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Found 4 results

  1. I have to believe most people want the ability to choose how fast the in game day cycle moves. There seems to be nothing to do during the night. Once it gets dark I'm just waiting until I can sleep again. Why not let us choose a long day and a short night. 3 second of real time to one minute in game time is way too quick.
  2. I have made a little mod many people have requested. The title should say it already. https://github.com/Fhav6X/Stronghold-turns-to-days-Mod-Sttd-/releases/tag/1.2 also now on nexus mods https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/194 Stronghold turns to days is now on v 1.2 (final version). for version of Pillars of Eternity What does it do? - This mod switches the turn based taxing, adventure spawn and ingredients spawn to day based. - I kept "visitor killed" events turn based for logical reason. - Anything else (Attacks, Visitors) have been day based from the start. Taxing is now every 5 days and ingredients spawn every 24 hour. Adventures spawn roughly every 8 to 16 days. Determination of Adventure type is set about 10 days before adventure spawns. Now all adventures take ONE turn to complete, despite of negative numbers shown in the description. (Reason is in post below) To install it, follow the readme in the archive Modification was done with dnSpy. I also have to point out this assembly-csharp.dll is not written by me. I just modified it. The code is property of obsidian. Here are the links to sttd + my new mod "level and ability cap increaser (LACI)" https://github.com/Fhav6X/Stronghold-turns-to-days-Mod-Sttd-/releases/tag/1Sttd%2BLACI and https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/194
  3. I personally believe that some old and new RPG's lack certain aspects of realistic cities. I personally would like to see standard daily routines on many of the NPC's throughout the city. Some of these elements have been added in past games (like Skyrim, BG2, assassins creed) but not to an accurate enough extent. I understand that some of you may disagree with me and may believe this to be a hindrance to aspects of the game. However, I believe it will add a certain beauty and also certain gameplay elements. Possible NPC time Cycle. (For this to work, a lot of citizen NPC models would need to be made) 5am - 7am (sunrise) Middle/lower class citizens begin to wake, head to work and set up for the day (market stall owners, farmers, blacksmiths, criers). Drunks should be sleeping in the odd alley in the slums of the city. The general city atmosphere is quiet 7am - 10am The rest of the middle and upper class citizens should be waking (some escorted by private guards) and heading the their respective jobs. Blacksmiths, bakeries, government buildings and all establishments should be opening by 8am. Taverns should have very few people in them, just the odd patron. The general atmosphere should be noisy and busy. The streets should be at its fullest (Like peak hour traffic in an city on earth) 10am - 5pm The odd poor boy should steel from a stall in the markets The odd man should shout "I've been pick-pocketed!" Criers should be yelling out the cities events and news (like in BG2). Shop keepers should be yelling out to buy their goods (like in BG2). Citizens should be generally active thought the city. 5pm - 8pm Everyone should be closing up shop and heading home. Taverns should start to get crowded. The odd cloaked figure should be wandering the street. 8pm - 11pm Taverns and brothels should be making a roaring trade. The odd whore (not sure if they will be added) should be wandering around the middle class streets near/around city guards. The odd citizen should still be around The odd cloaked figure should be wandering.. The odd drunk should be wandering.\ 11pm - 4am Should there be a local thieves guild this should be their most active time. The odd Tile should fall off a roof. Drunks should be sleeping in the alley. Cats chasing Mice. The general atmosphere should be pretty quiet. Gameplay Features automatically Added Assassinations: This gives certain NPCs a cycle that you can base a killing around. Should I eliminate the target while sleeping? Or on the way to work? ect ect. Waking someone up: Should you finish a major quest, you may chose to wake up the NPC you are collecting your reward from. This may result in them slightly disliking you. This may have an effect on a future quest down the line that is related to that NPC. Meeting certain people at certain times. There would be quests, in which you could only meet a certain person at a certain time of day. You may need to meet them at home at 9pm, or at 6am early before too many people are around. 24/7 Stores There would be some stores in the city that could be open 24/7. But these stores should charge a little more in price. So if your desperatly need some bandages, or, a black robe, or a knife ect ect, you have no choice but to buy from a 24/7 store and spend a little more money. I feel as though this would be a great addition to the game. Please add your suggestions and constructive criticism. Cheers Bhaal_Spawn
  4. ANZAC day on wikipedia I don't want to be all gushing, especially on a day for Aussies and Kiwis, but my British family made a point of teaching me as a kid about the sacrifice their grandparents made alongside ours. Gallipoli in particular being a fight they could easily have stayed out of, WW1 being a European affair. Prof. Richard Holmes said to me that the thing to remember about the ANZACs is that they were almost a family affair. People back in their home countries knew precisely where they were fighting, and watched their (almost ) every move in the press. Their home countries were tough, hard working, and tolerated little bull****. The men of the ANZACs fought and died accordingly. In WW2 a rather starchy British staff officer complained that the ANZACs weren't keen on saluting. Gen. Freyberg replied "You should try waving. They always wave back."
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