gamebreaking bugs myself (I am stuck with an invisible companion) I am wondering if something went wrong with the final install package we received?! To be honest, I cannot see how the game got all these fantastic reviews with all these game breaking bugs. Also, as I am playing the German version, it is obvious there are A LOT of issues regarding translation, not only the general quality of the translation but also obvious data mapping errors (i.e. item names are filled with item attributes "stat +2"). I saw no German review mentioning these issues (not saying I read all of them ). What I really would like to see is some kind of reaction from Obsidian regarding all these major bugs... also: HOTFIX! Any opinions?
  8. While playing the Beta, which I had found rather enjoyable all things considered, I encountered a most curious bug. This is what happened before: My party had reached the spider infested cave where the ogre's been hiding. The healer was sadly killed by one of the spiders and deleted from the party. With the remaining rest of the team, the ogre was soon killed, after negotiation attempts had failed. The party thus left the cave to claim its just reward. Then, the glitch happened: The dead healer had suddenly reappeared alive. Reappeared, however, on the upper floor where the 2nd cave entrance is. This effectively immobilized the party. It was unable to reconect and leave the area. No claiming rewards in town, no return to the cave. Nothing. Huh.
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